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List of publications
Updated April 18, 2014.
Publications in 2014
- Evlashin, Stanislav; Svyakhovskiy, Sergey; Suetin, Nikolay; et al., Optical and IR absorption of multilayer carbon nanowalls// CARBON Volume: 70 Pages: 111-118 Published: APR 2014
- Minogin, V. G .,Natural geometric representation for electron local observables// ANNALS OF PHYSICS Volume: 342 Pages: 1-10 Published: MAR 2014
- Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Vysloukh, Victor A.; Torner, Lluis .,Enhancement and inhibition of light tunneling mediated by resonant mode conversion// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 39 Issue: 4 Pages: 933-936 Published: FEB 15 2014
- Chekalin, Sergey V.; Kompanets, Victor O.; Koshlyakov, Pavel V.; et al.,Intramolecular Vibrational Dynamics in Free Polyatomic Molecules with C=O Chromophore Bond Excited by Resonant Femtosecond IR Laser Radiation// JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A Volume: 118 Issue: 6 Pages: 955-964 Published: FEB 13 2014
- Walasik, Wiktor; Renversez, Gilles; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.,Stationary plasmon-soliton waves in metal-dielectric nonlinear planar structures: Modeling and properties// PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 89 Issue: 2 Article Number: 023816 Published: FEB 12 2014
- Dolgov, A.; Lopaev, D.; Rachimova, T.; et al.,Comparison of H-2 and He carbon cleaning mechanisms in extreme ultraviolet induced and surface wave discharge plasmas// JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 47 Issue: 6 Article Number: 065205 Published: FEB 12 2014
- Lozovik, Yurii E.; Nechepurenko, Igor A.; Dorofeenko, Alexander V.; et al.,Spaser spectroscopy with subwavelength spatial resolution// PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 378 Issue: 9 Pages: 723-727 Published: FEB 7 2014
- Driben, Rodislav; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Malomed, Boris A.; et al.,Soliton Gyroscopes in Media with Spatially Growing Repulsive Nonlinearity// PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 112 Issue: 2 Article Number: 020404 Published: JAN 15 2014
- Rakhimova, T. V.; Rakhimov, A. T.; Mankelevich, Yu A.; et al.,Low-k films modification under EUV and VUV radiation// JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 47 Issue: 2 Article Number: 025102 Published: JAN 15 2014
- Popova, M. N.; Chukalina, E. P.; Malkin, B. Z.; et al ,Crystal field and exchange interactions in the SmFe3(BO3)(4) multiferroic// JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 118 Issue: 1 Pages: 111-123 Published: JAN 2014
- Dobretsova, E. A.; Borovikova, E. Yu; Boldyrev, K. N.; et al.IR spectroscopy of rare-earth aluminum borates RAl3(BO3)(4) (R = Y, Pr-Yb)// OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 116 Issue: 1 Pages: 77-83 Published: JAN 2014
- Ivanova, T. A.; Mavrin, B. N., Ab initio calculation of the structural and elastic properties, anisotropy, and hardness of nitrogen-doped diamond// CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Volume: 59 Issue: 1 Pages: 93-97 Published: JAN 2014
Publications in 2013
- Berman, Oleg L.; Kezerashvili, Roman Ya.; Lozovik, Yurii E.,Graphene nanoribbon based spaser// PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 88 Issue: 23 Article Number: 235424 Published: DEC 19 2013
- Mal'shukov, A. G.; Skarsvag, Hans; Brataas, Arne, Nonlinear magneto-optical and magnetoelectric phenomena in topological insulator heterostructures// PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 88 Issue: 24 Article Number: 245122 Published: DEC 18 2013
- Efimkin, D. K.; Lozovik, Yu. E ,Drag effect and Cooper electron-hole pair fluctuations in a topological insulator film// PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 88 Issue: 23 Article Number: 235420 Published: DEC 17 2013
- Larre, P-E.; Pavloff, N.; Kamchatnov, A. M.,Polarization hydrodynamics in a one-dimensional polariton condensate// PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 88 Issue: 22 Article Number: 224503 Published: DEC 10 2013
- Mavrin, B. N.; Perminova, M. E.,Effect of the Local Coulomb Interaction of Strongly Correlated Electrons on Phonon, Elastic, and Electronic Properties of ZnSe Crystals// PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE Volume: 55 Issue: 12 Pages: 2554-2557 Published: DEC 2013/
- Kamchatnov, A. M.; Kuo, Y. -H.; Lin, T. -C.; et al.,Transcritical flow of a stratified fluid over topography: analysis of the forced Gardner equation// JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS Volume: 736 Pages: 495-531 Published: DEC 2013
- Medvedev, V. V.; van de Kruijs, R. W. E.; Yakshin, A. E.; et al.,Multilayer mirror with enhanced spectral selectivity for the next generation extreme ultraviolet lithography// APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 103 Issue: 22 Article Number: 221114 Published: NOV 25 2013
- Melentiev, P.; Afanasiev, A.; Balykin, V ,Optical Tamm state on a femtosecond time scale// PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 88 Issue: 5 Article Number: 053841 Published: NOV 25 2013
- Lobanov, Valery E.; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Vysloukh, Victor A.; et al.,Anderson localization of light with topological dislocations// PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 88 Issue: 5 Article Number: 053829 Published: NOV 19 2013
- Alieva, E. V.; Konopsky, V. N.; Basmanov, D. V.; et al.,Blue surface plasmon propagation along thin gold film-gas interface and its use for sensitive nitrogen dioxide detection// OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 309 Pages: 148-152 Published: NOV 15 2013
- Vlasov, R. A.; Lemeza, A. M.; Gladush, M. G.,Resonance Fluorescence of Optically Dense Ensembles of Three-Level Resonant Centers Under Conditions of Energy-Level Population Auto-Oscillations(*)//JOURNAL OF APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 80 Issue: 5 Pages: 698-706 Published: NOV 2013
- Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Vysloukh, Victor A.; Torner, Lluis ,Light dynamics in materials with radially inhomogeneous thermal conductivity// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 38 Issue: 21 Pages: 4417-4420 Published: NOV 1 2013
- Mayakova, M. N.; Kuznetsov, S. V.; Fedorov, P. P.; et al.,Synthesis and characterization of fluoride xerogels// INORGANIC MATERIALS Volume: 49 Issue: 11 Pages: 1152-1156 Published: NOV 2013
- Popov, Andrey M.; Lebedeva, Irina V.; Knizhnik, Andrey A.; et al.,AA stacking, tribological and electronic properties of double-layer graphene with krypton spacer// JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 139 Issue: 15 Article Number: 154705 Published: OCT 21 2013
- Agranovich, V. M.; La Rocca, G. C.,Optical nonlinearities of hybrid pairs of organic molecules// JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER Volume: 25 Issue: 41 Article Number: 415303 Published: OCT 16 2013
- Aseyev, S. A.; Mironov, B. N.; Chekalin, S. V.,Ultrafast desorption of molecular ions by XUV-photons, passing through dielectric hollow tip// JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 139 Issue: 14 Article Number: 144202 Published: OCT 14 2013
- Pozdnyakov, I. P.; Aksenova, Yu. V.; Ermolina, E. G.; et al.,Photophysics of diiodine-substituted fluorinated boron-dipyrromethene: A time resolved study// CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 585 Pages: 49-52 Published: OCT 14 2013
- Fedyunina, N. N.; Seregina, I. F.; Ossipov, K.; et al.,Specificity of noble metals dynamic sorption preconcentration on reversed-phase sorbents.// ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA Volume: 798 Pages: 109-114 Published: OCT 10 2013
- Kamchatnov, A. M.; Kartashov, Y. V.,Oblique Breathers Generated by a Flow of Two-Component Bose-Einstein Condensates Past a Polarized Obstacle// PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 111 Issue: 14 Article Number: 140402 Published: OCT 3 2013
- Smetanina, E. O.; Kompanets, V. O.; Dormidonov, A. E.; et al.,Light bullets from near-IR filament in fused silica// LASER PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 10 Issue: 10 Article Number: 105401 Published: OCT 2013
- Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Zeuner, Julia M.; Szameit, Alexander; et al.,Light scattering in disordered honeycomb photonic lattices near the Dirac points// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 38 Issue: 19 Pages: 3727-3730 Published: OCT 1 2013
- Ortiz-Ambriz, Antonio; Lopez-Aguayo, Servando; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; et al.,Generation of arbitrary complex quasi-non-diffracting optical patterns// OPTICS EXPRESS Volume: 21 Issue: 19 Pages: 22221-22231 Published: SEP 23 2013
- Borovikova, E. Yu.; Dobretsova, E. A.; Boldyrev, K. N.; et al.,Vibrational spectra and factor group analysis of rare-earth chromium borates, RCr3(BO3)(4), with R = La-Ho// VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 68 Pages: 82-90 Published: SEP 2013
- Kamchatnov, A. M.,Periodic waves in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates with repulsive interactions between atoms// EPL Volume: 103 Issue: 6 Article Number: 60003 Published: SEP 2013
- Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Vysloukh, Victor A.; Torner, Lluis ,Dynamics of topological light states in spiraling structures// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 38 Issue: 17 Pages: 3414-3417 Published: SEP 1 2013
- Altshuler, B. L.; Aleiner, I. L.; Yudson, V. I.,Localization at the Edge of a 2D Topological Insulator by Kondo Impurities with Random Anisotropies// PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 111 Issue: 8 Article Number: 086401 Published: AUG 21 2013
- Treshin, Ilya V.; Klimov, Vasily V.; Melentiev, Pavel N.; et al.,Optical Tamm state and extraordinary light transmission through a nanoaperture// PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 88 Issue: 2 Article Number: 023832 Published: AUG 19 2013
- Efimkin, D. K.; Lozovik, Yu. E.,Fluctuational internal Josephson effect in a topological insulator film// PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 88 Issue: 8 Article Number: 085414 Published: AUG 13 2013
- Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Konotop, Vladimir V.; Abdullaev, Fatkhulla Kh.,Gap Solitons in a Spin-Orbit-Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensate// PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 111 Issue: 6 Article Number: 060402 Published: AUG 7 2013
- Apatin, V. M.; Lokhman, V. N.; Makarov, G. N.; et al.,Laser ultraviolet fragmentation of homogeneous (CF3I)(n) clusters in a molecular beam and (CF3I)(n) clusters inside of large (Xe)(m) clusters or on their surface// JETP LETTERS Volume: 97 Issue: 12 Pages: 697-703 Published: 2013
- Popova, M. N.,Materials for optical memory: Resolved hyperfine structure in KY3F10:Ho3+// OPTICAL MATERIALS Volume: 35 Issue: 10 Special Issue: SI Pages: 1842-1845 Published: AUG 2013
- Antsiferov, P. S.; Dorokhin, L. A.,Experimental investigation of the shock wave in a fast discharge with cylindrical geometry// PLASMA PHYSICS REPORTS Volume: 39 Issue: 8 Pages: 663-667 Published: AUG 2013
- Huang, Changming; Shi, Xianling; Ye, Fangwei; et al., Tunneling inhibition for subwavelength light// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 38 Issue: 15 Pages: 2846-2849 LASER PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 10 Issue: 7 Article Number: 075901
- Novikova, N. N.; Vinogradov, E. A.; Yakovlev, V. A.; et al., Nitridation effect on sapphire surface polaritons// SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY Volume: 227 Pages: 58-61 (2013).
- Medvedev, V. V.; van den Boogaard, A. J. R.; van der Meer, R.; et al., OPTICS EXPRESS Volume: 21 Issue: 14 Pages: 16964-16974 (2013).
- Kartashov, Yaroslav V., Vector solitons in parity-time-symmetric lattices//: OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 38 Issue: 14 Pages: 2600-2603 (2013).
- Pisarev, R. V.; Boldyrev, K. N.; Popova, M. N.; et al., Lattice dynamics of piezoelectric copper metaborate CuB2O4// PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 88 Issue: 2 Article Number: 024301(2013).
- Masalov, A. V.; Minogin, V. G., Pumping of higher-order modes of an optical nanofiber by laser excited atoms// LASER PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 10 Issue: 7 Article Number: 075203 (2013).
- Melentiev, P. N.; Konstantinova, T. V.; Afanasiev, A. E.; et al., Single nano-hole as a new effective nonlinear element for third-harmonic generation// LASER PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 10 Issue: 7 Article Number: 075901 (2013).
- Huang, Changming; Ye, Fangwei; Malomed, Boris A.; et al., Solitary vortices supported by localized parametric gain// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 38 Issue: 13 Pages: 2177-2180 (2013).
- Melentiev, Pavel N.; Afanasiev, Anton E.; Kuzin, Artur A.; et al., Subwavelength light localization based on optical nonlinearity and light polarization// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 38 Issue: 13 Pages: 2274-2276 (2013).
- Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Torner, Lluis, Rotation-managed dissipative solitons// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 38 Issue: 13 Pages: 2317-2320 (2013).
- Antsiferov, P. S.; Dorokhin, L. A., The effect of preionization on the shock wave evolution in a fast cylindrical discharge// JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 113 Issue: 24 Article Number: 243303 (2013).
- Ossipov, Konstantin; Foteeva, Lidia S.; Seregina, Irina F.; et al., Metallomics for drug development: Serum protein binding and analysis of an anticancer tris(8-quinolinolato)gallium(III) drug using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry// ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA Volume: 785 Pages: 22-26 (2013).
- Melentiev, Pavel N.; Afanasiev, Anton E.; Kuzin, Artur A.; et al., Giant optical nonlinearity of a single plasmonic nanostructure// OPTICS EXPRESS Volume: 21 Issue: 12 Pages: 13896-13905 (2013).
- Efimkin, D. K.; Lozovik, Yu. E., Resonant manifestations of chiral excitons in Faraday and Kerr effects in a topological insulator film// PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 87 Issue: 24 Article Number: 245416 (2013).
- Kotov, O. V.; Kol'chenko, M. A.; Lozovik, Yu. E., Ultrahigh refractive index sensitivity of TE-polarized electromagnetic waves in graphene at the interface between two dielectric media// OPTICS EXPRESS Volume: 21 Issue: 11 Pages: 13533-13546 (2013).
- Dorofeyev, I. A.; Vinogradov, E. A., Spectral composition and spatial distribution of thermal fields near a solid surface//: LASER PHYSICS Volume: 23 Issue: 6 Article Number: 065903 (2013).
- Ryabochkina, Polina A.; Antoshkina, Svetlana A.; Klimin, Sergei A.; et al., Spectroscopic properties of Nd3+ doped NaLa0.5Gd0.5(WO4)(2) crystals// JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE Volume: 138 Pages: 32-38 (2013).
- Osad'ko, I. S., Distribution of Photons in Single Quantum Dot Intermittent Photoluminescence with Power-Law Distribution of On/Off Intervals// JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C Volume: 117 Issue: 21 Pages: 11328-11336 (2013).
- Popov, Andrey M.; Lebedeva, Irina V.; Knizhnik, Andrey A.; et al., Structure, Energetic and Tribological Properties, and Possible Applications in Nanoelectromechanical Systems of Argon-Separated Double-Layer Graphene// JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C Volume: 117 Issue: 21 Pages: 11428-11435 (2013).
- Tobin, I.; Juschkin, L.; Sidelnikov, Y.; et al., Laser triggered Z-pinch broadband extreme ultraviolet source for metrology// APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 102 Issue: 20 Article Number: 203504 (2013).
- Stuetzer, Simon; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Vysloukh, Victor A.; et al, Hybrid Bloch-Anderson localization of light// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 38 Issue: 9 Pages: 1488-1490 (2013).
- Svyakhovskiy, Sergey E.; Skorynin, Alexander A.; Bushuev, Vladimir A.; et al., Polarization effects in diffraction-induced laser pulse splitting in one-dimensional photonic crystals// OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS Volume: 30 Issue: 5 Pages: 1261-1269 (2013).
- Kompanets, V. O.; Laptev, V. B.; Pigul'skii, S. V.; et al., Formation of carbon structures upon decomposition of organic molecules on the surface of a dielectric under the action of IR femtosecond laser radiation// LASER PHYSICS Volume: 23 Issue: 5 Article Number: 056004 (2013).
- Kompanets, V. O.; Laptev, V. B.; Makarov, A. A.; et al., The possibility of using femtosecond IR spectroscopy to determine the composition of molecules in the gas phase// RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A Volume: 87 Issue: 5 Pages: 794-799 (2013).
- Eremchev, I. Yu.; Vainer, Yu. G.; Naumov, A. V.; et al., Observation of Structural Relaxations in Disordered Solid Media via Spectral Histories of Single Impurity Molecules// PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE Volume: 55 Issue: 4 Pages: 710-719 (2013).
- Vlasov, R. A.; Lemeza, A. M.; Gladush, M. G., Dynamical instabilities of spectroscopic transitions in dense resonant media// LASER PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 10 Issue: 4 Article Number: 045401(2013).
- Berman, Oleg L.; Lozovik, Yurii E.; Kolesnikov, Anton A.; et al., Surface plasmon polaritons and optical transmission through a vortex lattice in a film of type-II superconductor// JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS Volume: 30 Issue: 4 Pages: 909-913 (2013).
- Ryabtsev, A. N.; Kononov, E. Ya; Kildiyarova, R. R.; et al., The spectrum of seven times ionized tungsten (W VIII) relevant to tokamak divertor plasmas// PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: 87 Issue: 4 Article Number: 045303 (2013).
- Popova, E. A.; Klimin, S. A.; Popova, M. N.; et al., Magnetic properties of quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnets (Y1-xNdx)(2)BaNiO5 (x=1, 0.15)// JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Volume: 331 Pages: 133-139 (2013).
- Rakhimova, T. V.; Rakhimov, A. T.; Mankelevich, Yu. A.; et al., Modification of organosilicate glasses low-k films under extreme and vacuum ultraviolet radiation// APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 102 Issue: 11 Article Number: 111902 (2013).
- Yanyshev, Denis N.; Balykin, Victor I.; Vladimirova, Yulia V.; et al., Dynamics of atoms in a femtosecond optical dipole trap// PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 87 Issue: 3 Article Number: 033411(2013).
- Apatin, Valentin M.; Lokhman, Valery N.; Ogurok, Danil D.; et al., Photodissociation of IF2CCOF clusters by resonant IR radiation// EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D Volume: 67 Issue: 3 Article Number: 66 (2013).
- Makarov, G. N.; Petin, A. N., Disintegration of argon clusters in collisions with highly vibrationally excited SF6 molecules in crossed molecular and cluster beams// JETP LETTERS Volume: 97 Issue: 2 Pages: 76-81(2013).
- Surin, L. A., Nonclassical rotations of single molecules in small helium and hydrogen clusters: Manifestation of "microscopic superfluidity"// JETP LETTERS Volume: 97 Issue: 1 Pages: 57-65 (2013).
- Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Kamchatnov, Anatoly M., Two-dimensional dispersive shock waves in dissipative optical media // OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 38 Issue: 5 Pages: 790-792 (2013).
- Jankowski, Piotr; Surin, L. A.; Potapov, A.; et al., A comprehensive experimental and theoretical study of H-2-CO spectra// JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 138 Issue: 8 Article Number: 084307 (2013).
- Veber, Sergey L.; Fedin, Matvey V.; Maryunina, Ksenia Yu.; et al., Influence of Intense THz Radiation on Spin State of Photoswitchable Compound Cu(hfac)(2)L-Pr// JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A Volume: 117 Issue: 7 Pages: 1483-1491(2013).
- Ye, Fangwei; Huang, Changming; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; et al., Solitons supported by localized parametric gain// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 38 Issue: 4 Pages: 480-482 (2013).
- Novikova, N. N.; Yakovlev, V. A.; Vinogradov, E. A.; et al., Substrate surface polariton splitting due to thin zinc oxide and aluminum nitride films presence// APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Volume: 267 Pages: 93-96 (2013).
- Santana, Adriano; Popov, Andrei M.; Bichoutskaia, Elena, Stability and dynamics of vacancy in graphene flakes: Edge effects// CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 557 Pages: 80-87 (2013).
- Dreisow, Felix; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Heinrich, Matthias; et al., Spatial light rectification in an optical waveguide lattice// EPL Volume: 101 Issue: 4 Article Number: 44002 (2013).
- Konopsky, Valery N.; Karakouz, Tanya; Alieva, Elena V.; et al., Photonic Crystal Biosensor Based on Optical Surface Waves// SENSORS Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Pages: 2566-2578 (2013).
- Filatova, D. G.; Seregina, I. F.; Osipov, K. B.; et al., Determination of gallium in biological fluids using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry// JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 68 Issue: 2 Pages: 106-111 (2013).
- Karimullin, Kamil; Knyazev, Mikhail; Eremchev, Ivan; et al., A tool for alignment of multiple laser beams in pump-probe experiments// MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Volume: 24 Issue: 2 Article Number: 027002 (2013).
- Kravtsov, V. E.; Yudson, V. I., Statistics of anomalously localized states at the center of band E=0 in the one-dimensional Anderson localization model// JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL Volume: 46 Issue: 2 Article Number: 025001 (2013).
- Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Vysloukh, Victor A.; Torner, Lluis, Solitons in spiraling Vogel lattices// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 38 Issue: 2 Pages: 190-192 (2013).
- Popov, Andrey M.; Lebedeva, Irina V.; Knizhnik, Andrey A.; et al., Ab initio study of edge effect on relative motion of walls in carbon nanotubes// JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 138 Issue: 2 Article Number: 024703 (2013).
- Skowron, Stephen T.; Lebedeva, Irina V.; Popov, Andrey M.; et al., Approaches to modelling irradiation-induced processes in transmission electron microscopy// NANOSCALE Volume: 5 Issue: 15 Pages: 6677-6692 (2013).
- Chekalin, Sergey V.; Kompanets, Victor O.; Apatin, Valentin M.; et al., Intra-cluster dynamics induced in molecular clusters by femtosecond UV radiation// XVIIITH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ULTRAFAST PHENOMENA Book Series: EPJ Web of Conferences Volume: 41 Article Number: UNSP 02030 (2013).
- Melnikov, A.; Misochko, O.; Chekalin, S., Ultrafast electronic dynamics in laser-excited crystalline bismuth// XVIIITH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ULTRAFAST PHENOMENA Book Series: EPJ Web of Conferences Volume:41 Article Number: UNSP 04006 (2013).
- Chekalin, S. V.; Kandidov, V. P., From self-focusing light beams to femtosecond laser pulse filamentation// PHYSICS-USPEKHI Volume: 56 Issue: 2 Pages: 123-140 (2013).
