Научный семинар ИСАН. 5 сентября, Yamamoto H. M., "Molecular Conductors and its Application to Field-effect-transistor"
Тема доклада:
Molecular Conductors and its Application to Field-effect-transistor
Hiroshi M. Yamamoto
Institute for Molecular Science Okazaki, 444-8585 Japan
Molecular conductors are a class of materials that show high electrical conductivity because of (quasi-)free electrons inside them. Some of them exhibit metallic conductivity and even superconductivity at low temperature, often associated with various phase transitions. Our interest is to utilize these electronic phase transitions in developing new electric devices. For this purpose, we have been engaged in thin-layer crystal growth in electrochemical process to develop organic field-effect-transistors (FETs) with strongly correlated electron systems such as Mott-insulators. Mott-insulator is attracting much interest from many material scientists because it shows variety of phase transitions including superconducting transition. In our study, we employed BEDT-TTF based Mott-insulator, k-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br (к-Вг), and expected ON/OFF switching of superconductivity in the FET channel. Indeed, by preparing high-quality thin-film single crystal of к-Вг to be laminated onto FET substrate, we have succeeded in demonstrating gate-electric-field-induced Mott-transition and superconductivity at organic Mott-FET interface. Stimuli such as mechanical strain or light irradiation have been also employed to induce the superconductivity in our recent studies.
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Место проведения: | Конференц-зал ИСАН (3 этаж административного корпуса) (142190 г. Москва, г. Троицк ул. Физическая, 5, Институт спектроскопии РАН ) |
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