НАУЧНЫЙ СЕМИНАР ИСАН 26 февраля 2019 г. в 11:00 Prof. Dmitry Skryabin "Lugiato-Lefever model in the context of frequency comb generation"
Prof. Dmitry Skryabin
Department of Physics
University of Bath, UK
Prof. Dmitry Vladimirovich Skryabin graduated from Physics
Department of St. Petersburg State University; received Ph. D. degree
from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland (with
Professor William Firth). Since 2001, he is an assistant, then an
associate and from 2012 is a full Professor of Physics at the University of Bath, England.
He has recently been part-time affiliated with the ITMO University in St. Petersburg and
Russian Quantum Center in Skolkovo. Prof. Skryabin is a Fellow of the Optical Society
of America and of the London’s Institute of Physics. He is a recipient of the 2009
Maxwell prize for his work on supercontinuum generation in optical fibres. His primary
areas of interest are nonlinear photonics and solitons.
I will discuss recent results that reveal new features of the frequency combs in ring
resonators described by the Lugiato-Lefever model. These features are associated with a
periodicity of the boundary conditions in a spatial coordinate and produce a host of new
effects that are appearing in a recent wave of experimental results in fibre loop and
micro-ring resonators. I will describe how periodicity of the problem introduces
coexisting nonlinear resonances and coexisting solitons. Then, I will introduce higherorder
dispersion into the problem and elaborate on the effects associated with the
interaction of the solitonic Cherenkov radiation with its parent soliton, after the radiation
makes a complete round trip around the resonator. I will present results on how the
Raman and 2nd harmonic generation effects influence frequency comb generation.
Время начала: | 26.02.2019 (Вторник), 11:00 |
Место проведения: | Конференц-зал ИСАН (3 этаж административного корпуса) (108840 г. Москва, г. Троицк ул. Физическая, 5, Институт спектроскопии РАН ) |
Телефон для справок: | +74958510579 |
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