- Aseyev, S. A.; Mironov, B. N.; Minogin, V. G.; et al., Microscopy of photoionisation processes// QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 43 Issue: 4 Pages: 308-312 (2013).
- Melnikov, A. A.; Misochko, O. V.; Chekalin, S. V., Ultrafast broadband spectroscopy of crystalline bismuth// QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 43 Issue: 4 Pages: 313-319 (2013).
- Kompanets, V. O.; Laptev, V. B.; Makarov, A. A.; et al., Excitation and dissociation of molecules by femtosecond IR laser radiation in the gas phase and on dielectric surfaces// QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 43 Issue: 4 Pages: 320- 325 (2013).
- Chekalin, S. V.; Kompanets, V. O.; Smetanina, E. O.; et al., Light bullets and supercontinuum spectrum during femtosecond pulse filamentation under conditions of anomalous group-velocity dispersion in fused silica// QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 43 Issue: 4 Pages: 326-331 (2013).
- Konstantinova, T. V.; Melentiev, P. N.; Afanasiev, A. E.; et al., Nanolocalised source of femtosecond radiation// QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 43 Issue: 4 Pages: 379-387 (2013).
- Kalinin, Andrey V.; Krasheninnikov, Viktor N.; Krivtsun, Vladimir M., Short-wave near infrared spectrometry of back scattering and transmission of light by milk for multi-component analysis// JOURNAL OF NEAR INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 21 Issue: 1 Pages: 35-41 (2013).
- Nicolet, A. A. L.; Kol'chenko, M. A.; Hofmann, C.; et al., Nanoscale probing of charge transport in an organic field-effect transistor at cryogenic temperatures// PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 15 Issue: 12 Pages: 4415-4421 (2013).
- Poklonski, N. A.; Siahlo, A. I.; Vyrko, S. A.; et al., Graphene-Based Nanodynamometer// JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Pages: 141-146 (2013).
- Mironov, B. N.; Aseev, S. A.; Chekalin, S. V.; et al., Desorption of an organic conducting polymer by soft X-ray radiation created by a femtosecond laser// JETP LETTERS Volume: 96 Issue: 9 Pages: 601-603 (2013).
- Smetanina, E. O.; Kompanets, V. O.; Chekalin, S. V.; et al., Anti-Stokes wing of femtosecond laser filament supercontinuum in fused silica// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 38 Issue: 1 Pages: 16-18 (2013).
- Ivanova, T. A.; Mavrin, B. N., Ab initio temperature dependence of the thermal expansion of diamond and the frequency shift of optical phonons// PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE Volume: 55 Issue: 1 Pages: 160-163 (2013).
Publications in 2012
- Konopsky, Valery N.; Alieva, Elena V.,Observation of fine interference structures at total internal reflection of focused light beams//PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 86 Issue: 6 Article Number: 063807 (2012).
- Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Lobanov, Valery E.; Malomed, Boris A.; et al., Asymmetric solitons and domain walls supported by inhomogeneous defocusing nonlinearity//OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 37 Issue: 23 Pages: 5000-5002 (2012).
- Filatova, D. G.; Zhukova, A. A.; Podol'ko, E. V.; et al., Determination of antimony and tin in tin dioxide whiskers by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry//JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 67 Issue: 12 Pages: 950-954 (2012).
- Orlov, S. V.; Naumov, A. V.; Vainer, Yu. G.; et al., Spectrally resolved analysis of fluorescence blinking of single dye molecules in polymers at low temperatures//JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 137 Issue: 19 Article Number: 194903 (2012).
- Walasik, Wiktor; Nazabal, Virginie; Chauvet, Mathieu; et al., Low-power plasmon-soliton in realistic nonlinear planar structures//OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 37 Issue: 22 Pages: 4579-4581 (2012).
- Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Konotop, Vladimir V.; Torner, Lluis, Compactons and bistability in exciton-polariton condensates//PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 86 Issue: 20 Article Number: 205313 (2012).
- Voronova, Nina S.; Lozovik, Yurii E., Excitons in cores of exciton-polariton vortices//PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 86 Issue: 19 Article Number: 195305 (2012).
- Osad'ko, I. S.; Naumov, A. V.; Eremchev, I. Yu; et al.,Theoretical modeling of single-molecule fluorescence with complicated photon statistics// PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 86 Issue: 5 Article Number: 053802 (2012).
- Lobanov, Valery E.; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Vysloukh, Victor A.; et al., Soliton generation by counteracting gain-guiding and self-bending//OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 37 Issue: 21 Pages: 4540-4542 (2012).
- Agranovich, V. M.; Basko, D. M.; La Rocca, G. C., Efficient optical pumping of organic-inorganic heterostructures for nonlinear optics//PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 86 Issue: 16 Article Number: 165204 (2012).
- Malkin, B. Z.; Pytalev, D. S.; Popova, M. N.; et al., Random lattice deformations in rare-earth-doped cubic hexafluoroelpasolites: High-resolution optical spectroscopy and theoretical studies//PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 86 Issue: 13 Article Number: 134110 (2012).
- Larre, P. -E; Pavloff, N.; Kamchatnov, A. M.,Wave pattern induced by a localized obstacle in the flow of a one-dimensional polariton condensate// PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 86 Issue: 16 Article Number: 165304 (2012).
- Apatin, V. M.; Kompanets, V. O.; Lokhman, V. N.; et al.,Reactions induced in (CF3I) (n) clusters by femtosecond UV laser pulses// JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 115 Issue: 4 Pages: 567-578 (2012).
- Kamchatnov, A. M.; Korneev, S. V.,Oblique solitons generated by the flow of a polariton condensate past an obstacle//JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 115 Issue: 4 Pages: 579-585 (2012).
- Vinogradov, V. S.; Dzhagan, V. N.; Zavaritskaya, T. N.; et al.,Optical phonons in the bulk and on the surface of ZnO and ZnTe/ZnO nanowires in Raman spectra// PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE Volume: 54 Issue: 10 Pages: 2083-2090 (2012).
- Lobanov, Valery E.; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Vysloukh, Victor A.; et al., Anderson localization in Bragg-guiding arrays with negative defects// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 37 Issue: 19 Pages: 4020-4022 (2012).
- Efimkin, D. K.; Lozovik, Yu E.; Sokolik, A. A., Spin-plasmons in topological insulator// JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Volume: 324 Issue: 21 Pages: 3610-3612 (2012).
- Efimkin, D. K.; Lozovik, Yu. E.; Sokolik, A. A., Electron-hole pairing in a topological insulator thin film// PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 86 Issue: 11 Article Number: 115436 (2012).
- Pytalev, D. S.; Chukalina, E. P.; Popova, M. N.; et al., Hyperfine interactions of Ho3+ ions in KY3F10: Electron paramagnetic resonance and optical spectroscopy studies//PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 86 Issue: 11 Article Number: 115124 (2012).
- Kamchatnov, A. M.; Kuo, Y. -H.; Lin, T. -C.; et al., Undular bore theory for the Gardner equation// PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 86 Issue: 3 Article Number: 036605 (2012).
- Mal'shukov, A. G.; Brataas, Arne, Triplet supercurrent in ferromagnetic Josephson junctions by spin injection// PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 86 Issue: 9 Article Number: 094517 (2012).
- Denisov, V. N.; Mavrin, B. N.; Polyakov, S. N.; et al., First observation of electronic structure of the even parity boron acceptor states in diamond// PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 376 Issue: 44 Pages: 2812-2815 (2012).
- Aseyev, S. A.; Minogin, V. G.; Mironov, B. N., Projection microscopy of photoionization processes in gases// APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS Volume: 108 Issue: 4 Pages: 755-759 (2012).
- Boldyrev, K. N.; Popova, M. N.; Bettinelli, M.; et al., Quality of the rare earth aluminum borate crystals for laser applications, probed by high-resolution spectroscopy of the Yb3+ ion// OPTICAL MATERIALS Volume: 34 Issue: 11 Pages: 1885-1889 (2012).
- Dorofeev, I. A.; Vinogradov, E. A., Structure of electromagnetic fields near the surface of an ionic crystal// JOURNAL OF SURFACE INVESTIGATION-X-RAY SYNCHROTRON AND NEUTRON TECHNIQUES Volume: 6 Issue: 5 Pages: 796-804 (2012).
- Poklonski, Nikolai A.; Ratkevich, Sergey V.; Vyrko, Sergey A.; et al, Structural phase transition and band gap of uniaxially deformed (6,0) carbon nanotube// CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 545 Pages: 71-77 (2012).
- Melentiev, Pavel N.; Konstantinova, Tatyana V.; Afanasiev, Anton E.; et al., Single nanohole and photoluminescence: nanolocalized and wavelength tunable light source// OPTICS EXPRESS Volume: 20 Issue: 17 Pages: 19474-19483 (2012).
- Melentiev, P. N.; Afanasiev, A. E.; Kuzin, A. A.; et al., Extremely high transmission of light through a nanohole inside a photonic crystal//JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 115 Issue: 2 Pages: 185-193 (2012).
- Ryabtsev, A. N.; Kononov, E. Ya; Kildiyarova, R. R.; et al., 4f (13)5s (2)5p (6)-4f (13)5s (2)5p (5)6s transitions in the W VIII spectrum and spectra of isoelectronic hafnium, tantalum, and rhenium ions// OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 113 Issue: 2 Pages: 109-114 (2012).
- Atencio, A., A Comment on "Separation of Chiral Molecules: A Way to Homochirality" Response//ORIGINS OF LIFE AND EVOLUTION OF BIOSPHERES Volume: 42 Issue: 4 Pages: 375-376 (2012).
- Chernozatonskii, Leonid A.; Mavrin, Boris N.; Sorokin, Pavel B., Determination of ultrathin diamond films by Raman spectroscopy// PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS Volume: 249 Issue: 8 Pages: 1550-1554 (2012).
- Boldyrev, K. N.; Stanislavchuk, T. N.; Klimin, S. A.; et al., Terahertz spectroscopy of multiferroic EuFe3(BO3)(4)// PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 376 Issue: 37 Pages: 2562-2564 (2012).
- Svyakhovskiy, S. E.; Kompanets, V. O.; Maydykovskiy, A. I.; et al., Observation of the temporal Bragg-diffraction-induced laser-pulse splitting in a linear photonic crystal// PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 86 Issue: 1 Article Number: 013843 (2012).
- Lozovik, Yu E.; Ogarkov, S. L.; Sokolik, A. A., Condensation of electron-hole pairs in a two-layer graphene system: Correlation effects// PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 86 Issue: 4 Article Number: 045429 (2012).
- Berman, O. L.; Kezerashvili, R. Ya.; Kolmakov, G. V.; et al., Turbulence in a Bose-Einstein condensate of dipolar excitons in coupled quantum wells//PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 86 Issue: 4 Article Number: 045108 (2012).
- Prokhorov, A. V.; Gubin, M. Yu; Leksin, A. Yu; et al., Dissipative optical solitons in dense media with optical pumping// JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 115 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-14 (2012).
- Potapov, A. V.; Dolgov, A. A.; Surin, L. A., Millimeter-wave spectroscopy of the weakly bound molecular complex NH3-N-2// OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 113 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-4 (2012).
- Vieweg, Marius; Gissibl, Timo; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; et al., Spatial solitons in optofluidic waveguide arrays with focusing ultrafast Kerr nonlinearity// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 37 Issue: 13 Pages: 2454-2456 (2012).
- He, Yingji; Mihalache, Dumitru; Zhu, Xing; et al., Stable surface solitons in truncated complex potentials// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 37 Issue: 13 Pages: 2526-2528 (2012).
- Deinega, Alexei; Voronova, Nina; Lozovik, Yurii, Coulomb problem on single- and double-wall cylinders//JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER Volume: 24 Issue: 25 Article Number: 255301 (2012).
- Korkin, Anatoli; Krstic, Predrag; Lozovik, Yuri; et al., Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics Photonics and Renewable Energy (NGC2011) Moscow-Zelenograd, Russia, September 12-16, 2011// NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETT. Volume: 7 Article Number: 326 (2012).
- Osad'ko, I. S.; Shchukina, A. L., Blinking fluorescence of single donor-acceptor pairs: Important role of "dark" states in resonance energy transfer via singlet levels// PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 85 Issue: 6 Article Number: 061907 (2012).
- Fisch, N. J.; Gladush, M. G.; Petrushevich, Y. V.; et al., Enhancement of fusion rates due to quantum effects in the particles momentum distribution in nonideal plasma media// EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D Volume: 66 Issue: 6 Article Number: 154 (2012).
- Zalyubovskiy, Sergiy J.; Bogdanova, Maria; Deinega, Alexei; et al., Theoretical limit of localized surface plasmon resonance sensitivity to local refractive index change and its comparison to conventional surface plasmon resonance sensor// JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION Volume: 29 Issue: 6 Pages: 994-1002 (2012).
- Lobanov, Valery E.; Borovkova, Olga V.; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; et al., Stable bright and vortex solitons in photonic crystal fibers with inhomogeneous defocusing nonlinearity// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 37 Issue: 11 Pages: 1799-1801 (2012).
- Sokolik, A. A., Resonant coherent excitation of ions in planar channel of crystal with inclined beam incidence// NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B Volume: 280 Pages: 79-83 (2012).
- Popov, Andrey M.; Lebedeva, Irina V.; Knizhnik, Andrey A.; et al., Barriers to motion and rotation of graphene layers based on measurements of shear mode frequencies// CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 536 Pages: 82-86 (2012).
- Popova, M. N.; Stanislavchuk, T. N.; Malkin, B. Z.; et al., Phase transitions and crystal-field and exchange interactions in TbFe3(BO3)(4) as seen via optical spectroscopy// JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-COND. MAT. Volume: 24 Issue: 19 Article Number: 196002 (2012).
- Stuetzer, S.; Kartashov, Y. V.; Vysloukh, V. A.; et al., Anderson cross-localization// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 37 Issue: 10 Pages: 1715-1717 (2012).
- Klimin, S. A.; Galkin, A. S.; Popova, M. N., Magnetic structures of the rare-earth chain nickelates R2BaNiO5 as studied by the optical spectroscopy of the Er probe// PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 376 Issue: 23 Pages: 1861-1865 (2012).
- Kuznetsov, S. S.; Nikolaev, A. G.; Popov, A. M.; et al., Operating Characteristics of Nanotube-Based Bolt/Nut Pairs for Nanoelectromechanical System// JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE Volume: 9 Issue: 5 Pages: 673-680 (2012).
- Dolgov, A. A.; Panfilov, V. A.; Potapov, A. V.; et al., Study of the spectrum of the Kr-CO weakly bound molecular complex in the millimeter-wavelength range// OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 112 Issue: 5 Pages: 696-701 (2012).
- Balykin, Victor I., The scientific career of V S Letokhov (10 November 1939-21 March 2009)// PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: 85 Issue: 5 Article Number: 050302 (2012).
- Fedosseev, V. N.; Kudryavtsev, Yu; Mishin, V. I., Resonance laser ionization of atoms for nuclear physics// PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: 85 Issue: 5 Article Number: 058104 (2012).
- Frawley, Mary C.; Chormaic, Sile Nic; Minogin, Vladimir G., The van der Waals interaction of an atom with the convex surface of a nanocylinder// PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: 85 Issue: 5 Article Number: 058103 (2012).
- Malinovsky, A. L.; Makarov, A. A.; Ryabov, E. A., Slow intramolecular vibrational redistribution: the latest results for trifluoropropyne, a comparison with the other terminal acetylenes and the mechanism// PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: 85 Issue: 5 Article Number: 058102 (2012).
- Popov, Andrey M.; Lebedeva, Irina V.; Knizhnik, Andrey A., Nanotube-based scanning rotational microscope//APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 100 Issue: 17 Article Number: 173101 (2012).
- Wang, L. Y.; Mal'shukov, A. G.; Chu, C. S., Nonuniversality of the intrinsic inverse spin-Hall effect in diffusive systems// PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 85 Issue: 16 Article Number: 165201 (2012).
- Koshelev, Konstantin; Krivtsun, Vladimir; Ivanov, Vladimir; et al., New type of discharge-produced plasma source for extreme ultraviolet based on liquid tin jet electrodes// JOURNAL OF MICRO-NANOLITHOGRAPHY MEMS AND MOEMS Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Article Number: 021103 (2012).
- Koshelev, Konstantin N.; Ivanov, Vladimir V.; Novikov, Vladimir G.; et al.,RZLINE code modeling of distributed tin targets for laser-produced plasma sources of extreme ultraviolet radiation (vol 11, 021112, 2012)// JOURNAL OF MICRO-NANOLITHOGRAPHY MEMS AND MOEMS Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Article Number: 029802 (2012).
- Koshelev, Konstantin N.; Ivanov, Vladimir V.; Novikov, Vladimir G.; et al., RZLINE code modeling of distributed tin targets for laser-produced plasma sources of extreme ultraviolet radiation// JOURNAL OF MICRO-NANOLITHOGRAPHY MEMS AND MOEMS Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Article Number: 021112 (2012).
- Mashonkina, L.; Ryabtsev, A.; Frebel, A., Non-LTE effects on the lead and thorium abundance determinations for cool stars//ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS Volume: 540 Article Number: A98 (2012).
- Medvedev, V. V.; Yakshin, A. E.; van de Kruijs, R. W. E.; et al., Infrared antireflective filtering for extreme ultraviolet multilayer Bragg reflectors// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 37 Issue: 7 Pages: 1169-1171 (2012).
- Trifonov, A. S.; Osad'ko, I. S.; Ezubchenko, I. S.; et al., Electroluminescence of single CdSe nanocrystals induced by scanning tunneling microscope// OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 285 Issue: 7 Pages: 1997-2000 (2012).
- Lebedeva, Irina V.; Knizhnik, Andrey A.; Popov, Andrey M.; et al., Ni-Assisted Transformation of Graphene Flakes to Fullerenes// JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C Volume: 116 Issue: 11 Pages: 6572-6584 (2012).
- Pozdnyakov, Ivan P.; Kolomeets, Alexander V.; Plyusnin, Victor F.; et al., Photophysics of Fe(III)-tartrate and Fe(III)-citrate complexes in aqueous solutions//CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 530 Pages: 45-48 (2012).
- Vieweg, Marius; Pricking, Sebastian; Gissibl, Timo; et al., Tunable ultrafast nonlinear optofluidic coupler// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 37 Issue: 6 Pages: 1058-1060 (2012).
- Sadjina, Severin; Brataas, Arne; Mal'shukov, A. G., Intrinsic spin swapping// PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 85 Issue: 11 Article Number: 115306 (2012).
- Stepanenko, Ilya; Kompanetz, Viktor; Makhneva, Zoya; et al., Transient Absorption Study of Two-Photon Excitation Mechanism in the LH2 Complex from Purple Bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides// JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B Volume: 116 Issue: 9 Pages: 2886-2890 (2012).
- Kamchatnov, A. M.; Pavloff, N., Generation of dispersive shock waves by the flow of a Bose-Einstein condensate past a narrow obstacle//PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 85 Issue: 3 Article Number: (2012).
- Lebedeva, I. V.; Knizhnik, A. A.; Popov, A. M.; et al., Modeling of graphene-based NEMS//PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES Volume: 44 Issue: 6 Pages: 949-954 (2012).
- Novikova, N. N.; Ol'shanskii, E. D.; Teplov, A. A.; et al., Shift and Broadening of Surface Polaritons of Sapphire upon Deposition of a Quasicrystalline Film// PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE Volume: 54 Issue: 3 Pages: 573-577 (2012).
- Minogin, Vladimir G., Identities for the electron forms 2 and their 3D representation// ANNALS OF PHYSICS Volume: 327 Issue: 3 Pages: 823-840 (2012).
- Efimkin, Dmitry K.; Lozovik, Yurii E.; Sokolik, Alexey A., Collective excitations on a surface of topological insulator// NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS Volume: 7 Pages: 1-10 Article Number: 163 (2012).
- Pal, H. K.; Yudson, V. I.; Maslov, D. L., Effect of electron-electron interaction on surface transport in the Bi2Te3 family of three-dimensional topological insulators// PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 85 Issue: 8 Article Number: 085439 (2012).
- Konopsky, Valery N.; Basmanov, Dmitry V.; Alieva, Elena V.; et al., Size-dependent hydrogen uptake behavior of Pd nanoparticles revealed by photonic crystal surface waves// APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 100 Issue: 8 Article Number: 083108 (2012).
- Lozovik, Yurii E.; Sokolik, Alexey A., Influence of Landau level mixing on the properties of elementary excitations in graphene in strong magnetic field// NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS Volume: 7 Article Number: 134 (2012).
- Naether, U.; Kartashov, Y. V.; Vysloukh, V. A.; et al., Observation of the gradual transition from one-dimensional to two-dimensional Anderson localization// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 37 Issue: 4 Pages: 593-595 (2012).
- Borovkova, Olga V.; Lobanov, Valery E.; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; et al., Stable vortex-soliton tori with multiple nested phase singularities in dissipative media// PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 85 Issue: 2 Article Number: 023814 (2012).
- Guebrou, S. Aberra; Symonds, C.; Homeyer, E.; et al., Coherent Emission from a Disordered Organic Semiconductor Induced by Strong Coupling with Surface Plasmons// PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 108 Issue: 6 Article Number: 066401 (2012).
- Fedyunina, N. N.; Seregina, I. F.; Bolshov, M. A.; et al., Investigation of the efficiency of the sample pretreatment stage for the determination of the Rare Earth Elements in rock samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry technique// ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA Volume: 713 Pages: 97-102 (2012).
- Lobanov, Valery E.; Borovkova, Olga V.; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; et al., Topological light bullets supported by spatiotemporal gain// PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 85 Issue: 2 Article Number: 023804 (2012).
- Atencio, A., v., Separation of Chiral Molecules: A Way to Homochirality// ORIGINS OF LIFE AND EVOLUTION OF BIOSPHERES Volume: 42 Issue: 1 Pages: 55-73 (2012).
- Osad'ko, I. S.; Trifonov, A. S.; Ezubchenko, I. S.; et al., Fluctuations of electroluminescence intensity of single CdSe nanocrystals excited by scanning tunneling microscope current// SURFACE SCIENCE Volume: 606 Issue: 3-4 Pages: 394-400 (2012).
- Popov, A. M.; Lozovik, Yu E.; Krivorotov, E. K., Can barrier to relative sliding of carbon nanotube walls be measured?//COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE Volume: 53 Issue: 1 Pages: 67-74 (2012).
- Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Konotop, Vladimir V.; Vysloukh, Victor A.; et al., Light localization in nonuniformly randomized lattices// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 37 Issue: 3 Pages: 286-288 (2012).
- Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Kamchatnov, Anatoly M., Stationary one-dimensional dispersive shock waves// OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 37 Issue: 3 Pages: 389-391 (2012).
- Ryabtsev, A. N.; Kononov, E. Ya., Resonance transitions in the Pd VII spectrum// PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: 85 Issue: 2 Article Number: 025301 (2012).
- Borovkova, Olga V.; Kartashov, Yaroslav V.; Vysloukh, Victor A.; et al., Solitons supported by spatially inhomogeneous nonlinear losses// OPTICS EXPRESS Volume: 20 Issue: 3 Pages: 2657-2667 (2012).
- Litinskaya, M.; Agranovich, V. M., Polariton trap in microcavities with metallic mirrors// JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER Volume: 24 Issue: 1 Article Number: 015302 (2012).
- Efimkin, D. K.; Lozovik, Yu E., Enhancement of tunnel conductivity by Cooper pair fluctuations in electron-hole bilayer// Journal of Physics Conference Series Volume: 393 Article Number: 012019 (2012).
- Efimkin, D. K.; Lozovik, Yu E., Collective excitonic and plasmonic excitations on a surface of 3D topological insulator// Journal of Physics Conference Series Volume: 393 Article Number: 012016 (2012).
- Smetanina, E. O.; Kompanets, V. O.; Chekalin, S. V.; et al., Femtosecond laser pulse filamentation under anomalous dispersion in fused silica. Part 1. Numerical investigation// QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 42 Issue: 10 Pages: 913-919 (2012).
- Smetanina, E. O.; Kompanets, V. O.; Chekalin, S. V.; et al., Femtosecond laser pulse filamentation under anomalous dispersion in fused silica. Part 2. Experiment and physical interpretation// QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 42 Issue: 10 Pages: 920-924 (2012).
- Gubin, M. Yu.; Prokhorov, A. V.; Gladush, M. G.; et al., Formation and optical control of dissipative vortex solitons in hollow-core optical fibres filled with a cold atomic gas// QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 42 Issue: 7 Pages: 616-624 (2012).
- Lebedeva, Irina V.; Popov, Andrey M.; Knizhnik, Andrey A.; et al., Chiral graphene nanoribbon inside a carbon nanotube: ab initio study// NANOSCALE Volume: 4 Issue: 15 Pages: 4522-4529 (2012).
- Kotov, O. V.; Lozovik, Yu. E., Cavity Plasmon Polaritons in Monolayer and Double-Layer Graphene// FULLERENES NANOTUBES AND CARBON NANOSTRUCTURES Volume: 20 Issue: 4-7 Special Issue: SI Pages: 563-568 (2012).
- Efimkin, D. K.; Lozovik, Yu. E., Nonuniform Electron-Hole Pairing in Graphene Bilayer// FULLERENES NANOTUBES AND CARBON NANOSTRUCTURES Volume: 20 Issue: 4-7 Special Issue: SI Pages: 569-573 (2012).
- Kamchatnov, A. M.; Kartashov, Y. V., Quasi-one-dimensional flow of polariton condensate past an obstacle// EPL Volume: 97 Issue: 1 Article Number: 10006 (2012).
- Vinogradov, V. S.; Kucherenko, I. V.; Novikova, N. N.; et al., IR transmission and reflection spectra of structures with ZnTe and ZnTe/ZnMgTe quantum wires// PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE Volume: 54 Issue: 1 Pages: 106-110 (2012).
- Grazulis, Saulius; Daskevic, Adriana; Merkys, Andrius; et al., Crystallography Open Database (COD): an open-access collection of crystal structures and platform for world-wide collaboration// NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH Volume: 40 Issue: D1 Pages: D420-D427 (2012).
- Fedyunina, N. N.; Ossipov, K. B.; Seregina, I. F.; et al., Determination of rare earth elements in rock samples by inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry after sorption preconcentration using Pol-DETATA sorbent// TALANTA Volume: 102 Special Issue: SI Pages: 128-131 (2012).
- Makarov, A. A.; Malinovsky, A. L.; Ryabov, E. A., Intramolecular vibrational redistribution: from high-resolution spectra to real-time dynamics// PHYSICS-USPEKHI Volume: 55 Issue: 10 Pages: 977-1007 (2012).
- Lozovik, Yu E.,Plasmonics and magnetoplasmonics based on graphene and a topological insulator// PHYSICS-USPEKHI Volume: 55 Issue: 10 Pages: 1035-1039 (2012).
- Ivanova, E. P., Subpicosecond 41.8-nm X-ray laser in the plasma produced by femtosecond laser irradiation of a xenon cluster jet// QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 42 Issue: 12 Special Issue: SI Pages: 1100-1105 (2012).
Publications in 2011
[1] K.A. Antonova, A.A. Makarov, "Coherent artifact as a tool for probing vibrational distribution in molecules excited by femtosecond IR laser pulse" // Laser Physics, 21 (1), 112-119 (2011).
[2] P.S. Antsiferov, L.A. Dorokhin, K.N. Koshelev, "Dynamics of VUV spectra in fast capillary discharge" // Optics and Spectroscopy, 111 (3), 342-345 (2011).
[3] P.S. Antsiferov, L.A. Dorokhin, Y.V. Sidelnikov, "Plasma erosion opening switch for fast discharges with current growth rate about 10(12) A/s" // Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 54 (2), 187-189 (2011).
[4] V.M. Apatin, V.N. Lokhman, D.D. Ogurok, D.G. Poydashev, E.A. Ryabov, "Multiphoton ionization of CF(3)I clusters by ultraviolet laser radiation" // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 112 (1), 1-9 (2011).
[5] S.A. Aseyev, B.N. Mironov, V.G. Minogin, S.V. Chekalin, "Measurement of the Gaponov-Miller Force Produced in Vacuum by Tightly Focused Intense Femtosecond Laser Radiation" // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 112 (5), 780-783 (2011).
[6] V. Babicheva, Y. Lozovik, "Anomalous transmission of electromagnetic wave through periodic arrays of subwavelength slits arranged on thin metal films" // Optics and Spectroscopy, 110 (1), 119-123 (2011).
[7] V.E. Babicheva, Y.E. Lozovik, "Role of Surface Plasmon Polaritons in Anomalous Transmission of an Electromagnetic Wave through Two Arrays with Subwavelength Slits" // Physics of the Solid State, 53 (4), 804-809 (2011).
[8] V.Y. Banine, K.N. Koshelev, G. Swinkels, "Physical processes in EUV sources for microlithography" // Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 44 (25) (2011).
[9] O.L. Berman, R.Y. Kezerashvili, Y.E. Lozovik, D.W. Snoke, R. Balili, B. Nelsen, L. Pfeiffer, K. West, "Spatial condensation of trapped polaritons in graphene and semiconductor structures" // Superlattices and Microstructures, 49 (3), 331-336 (2011).
[10] K.N. Boldyrev, B.N. Mavrin, M.N. Popova, L.N. Bezmaternykh, "Spectroscopy of phonon and vibronic states of YbAl(3)(BO(3))(4) single crystal" // Optics and Spectroscopy, 111 (3), 420-425 (2011).
[11] K.N. Boldyrev, M.N. Popova, L.N. Bezmaternykh, M. Bettinelli, "Nonequivalent Yb(3+) centres in Y(1-x)Yb(x)Al(3)(BO(3))(4) laser crystals" // Quantum Electronics, 41 (2), 120-124 (2011).
[12] M.A. Bol'shov, V.K. Karandashev, G.I. Tsisin, Y.A. Zolotov, "Flow Methods for the Determination of Elements in Solutions Based on Sorption Preconcentration and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry" // Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 66 (6), 548-564 (2011).
[13] M.A. Bolshov, Y.A. Kuritsyn, V.V. Liger, V.R. Mironenko, "Development of diode laser absorption spectroscopy method for determining temperature and concentration of molecules in remote object" // Optics and Spectroscopy, 110 (6), 848-856 (2011).
[14] V.M. Burlakov, L. Kantorovich, "Ostwald ripening of binary alloy particles" // Journal of Chemical Physics, 134 (2) (2011).
[15] R. Cecchini, A. Fabrizi, M. Cabibbo, C. Paternoster, B.N. Mavrin, V.N. Denisov, N.N. Novikova, M. Haidopoulo, "Mechanical, microstructural and oxidation properties of reactively sputtered thin Cr-N coatings on steel" // Thin Solid Films, 519 (19), 6515-6521 (2011).
[16] S.V. Chekalin, V.O. Kompanets, V.B. Laptev, S.V. Pigul'sky, A.A. Makarov, E.A. Ryabov, "Intramolecular vibrational dynamics in bis(trifluoromethyl)keten excited by resonant femtosecond IR radiation" // Chemical Physics Letters, 512 (4-6), 178-183 (2011).
[17] N. Chouard, D. Caurant, O. Majérus, J.-L. Dussossoy, S.A. Klimin, D.S. Pytalev, "Crystallization of a New Nuclear Glass Containing High Rare-Earth Con-centration: Influence of Molybdenum and Ruthenium" // в печати, J. Nuclear Materials (2011).
[18] E.P. Chukalina, D.S. Pytalev, M.N. Popova, "Manifestations of hyperfine interaction in optical spectra of KY3F10:Ho3+" // Physics Letters A, 375 (36), 3205-3207 (2011).
[19] E.P. Chukalina, D.S. Pytalev, M.N. Popova, "Manifestations of hyperfine interaction in optical spectra of KY(3)F(10):Ho(3+)" // Physics Letters A, 375 (36), 3205-3207 (2011).
[20] A. Deinega, I. Valuev, B. Potapkin, Y. Lozovik, "Minimizing light reflection from dielectric textured surfaces" // Journal of the Optical Society of America a-Optics Image Science and Vision, 28 (5), 770-777 (2011).
[21] V.N. Denisov, B.N. Mavrin, N.R. Serebryanaya, G.A. Dubitsky, V.V. Aksenenkov, A.N. Kirichenko, N.V. Kuzmin, B.A. Kulnitskiy, I.A. Perezhogin, V.D. Blank, "First-principles, UV Raman, X-ray diffraction and TEM study of the structure and lattice dynamics of the diamond-lonsdaleite system" // Diamond and Related Materials, 20 (7), 951-953 (2011).
[22] I.A. Dorofeyev, E.A. Vinogradov, "Coherence properties of thermally stimulated fields of solids" // Laser Physics, 21 (1), 1-24 (2011).
[23] D.K. Efimkin, V.A. Kulbachinskii, Y.E. Lozovik, "Influence of Disorder on Electron-Hole Pairing in Graphene Bilayer" // Jetp Letters, 93 (4), 219-222 (2011).
[24] G.E. El, G. A., A.M. Kamchatnov, M.V. Pavlov, S.A. Zykov, "Kinetic Equation for a Soliton Gas and Its Hydrodynamic Reductions" // Journal of Nonlinear Science, 21 (2), 151-191 (2011).
[25] I.Y. Eremchev, Y.G. Vainer, A.V. Naumov, L. Kador, "Low-temperature dynamics in amorphous polymers and low-molecular-weight glasses-what is the difference?" // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (5), 1843-1848 (2011).
[26] D.G. Filatova, I.F. Seregina, L.S. Foteeva, V.V. Pukhov, A.R. Timerbaev, M.A. Bolshov, "Determination of gallium originated from a gallium-based anticancer drug in human urine using ICP-MS" // Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 400 (3), 709-714 (2011).
[27] M.G. Gladush, D.V. Kuznetsov, V.K. Roerich, "Emission spectra and intrinsic optical bistability in a two-level medium" // European Physical Journal D (2011).
[28] A.E. Golomedov, G.E. Astrakharchik, Y.E. Lozovik, "Mesoscopic supersolid of dipoles in a trap" // Physical Review A, 84 (3) (2011).
[29] L. Gomez, S.V. Iyanov, O.G. Buzykin, F. Thibault, "Comparison of quantum, semiclassical and classical methods in hydrogen broadening of nitrogen lines" // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 112 (12), 1942-1949 (2011).
[30] E.P. Ivanova, "Transition probabilities for 5s-5p, 5p-5d, 4f-5d, and 5d-5f transitions in Ag-like ions with Z=50-86" // Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 97 (1), 1-22 (2011).
[31] E.P. Ivanova, "Highly efficient tabletop x-ray laser at lambda=41.8 nm in Pd-like xenon pumped by optical-field ionization in a cluster jet" // Physical Review A, 84 (4) (2011).
[32] A.M. Kamchatnov, S.V. Korneev, "Condition for convective instability of dark solitons" // Physics Letters A, 375 (26), 2577-2580 (2011).
[33] V.P. Kandidov, E.O. Smetanina, A.E. Dormidonov, V.O. Kompanets, S.V. Chekalin, "Formation of conical emission of supercontinuum during filamentation of femtosecond laser radiation in fused silica" // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 113 (3), 422-432 (2011).
[34] S.A. Klimin, M. Lezhnina, U. Kynast, M.N. Popova, "Comparative spectroscopic investigation of Nd doped YAG crystals and nanoceramics for laser applications" // в печати (2011).
[35] S.A. Klimin, P. Loiseau, D. Caurant, G. Aka, A. Ikesue, C. Larat, K.N. Boldyrev, M.N. Popova, "Spectroscopic investigation of Er-Yb codoped materials for 1.5-1.6 microns laser applications" // в печати (2011).
[36] A. Kortyna, C. Tinsman, J. Grab, M.S. Safronova, U.I. Safronova, "Experimental and theoretical study of the 6d(3/2) polarizability of cesium" // Physical Review A, 83 (4) (2011).
[37] V.E. Kravtsov, V.I. Yudson, "Commensurability effects in one-dimensional Anderson localization: Anomalies in eigenfunction statistics" // Annals of Physics, 326 (7), 1672-1698 (2011).
[38] G.M. Kuz'micheva, E.V. Savinkina, L.I. Belogorokhova, B.N. Mavrin, V.R. Flid, A.G. Yakovenko, A.I. Belogorokhov, "The characteristics of the nanosized eta-TiO(2) polymorph" // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 85 (6), 1037-1040 (2011).
[39] D. Kuznetsov, V. Roerich, M. Gladush, "Using BBGKY hierarchies to study the effect of the local field on the rate of radiative relaxation of quantum systems in a dielectric medium" // Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 168 (2), 1078-1095 (2011).
[40] V.B. Laptev, S.V. Pigul'skii, E.A. Ryabov, "Formation of selectivity in molecular isomerization by the IR multiphoton excitation" // High Energy Chemistry, 45 (4), 335-341 (2011).
[41] I.L. Lebedeva, I. V., A.A. Knizhnik, A.M. Popov, Y.E. Lozovik, B.V. Potapkin, "Interlayer interaction and relative vibrations of bilayer graphene" // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (13), 5687-5695 (2011).
[42] I.V. Lebedeva, A.A. Knizhnik, A.M. Popov, O.V. Ershova, Y.E. Lozovik, B.V. Potapkin, "Diffusion and drift of graphene flake on graphite surface" // Journal of Chemical Physics, 134 (10) (2011).
[43] S.C. Lee, S.S. Ng, P.K. Ooi, H. Abu Hassan, Z. Hassan, N.H. Al-Hardan, M.J. Abdullah, V.A. Yakovlev, N.N. Novikova, "Surface and interface phonon polariton characteristics of wurtzite ZnO/GaN heterostructure" // Applied Physics Letters, 98 (24) (2011).
[44] Y.E. Lozovik, O.V. Kotov, "Cavity plasmon polaritons in monolayer graphene" // Physics Letters A, 375 (26), 2573-2576 (2011).
[45] G.N. Makarov, A.N. Petin, "Laser Control of the Capture of Chromophore Molecules by Nanoclusters of Noble Gases in Crossed Molecular and Cluster Beams" // Jetp Letters, 93 (3), 109-113 (2011).
[46] G.N. Makarov, A.N. Petin, "Temperature determination of (CF(3)I) (N) clusters in a beam by time-of-flight measurements of IR-laser excited SF(6) molecules sublimating from the surface of clusters" // Laser Physics, 21 (1), 120-124 (2011).
[47] A.L. Malinovsky, A.A. Makarov, E.A. Ryabov, "Extremely Slow Intramolecular Vibrational Redistribution: Direct Observation by Time-Resolved Raman Spectroscopy in Trifluoropropyne" // Jetp Letters, 93 (3), 124-128 (2011).
[48] A.G. Mal'shukov, "Equilibrium Circular Photogalvanic Effect in a Hybrid Superconductor-Semiconductor System" // Physical Review Letters, 107 (14) (2011).
[49] A.G. Mal'shukov, C.S. Chu, "Spin-Hall current and spin polarization in an electrically biased SNS Josephson junction" // Physical Review B, 84 (5) (2011).
[50] D.L. Maslov, V.I. Yudson, A.V. Chubukov, "Resistivity of a Non-Galilean-Invariant Fermi Liquid near Pomeranchuk Quantum Criticality" // Physical Review Letters, 106 (10) (2011).
[51] V.V. Medvedev, M.Y. Popov, B.N. Mavrin, V.N. Denisov, A. Kirichenko, E.V. Tat'yanin, L.A. Ivanov, V.V. Aksenenkov, S.A. Perfilov, R. Lomakin, V.D. Blank, "Cu-C(60) nanocomposite with suppressed recrystallization" // Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 105 (1), 45-48 (2011).
[52] V.V. Medvedev, A.E. Yakshin, R.W.E. van de Kruijs, V.M. Krivtsun, A.M. Yakunin, K.N. Koshelev, F. Bijkerk, "Infrared suppression by hybrid EUV multilayer-IR etalon structures" // Optics Letters, 36 (17), 3344-3346 (2011).
[53] P.N. Melentiev, A.E. Afanasiev, A.A. Kuzin, A.V. Zablotskiy, A.S. Baturin, V.I. Balykin, "Single nanohole and photonic crystal: wavelength selective enhanced transmission of light" // Optics Express, 19 (23), 22743-22754 (2011).
[54] A.A. Melnikov, O.V. Misochko, S.V. Chekalin, "Generation of coherent phonons in bismuth by ultrashort laser pulses in the visible and NIR: Displacive versus impulsive excitation mechanism" // Physics Letters A, 375 (19), 2017-2022 (2011).
[55] V.G. Minogin, "Geometry of the electron local observables" // Annals of Physics, 326 (10), 2773-2792 (2011).
[56] A.F. Mukhamedgalieva, A.M. Bondar, I.M. Shvedov, M.A. Kononov, V.B. Laptev, N.N. Novikova, "Study of the nanoclusters and microstructures that appear on the surface of silicates under the resonance action of CO(2)-laser radiation" // Journal of Optical Technology, 78 (8), 508-511 (2011).
[57] A.V. Naumov, A.A. Gorshelev, Y.G. Vainer, L. Kador, J. Kohler, "Impurity spectroscopy at its ultimate limit: relation between bulk spectrum, inhomogeneous broadening, and local disorder by spectroscopy of (nearly) all individual dopant molecules in solids" // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (5), 1734-1742 (2011).
[58] I.S. Osad'ko, V.V. Fedyanin, "Influence of conformational changes in complex molecules on photon statistics of single molecule fluorescence" // Physical Review A, 83 (6) (2011).
[59] I.S. Osad'ko, A.L. Shchukina, "Influence of the energy transfer in a single donor-acceptor pair on the photon distribution functions in its fluorescence" // Chemical Physics Letters, 510 (4-6), 257-260 (2011).
[60] I.V. Ovchinnikov, "Self-organized criticality as Witten-type topological field theory with spontaneously broken Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin symmetry" // Physical Review E, 83 (5) (2011).
[61] N.A. Poklonski, S.A. Vyrko, E.F. Kislyakov, N.N. Hieu, O.N. Bubel', A.M. Popov, Y.E. Lozovik, A.A. Knizhnik, I.V. Lebedeva, N.A. Viet, "Effect of Peierls transition in armchair carbon nanotube on dynamical behaviour of encapsulated fullerene" // Nanoscale Research Letters, 6 (2011).
[62] S.N. Polyakov, V.N. Denisov, N.V. Kuzmin, M.S. Kuznetsov, S.Y. Martyushov, S.A. Nosukhin, S.A. Terentiev, V.D. Blank, "Characterization of top-quality type IIa synthetic diamonds for new X-ray optics" // Diamond and Related Materials, 20 (5-6), 726-728 (2011).
[63] A.M. Popov, I.V. Lebedeva, A.A. Knizhnik, Y.E. Lozovik, B.V. Potapkin, "Commensurate-incommensurate phase transition in bilayer graphene" // Physical Review B, 84 (4) (2011).
[64] A.V. Potapov, "Particular features of circular dichroism spectra of resin-asphaltene compounds in solvent and crude oil" // Optics and Spectroscopy, 110 (5), 730-733 (2011).
[65] A.V. Potapov, A.A. Dolgov, V.A. Panfilov, L.A. Surin, S. Schlemmer, "Millimeter-wave study of the CH(4)-CO complex: New measurements with OROTRON spectrometer" // Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 268 (1-2), 112-114 (2011).
[66] P. Reineker, T. Hartmann, V.I. Yudson, "Model for the off-time distribution in blinking quantum dots" // Journal of Luminescence, 131 (3), 379-381 (2011).
[67] N.S. Rukk, D.V. Albov, A.Y. Skryabina, V.V. Kravchenko, B. Mavrin, V.V. Zamalyutin, L.Y. Alikberova, "Halide polyhydrates of some rare-earth elements: Synthesis and structures" // Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 37 (9), 641-649 (2011).
[68] A.N. Ryabtsev, E.Y. Kononov, "Resonance transitions in Rh VIII, Pd IX, Ag X and Cd XI spectra" // Physica Scripta, 84 (1) (2011).
[69] R. Schmidt, S.N. Chormaic, V.G. Minogin, "van der Waals interaction of a neutral atom with the surface of a metal or dielectric nanosphere" // Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 44 (1) (2011).
[70] T. Schoof, M. Bonitz, A. Filinov, D. Hochstuhl, J.W. Dufty, "Configuration Path Integral Monte Carlo" // Contributions to Plasma Physics, 51 (8), 687-697 (2011).
[71] N.V. Sidorov, A.V. Syuy, M.N. Palatnikov, D.V. Evstratova, B.N. Mavrin, "Photorefractive and Raman light scattering in lithium niobate ferroelectric crystal" // Optics and Spectroscopy, 110 (6), 864-870 (2011).
