Научный семинар ИСАН. 14 июля, Hakuta K., "Quantum Photonics With Optical Nanofibers"
Тема доклада:
Quantum Photonics With Optical Nanofibers
Kohzo Hakuta
Professor, Director, Center for Photonic Innovations
The University of Electro-Communications Chofu, Tokyo 182-8585, Japan
We discuss quantum photonics with optical nanofibers that may open a new route to manipulate single atoms and single photons. Key idea of the method is to use subwavelength diameter silica fibers, termed as optical nanofibers, for strongly confining photon-mode density around the fiber. First, we discuss theoretically how various freedoms of atoms and photons can be manipulated with optical nanofibers. Next, we demonstrate experimentally how such freedoms have been manipulated with optical nanofibers. Typical example would be the manipulation of spontaneous emission. We demonstrate experimentally that, by placing one “atom” on nanofiber surface, the spontaneous emission can be channeled into the fiber-guided modes with efficiency higher than 20%. Furthermore, we show theoretically that the channeling efficiency can be enhanced to 90% or higher, by fabricating cavity structure on nanofibers with a moderate finesse. Finally, we discuss the realization of the cavity QED conditions in the Purcell regime using the nanofiber-cavity system with single quantum dots. Future prospects will also be given.
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Место проведения: | Конференц-зал ИСАН (3 этаж административного корпуса) (142190 г. Москва, г. Троицк ул. Физическая, 5, Институт спектроскопии РАН ) |
Телефон для справок: | +74958510579 |
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