[72] Y.G. Vainer, I.Y. Eremchev, A.V. Naumov, L. Kador, "Structural relaxations in disordered solids below T(g): Study by thermal-cycling single-molecule spectroscopy" // Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 357 (2), 466-471 (2011).
[73] E.A. Vinogradov, I.A. Dorofeyev, "Fluctuating electromagnetic fields of solids" // Physics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters, 504 (2-4), 75-143 (2011).
[74] N.S. Voronova, A.A. Elistratov, Y.E. Lozovik, "Bose-Einstein condensate of cavity exciton polaritons in a trap" // Jetp Letters, 93 (10), 580-584 (2011).
[75] V.M. Voskresenskii, O.R. Starodub, N.V. Sidorov, M.N. Palatnikov, B.N. Mavrin, "Modeling of cluster formation in nonlinear optical lithium niobate crystal" // Crystallography Reports, 56 (2), 221-226 (2011).
[76] M. Willander, Y.E. Lozovik, A. Wadeasa, O. Nur, A.G. Semenov, N.S. Voronova, "Light emission from different ZnO junctions and nanostructures (vol 206, pg 853, 2009)" // Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 208 (5), 1207-1207 (2011).
[77] S. Zyryanov, A. Kovalev, D. Lopaev, E. Malykhin, A. Rakhimov, T. Rakhimova, K. Koshelev, V. Krivtsun, "Loss of hydrogen atoms in H<sub>2</sub> plasma on the surfaces of materials used in EUV lithography" // Plasma Physics Reports, 37 (10), 881-889 (2011).
Publications in 2010
P.S. Antsiferov, L.A. Dorokhin, K.N. Koshelev, "Plasma production by means of discharge in a spherical cavity" // Journal of Applied Physics, 107 (10), 103306 (2010).
S.A. Aseev, V.G. Minogin, B.N. Mironov, S.V. Chekalin, "Control over the Space-Time Structure of Electron Beams by High-Intensity Femtosecond Laser Radiation" // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 111 (5), 707-713 (2010).
G.E. Astrakharchik, J. Boronat, I.L. Kurbakov, Y.E. Lozovik, F. Mazzanti, "Low-dimensional weakly interacting Bose gases: Nonuniversal equations of state" // Physical Review A, 81 (1), 013612 (2010).
A. Afanasiev, V. Minogin, "van der Waals interaction of an atom with the internal surface of a hollow submicrometer-size cylinder" // Physical Review A, 82 (5), 052903 (2010).
V.E. Babicheva, Y.E. Lozovik, "Light passage through a film with subwavelength slits" // Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute, 37 (10), 309-310 (2010).
V.I. Balykin, "Atomic Diffraction Microscope of the de Broglie Waves" // Laser Physics, 20 (1), 47-51 (2010).
O.L. Berman, V.S. Boyko, R.Y. Kezerashvili, A.A. Kolesnikov, Y.E. Lozovik, "Graphene-based photonic crystal" // Physics Letters A, 374 (47), 4784-4786 (2010).
O.L. Berman, R.Y. Kezerashvili, Y.E. Lozovik, "Drag effects in a system of electrons and microcavity polaritons" // Physical Review B, 82 (12), 125307 (2010).
O.L. Berman, R.Y. Kezerashvili, Y.E. Lozovik, "Can we move photons?" // Physics Letters A, 374 (35), 3681-3684 (2010).
O.L. Berman, R.Y. Kezerashvili, Y.E. Lozovik, "Bose-Einstein condensation of quasiparticles in graphene" // Nanotechnology, 21 (13), 134019 (2010).
O.L. Berman, R.Y. Kezerashvili, Y.E. Lozovik, D.W. Snoke, "Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity of trapped polaritons in graphene and quantum wells embedded in a microcavity" // Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 368 (1932), 5459-5482 (2010).
E. Bichoutskaia, A.M. Popov, Y.E. Lozovik, O.V. Ershova, I.V. Lebedeva, A.A. Knizhnik, "Nanoresonator Based on Relative Vibrations of the Walls of Carbon Nanotubes" // Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 18 (4-6), 523-530 (2010).
M.V. Bogdanova, Y.E. Lozovik, S.L. Eiderman, "An Optical Analog of the Borrmann Effect in Photonic Crystals" // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 110 (4), 604-612 (2010).
M.A. Bolshov, Y.A. Kuritsyn, V.V. Liger, V.R. Mironenko, S.B. Leonov, D.A. Yarantsev, "Measurements of the temperature and water vapor concentration in a hot zone by tunable diode laser absorption spectrometry" // Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, 100 (2), 397-407 (2010).
V.L. Bratman, B.S. Dumesh, A.E. Fedotov, P.B. Makhalov, B.Z. Movshevich, F.S. Rusin, "Terahertz Orotrons and Oromultipliers" // Ieee Transactions on Plasma Science, 38 (6), 1466-1471 (2010).
L.A. Bureeva, M.B. Kadomtsev, M.G. Levashova, V.S. Lisitsa, A. Calisti, B. Talin, F. Rosmej, "Equivalence of the method of the kinetic equation and the fluctuating-frequency method in the theory of the broadening of spectral lines" // Jetp Letters, 90 (10), 647-650 (2010).
A. Calisti, C. Mosse, S. Ferri, B. Talin, F. Rosmej, L.A. Bureyeva, V.S. Lisitsa, "Dynamic Stark broadening as the Dicke narrowing effect" // Physical Review E, 81 (1), 016406 (2010).
T.W. Chamberlain, A.M. Popov, A.A. Knizhnik, G.E. Samoilov, A.N. Khlobystov, "The Role of Molecular Clusters in the Filling of Carbon Nanotubes" // Acs Nano, 4 (9), 5203-5210 (2010).
E.P. Chukalina, M.N. Popova, L.N. Bezmaternykh, I.A. Gudim, "Spectroscopic study of the magnetic ordering in SmFe3(BO3)(4)" // Physics Letters A, 374 (15-16), 1790-1792 (2010).
A. Deinega, I. Valuev, B. Potapkin, Y. Lozovik, "Antireflective properties of pyramidally textured surfaces" // Optics Letters, 35 (2), 106-108 (2010).
A.E. Dormidonov, V.P. Kandidov, V.O. Kompanets, S.V. Chekalin, "Interference effects in the conical emission of a femtosecond filament in fused silica" // Jetp Letters, 91 (8), 373-377 (2010).
M.L. Dubernet, V. Boudon, J.L. Culhane, M.S. Dimitrijevic, A.Z. Fazliev, C. Joblin, F. Kupka, G. Leto, P. Le Sidaner, P.A. Loboda, H.E. Mason, N.J. Mason, C. Mendoza, G. Mulas, T.J. Millar, L.A. Nunez, V.I. Perevalov, N. Piskunov, Y. Ralchenko, G. Rixon, L.S. Rothman, E. Roueff, T.A. Ryabchikova, A. Ryabtsev, S. Sahal-Brechot, B. Schmitt, S. Schlemmer, J. Tennyson, V.G. Tyuterev, N.A. Walton, V. Wakelam, C.J. Zeippen, "Virtual atomic and molecular data centre" // Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 111 (15), 2151-2159 (2010).
O.V. Ershova, I.V. Lebedeva, Y.E. Lozovik, A.M. Popov, A.A. Knizhnik, B.V. Potapkin, O.N. Bubel, E.F. Kislyakov, N.A. Poklonskii, "Nanotube-based nanoelectromechanical systems: Control versus thermodynamic fluctuations" // Physical Review B, 81 (15), 155453 (2010).
A. Filinov, N.V. Prokof'ev, M. Bonitz, "Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition in Two-Dimensional Dipole Systems" // Physical Review Letters, 105 (7), 070401 (2010).
K. Gielissen, Y. Sidelnikov, D. Glushkov, W.A. Soer, V. Banine, J. van der Mullen, "Characterization of ion emission of an extreme ultraviolet generating discharge produced Sn plasma" // Journal of Applied Physics, 107 (1), 013301 (2010).
V. Godinho, D. Philippon, T.C. Rojas, N.N. Novikova, V.A. Yakovlev, E.A. Vinogradov, A. Fernandez, "Characterization of Ti1-xAlxN coatings with selective IR reflectivity" // Solar Energy, 84 (8), 1397-1401 (2010).
A.A. Gorshelev, A.V. Naumov, I.Y. Eremchev, Y.G. Vainer, L. Kador, J. Kohler, "Ortho-Dichlorobenzene Doped with Terrylene-a Highly Photo-Stable Single-Molecule System Promising for Photonics Applications" // Chemphyschem, 11 (1), 182-187 (2010).
F. Herrera, M. Litinskaya, R.V. Krems, "Tunable disorder in a crystal of cold polar molecules" // Physical Review A, 82 (3), 0334280 (2010).
E.P. Ivanova, "Quasicontinuous x-ray laser with lambda=10.8 nm in Pd-like tungsten using a nanostructured target" // Physical Review A, 82 (4), 043824 (2010).
A.M. Kamchatnov, S.V. Korneev, "Dynamics of ring dark solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates and nonlinear optics" // Physics Letters A, 374 (45), 4625-4628 (2010).
A.M. Kamchatnov, S.V. Korneev, "Flow of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a quasi-one-dimensional channel under the action of a piston" // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 110 (1), 170-182 (2010).
S.A. Klimin, A.B. Kuzmenko, M.N. Popova, B.Z. Malkin, I.V. Telegina, "Infrared study of lattice and magnetic dynamics in a spin-chain compound Gd2BaNiO5" // Physical Review B, 82 (17), 174425 (2010).
S.A. Klimin, D.S. Pytalev, M.N. Popova, B.Z. Malkin, M.V. Vanyunin, S.L. Korableva, "High-resolution optical spectroscopy of Tm3+ ions in LiYF4: Crystal-field energies, hyperfine and deformation splittings, and the isotopic structure" // Physical Review B, 81 (4), 045113 (2010).
A.A. Kolesnikov, Y.E. Lozovik, S.P. Merkulova, "HIGH-SENSITIVITY NEAR-FIELD LASER MICROSCOPY" // Journal of Russian Laser Research, 31 (5), 469-474 (2010).
A.A. Kolesnikov, Y.E. Lozovik, S.P. Merkulova, A.V. Merkulov, M.A. Anisimov, "APERTURELESS NEAR-FIELD LASER NANOTECHNOLOGY" // Journal of Russian Laser Research, 31 (6), 599-607 (2010).
V.O. Kompanets, V.B. Laptev, A.A. Makarov, S.V. Pigulsky, E.A. Ryabov, S.V. Chekalin, "Direct observation of the vibrational energy redistribution in (CF3)(2)CCO molecules resonantly excited by femtosecond infrared laser radiation" // Jetp Letters, 92 (3), 135-139 (2010).
V.N. Konopsky, "Plasmon-polariton waves in nanofilms on one-dimensional photonic crystal surfaces" // New Journal of Physics, 12, 093006 (2010).
V.N. Konopsky, E.V. Alieva, "Critical-angle refractometer enhanced by periodic multilayer coating" // Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 150 (2), 794-797 (2010).
V.N. Konopsky, E.V. Alieva, "A biosensor based on photonic crystal surface waves with an independent registration of the liquid refractive index" // Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 25 (5), 1212-1216 (2010).
V.E. Kravtsov, V.I. Yudson, "Exact solution for eigenfunction statistics at the center-of-band anomaly in the Anderson localization model" // Physical Review B, 82 (19), 195120 (2010).
V.S. Kurazhkovskaya, D.M. Bykov, E.Y. Borovikova, N.Y. Boldyrev, L. Mikhalitsyn, A.I. Orlova, "Vibrational spectra and factor group analysis of lanthanide and zirconium phosphates (M0.33Zr2)-Zr-III(PO4)(3), where M-III = Y, La-Lu" // Vibrational Spectroscopy, 52 (2), 137-143 (2010).
I.L. Kurbakov, Y.E. Lozovik, G.E. Astrakharchik, J. Boronat, "Quasiequilibrium supersolid phase of a two-dimensional dipolar crystal" // Physical Review B, 82 (1), 014508 (2010).
G.M. Kuz'micheva, E.V. Savinkina, L.N. Obolenskaya, L.I. Belogorokhova, B.N. Mavrin, M.G. Chernobrovkin, A.I. Belogorokhov, "Synthesis, characterization, and properties of nanoscale titanium dioxide modifications with anatase and eta-TiO2 structures" // Crystallography Reports, 55 (5), 866-871 (2010).
I.V. Lebedeva, A.A. Knizhnik, A.M. Popov, O.V. Ershova, Y.E. Lozovik, B.V. Potapkin, "Fast diffusion of a graphene flake on a graphene layer" // Physical Review B, 82 (15), 155460 (2010).
A.M. Livshits, Y.E. Lozovik, ""Magic Numbers" in the Melting of a Cluster of Point Charges on a Sphere" // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 111 (5), 844-856 (2010).
Y.E. Lozovik, S.L. Ogarkov, A.A. Sokolik, "Electron-electron and electron-hole pairing in graphene structures" // Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 368 (1932), 5417-5429 (2010).
Y.E. Lozovik, S.L. Ogarkov, A.A. Sokolik, "Theory of superconductivity for Dirac electrons in graphene" // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 110 (1), 49-57 (2010).
Y.E. Lozovik, A.A. Sokolik, "Phonon-mediated electron pairing in graphene" // Physics Letters A, 374 (27), 2785-2791 (2010).
Y.E. Lozovik, A.A. Sokolik, "Ultrarelativistic electron-hole pairing in graphene bilayer" // European Physical Journal B, 73 (2), 195-206 (2010).
G.N. Makarov, "Experimental methods for determining the melting temperature and the heat of melting of clusters and nanoparticles" // Physics-Uspekhi, 53 (2), 179-198 (2010).
G.N. Makarov, A.N. Petin, "Measurement of Nanoparticle Temperature in a (CO2)(N) Cluster Beam Using SF6 Molecules as Tiny Probe Thermometers" // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 110 (4), 568-575 (2010).
G.N. Makarov, A.N. Petin, "Universal probe method for measuring the temperature of large clusters (nanoparticles) in a cluster beam" // Jetp Letters, 90 (10), 642-646 (2010).
A.G. Mal'shukov, A. Brataas, "ac Josephson effect induced by spin injection" // Physical Review B, 82 (14), 144511 (2010).
A.G. Mal'shukov, S. Sadjina, A. Brataas, "Inverse spin Hall effect in superconductor/normal-metal/superconductor Josephson junctions" // Physical Review B, 81 (6), 060502 (2010).
B.N. Mavrin, L.N. Demyanets, R.M. Zakalukin, "Raman spectroscopy and Fermi resonance in Mn-doped ZnO bulk single crystal" // Physics Letters A, 374 (39), 4054-4056 (2010).
A. Melnikov, V. Ivanov, S. Chekalin, "Femtosecond pump-broadband probe study of primary doped polyaniline - The evidence of neutral primary photoexcitations" // Chemical Physics Letters, 488 (1-3), 38-43 (2010).
A.A. Melnikov, O.V. Misochko, V.O. Kompanets, A.L. Dobryakov, S.V. Chekalin, "Investigation of ultrafast processes in photoexcited bismuth by broadband probing in the wavelength range 0.4-0.9 mu m" // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 111 (3), 431-439 (2010).
M. Mensi, K. Dukenbayev, S.K. Sekatskii, G. Dietler, "Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy-based Study of Local Dynamics of Receptor-Ligand Interactions at the Single Molecule Level" // Laser Physics, 20 (1), 78-84 (2010).
V.G. Minogin, S.N. Chormaic, "Manifestation of the van der Waals Surface Interaction in the Spontaneous Emission of Atoms into an Optical Nanofiber" // Laser Physics, 20 (1), 32-37 (2010).
S.S. Ng, S.C. Lee, S.K.M. Bakhori, Z. Hassan, H. Abu Hassan, V.A. Yakovlev, N.N. Novikova, E.A. Vinogradov, "Surface phonon polariton characteristics of In0.04Al0.06Ga0.90N/AlN/Al2O3 heterostructure" // Optics Express, 18 (10), 10354-10359 (2010).
I.V. Ovchinnikov, K.L. Wang, "Landau-Lifshitz magnetodynamics as a Hamilton model: Magnons in an instanton background" // Physical Review B, 82 (2), 024410 (2010).
N.A. Poklonski, E.F. Kislyakov, S.A. Vyrko, N.H. Nguyen, O.N. Bubel, A.I. Siahlo, I.V. Lebedeva, A.A. Knizhnik, A.M. Popov, Y.E. Lozovik, "Magnetically operated nanorelay based on two single-walled carbon nanotubes filled with endofullerenes Fe@C-20" // Journal of Nanophotonics, 4, 041675 (2010).
A.M. Popov, Y.E. Lozovik, A.S. Kulish, E. Bichoutskaia, "High Frequency Electromechanical Memory Cells Based on Telescoping Carbon Nanotubes" // Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10 (7), 4322-4328 (2010).
E.A. Popova, A.N. Vasil'ev, S.A. Klimin, M.V. Narozhnyi, M.N. Popova, "Calorimetric and spectroscopic study of quasi-one-dimensional Haldane magnets (Y1-xNdx)(2)BaNiO5 (x=1, 0.75, 0.50, 0.25)" // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 111 (2), 204-208 (2010).
A.V. Potapov, S.F. Kol'yakov, "Investigation of influence of electric field on optical circular dichroism of crude oil" // Optics and Spectroscopy, 108 (6), 968-969 (2010).
A.V. Potapov, V.A. Panfilov, L.A. Surin, B.S. Dumesh, "The Problem of the Structure (State of Helium) in Small He-N-CO Clusters" // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 111 (5), 770-775 (2010).
S.Y. Pung, K.L. Choy, E.A. Vinogradov, N.N. Novikova, V.A. Yakovlev, "Structural and infrared properties of zinc oxide film and nanowires" // Journal of Crystal Growth, 312 (15), 2220-2225 (2010).
P.L. Raston, Y. Xu, W. Jager, A.V. Potapov, L.A. Surin, B.S. Dumesh, S. Schlemmer, "Rotational study of carbon monoxide isotopologues in small He-4 clusters" // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12 (29), 8260-8267 (2010).
D.V. Serebryakov, I.V. Morozov, A.A. Kosterev, V.S. Letokhov, "Laser microphotoacoustic sensor of ammonia traces in the atmosphere" // Quantum Electronics, 40 (2), 167-172 (2010).
V.V. Shlyapin, A.G. Mal'shukov, "Aharonov-Casher oscillations of spin current through a multichannel mesoscopic ring" // Physical Review B, 82 (11), 115329 (2010).
D.V. Shtansky, N.A. Gloushankova, A.N. Sheveiko, P.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, I.A. Bashkova, B.N. Mavrin, S.G. Ignatov, S.Y. Filippovich, C. Rojas, "Si-doped multifunctional bioactive nanostructured films" // Surface & Coatings Technology, 205 (3), 728-739 (2010).
D. Shulyak, T. Ryabchikova, R. Kildiyarova, O. Kochukhov, "Realistic model atmosphere and revised abundances of the coolest Ap star HD 101065" // Astronomy & Astrophysics, 520, A88 (2010).
N.V. Sidorov, A.A. Yanichev, P.G. Chufyrev, M.N. Palatnikov, B.N. Mavrin, "RAMAN SPECTRA OF PHOTOREFRACTIVE LITHIUM NIOBATE SINGLE CRYSTALS" // Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 77 (1), 110-114 (2010).
L. Silvestri, V.M. Agranovich, "Direct photogeneration of biexcitons via virtual single-exciton and biexciton states in PbSe quantum dots" // Physical Review B, 81 (20), 205302 (2010).
E.O. Smetanina, A.E. Dormidonov, V.O. Kompanets, "Supercontinuum conical emission accompanying filamentation of a femtosecond laser pulse in fused quartz" // Journal of Optical Technology, 77 (7), 463-464 (2010).
A.G. Stepanov, S. Henin, Y. Petit, L. Bonacina, J. Kasparian, J.P. Wolf, "Mobile source of high-energy single-cycle terahertz pulses" // Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics, 101 (1-2), 11-14 (2010).
E. Vinogradov, B. Mavrin, N. Novikova, V. Yakovlev, "Inverted optical phonons in II-VI semiconducting compounds" // Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, 247 (6), 1480-1484 (2010).
L.Y. Wang, C.S. Chu, A.G. Mal'shukov, "Spin generation in a Rashba-type diffusive electron system by nonuniform driving field" // Physical Review B, 81 (11), 115312 (2010).
Y.Q. Wu, J.M. Ward, V.G. Minogin, S.N. Chormaic, "Trapping of a microsphere pendulum through cavity-enhanced optical forces" // Physica Scripta, T140, 014040 (2010).
V.I. Yudson, P. Reineker, "Quantum optics in waveguides with resonant atoms: Multi-photon scattering" // Optics and Spectroscopy, 108 (3), 362-369 (2010).
A. Zybin, Y.A. Kuritsyn, E.L. Gurevich, V.V. Temchura, K. Uberla, K. Niemax, "Real-time Detection of Single Immobilized Nanoparticles by Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging" // Plasmonics, 5 (1), 31-35 (2010).
Publications in 2009
V.M. Agranovich, O.A. Dubovskii, "Spectra of the quardupole-dipole superlattice" // Physics of the Solid State, 51 (8), 1634-1639 (2009).
V.M. Akulin, Y.E. Lozovik, I.E. Mazets, A.G. Rudavets, A. Sarfati, "Tunneling electroconductance of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates" // Physical Review A, 79 (6), 063614 (2009).
P.S. Antsiferov, L.A. Dorokhin, Y.V. Sidelnikov, K.N. Koshelev, "Fast discharge in a plasma gun with hemispherical insulator" // Journal of Applied Physics, 105 (10), 103305 (2009).
S.A. Aseev, B.N. Mironov, V.G. Minogin, S.V. Chekalin, V.S. Letokhov, "Visualization of the Spatio-Temporal Structure of a Pulsed Photoelectron Beam Formed by Femtosecond Laser Radiation" // Jetp Letters, 90 (1), 13-17 (2009).
G.E. Astrakharchik, J. Boronat, J. Casulleras, I.L. Kurbakov, Y.E. Lozovik, "Equation of state of a weakly interacting two-dimensional Bose gas studied at zero temperature by means of quantum Monte Carlo methods" // Physical Review A, 79 (5), 051602 (2009).
V.E. Babicheva, Y.E. Lozovik, "Role of propagating slit mode in enhanced transmission through slit arrays in a metallic films" // Optical and Quantum Electronics, 41 (4), 299-313 (2009).
V.V. Balashov, V.K. Dolinov, A.A. Sokolik, "Polarization of photons emitted in the process of resonant coherent excitation of relativistic ions under planar channeling conditions" // Jetp Letters, 89 (8), 399-403 (2009).
V.V. Balashov, A.A. Sokolik, A. Stysin, "Characteristic X-ray radiation and Auger electrons from resonant coherently excited highly charged ions under channeling" // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 267 (6), 905-907 (2009).
V.V. Balashov, A.A. Sokolik, A.V. Stysin, "Kinetics of double resonant coherent excitation of relativistic multicharged ions in crystals beyond the channeling conditions" // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 108 (6), 1010-1018 (2009).
V.V. Balashov, A.A. Sokolik, A.V. Stysin, "Angular anisotropy of the RCE X-rays under planar channeling as manifestation of geometric properties of the in-crystal electric field" // Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 267 (10), 1772-1778 (2009).
S.A. Belousov, M.V. Bogdanova, I.A. Valuev, A.V. Deinega, S.L. Eiderman, A.A. Knizhnik, I.Y. Polischuk, Y.E. Lozovik, B.V. Potapkin, Y.A. Uspenskii, E.T. Kulatov, A.A. Titov, S. Zalyubovsky, B. Ramamurthi, "PREDICTIVE SIMULATION OF THE OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF METAL-DIELECTRIC METAMATERIALS" // Russian Physics Journal, 52 (11), 1135-1143 (2009).
O.L. Berman, V.S. Boyko, R.Y. Kezerashvili, Y.E. Lozovik, "Monochromatic Infrared Wave Propagation in 2D Superconductor-Dielectric Photonic Crystal" // Laser Physics, 19 (10), 2035-2040 (2009).
O.L. Berman, R.Y. Kezerashvili, Y.E. Lozovik, "Bose-Einstein condensation of trapped polaritons in two-dimensional electron-hole systems in a high magnetic field" // Physical Review B, 80 (11), 115302 (2009).
E. Bichoutskaia, O.V. Ershova, Y.E. Lozovik, A.M. Popov, "Ab initio calculations of the walls shear strength of carbon nanotubes" // Technical Physics Letters, 35 (7), 666-669 (2009).
E. Bichoutskaia, A.M. Popov, Y.E. Lozovik, O.V. Ershova, I.V. Lebedeva, A.A. Knizhnik, "Modeling of an ultrahigh-frequency resonator based on the relative vibrations of carbon nanotubes" // Physical Review B, 80 (16), 165427 (2009).
M.A. Bolshov, Y.A. Kuritsyn, V.V. Liger, V.R. Mironenko, S.B. Leonov, D.A. Yarantsev, "Measurements of gas parameters in plasma-assisted supersonic combustion processes using diode laser spectroscopy" // Quantum Electronics, 39 (9), 869-878 (2009).
M.A. Bol'shov, A.A. Makarov, V.P. Mironenko, "On the observation of molecular rotational spectra in condensed media" // Physics-Uspekhi, 52 (12), 1279-1281 (2009).
C.H. Chang, J. Tsai, H.F. Lo, A.G. Mal'shukov, "Semiclassical path integral approach for spin relaxations in narrow wires" // Physical Review B, 79 (12), 125310 (2009).
R.S. Chang, C.S. Chu, A.G. Mal'shukov, "Competing interplay between Rashba and cubic-k Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions in spin-Hall effect" // Physical Review B, 79 (19), 195314 (2009).
S.S. Churilov, R.R. Kildiyarova, A.N. Ryabtsev, S.V. Sadovsky, "EUV spectra of Gd and Tb ions excited in laser-produced and vacuum spark plasmas" // Physica Scripta, 80 (4), 045303 (2009).
A.V. Deinega, I.V. Konistyapina, M.V. Bogdanova, I.A. Valuev, Y.E. Lozovik, B.V. Potapkin, "OPTIMIZATION OF AN ANTI-REFLECTIVE LAYER OF SOLAR PANELS BASED ON AB INITIO CALCULATIONS" // Russian Physics Journal, 52 (11), 1128-1134 (2009).
A.E. Dormidonov, V.P. Kandidov, V.O. Kompanets, S.V. Chekalin, "Discrete conical emission rings observed upon filamentation of a femtosecond laser pulse in quartz" // Quantum Electronics, 39 (7), 653-657 (2009).
G.A. El, A.M. Kamchatnov, V.V. Khodorovskii, E.S. Annibale, A. Gammal, "Two-dimensional supersonic nonlinear Schrodinger flow past an extended obstacle" // Physical Review E, 80 (4), 046317 (2009).
I.Y. Eremchev, A.V. Naumov, A.A. Gorshelev, Y.G. Vainer, L. Kador, J. Kohler, "Do impurity chromophores affect the tunneling dynamics of an amorphous polymer? Investigation by single-molecule spectroscopy" // Molecular Physics, 107 (18), 1943-1953 (2009).
I.Y. Eremchev, A.V. Naumov, Y.G. Vainer, L. Kador, "Effect of impurity molecules on the low-temperature vibrational dynamics of polyisobutylene: Investigation by single-molecule spectroscopy" // Journal of Chemical Physics, 130 (18), 184507 (2009).
A. Filinov, P. Ludwig, M. Bonitz, Y.E. Lozovik, "Effective interaction potential and superfluid-solid transition of spatially indirect excitons" // Journal of Physics a-Mathematical and Theoretical, 42 (21), 214016 (2009).
K. Gielissen, Y. Sidelnikov, D. Glushkov, W.A. Soer, V. Banine, J. van der Mullen, "Gated pinhole camera imaging of the high-energy ions emitted by a discharge produced Sn plasma for extreme ultraviolet generation" // Journal of Applied Physics, 106 (8), 083301 (2009).
Y.G. Gladush, A.M. Kamchatnov, Z. Shi, P.G. Kevrekidis, D.J. Frantzeskakis, B.A. Malomed, "Wave patterns generated by a supersonic moving body in a binary Bose-Einstein condensate" // Physical Review A, 79 (3), 033623 (2009).
V. Godinho, V.N. Denisov, B.N. Mavrin, N.N. Novikova, E.A. Vinogradov, V.A. Yakovlev, C. Fernandez-Ramos, M.C.J. de Haro, A. Fernandez, "Vibrational spectroscopy characterization of magnetron sputtered silicon oxide and silicon oxynitride films" // Applied Surface Science, 256 (1), 156-164 (2009).
I.Y. Grigoryeva, V.N. Borovik, M.A. Livshits, V.E. Abramov-Maximov, L.V. Opeikina, V.M. Bogod, A.N. Korzhavin, "Post-Eruptive Arcade Formation in the 25 January 2007 CME/Flare Limb Event: Microwave Observations with the RATAN-600 Radio Telescope" // Solar Physics, 260 (1), 157-175 (2009).
T.L. Horng, S.C. Gou, T.C. Lin, G.A. El, A.P. Itin, A.M. Kamchatnov, "Stationary wave patterns generated by an impurity moving with supersonic velocity through a Bose-Einstein condensate" // Physical Review A, 79 (5), 053619 (2009).
E.P. Ivanova, "Energy levels in Ag-like (4d(10)4f, 4d(10)5l (l=0-3)), Pd-like (4d(9)4f J=1 , 4d(9)5p J=1 , 4d(9)5f J=1 ), and Rh-like (4d(9) J=5/2, 3/2 ) ions with Z <= 86" // Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 95 (6), 786-804 (2009).
E.P. Ivanova, "Radiative transition probabilities in ions of the silver isoelectronic sequence" // Optics and Spectroscopy, 107 (1), 1-8 (2009).
A.V. Kalinin, V.N. Krasheninnikov, A.V. Potapov, "Effect of dispersion structure variation on chemometrical calibration of near-infrared spectrometer: Protein fractions in milk and reversed micelles solutions" // Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 97 (1), 33-38 (2009).
A.M. Kamchatnov, M. Salerno, "Dark soliton oscillations in Bose-Einstein condensates with multi-body interactions" // Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 42 (18), 185303 (2009).
S.A. Klimin, D.S. Pytalev, "Tm3+ interactions in LiYF4 studied by high-resolution spectroscopy" // Journal of Rare Earths, 27 (4), 633-636 (2009).
M.A. Kol'chenko, A.A.L. Nicolet, M.D. Galouzis, C. Hofmann, B. Kozankiewicz, M. Orrit, "Single molecules detect ultra-slow oscillators in a molecular crystal excited by ac voltages" // New Journal of Physics, 11, 023037 (2009).
V.O. Kompanets, V.B. Laptev, S.V. Pigul'skn, E.A. Ryabov, S.V. Chekalin, "Formation of Microstructured Iron-Containing Films during the Dissociation of Iron Pentacarbonyl under the Action of Femtosecond Pulsed Resonance Laser Radiation" // Technical Physics Letters, 35 (8), 720-724 (2009).
V.N. Konopsky, E.V. Alieva, "Long-range plasmons in lossy metal films on photonic crystal surfaces" // Optics Letters, 34 (4), 479-481 (2009).
V.N. Konopsky, D.V. Basmanov, E.V. Alieva, D.I. Dolgy, E.D. Olshansky, S.K. Sekatskii, G. Dietler, "Registration of long-range surface plasmon resonance by angle-scanning feedback and its implementation for optical hydrogen sensing" // New Journal of Physics, 11, 063049 (2009).
I.V. Lebedeva, A.A. Knizhnik, A.M. Popov, Y.E. Lozovik, B.V. Potapkin, "Dissipation and fluctuations in nanoelectromechanical systems based on carbon nanotubes" // Nanotechnology, 20 (10), 105202 (2009).
A.M. Leszczyszyn, G.A. El, Y.G. Gladush, A.M. Kamchatnov, "Transcritical flow of a Bose-Einstein condensate through a penetrable barrier" // Physical Review A, 79 (6), 063608 (2009).
M.M. Lezhnina, E. Jordan, S.A. Klimin, J. Lons, H. Koller, B.N. Mavrin, U. Kynast, "Fluoride Containing Guest Species in Alumosilicates: Tetrafluoroborate in the Sodalite Na8Al6Si6O24(BF4)(2)" // Zeitschrift Fur Anorganische Und Allgemeine Chemie, 635 (3), 450-455 (2009).
M. Litinskaya, V.M. Agranovich, "In-gap polaritons in uniformly filled microcavities" // Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 21 (41), 415301 (2009).
V.N. Lokhman, D.D. Ogurok, E.A. Ryabov, "Multiphoton dissociation of CF3I clusters by IR laser radiation" // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 108 (5), 727-737 (2009).
Y.E. Lozovik, A.A. Sokolik, "Multi-band pairing of ultrarelativistic electrons and holes in graphene bilayer" // Physics Letters A, 374 (2), 326-330 (2009).
Y.E. Lozovik, A.A. Sokolik, M. Willander, "Coherent phases and magnetoexcitons in graphene" // Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 206 (5), 927-930 (2009).
G.N. Makarov, "The spectroscopy of clusters by intense pulses of VUV radiation from free electron lasers" // Physics-Uspekhi, 52 (5), 461-486 (2009).
G.N. Makarov, A.N. Petin, "Temperature determination of (CO2)(N) nanoparticles in a cluster beam using SF6 molecules as probe thermometers" // Chemical Physics Letters, 484 (1-3), 14-17 (2009).
G.N. Makarov, A.N. Petin, "Detection of SF6 molecules sublimating from the surface of (CO2) (N) nanoparticles in a cluster beam by the infrared multiphoton excitation method" // Jetp Letters, 89 (8), 404-408 (2009).
S.V. Malinovskaya, A.V. Glushkov, O.Y. Khetselius, A.A. Svinarenko, E.V. Mischenko, T.A. Florko, "Optimized Perturbation Theory Scheme for Calculating the Interatomic Potentials and Hyperfine Lines Shift for Heavy Atoms in the Buffer Inert Gas" // International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 109 (14), 3325-3329 (2009).
L. Mashonkina, T. Ryabchikova, A. Ryabtsev, R. Kildiyarova, "Non-LTE line formation for Pr II and Pr III in A and Ap stars" // Astronomy & Astrophysics, 495 (1), 297-311 (2009).
D.L. Maslov, V.I. Yudson, A.M. Somoza, M. Ortuno, "Delocalization by Disorder in Layered Systems" // Physical Review Letters, 102 (21), 216601 (2009).
P.N. Melentiev, A.V. Zablotskiy, D.A. Lapshin, E.P. Sheshin, A.S. Baturin, V.I. Balykin, "Nanolithography based on an atom pinhole camera" // Nanotechnology, 20 (23), 235301 (2009).
A.A. Melnikov, S.V. Chekalin, "Comment on "Ultrafast Dynamics of Polarons in Conductive Polyaniline: Comparison of Primary and Secondary Doped Forms"" // Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113 (40), 13454-13455 (2009).
A.A. Mel'nikov, O.V. Misochko, S.V. Chekalin, "Investigation of coherent phonons in bismuth by femtosecond laser and X-ray pulse probing" // Jetp Letters, 89 (3), 129-132 (2009).
V.D. Mur, N.B. Narozhny, A.N. Petrosyan, Y.E. Lozovik, "Quantum dot version of topological phase: Half-integer orbital angular momenta" // Jetp Letters, 88 (10), 688-692 (2009).
M.V. Narozhnyy, S.A. Klimin, E.A. Popova, G. Dhalenne, "Evidences for non-equivalent centers in mixed chain nickelates (NdxY1-x)(2)BaNiO5" // Journal of Rare Earths, 27 (4), 603-606 (2009).
A.V. Naumov, A.A. Gorshelev, Y.G. Vainer, L. Kador, J. Kohler, "Far-Field Nanodiagnostics of Solids with Visible Light by Spectrally Selective Imaging" // Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 48 (51), 9747-9750 (2009).
A.V. Naumov, Y.G. Vainer, "Single molecules as spectral nanoprobes for the diagnostics of dynamic processes in solid media" // Physics-Uspekhi, 52 (3), 298-304 (2009).
A.V. Naumov, Y.G. Vainer, L. Kador, "Frequency dependence of the quadratic electron-phonon coupling constant in a polymer glass: Direct measurement by single-molecule spectroscopy" // Physical Review B, 79 (13), 132201 (2009).
I.V. Ovchinnikov, K.L. Wang, "Voltage sensitivity of Curie temperature in ultrathin metallic films" // Physical Review B, 80 (1), 012405 (2009).
N. Patronis, H. De Witte, M. Gorska, M. Huyse, K. Kruglov, D. Pauwels, K. Van de Vel, P. Van Duppen, J. Van Roosbroeck, J.C. Thomas, S. Franchoo, J. Cederkall, V.N. Fedoseyev, H. Fynbo, U. Georg, O. Jonsson, U. Koster, T. Materna, L. Mathieu, O. Serot, L. Weissman, W.F. Mueller, V.I. Mishin, D. Fedorov, "beta-decay study of Cu-77" // Physical Review C, 80 (3), 034307 (2009).
A.M. Popov, Y.E. Lozovik, E. Bichoutskaia, G.S. Ivanchenko, N.G. Lebedev, E.K. Krivorotov, "An Electromechanical Nanothermometer Based on Thermal Vibrations of Carbon Nanotube Walls" // Physics of the Solid State, 51 (6), 1306-1314 (2009).
A.M. Popov, Y.E. Lozovik, A.S. Sobennikov, A.A. Knizhnik, "Nanomechanical properties and phase transitions in a double-walled (5,5)@(10,10) carbon nanotube: ab initio calculations" // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 108 (4), 621-628 (2009).
D.M. Popova, B.N. Mavrin, V.N. Denisov, E.A. Skryleva, "Spectroscopic and first-principles studies of boron-doped diamond: Raman polarizability and local vibrational bands" // Diamond and Related Materials, 18 (5-8), 850-853 (2009).
D.M. Popova, B.N. Mavrin, A.V. Solov'yov, "AB INITIO INVESTIGATION OF ELECTRONIC AND VIBRATIONAL PROPERTIES OF ZnS AND ZnSe CRYSTALS BY DIFFERENT XC-FUNCTIONALS" // International Journal of Modern Physics B, 23 (19), 3643-3655 (2009).
M.N. Popova, "Spectroscopy of compounds from the family of rare-earth orthoborates" // Journal of Rare Earths, 27 (4), 607-611 (2009).
M.N. Popova, T.N. Stanislavchuk, B.Z. Malkin, L.N. Bezmaternykh, "Optical spectroscopy of PrFe3(BO3)(4): Crystal-field and anisotropic Pr-Fe exchange interactions" // Physical Review B, 80 (19), 195101 (2009).
M.N. Popova, T.N. Stanislavchuk, B.Z. Malkin, L.N. Bezmaternykh, "Breaking of the Selection Rules for Optical Transitions in the Dielectric PrFe3(BO3)(4) Crystal by a Praseodymium-Iron Exchange Interaction" // Physical Review Letters, 102 (18), 187403 (2009).
A.V. Potapov, V.A. Panfilov, A.A. Dolgov, L.A. Surin, B.S. Dumesh, "Microwave spectroscopy of the weakly bound CO-ortho-D-2 molecular complex" // Optics and Spectroscopy, 106 (5), 655-659 (2009).
A.V. Potapov, L.A. Surin, V.A. Panfilov, B.S. Dumesh, "Millimeter-wave spectroscopy of weakly bound molecular complexes: Isotopologues of He-CO" // Optics and Spectroscopy, 106 (2), 183-189 (2009).
A.V. Potapov, L.A. Surin, V.A. Panfilov, B.S. Dumesh, T.F. Giesen, S. Schlemmer, P.L. Raston, W. Jager, "ROTATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY OF THE CO-PARA-H-2 MOLECULAR COMPLEX" // Astrophysical Journal, 703 (2), 2108-2112 (2009).
D.S. Pytalev, S.A. Klimin, M.N. Popova, "Optical high-resolution spectroscopic study of Tm3+ crystal-field levels in LiLuF4" // Journal of Rare Earths, 27 (4), 624-626 (2009).
L. Russell, D.A. Gleeson, V.G. Minogin, S.N. Chormaic, "Spectral distribution of atomic fluorescence coupled into an optical nanofibre" // Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, 42 (18), 185006 (2009).
A.N. Ryabtsev, "4p (5)4d (2) configuration in the spectra of rubidium-like Ru VIII and Rh IX ions" // Optics and Spectroscopy, 107 (2), 252-254 (2009).
A.N. Ryabtsev, E.Y. Kononov, S.S. Churilov, "Spectrum of calcium-like copper Cu X" // Optics and Spectroscopy, 106 (2), 163-169 (2009).
U.I. Safronova, M.S. Safronova, "Correlation and relativistic effects for the 4f-nl multipole transitions in Yb III ions" // Physical Review A, 79 (3), 032511 (2009).
E.V. Savinkina, E.A. Buravlev, I.A. Zamilatskov, D.V. Albov, V.V. Kravchenko, M.G. Zaitseva, B.N. Mavrin, "Zinc Iodide Complexes of Propaneamide, Benzamide, Dimethylurea, and Thioacetamide: Syntheses and Structures" // Zeitschrift Fur Anorganische Und Allgemeine Chemie, 635 (9-10), 1458-1462 (2009).
E.V. Savinkina, B.N. Mavrin, D.V. Al'bov, V.V. Kravchenko, M.G. Zaitseva, "Polyiodide amide complexes of transition metals: Structures and raman spectra" // Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 35 (2), 96-100 (2009).
N.R. Serebryanaya, G.A. Dubitskii, V.D. Blank, B.N. Mavrin, L.A. Chernozatonskii, E.A. Skryleva, E.V. Skokan, V.V. Aksenenkov, "Effect of high-pressure high-temperature treatment on the structure of a hexagonal modification of fullerite C-60" // Polymer Science Series A, 51 (10), 1049-1059 (2009).
D.V. Shtansky, P.V. Kiryukhantsev-Korneev, A.N. Sheveyko, B.N. Mavrin, C. Rojas, A. Fernandez, E.A. Levashov, "Comparative investigation of TiAlC(N), TiCrAlC(N), and CrAlC(N) coatings deposited by sputtering of MAX-phase Ti2-xCrxAlC targets" // Surface & Coatings Technology, 203 (23), 3595-3609 (2009).
N.V. Sidorov, A.A. Yanichev, P.G. Chufyrev, B.N. Mavrin, M.N. Palatnikov, V.T. Kalinnikov, "Laser-induced sublattice of the micro- and nanostructures in the photorefractive singe crystals of lithium niobate" // Doklady Chemistry, 428, 252-254 (2009).
N.V. Sidorov, A.A. Yanichev, P.G. Chufyrev, M.N. Palatnikov, B.N. Mavrin, K. Bormanis, "Micro- and Nano-Structures of Nominally Pure Stoichiometric Lithium Niobate Single Crystal in Raman Spectra" // Integrated Ferroelectrics, 109, 48-54 (2009).
I. Stepanenko, V. Kompanetz, Z. Makhneva, S. Chekalin, A. Moskalenko, A. Razjivin, "Two-Photon Excitation Spectroscopy of Carotenoid-Containing and Carotenoid-Depleted LH2 Complexes from Purple Bacteria" // Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113 (34), 11720-11723 (2009).
I.A. Stepanenko, V.O. Kompanets, S.V. Chekalin, Z.K. Makhneva, A.A. Moskalenko, R.Y. Pishchainikov, A.P. Razjivin, "Two-Photon Excitation Spectrum of Fluorescence of the Light-Harvesting Complex B800-850 from Allochromatium minutissimum within 1200-1500 (600-750) nm Spectral Range is not Carotenoid Mediated" // Biologicheskie Membrany, 26 (3), 180-187 (2009).
A.G. Stepanov, "Efficient generation of terahertz radiation by the method of optical rectification of terawatt laser pulses" // Optics and Spectroscopy, 107 (4), 529-533 (2009).
A.P. Vinogradov, Y.E. Lozovik, A.M. Merzlikin, A.V. Dorofeenko, I. Vitebskiy, A. Figotin, A.B. Granovsky, A.A. Lisyansky, "Inverse Borrmann effect in photonic crystals" // Physical Review B, 80 (23), 235106 (2009).
E.A. Vinogradov, I.A. Dorofeyev, "Thermally stimulated electromagnetic fields of solids" // Physics-Uspekhi, 52 (5), 425-459 (2009).
A.G. Vitukhnovsky, A.S. Shul'ga, S.A. Ambrozevich, E.M. Khokhlov, R.B. Vasiliev, D.N. Dirin, V.I. Yudson, "Effect of branching of tetrapod-shaped CdTe/CdSe nanocrystal heterostructures on their luminescence" // Physics Letters A, 373 (26), 2287-2290 (2009).
J.M. Ward, Y. Wu, V.G. Minogin, S.N. Chormaic, "Trapping of a microsphere pendulum resonator in an optical potential" // Physical Review A, 79 (5), 053839 (2009).
M. Willander, Y.E. Lozovik, A. Wadeasa, O. Nur, A.G. Semenov, N.S. Vonorova, "Light emission from different ZnO junctions and nanostructures" // Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science, 206 (5), 853-859 (2009).
V.A. Yakovlev, N.N. Novikova, E.A. Vinogradov, S.S. Ng, Z. Hassan, H. Abu Hassan, "Strong coupling of sapphire surface polariton with aluminum nitride film phonon" // Physics Letters A, 373 (27-28), 2382-2384 (2009).
Publications in 2008
- Letokhov V.S. Dalla Siberia alla scienza del laser.-Roma: Di Renzo Editore, 2008.-122 p.
- Antonyuk B.P. Light-Driven Alignment.-Berlin: Springer, 2008.-XI, 241p.-(Spriger ser.in Optical Sciences 141).
ISI Web of Science:
1 . Title: X-ray laser on transitions of Pd-like ions from ErXXIII to ReXXX Author(s): Ivanova EP Source: QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 38 Issue: 10 Pages: 917-922 Published: OCT 2008 Times Cited: 1
2. Title: Anthracene-Based Organic Field-Effect Transistor: Temperature Dependence of the Current-Voltage Characteristics Author(s): Nicolet AAL, Hofinann C, Kol'chenk MA, et al. Source: MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS Volume: 497 Pages: 550-559 Published: 2008 Times Cited: 0
3. Title: Quantum dot version of topological phase: Half-integer orbital angular momenta Author(s): Mur VD, Narozhny NB, Petrosyan AN, et al. Source: JETP LETTERS Volume: 88 Issue: 10 Pages: 688-692 Published: NOV 2008 Times Cited: 0
4. Title: Scanning tunneling microscopy and kinetic Monte Carlo investigation of cesium superlattices on Ag(111) Author(s): Ziegler M, Kroger J, Berndt R, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 78 Issue: 24 Article Number: 245427 Published: DEC 2008 Times Cited: 11
5. Title: Formation of Extended Periodic Microstructures by "Point" Irradiation of Gold Film by Femtosecond Laser Pulses Author(s): Mironov BN, Aseev SA, Makin VS, et al. Source: JETP LETTERS Volume: 88 Issue: 4 Pages: 261-263 Published: AUG 25 2008 Times Cited: 0
6. Title: Control of the Motion of Nanoelectromechanical Systems Based on Carbon Nanotubes by Electric Fields Author(s): Ershova OV, Lozovik YE, Popov AM, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 107 Issue: 4 Pages: 653-661 Published: OCT 2008 Times Cited: 5
7. Title: Absorption Measurements of Cell Monolayers Relevant to Mechanisms of Laser Phototherapy: Reduction or Oxidation of Cytochrome c Oxidase Under Laser Radiation at 632.8 nm Author(s): Karu TI, Pyatibrat LV, Kolyakov SF, et al. Source: PHOTOMEDICINE AND LASER SURGERY Volume: 26 Issue: 6 Pages: 593-599 Published: DEC 2008 Times Cited: 4
8. Title: Investigation of atomic and molecular clustering in a pulsed gas-dynamic jet with a pyroelectric detector Author(s): Makarov GN, Petin AN Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 107 Issue: 5 Pages: 725-733 Published: NOV 2008 Times Cited: 6
9. Title: Spectra of rubidium-like Pd X-Sn XIV ions Author(s): Ryabtsev AN, Kononov EY, Churilov SS Source: OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 105 Issue: 6 Pages: 844-850 Published: DEC 2008 Times Cited: 2
10. Title: Rotational Study of Carbon Monoxide Solvated with Helium Atoms Author(s): Surin LA, Potapov AV, Dumesh BS, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 101 Issue: 23 Article Number: 233401 Published: DEC 5 2008 Times Cited: 11
11. Title: Generation of 30 mu J single-cycle terahertz pulses at 100 Hz repetition rate by optical rectification Author(s): Stepanov AG, Bonacina L, Chekalin SV, et al. Source: OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 33 Issue: 21 Pages: 2497-2499 Published: NOV 1 2008 Times Cited: 23
12. Title: Laser separation of nitrogen isotopes by the IR plus UV dissociation of ammonia molecules Author(s): Apatin VM, Klimin SA, Laptev VB, et al. Source: QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 38 Issue: 8 Pages: 775-782 Published: AUG 2008 Times Cited: 0
13. Title: Band structure of superconducting photonic crystals Author(s): Lozovik YE, Eiderman SL Source: PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE Volume: 50 Issue: 11 Pages: 2024-2027 Published: NOV 2008 Times Cited: 1
14. Title: High-accuracy calculation of energies, lifetimes, hyperfine constants, multipole polarizabilities, and blackbody radiation shift in K-39 Author(s): Safronova UI, Safronova MS Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 78 Issue: 5 Article Number: 052504 Published: NOV 2008 Times Cited: 9
15. Title: Multiphoton scattering in a one-dimensional waveguide with resonant atoms Author(s): Yudson VI, Reineker P Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 78 Issue: 5 Article Number: 052713 Published: NOV 2008 Times Cited: 2
16. Title: Instability of dipole magnetoexcitons in quantum wells' and graphene superlattices Author(s): Berman OL, Kezerashvili RY, Lozovik YE Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 372 Issue: 43 Pages: 6536-6540 Published: OCT 20 2008 Times Cited: 3
17. Title: Achromatic reconstruction of femtosecond holograms in the planar optical waveguide Author(s): Smolovich AM, Alvarez E, Aseyev SA, et al. Source: OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 33 Issue: 20 Pages: 2401-2403 Published: OCT 15 2008 Times Cited: 0
18. Title: Collective electron phenomena in graphene Author(s): Lozovik YE, Merkulova SP, Sokolik AA Source: PHYSICS-USPEKHI Volume: 51 Issue: 7 Pages: 727-744 Published: JUL 2008 Times Cited: 10
19. Title: Asymmetries in intrinsic spin-Hall effect in low in-plane magnetic field Author(s): Wang LY, Chu CS, Mal'shukov AG Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 78 Issue: 15 Article Number: 155302 Published: OCT 2008 Times Cited: 2
20. Title: Near-infrared luminescence of RbPb2Cl5 : Bi crystals Author(s): Okhrimchuk AG, Butvina LN, Dianov EM, et al. Source: OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 33 Issue: 19 Pages: 2182-2184 Published: OCT 1 2008 Times Cited: 11
21. Title: High-resolution spectroscopy of YbAl3(BO3)(4) stoichiometric nonlinear laser crystals Author(s): Popova MN, Boldyrev KN, Petit PO, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER Volume: 20 Issue: 45 Article Number: 455210 Published: NOV 12 2008 Times Cited: 3
22. Title: Matter sound waves in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates Author(s): Baizakov BB, Kamchatnov AM, Salerno M Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS Volume: 41 Issue: 21 Article Number: 215302 Published: NOV 14 2008 Times Cited: 2
23. Title: Tailoring the Surface of NiTi Alloy Using PIRAC Nitriding Followed by Anodization and Phosphonate Monolayer Deposition Author(s): Zorn G, Adadi R, Brener R, et al. Source: CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS Volume: 20 Issue: 16 Pages: 5368-5374 Published: AUG 26 2008 Times Cited: 4
24. Title: Raman scattering by defect-induced excitations in boron-doped diamond single crystals Author(s): Blank VD, Denisov VN, Kirichenko AN, et al. Source: DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS Volume: 17 Issue: 11 Pages: 1840-1843 Published: NOV 2008 Times Cited: 2
25. Title: Uniaxially deformed (5,5) carbon nanotube: Structural transitions Author(s): Poklonski NA, Kislyakov EF, Nguyen NH, et al. Source: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 464 Issue: 4-6 Pages: 187-191 Published: OCT 23 2008 Times Cited: 6
26. Title: Single- and two-particle excitations in a 1D aperiodic sequence of quantum dots Author(s): Kaputkina NE, Lozovik YE, Muntyanu RF, et al. Source: PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE Volume: 88 Issue: 13-15 Pages: 2253-2259 Published: 2008 Times Cited: 1
27. Title: PORTABLE MILK PRODUCT QUALITY ANALYZER BASED ON SPECTROMETRY IN THE NEAR IR RANGE Author(s): Kalinin AV, Krasheninnikov VN Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 75 Issue: 2 Pages: 288-294 Published: MAR 2008 Times Cited: 1
28. Title: A novel feature of intramolecular vibrational redistribution in propargyl alcohol and propargyl amine Author(s): Makarov AA, Malinovsky AL, Ryabov EA Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 129 Issue: 11 Article Number: 116102 Published: SEP 21 2008 Times Cited: 1
29. Title: Synthesis and characterization of single-walled carbon nanotubes filled with the superionic material SnF2 Author(s): Zakalyukin RM, Mavrin BN, Dem'yanets LN, et al. Source: CARBON Volume: 46 Issue: 12 Pages: 1574-1578 Published: OCT 2008 Times Cited: 1
30. Title: Spin Hall effect in a Josephson contact Author(s): Mal'shukov AG, Chu CS Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 78 Issue: 10 Article Number: 104503 Published: SEP 2008 Times Cited: 2
31. Title: Anomalous far-infrared monochromatic transmission through a film of type-II superconductor in magnetic field Author(s): Berman OL, Boyko VS, Kezerashvili RY, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 78 Issue: 9 Article Number: 094506 Published: SEP 2008 Times Cited: 1
32. Title: Nanorelay based on multi-walled nanotubes Author(s): Kulish AS, Popov AM, Lozovik YE, et al. Source: FULLERENES NANOTUBES AND CARBON NANOSTRUCTURES Volume: 16 Issue: 5-6 Pages: 340-343 Published: 2008 Times Cited: 2
33. Title: Electromechanical nanothermometer based on carbon nanotubes Author(s): Popov AM, Lozovik YE, Bichoutskaia E, et al. Source: FULLERENES NANOTUBES AND CARBON NANOSTRUCTURES Volume: 16 Issue: 5-6 Pages: 352-356 Published: 2008 Times Cited: 1
34. Title: NEMS based on carbon nanotube: New method of control Author(s): Ershova OV, Lozovik YE, Popov AM, et al. Source: FULLERENES NANOTUBES AND CARBON NANOSTRUCTURES Volume: 16 Issue: 5-6 Pages: 374-378 Published: 2008 Times Cited: 2
35. Title: Study of nitrogen isotope-selective two-stage IR plus UV dissociation of ammonia molecules Author(s): Apatin VM, Klimin SA, Laptev VB, et al. Source: HIGH ENERGY CHEMISTRY Volume: 42 Issue: 5 Pages: 409-417 Published: SEP 2008 Times Cited: 0
36. Title: Magnetoplasmons in layered graphene structures Author(s): Berman OL, Gumbs G, Lozovik YE Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 78 Issue: 8 Article Number: 085401 Published: AUG 2008 Times Cited: 5
37. Title: Interwall conductance in double-walled armchair carbon nanotubes Author(s): Poklonski NA, Hieu NN, Kislyakov EF, et al. Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 372 Issue: 35 Pages: 5706-5711 Published: AUG 25 2008 Times Cited: 2
38. Title: Lines of Ho3+-Ho3+ pair centers in optical spectra of LiYF4 and LiLuF4 crystals Author(s): Pytalev DS, Klimin SA, Popova MN Source: PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE Volume: 50 Issue: 9 Pages: 1652-1655 Published: SEP 2008 Times Cited: 1
39. Title: Spectroscopic investigation of rare-earth chromium borates RCr3(BO3)(4) (R = Nd, Sm) Author(s): Boldyrev KN, Chukalina EP, Leonyuk NI Source: PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE Volume: 50 Issue: 9 Pages: 1681-1683 Published: SEP 2008 Times Cited: 1
40. Title: Spectroscopy of cooperative laser-electron nuclear effects in multiatomic molecules Author(s): Glushkov AV, Khetselius OY, Malinovskaya SV Source: MOLECULAR PHYSICS Volume: 106 Issue: 9-10 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 1257-1260 Published: 2008 Times Cited: 7
41. Title: Bose condensation of exciton polaritons in an optical microcavity Author(s): Voronova NS, Lozovik YE Source: PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE Volume: 50 Issue: 8 Pages: 1555-1559 Published: AUG 2008 Times Cited: 1
42. Title: Enhanced luminescence of silver nanoclusters in mesoporous film Author(s): Aiboushev AV, Astafiev AA, Lozovik YE, et al. Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 372 Issue: 31 Pages: 5193-5197 Published: JUL 28 2008 Times Cited: 1
43. Title: Generation of Cherenkov waves in the flow of a Bose-Einstein condensate past an obstacle Author(s): Gladush YG, Smirnov LA, Kamchatnov AM Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS Volume: 41 Issue: 16 Article Number: 165301 Published: AUG 28 2008 Times Cited: 7
44. Title: Cluster temperature. Methods for nits measurement and stabilization Author(s): Makarov GN Source: PHYSICS-USPEKHI Volume: 51 Issue: 4 Pages: 319-353 Published: APR 2008 Times Cited: 14
45. Title: Collective properties of magnetobiexcitons in quantum wells and graphene superlattices Author(s): Berman OL, Kezerashvili RY, Lozovik YE Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 78 Issue: 3 Article Number: 035135 Published: JUL 2008 Times Cited: 13
46. Title: Atom microtraps based on near-field Fresnel diffraction Author(s): Bandi TN, Minogin VG, Chormaic SN Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 78 Issue: 1 Article Number: 013410 Published: JUL 2008 Times Cited: 8
47. Title: Nonlinear diffraction of light beams propagating in photorefractive media with embedded reflecting wire Author(s): Khamis EG, Gammal A, El GA, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 78 Issue: 1 Article Number: 013829 Published: JUL 2008 Times Cited: 3
48. Title: Additions to the spectrum and energy levels and critical compilation of doubly ionized boron, BIII Author(s): Kramida AE, Ryabtsev AN, Ekberg JO, et al. Source: PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: 78 Issue: 2 Article Number: 025301 Published: AUG 2008 Times Cited: 3
49. Title: Additions to the spectrum and energy levels and a critical compilation of helium-like and hydrogen-like boron, BIV and BV Author(s): Kramida AE, Ryabtsev AN, Ekberg JO, et al. Source: PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: 78 Issue: 2 Article Number: 025302 Published: AUG 2008 Times Cited: 1
50. Title: Calibration models for multi-component quantitative analyses of dairy with the use of two different types of portable near infrared spectrometer Author(s): Kalinin A, Krivtsun V, Krasheninnikov V, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF NEAR INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 16 Issue: 3 Pages: 343-348 Published: 2008 Times Cited: 0
51. Title: Formation of an electron beam with a duration shorter than 100 fs during photoemission of electrons by femtosecond laser pulses Author(s): Mironov BN, Aseev SA, Minogin VG, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 106 Issue: 6 Pages: 1007-1012 Published: JUN 2008 Times Cited: 2
52. Title: Quantum wire hybridized with a single-level impurity Author(s): Lerner IV, Yudson VI, Yurkevich IV Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 100 Issue: 25 Article Number: 256805 Published: JUN 27 2008 Times Cited: 12
53. Title: Controlling the spatial distribution of superfluidity in radially ordered Coulomb clusters Author(s): Filinov A, Boning J, Bonitz M, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 77 Issue: 21 Article Number: 214527 Published: JUN 2008 Times Cited: 5
54. Title: Local vibrations in disordered solids studied via single-molecule spectroscopy: Comparison with neutron, nuclear, Raman scattering, and photon echo data Author(s): Vainer YG, Naumov AV, Kador L Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 77 Issue: 22 Article Number: 224202 Published: JUN 2008 Times Cited: 14
55. Title: Optical spectra of (CdF2)(0.9)(InF3)(0.1) semiconductor solid solutions Author(s): Kazanskii SA, Klimin SA, Shcheulin AS, et al. Source: OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 104 Issue: 6 Pages: 861-865 Published: JUN 2008 Times Cited: 0
56. Title: Deriving molecular bonding from a macromolecular self-assembly using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations Author(s): Silly F, Weber UK, Shaw AQ, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 77 Issue: 20 Article Number: 201408 Published: MAY 2008 Times Cited: 15
57. Title: Formation of nanolocalized tungsten photoion packets by femtosecond laser pulses Author(s): Aseev SA, Mironov BN, Chekalin SV, et al. Source: JETP LETTERS Volume: 87 Issue: 7 Pages: 361-363 Published: JUN 2008 Times Cited: 2
58. Title: Optics and spectroscopy of cooperative laser-electron nuclear processes in atomic and molecular systems - new trend in quantum optics Author(s): Glushkov AV, Khetselius OY, Malinovskaya SV Source: EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS Volume: 160 Pages: 195-204 Published: JUL 2008 Times Cited: 8
59. Title: Investigation of the dynamic of an expanding laser plume by a shadowgraphic technique (vol 63, pg 324, 2008) Author(s): Bolshov M, Kasyanov Y, Feshchenko R, et al. Source: SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B-ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 63 Issue: 5 Pages: 617-617 Published: MAY 2008 Times Cited: 0
60. Title: Nanotube-based data storage devices Author(s): Bichoutskaia E, Popov AM, Lozovik YE Source: MATERIALS TODAY Volume: 11 Issue: 6 Pages: 38-43 Published: JUN 2008 Times Cited: 8
61. Title: Spectral signatures of hyperfine and isotopic effects and of Tm3+-Tm3+ pairs in LiYF4 : Tm Author(s): Pytalev DS, Klimin SA, Popova MN Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 372 Issue: 19 Pages: 3506-3509 Published: MAY 5 2008 Times Cited: 2
62. Title: Theory of Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity of two-dimensional polaritons in an in-plane harmonic potential Author(s): Berman OL, Lozovik YE, Snoke DW Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 77 Issue: 15 Article Number: 155317 Published: APR 2008 Times Cited: 18
63. Title: Exciton polariton kinematic interaction in crystalline organic microcavities Author(s): Litinskaya M Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 77 Issue: 15 Article Number: 155325 Published: APR 2008 Times Cited: 2
64. Title: Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity of magnetoexcitons in bilayer graphene Author(s): Berman OL, Lozovik YE, Gumbs G Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 77 Issue: 15 Article Number: 155433 Published: APR 2008 Times Cited: 20
65. Title: Elementary processes in cells after light absorption do not depend on the degree of polarization: Implications for the mechanisms of laser phototherapy Author(s): Karu TI, Pyatibrat LV, Moskvin SV, et al. Source: PHOTOMEDICINE AND LASER SURGERY Volume: 26 Issue: 2 Pages: 77-82 Published: APR 2008 Times Cited: 1
66. Title: Stabilization of solitons generated by a supersonic flow of Bose-Einstein condensate past an obstacle Author(s): Kamchatnov AM, Pitaevskii LP Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 100 Issue: 16 Article Number: 160402 Published: APR 25 2008 Times Cited: 18
67. Title: Extended analysis of the Eu III spectrum Author(s): Wyart JF, Tchang-Brillet WUL, Churilov SS, et al. Source: ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS Volume: 483 Issue: 1 Pages: 339-359 Published: MAY 2008 Times Cited: 4
68. Title: Low-frequency spectroscopy of superconducting photonic crystals Author(s): Poddubny AN, Lvchenko EL, Lozovik YE Source: SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 146 Issue: 3-4 Pages: 143-147 Published: APR 2008 Times Cited: 6
69. Title: Role of interaction anisotropy in the formation and stability of molecular templates Author(s): Weber UK, Burlakov VM, Perdigao LMA, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 100 Issue: 15 Article Number: 156101 Published: APR 18 2008 Times Cited: 20
70. Title: Absorption spectra versus field distribution for metal-dielectric three-dimensional photonic crystals Author(s): Bogdanova MV, Eiderman SL, Lozovik YE, et al. Source: LASER PHYSICS Volume: 18 Issue: 4 Pages: 417-423 Published: APR 2008 Times Cited: 0
71. Title: Indirect excitons in coupled quantum dots and exciton polaritons in optical microcavities in magnetic field Author(s): Kaputkina NE, Lozovik YE Source: PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER Volume: 403 Issue: 5-9 Pages: 1537-1538 Published: APR 1 2008 Times Cited: 0
72. Title: Einstein's gravitation for Machian relativism of nonlocal energy-charges Author(s): Bulyzhenkov-Widicker IE Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 47 Issue: 5 Pages: 1261-1269 Published: MAY 2008 Times Cited: 4
73. Title: High-resolution optical study of Ho3+-Ho3+ pairs in LiY1-xHoxF4 crystals Author(s): Pytalev DS, Klimin SA, Popova MN Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 372 Issue: 13 Pages: 2332-2335 Published: MAR 24 2008 Times Cited: 2
74. Title: Light driven self-drilling in glasses Author(s): Antonyuk BP, Obidin AZ, Vartapetov SK, et al. Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 281 Issue: 8 Pages: 2139-2144 Published: APR 15 2008 Times Cited: 2
75. Title: Cluster formation in dispersion systems: Oil and micellar systems Author(s): Potapov AV, Syunyaev RZ Source: OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 104 Issue: 3 Pages: 462-466 Published: MAR 2008 Times Cited: 1
76. Title: Bose condensation of two-dimensional dipolar excitons: Simulation by the quantum Monte Carlo method Author(s): Lozovik YE, Kurbakova IL, Astrakharchik GE, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 106 Issue: 2 Pages: 296-315 Published: FEB 2008 Times Cited: 4
77. Title: Electron-hole pair condensation in a graphene bilayer Author(s): Lozovik YE, Sokolik AA Source: JETP LETTERS Volume: 87 Issue: 1 Pages: 55-59 Published: JAN 10 2008 Times Cited: 16
78. Title: Investigation of the dynamic of an expanding laser plume by a shadowgraphic technique Author(s): Bolshov M, Kasyanov Y, Feshchenko R, et al. Source: SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B-ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 324-331 Published: FEB 2008 Times Cited: 3
79. Title: Single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer scanning near-field optical microscopy Author(s): Sekatskii SK, Dietler G, Letokhov VS Source: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 452 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 220-224 Published: FEB 4 2008 Times Cited: 5
80. Title: Intramolecular vibrational dynamics of propyne and its derivatives: The role of vibrational-rotational mixing Author(s): Malinovsky AL, Makarov AA, Ryabov EA Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 106 Issue: 1 Pages: 34-45 Published: JAN 2008 Times Cited: 4
81. Title: Spectroscopic investigations of longitudinal discharge in supersonic flow of air with injection of propane into the discharge zone Author(s): Ivanov VV, Skvortsov VV, Efimov BG, et al. Source: HIGH TEMPERATURE Volume: 46 Issue: 1 Pages: 3-10 Published: FEB 2008 Times Cited: 2
82. Title: Theory of superfluidity in a polariton system Author(s): Lozovik YE, Semenov AG Source: THEORETICAL AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS Volume: 154 Issue: 2 Pages: 319-329 Published: FEB 2008 Times Cited: 2
83. Title: Nuclear dipole moment of Cu-71 from online beta-NMR measurements Author(s): Stone NJ, Van Esbroeck K, Stone JR, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW C Volume: 77 Issue: 1 Article Number: 014315 Published: JAN 2008 Times Cited: 10
84. Title: Super-Tonks-Girardeau regime in trapped one-dimensional dipolar gases Author(s): Astrakharchik GE, Lozovik YE Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 77 Issue: 1 Article Number: 013404 Published: JAN 2008 Times Cited: 8
85. Title: Focusing of atomic beams by near-field atom microlenses: The Bethe-type and the Fresnel-type microlenses Author(s): Balykin VI, Minogin VG Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 77 Issue: 1 Article Number: 013601 Published: JAN 2008 Times Cited: 3
86. Title: Three-dimensional analysis of the magneto-optical trap for (1+3)-level atoms Author(s): Choi SK, Park SE, Chen J, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 77 Issue: 1 Article Number: 015405 Published: JAN 2008 Times Cited: 2
87. Title: Enhancement of photoluminescence efficiency in binary quantum dot arrays in hybrid organic/inorganic materials Author(s): Kohary K, Burlakov VM, Pettifor DG, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 103 Issue: 1 Article Number: 014313 Published: JAN 1 2008 Times Cited: 1
88. Title: Control landscapes for two-level open quantum systems Author(s): Pechen A, Prokhorenko D, Wu RB, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL Volume: 41 Issue: 4 Article Number: 045205 Published: FEB 1 2008 Times Cited: 9
89. Title: Circular dichroism of crude oils: Influence of micelle formation Author(s): Potapov AV, Kolyakov SF, Krasheninnikov VN, et al. Source: ENERGY & FUELS Volume: 22 Issue: 1 Pages: 561-563 Published: JAN-FEB 2008 Times Cited: 2
90. Title: Multiphoton ionization of iodine atoms and CF3I molecules by XeCl laser radiation Author(s): Lokhman VN, Ogurok DD, Ryabov EA Source: EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D Volume: 46 Issue: 1 Pages: 59-67 Published: JAN 2008 Times Cited: 4
91. Title: Site selective bond breaking in random media Author(s): Antonyuk BP, Obidin AZ, Vartapetov SK, et al. Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 281 Issue: 2 Pages: 191-196 Published: JAN 15 2008 Times Cited: 1
92. Title: Light driven self-ordering in fused quartz Author(s): Antonyuk BP, Obidin AZ, Vartapetov SK, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS Volume: 55 Issue: 1 Pages: 55-66 Published: 2008 Times Cited: 0
Publications in 2007
Letokhov V.S.: Laser Control of Atoms and Molecules.- Oxford : Oxford University Press,2007.-XI, p.310
ISI Web of Science:
1. Title: Excitation and dissociation of polyatomic molecules under the action of femtosecond infrared laser pulses Author(s): Apatin VM, Kompanets VO, Laptev VB, et al. Source: RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Pages: 113-119 Published: APR 2007 Times Cited: 3
2. Title: The 26th school on Holography in Irkutsk Author(s): Letokhov VS Source: QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 37 Issue: 11 Pages: 1081-1081 Published: NOV 2007 Times Cited: 0
3. Title: Excitation dynamics in strongly bounded associates of B800-850 and B800-830 complexes from photosynthetic purple bacterium Thiorhodospira sibirica Author(s): Razjivin AP, Stepanenko IA, Koziovsky VS, et al. Source: BIOLOGICHESKIE MEMBRANY Volume: 24 Issue: 6 Pages: 457-464 Published: NOV-DEC 2007 Times Cited: 0
4. Title: Direct measurement of the matched spot size in a slow capillary discharge optical waveguide Author(s): Antsiferov PS, Akdim MR, van Dam HT Source: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS Volume: 78 Issue: 12 Article Number: 123107 Published: DEC 2007 Times Cited: 3
5. Title: Spin orientation and spin-Hall effect induced by tunneling electrons Author(s): Mal'shukov AG, Chu CS Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 76 Issue: 24 Article Number: 245326 Published: DEC 2007 Times Cited: 0
6. Title: Biocompatibility and applications of carbon nanotubes in medical nano robots Author(s): Popov AM, Lozovik YE, Fiorito S, et al. Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE Volume: 2 Issue: 3 Pages: 361-372 Published: 2007 Times Cited: 8
7. Title: Light-induced absorption switching in a Nd3+: GdFe3(BO3)(4) single crystal Author(s): Goldner P, Guillot-Noel O, Petit J, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 76 Issue: 16 Article Number: 165102 Published: OCT 2007 Times Cited: 2
8. Title: Strong correlation effects in 2D Bose-Einstein condensed dipolar excitons Author(s): Lozovik YE, Kurbakov IL, Astrakharchik GE, et al. Source: SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 144 Issue: 9 Pages: 399-404 Published: DEC 2007 Times Cited: 7
9. Title: Higher energy states in the CO dimer: Millimeter-wave spectra and rovibrational calculations Author(s): Surin LA, Fourzikov DN, Giesen TF, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A Volume: 111 Issue: 49 Pages: 12238-12247 Published: DEC 13 2007 Times Cited: 5
10. Title: Theory of optical dispersive shock waves in photorefractive media Author(s): El GA, Gammal A, Khamis EG, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 76 Issue: 5 Article Number: 053813 Published: NOV 2007 Times Cited: 7
11. Title: Effect of phase modulation of a laser pulse on the generation of a coherent totally symmetric phonon in a tellurium single crystal Author(s): Misochko OV, Andreev SV, Kompanets VO, et al. Source: PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE Volume: 49 Issue: 11 Pages: 2171-2176 Published: NOV 2007 Times Cited: 1
12. Title: Energy levels of ions of silver and rhodium isoelectronic sequences with Z < 86 Author(s): Ivanova EP Source: OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 103 Issue: 5 Pages: 733-740 Published: NOV 2007 Times Cited: 2
13. Title: Reflection spectra and optical constants of quasicrystalline Al-Pd-Re films in the IR region Author(s): Yakovlev VA, Novikova NN, Mattei G, et al. Source: CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS Volume: 52 Issue: 6 Pages: 1036-1039 Published: NOV 2007 Times Cited: 0
14. Title: Research and development in short-wave radiation sources for new-generation lithography Author(s): Koshelev KN, Banine VE, Salashchenko NN Source: PHYSICS-USPEKHI Volume: 50 Issue: 7 Pages: 741-744 Published: JUL 2007 Times Cited: 3
15. Title: Parallel fabrication of nanostructures via atom projection Author(s): Balykin VI Source: PHYSICS-USPEKHI Volume: 50 Issue: 7 Pages: 744-749 Published: JUL 2007 Times Cited: 4
16. Title: Properties and nanotechnological applications of nanotubes Author(s): Lozovik YE, Popov AM Source: PHYSICS-USPEKHI Volume: 50 Issue: 7 Pages: 749-761 Published: JUL 2007 Times Cited: 11
17. Title: Focusing of an atomic beam by a Fresnel atom microlens Author(s): Balykin VI, Minogin VG Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 105 Issue: 3 Pages: 479-485 Published: OCT 2007 Times Cited: 1
18. Title: Generation of linear waves in Bose-Einstein condensate flow past an obstacle Author(s): Gladush YG, Kamchatnov AM Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 105 Issue: 3 Pages: 520-525 Published: OCT 2007 Times Cited: 6
19. Title: Crystallization and melting of a system of charges in a liquid helium cluster Author(s): Livshits AM, Lozovik YE Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 105 Issue: 3 Pages: 571-586 Published: OCT 2007 Times Cited: 1
20. Title: Control of the motion of nanoelectromechanical systems based on carbon nanotubes Author(s): Ershova OV, Lozovik YE, Popov AM, et al. Source: PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE Volume: 49 Issue: 10 Pages: 2010-2014 Published: OCT 2007 Times Cited: 7
21. Title: Laser-induced quantum adsorption of atoms on a surface Author(s): Afanasiev AE, Melentiev PN, Balykin VI Source: JETP LETTERS Volume: 86 Issue: 3 Pages: 172-177 Published: OCT 2007 Times Cited: 1
22. Title: A critical compilation of energy levels and spectral lines of neutral boron Author(s): Kramida AE, Ryabtsev AN Source: PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: 76 Issue: 5 Pages: 544-557 Published: NOV 2007 Times Cited: 2
23. Title: Spin injection in quantum wells with spatially dependent rashba interaction Author(s): Brataas A, Mal'shukov AG, Tserkovnyak Y Source: NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS Volume: 9 Article Number: 345 Published: SEP 28 2007 Times Cited: 2 View full text from the publisher
24. Title: Excitons in long molecular chains near the reflecting interface Author(s): Gartstein YN, Agranovich VM Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 76 Issue: 11 Article Number: 115329 Published: SEP 2007 Times Cited: 1
25. Title: Single dibenzoterrylene molecules in an anthracene crystal: Main insertion sites Author(s): Nicolet AAL, Bordat P, Hofmann C, et al. Source: CHEMPHYSCHEM Volume: 8 Issue: 13 Pages: 1929-1936 Published: SEP 17 2007 Times Cited: 9
26. Title: The two-dimensional superconducting photonic crystal Author(s): Lozovik YE, Eiderman SL, Willander M Source: LASER PHYSICS Volume: 17 Issue: 9 Pages: 1183-1186 Published: SEP 2007 Times Cited: 2
27. Title: Self-organization driven by broad band light Author(s): Antonyuk BP Source: JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE Volume: 127 Issue: 2 Pages: 494-498 Published: DEC 2007 Times Cited: 0
28. Title: Optical motor: Towards the model of life emerge Author(s): Antonyuk BP Source: JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE Volume: 127 Issue: 2 Pages: 589-594 Published: DEC 2007 Times Cited: 0
29. Title: Investigation of the iron borates DyFe3(BO3)(4) and HoFe3(BO3)(4) by the method of Er3+ spectroscopic probe Author(s): Stanislavchuk TN, Chukalina EP, Popova MN, et al. Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 368 Issue: 5 Pages: 408-411 Published: AUG 27 2007 Times Cited: 9
30. Title: On the superfluid properties of a polaritonic system Author(s): Semenov A, Lozovik Y Source: EPL Volume: 78 Issue: 6 Article Number: 67005 Published: JUN 2007 Times Cited: 0
31. Title: Switchable nonlinear metalloferroelectric photonic crystals Author(s): Mishina E, Zaitsev A, Ilyin N, et al. Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 91 Issue: 4 Article Number: 041107 Published: JUL 23 2007 Times Cited: 6
32. Title: Force-clamp spectroscopy with a small dithering of AFM tip, and its application to explore the energy landscape of single avidin-biotin complex Author(s): Favre M, Chtcheglova LA, Lapshin DA, et al. Source: ULTRAMICROSCOPY Volume: 107 Issue: 10-11 Pages: 882-886 Published: OCT 2007 Times Cited: 4
33. Title: Thermodynamic and optical properties of NdCr3(BO3)(4) Author(s): Popova EA, Leonyuk NI, Popova MN, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 76 Issue: 5 Article Number: 054446 Published: AUG 2007 Times Cited: 1
34. Title: Superfluidity of 'dirty' indirect magnetoexcitons in coupled quantum wells in high magnetic field Author(s): Berman OL, Lozovik YE, Snoke DW, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER Volume: 19 Issue: 38 Article Number: 386219 Published: SEP 26 2007 Times Cited: 5
35. Title: Evolution of solitary waves and undular bores in shallow-water flows over a gradual slope with bottom friction Author(s): El GA, Grimshaw RHJ, Kamchatnov AM Source: JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS Volume: 585 Pages: 213-244 Published: AUG 25 2007 Times Cited: 9
36. Title: Manifestation of CdTe quantum dots and interdiffusion in IR reflection spectra of CdTe/ZnTe structures with quantum dots Author(s): Kucherenko IV, Vinogradov VS, Karczewski G, et al. Source: PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE Volume: 49 Issue: 8 Pages: 1563-1566 Published: AUG 2007 Times Cited: 3
37. Title: Superfluidity of two-dimensional excitons in flat and harmonic traps Author(s): Lozovik YE, Kurbakov IL, Willander M Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 366 Issue: 4-5 Pages: 487-492 Published: JUL 2 2007 Times Cited: 5
38. Title: Quantum theory of radiation of an excited atom placed near a microresonator containing a single-photon wavepacket: Photon correlation properties Author(s): Klimov VV, Letokhov VS, Ducloy M Source: LASER PHYSICS Volume: 17 Issue: 7 Pages: 912-926 Published: JUL 2007 Times Cited: 0
39. Title: Optical spectra, crystal-field parameters, and magnetic susceptibility of multiferroic NdFe3(BO3)(4) Author(s): Popova MN, Chukalina EP, Stanislavchuk TN, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 75 Issue: 22 Article Number: 224435 Published: JUN 2007 Times Cited: 18
40. Title: Universality in scattering by large-scale potential fluctuations in two-dimensional conductors Author(s): Yudson VI, Maslov DL Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 75 Issue: 24 Article Number: 241408 Published: JUN 2007 Times Cited: 1
41. Title: Single-photon double ionization of negative hydrogen ions in the presence of a dc electric field Author(s): Ivanov IA, Kheifets AS Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 75 Issue: 6 Article Number: 062701 Published: JUN 2007 Times Cited: 0
42. Title: Weakly interacting two-dimensional system of dipoles: Limitations of the mean-field theory Author(s): Astrakharchik GE, Boronat J, Casulleras J Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 75 Issue: 6 Article Number: 063630 Published: JUN 2007 Times Cited: 8
43. Title: Astrophysical lasers and nonlinear optical effects in space Author(s): Johansson S, Letokhov VS Source: NEW ASTRONOMY REVIEWS Volume: 51 Issue: 5-6 Pages: 443-523 Published: JUN 2007 Times Cited: 7
44. Title: Generation of oblique dark solitons in supersonic flow of Bose-Einstein condensate past an obstacle Author(s): El GA, Gammal A, Kamchatnov AM Source: NUCLEAR PHYSICS A Volume: 790 Pages: 771C-775C Published: JUN 15 2007 Times Cited: 0
45. Title: Crystallization in mass-asymmetric electron-hole bilayers Author(s): Ludwig R, Filinov A, Lozovik YE, et al. Source: CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS Volume: 47 Issue: 4-5 Pages: 335-344 Published: 2007 Times Cited: 2
46. Title: Single dibenzoterrylene molecules in an anthracene crystal: Spectroscopy and photophysics Author(s): Nicolet AAL, Hofmann C, Kol'chenko MA, et al. Source: CHEMPHYSCHEM Volume: 8 Issue: 8 Pages: 1215-1220 Published: JUN 4 2007 Times Cited: 7
47. Title: International congress on analytical sciences (ICAS-2006), Moscow (Russia) 25-30 June 2006 - Preface Author(s): Bolshov M Source: SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B-ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 62 Issue: 3 Pages: 183-184 Published: MAR 2007 Times Cited: 1
48. Title: Study of magnetic phase transitions and magnetic structures in a number of rare-earth ferroborates using an erbium spectroscopic probe Author(s): Stanislavchuk TN, Chukalina EP, Bezmaternykh LN Source: JOURNAL OF OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY Volume: 74 Issue: 2 Pages: 139-143 Published: FEB 2007 Times Cited: 0
49. Title: Laser preparation of polarized nuclei: Absorption of one polarized photon is enough and no high spectral resolution is needed to achieve 100% polarization Author(s): Sekatskii SK Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 365 Issue: 3 Pages: 220-223 Published: MAY 28 2007 Times Cited: 0
50. Title: The nanoactuator based on a carbon nanotube Author(s): Kuznetsov SS, Lozovik YE, Popov AM Source: PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE Volume: 49 Issue: 5 Pages: 1004-1012 Published: MAY 2007 Times Cited: 2
51. Title: Photonic crystal surface waves for optical biosensors Author(s): Konopsky VN, Alieva EV Source: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 79 Issue: 12 Pages: 4729-4735 Published: JUN 15 2007 Times Cited: 18
52. Title: Isotopic disorder effect in the infrared reflection spectra of (LixLi1-xYF4)-Li-6-Li-7 single crystals Author(s): Vinogradov EA, Yakovlev VA, Novikova NN, et al. Source: SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 142 Issue: 5 Pages: 256-260 Published: MAY 2007 Times Cited: 0
53. Title: Optical nanofiber as an efficient tool for manipulating and probing atomic fluorescence Author(s): Nayak KP, Melentiev PN, Morinaga M, et al. Source: OPTICS EXPRESS Volume: 15 Issue: 9 Pages: 5431-5438 Published: APR 30 2007 Times Cited: 46 View full text from the publisher
54. Title: Coupling and ionization effects on hydrogen spectral line shapes in dense plasmas Author(s): Calisti A, Bureyeva LA, Lisitsa VS, et al. Source: EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D Volume: 42 Issue: 3 Pages: 387-392 Published: JUN 2007 Times Cited: 2
55. Title: On the dynamical Casimir effect in a one-dimensional contracting cavity Author(s): Fedotov AM, Narozhny NB, Petrosyan AN, et al. Source: LASER PHYSICS Volume: 17 Issue: 4 Pages: 310-315 Published: APR 2007 Times Cited: 1
56. Title: Spectral modification of femtosecond laser pulses in the process of highly efficient generation of terahertz radiation via optical rectification Author(s): Stepanov AG, Mel'nikov AA, Kompanets VO, et al. Source: JETP LETTERS Volume: 85 Issue: 5 Pages: 227-230 Published: MAY 2007 Times Cited: 13
57. Title: 4d(9)5p(2) configuration in the spectra of InIII-TeVI Author(s): Ryabtsev AN, Churilov SS, Kononov EY Source: OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 102 Issue: 3 Pages: 354-362 Published: MAR 2007 Times Cited: 1
58. Title: Spectral and energetic characteristics of passing vibrationally excited SF6 molecules through a cooled multichannel plate Author(s): Makarov GN, Petin AN Source: OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 102 Issue: 3 Pages: 388-395 Published: MAR 2007 Times Cited: 1
59. Title: Diode laser differential absorption spectrometry for measurements of some parameters of condensed media Author(s): Liger VV, Bolshov MA, Kuritsyn YA, et al. Source: SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 66 Issue: 4-5 Pages: 836-845 Published: APR 2007 Times Cited: 0
60. Title: Does the standard model of low-temperature glass dynamics describe a real glass? Author(s): Naumov AV, Vainer YG, Kador L Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 98 Issue: 14 Article Number: 145501 Published: APR 6 2007 Times Cited: 11
61. Title: Vibrational dynamics of glasses at low temperatures: Investigation by single-molecule spectroscopy Author(s): Vainer YG Source: JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE Volume: 125 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 279-286 Published: JUL-AUG 2007 Times Cited: 0
62. Title: Radiation of linear waves in the stationary flow of a Bose-Einstein condensate past an obstacle Author(s): Gladush YG, El GA, Gammal A, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 75 Issue: 3 Article Number: 033619 Published: MAR 2007 Times Cited: 13
63. Title: IR-active vibrational modes of CdTe and CdSe colloidal quantum dots and CdTe/CdSe core/shell nanoparticles and coupling effects Author(s): Vasiliev RB, Vinogradov VS, Dorofeev SG, et al. Source: PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE Volume: 49 Issue: 3 Pages: 547-551 Published: MAR 2007 Times Cited: 3
64. Title: UV multiphoton ionization and IR photodissociation of CF3I cluster beams Author(s): Lokhman VN, Ogurok DD, Ryabov EA Source: CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 333 Issue: 1 Pages: 85-95 Published: MAR 6 2007 Times Cited: 3
65. Title: Two-dimensional periodic waves in supersonic flow of a Bose-Einstein condensate Author(s): El GA, Gladush YG, Kamchatnov AM Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL Volume: 40 Issue: 4 Pages: 611-619 Published: JAN 26 2007 Times Cited: 8
66. Title: Thermal stability and oxidation resistance of Ti-B-N, Ti-Cr-B-N, Ti-Si-B-N and Ti-Al-Si-B-N films Author(s): Kiryukhantsev-Korneev PV, Shtansky DV, Petrzhik MI, et al. Source: SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY Volume: 201 Issue: 13 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 6143-6147 Published: MAR 26 2007 Times Cited: 15
67. Title: Nature and dynamics of low-energy exciton polaritons in semiconductor microcavities Author(s): Agranovich VM, Gartstein YN Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 75 Issue: 7 Article Number: 075302 Published: FEB 2007 Times Cited: 10
68. Title: Spin-Hall interface resistance in terms of Landauer-type spin dipoles Author(s): Mal'shukov AG, Wang LY, Chu CS Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 75 Issue: 8 Article Number: 085315 Published: FEB 2007 Times Cited: 7
69. Title: Effect of intense chirped pulses on the coherent phonon generation in Te Author(s): Misochko OV, Dekorsy T, Andreev SV, et al. Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 90 Issue: 7 Article Number: 071901 Published: FEB 12 2007 Times Cited: 2
70. Title: Toward generation of mu J range sub-ps THz pulses by optical rectification Author(s): Bartal B, Kozma IZ, Stepanov AG, et al. Source: APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS Volume: 86 Issue: 3 Pages: 419-423 Published: FEB 2007 Times Cited: 18
71. Title: Quantum phase transition in a two-dimensional system of dipoles Author(s): Astrakharchik GE, Boronat J, Kurbakov IL, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 98 Issue: 6 Article Number: 060405 Published: FEB 9 2007 Times Cited: 49
72. Title: Theoretical investigation of the organic light-emitting diode activated by nanocrystal quantum dots Author(s): Kohary K, Burlakov VM, Pettifor DG Source: JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Pages: 18-23 Published: JAN 2007 Times Cited: 1
73. Title: Balance between incoming and outgoing cavity polaritons in a disordered organic microcavity Author(s): Litinskaya M, Reineker P Source: JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE Volume: 122 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 418-420 Published: JAN-APR 2007 Times Cited: 2
74. Title: Anti-Le-Chatelet behavior driven by strong natural light Author(s): Antonyuk BP Source: OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 269 Issue: 1 Pages: 142-147 Published: JAN 1 2007 Times Cited: 2
Publications in 2006
1. Title: Unusual rotations in helium and hydrogen nanoclusters and 'nanoseopic' superfluidity Author(s): Dumesh BS, Surin LA Source: PHYSICS-USPEKHI Volume: 49 Issue: 11 Pages: 1113-1129 Published: NOV 2006 Times Cited: 8
3. Title: On the possibility of selecting molecules embedded in superfluid helium nanodroplets (clusters) Author(s): Makarov GN Source: PHYSICS-USPEKHI Volume: 49 Issue: 11 Pages: 1131-1150 Published: NOV 2006 Times Cited: 5
4. Title: Spatial dispersion and negative refraction of light Author(s): Agranovich VM, Gartstein YN Source: PHYSICS-USPEKHI Volume: 49 Issue: 10 Pages: 1029-1044 Published: OCT 2006 Times Cited: 46
5. Title: Synthesis of superhard and ultrahard materials by 3D-polymerization of C-60, C-70 fullerenes under high pressure (15 GPa) and temperatures up to 1820 K Author(s): Blank VD, Buga SG, Dubitskya GA, et al. Source: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION B-A JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL SCIENCES Volume: 61 Issue: 12 Pages: 1547-1554 Published: DEC 2006 Times Cited: 2
6. Title: Long-range propagation of plasmon polaritons in a thin metal film on a one-dimensional photonic crystal surface Author(s): Konopsky VN, Alieva EV Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 97 Issue: 25 Article Number: 253904 Published: DEC 22 2006 Times Cited: 19
7. Title: Conical emission of a femtosecond laser pulse focused by an axicon into a K 108 glass Author(s): Kompanets VO, Chekalin SV, Kosareva OG, et al. Source: QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 36 Issue: 9 Pages: 821-824 Published: SEP 2006 Times Cited: 2
8. Title: Efficiency of passage of highly vibrationally excited CF3I molecules in a beam through a cooled converging hollow truncated cone Author(s): Makarov GN, Petin AN Source: QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 36 Issue: 9 Pages: 889-894 Published: SEP 2006 Times Cited: 2
9. Title: Quantum Monte Carlo study of the ground-state properties of a Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover Author(s): Giorgini S, Astrakharchik GE, Boronat J, et al. Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B Volume: 20 Issue: 30-31 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 5189-5198 Published: DEC 20 2006 Times Cited: 0
10. Title: Modeling organic light-emitting diodes incorporating nanocrystal quantum dots Author(s): Kohary K, Burlakov VM, Pettifor DG, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 100 Issue: 11 Article Number: 114315 Published: DEC 1 2006 Times Cited: 3
11. Title: Atom "pinhole camera" with nanometer resolution Author(s): Balykin VI, Borisov PA, Letokhov VS, et al. Source: JETP LETTERS Volume: 84 Issue: 8 Pages: 466-469 Published: DEC 2006 Times Cited: 7
12. Title: Numerical simulation of the creation of a hollow neutral-hydrogen channel by an electron beam Author(s): Ivanov VV, Antsiferov PS, Koshelev KN, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 97 Issue: 20 Article Number: 205007 Published: NOV 17 2006 Times Cited: 6
13. Title: Atomic beam focusing by a near-field atomic microlens Author(s): Balykin VI, Minogin VG, Rudnev SN Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 103 Issue: 5 Pages: 679-689 Published: NOV 2006 Times Cited: 1
14. Title: Interaction of intense beams of highly vibrationally excited molecules with molecules (clusters) condensed on a cold surface Author(s): Makarov GN, Petin AN Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 103 Issue: 5 Pages: 697-706 Published: NOV 2006 Times Cited: 5
15. Title: Ultrafast processes of photoinduced charge and energy transfer in nanostructural fullerene-metal films Author(s): Chekalin SV Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 103 Issue: 5 Pages: 756-767 Published: NOV 2006 Times Cited: 2
16. Title: beta-decay properties of Ni-72 and Cu-72 Author(s): Thomas JC, De Witte H, Gorska M, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW C Volume: 74 Issue: 5 Article Number: 054309 Published: NOV 2006 Times Cited: 7
17. Title: Oblique dark solitons in supersonic flow of a Bose-Einstein condensate Author(s): El GA, Gammal A, Kamchatnov AM Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 97 Issue: 18 Article Number: 180405 Published: NOV 3 2006 Times Cited: 27
18. Title: Experimental evidence of the local character of vibrations constituting the Boson peak in amorphous solids Author(s): Vainer YG, Naumov AV, Bauer M, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 97 Issue: 18 Article Number: 185501 Published: NOV 3 2006 Times Cited: 17
19. Title: Loss of coherence of exciton polaritons in inhomogeneous organic microcavities Author(s): Litinskaya M, Reineker P Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 74 Issue: 16 Article Number: 165320 Published: OCT 2006 Times Cited: 7
20. Title: Statistical models in the polarization radiation theory Author(s): Astapenko VA, Bureyeva LA, Lisitsa VS Source: RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY Volume: 75 Issue: 10 Pages: 1287-1307 Published: OCT 2006 Times Cited: 0
21. Title: Ostwald ripening in rarefied systems Author(s): Burlakov VM Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 97 Issue: 15 Article Number: 155703 Published: OCT 13 2006 Times Cited: 4
22. Title: Light-induced force and torque on an atom outside a nanofiber Author(s): Kien FL, Balykin VI, Hakuta K Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 74 Issue: 3 Article Number: 033412 Published: SEP 2006 Times Cited: 2
23. Title: EXAFS, X-ray diffraction and Raman studies of (Pb1-xLax)(Zr0.65Ti0.35)O-3 (x=0.04 and 0.09) ceramics irradiated by high-current pulsed electron beam Author(s): Efimov VV, Efimova EA, Iakoubovski K, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS Volume: 67 Issue: 9-10 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 2007-2012 Published: SEP-OCT 2006 Times Cited: 2
24. Title: Circular dichroism of crude oil and its derivatives. Role of permolecular structures Author(s): Potapov AV, Kolyakov SF, Krasheninnikov VN, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE Volume: 303 Issue: 1 Pages: 159-163 Published: NOV 1 2006 Times Cited: 3
25. Title: Mode dispersion in the optical-phonon spectra of mixed crystals ZnS1-xSex Author(s): Vinogradov EA, Mavrin BN, Novikova NN, et al. Source: PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE Volume: 48 Issue: 10 Pages: 1940-1946 Published: OCT 2006 Times Cited: 3
26. Title: Superconducting photonic crystals: Numerical calculations of the band structure Author(s): Berman OL, Lozovik YE, Eiderman SL, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 74 Issue: 9 Article Number: 092505 Published: SEP 2006 Times Cited: 23
27. Title: Millimeter-wave study of the CO-N-2 van der Waals complex: new measurements of CO-orthoN(2) and assignments of new states of CO-paraN(2) Author(s): Surin LA, Potapov AV, Muller HSP, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE Volume: 795 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 198-208 Published: AUG 21 2006 Times Cited: 3
28. Title: Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition in microcavity polariton system Author(s): Lozovik YE, Semenov AG, Willander M Source: JETP LETTERS Volume: 84 Issue: 3 Pages: 146-150 Published: OCT 2006 Times Cited: 4
29. Title: Femtosecond laser source of nanolocalized directed photoelectrons Author(s): Aseyev SA, Mironov BN, Chekalin SV, et al. Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 89 Issue: 11 Article Number: 112513 Published: SEP 11 2006 Times Cited: 5
30. Title: High-temperature Bose-Einstein condensation of polaritons upon intracavity laser pumping of matter Author(s): Averchenko VA, Alodjants AP, Arakelian SM, et al. Source: QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 36 Issue: 6 Pages: 532-538 Published: JUN 2006 Times Cited: 3
31. Title: Isotope effects in the CO dimer: Millimeter wave spectrum and rovibrational calculations of ((CO)-C-12-O-18)(2) Author(s): Surin LA, Fourzikov DN, Giesen TF, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 125 Issue: 9 Article Number: 094304 Published: SEP 7 2006 Times Cited: 3
32. Title: Off-diagonal correlations of the Calogero-Sutherland model Author(s): Astrakharchik GE, Gangardt DM, Lozovik YE, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 74 Issue: 2 Article Number: 021105 Part: Part 1 Published: AUG 2006 Times Cited: 7
33. Title: Rare-earth elements in the atmosphere of the magnetic chemically peculiar star HD 144897 Author(s): Ryabchikova T, Ryabtsev A, Kochukhov O, et al. Source: ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS Volume: 456 Issue: 1 Pages: 329-U63 Published: SEP 2006 Times Cited: 24
34. Title: Spin cloud induced around an elastic scatterer by the intrinsic spin Hall effect Author(s): Mal'shukov AG, Chu CS Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 97 Issue: 7 Article Number: 076601 Published: AUG 18 2006 Times Cited: 5
35. Title: Phase transitions of indirect excitons in coupled quantum wells: The role of disorder Author(s): Berman OL, Lozovik YE, Snoke DW, et al. Source: PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES Volume: 34 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 268-271 Published: AUG 2006 Times Cited: 1
36. Title: The Fourier Raman spectra of HiPCO single-wall carbon nanotubes under high pressure Author(s): Blank VD, Ivdenko VA, Lobach AS, et al. Source: OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 100 Issue: 2 Pages: 245-252 Published: MAR 2006 Times Cited: 2
37. Title: Multiphoton fragmentation and ionization of CF2HCl molecules and clusters by UV radiation Author(s): Lokhman VN, Ogurok DD, Ryabov EA Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 103 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-14 Published: JUL 2006 Times Cited: 2
38. Title: Raman scattering from phonons and magnons in RFe3(BO3)(4) Author(s): Fausti D, Nugroho AA, van Loosdrecht PHM, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 74 Issue: 2 Article Number: 024403 Published: JUL 2006 Times Cited: 26
39. Title: Dynamical Casimir effect in a one-dimensional uniformly contracting cavity Author(s): Fedotov AM, Lozovik YE, Narozhny NB, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 74 Issue: 1 Article Number: 013806 Published: JUL 2006 Times Cited: 9
40. Title: Magnetic field influence on spectrum rearrangement and spin transformation of coupled quantum dots Author(s): Kaputkina NE, Lozovik YE Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER Volume: 18 Issue: 33 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: S2169-S2174 Published: AUG 23 2006 Times Cited: 1
41. Title: Generation of a directed nanolocalized photoelectron beam by means of femtosecond laser pulses Author(s): Mironov BN, Aseev SA, Chekalin SV, et al. Source: JETP LETTERS Volume: 83 Issue: 9 Pages: 369-371 Published: MAY 10 2006 Times Cited: 2
42. Title: Extreme processes in clusters impacting on a solid surface Author(s): Makarov GN Source: PHYSICS-USPEKHI Volume: 49 Issue: 2 Pages: 117-166 Published: FEB 2006 Times Cited: 12
43. Title: Superfluidity of dirty indirect excitons and magnetoexcitons in a two-dimensional trap Author(s): Berman OL, Lozovik YE, Snoke DW, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 73 Issue: 23 Article Number: 235352 Published: JUN 2006 Times Cited: 8
44. Title: Nanostructured superhard carbon phase obtained under high pressure with shear deformation from single-wall nanotubes HiPco Author(s): Blank VD, Denisov VN, Kirichenko AN, et al. Source: PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER Volume: 382 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 58-64 Published: JUN 15 2006 Times Cited: 2
45. Title: Increase in the probability of passing molecules through a cooled multichannel plate as induced by a high-power infrared laser Author(s): Makarov GN, Petin AN Source: JETP LETTERS Volume: 83 Issue: 3 Pages: 87-90 Published: APR 1 2006 Times Cited: 3
46. Title: Multi-walled nanotubes: Commensurate-incommensurate phase transition and NEMS applications Author(s): Bichoutskaia E, Heggie MI, Lozovik YE, et al. Source: FULLERENES NANOTUBES AND CARBON NANOSTRUCTURES Volume: 14 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 131-140 Published: APR-SEP 2006 Times Cited: 10
47. Title: Diffusion of walls in double-walled carbon nanotubes Author(s): Bichoutskaia E, Heggie MI, Lozovik YE, et al. Source: FULLERENES NANOTUBES AND CARBON NANOSTRUCTURES Volume: 14 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 215-220 Published: APR-SEP 2006 Times Cited: 5
48. Title: Bolt-and-nut pairs made from carbon nanotubes with artificial defects Author(s): Lozovik YE, Nikolaev AG, Popov AM Source: FULLERENES NANOTUBES AND CARBON NANOSTRUCTURES Volume: 14 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 227-231 Published: APR-SEP 2006 Times Cited: 0
49. Title: Influence of the magnetic field on formation and spectrum of the exciton-polariton in a microcavity Author(s): Kaputkina NE, Lozovik YE, Willander M Source: PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER Volume: 378-80 Pages: 1049-1050 Published: MAY 1 2006 Times Cited: 1
50. Title: Raman spectra of potassium, rubidium, and thallium hydrogen phthalates Author(s): Mavrin BN, Koldaeva MV, Zakalyukin RM, et al. Source: OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 100 Issue: 6 Pages: 862-868 Published: DEC 2006 Times Cited: 6
51. Title: Correlation functions of a Lieb-Liniger Bose gas Author(s): Astrakharchik GE, Giorgini S Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS Volume: 39 Issue: 10 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: S1-S12 Published: MAY 28 2006 Times Cited: 11
52. Title: Magnetic ordering of the mixed-spin chain nickelate (Er0.25Gd0.75)(2)BaNiO5: Spectroscopic study Author(s): Popova MN, Klimin SA, Higel P, et al. Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 354 Issue: 5-6 Pages: 487-491 Published: JUN 12 2006 Times Cited: 2
53. Title: Angular momentum of light in an optical nanofiber Author(s): Le Kien F, Balykin VI, Hakuta K Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 73 Issue: 5 Article Number: 053823 Published: MAY 2006 Times Cited: 3
54. Title: Autoionizing and highly excited states in the spectrum of triply ionized tin SnIV Author(s): Ryabtsev AN, Churilov SS, Kononov EY Source: OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 100 Issue: 5 Pages: 652-659 Published: MAY 2006 Times Cited: 1
55. Title: Analysis of the 4p(6)4d(7)-(4p(6)4d(6)4f+4p(5)4d(8)) transitions in the SnVIII spectrum Author(s): Churilov SS, Ryabtsev AN Source: OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 100 Issue: 5 Pages: 660-666 Published: MAY 2006 Times Cited: 4
56. Title: On the possibility of development of a photochemical unit based on an NH3 laser with an intracavity reactor Author(s): Apatin VM, Belokurov AN, Makarov GN, et al. Source: QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 36 Issue: 3 Pages: 292-298 Published: MAR 2006 Times Cited: 0
57. Title: Analyses of the SnIX-Sn XII spectra in the EUV region Author(s): Churilov SS, Ryabtsev AN Source: PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: 73 Issue: 6 Pages: 614-619 Published: JUN 2006 Times Cited: 18
58. Title: Propagation of a self-induced transparency pulse in a spatially dispersive medium Author(s): Gladush YG, Kamchatnov AM Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 102 Issue: 4 Pages: 562-569 Published: APR 2006 Times Cited: 0
59. Title: IR reflectance spectra and optical constants of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystalline thin films Author(s): Yakovlev VA, Novikova NN, Mattei G, et al. Source: PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE Volume: 48 Issue: 5 Pages: 821-825 Published: MAY 2006 Times Cited: 2
60. Title: Focusing of an atomic beam by a two-dimensional magneto-optical trap Author(s): Melentiev PN, Borisov PA, Rudnev SN, et al. Source: JETP LETTERS Volume: 83 Issue: 1 Pages: 14-18 Published: JAN 10 2006 Times Cited: 0
61. Title: Resonance-enhanced two-photon ionization (RETPI) of Sih II and an anomalous, variable intensity of the lambda-1892 Si III] line in the Weigelt blobs of eta Carinae Author(s): Johansson S, Hartman H, Letokhov VS Source: ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS Volume: 452 Issue: 1 Pages: 253-256 Published: JUN 2006 Times Cited: 3
62. Title: Intermolecular intersystem crossing in single-molecule spectroscopy: Terrylene in anthracene crystal Author(s): Nicolet A, Kol'chenko MA, Kozankiewicz B, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 124 Issue: 16 Article Number: 164711 Published: APR 28 2006 Times Cited: 6
63. Title: Revised and extended analysis of the 3d(2)4f configuration in NiVIII Author(s): Kildiyarova RR, Churilov SS Source: PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: 73 Issue: 5 Pages: 421-428 Published: MAY 2006 Times Cited: 0
64. Title: Application of the blackbody radiation source for characteristics measurement of submillimeter low-temperature direct detectors Author(s): Vystavkin AN, Pestriakov AV, Vinogradov EA Source: NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 559 Issue: 2 Pages: 570-572 Published: APR 15 2006 Times Cited: 5
65. Title: Exciton-polaritons in organic microcavities Author(s): Litinskaya M, Reineker P, Agranovich VM Source: JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE Volume: 119 Pages: 277-282 Published: JUL-OCT 2006 Times Cited: 10
66. Title: Electromagnetically induced intrinsic bistability at the atomic level Author(s): Guillot-Noel O, Goldner P, Popova M Source: JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE Volume: 119 Pages: 478-481 Published: JUL-OCT 2006 Times Cited: 1
67. Title: Double-resonance probe for near-field scanning optical microscopy Author(s): Cherkun AP, Serebryakov DV, Sekatskii SK, et al. Source: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS Volume: 77 Issue: 3 Article Number: 033703 Part: Part 1 Published: MAR 2006 Times Cited: 7
68. Title: Analysis of optothermionic refrigeration based on semiconductor heterojunction Author(s): Han P, Jin KJ, Zhou YL, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 99 Issue: 7 Article Number: 074504 Published: APR 1 2006 Times Cited: 13
69. Title: Spatial dispersive shock waves generated in supersonic flow of Bose-Einstein condensate past slender body (vol 350, pg 192, 2006) Author(s): El GA, Kamchatnov AM Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 352 Issue: 6 Pages: 554-555 Published: APR 10 2006 Times Cited: 10
70. Title: Extended analysis of the Ba XII spectrum in the EUV region Author(s): Churilov SS, Joshi YN Source: PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: 73 Issue: 2 Pages: 188-195 Published: FEB 2006 Times Cited: 1
71. Title: Analysis of the 3d(4)4f configuration in NiVI Author(s): Kildiyarova RR, Churilov SS, Joshi YN, et al. Source: PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: 73 Issue: 3 Pages: 249-262 Published: MAR 2006 Times Cited: 0
72. Title: Dynamics of intramolecular vibrational redistribution in propargylchloride molecule studied by time-resolved Raman spectroscopy Author(s): Malinovsky AL, Doljikov YS, Makarov AA, et al. Source: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 419 Issue: 4-6 Pages: 511-516 Published: FEB 26 2006 Times Cited: 8
73. Title: Examination of the oxygenation state of hemoglobin in a phantom and in-vivo tissue applying absorption balancing with two and three laser wavelengths Author(s): Zybin A, Liger V, Souchon R, et al. Source: APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS Volume: 83 Issue: 1 Pages: 141-148 Published: APR 2006 Times Cited: 1
74. Title: Spectral analysis of a three-dimensional photonic quantum ring laser with a square microcavity Author(s): An SJ, Yoon J, Lee J, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 99 Issue: 3 Article Number: 033102 Published: FEB 1 2006 Times Cited: 3
75. Title: Scattering of an evanescent light field by a single cesium atom near a nanofiber Author(s): Le Kien F, Balykin VI, Hakuta K Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 73 Issue: 1 Article Number: 013819 Published: JAN 2006 Times Cited: 6
76. Title: Negative refraction in gyrotropic media Author(s): Agranovich VM, Gartstein YN, Zakhidov AA Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 73 Issue: 4 Article Number: 045114 Published: JAN 2006 Times Cited: 29
77. Title: Interwall interaction and elastic properties of carbon nanotubes Author(s): Bichoutskaia E, Heggie MI, Popov AM, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 73 Issue: 4 Article Number: 045435 Published: JAN 2006 Times Cited: 40
78. Title: High-pressure studies of optical dephasing in polymer glasses Author(s): McIntire MJ, Yamaguchi M, Kol'chenko MA, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B Volume: 110 Issue: 1 Pages: 227-233 Published: JAN 12 2006 Times Cited: 0
Публикации на русском языке (РИНЦ):
СПЕКТРЫ КОМБИНАЦИОННОГО РАССЕЯНИЯ СВЕТА БОРСОДЕРЖАЩИХ МОНОКРИСТАЛЛОВ АЛМАЗА, ВЫРАЩЕННЫХ МЕТОДОМ ТЕМПЕРАТУРНОГО ГРАДИЕНТА Бланк В.Д., Денисов В.I., Кириченко A.Н., Кузнецов М.С., Маврин Б.Н., Носухин С.А., Терентьев С.А. Российский химический журнал. 2006. Т. L. № 1. С. 92-96. 0
СПЕКТРАЛЬНЫЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ УГЛЕРОДНЫХ НАНОТРУБОК ПРИ ВЫСОКОМ ДАВЛЕНИИ Бланк B.Д., Денисов В.Н., Захидов А., Кириченко А.Н., Львова Н.А., Маврин Б.Н., Мартюшов C.Ю., Попов М.Ю., Татьянин Е.В. Российский химический журнал. 2006. Т. L. № 1. С. 96-100. 0
МНОГОФОТОННАЯ ФРАГМЕНТАЦИЯ И ИОНИЗАЦИЯ МОЛЕКУЛ И КЛАСТЕРОВ CF2HCL УЛЬТРАФИОЛЕТОВЫМ ИЗЛУЧЕНИЕМ Лохман В.Н., Огурок Д.Д., Рябов Е.А. Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики. 2006. Т. 130. № 1. С. 1-21. 0
ВЫСОКОТЕМПЕРАТУРНАЯ БОЗЕ-ЭЙНШТЕЙНОВСКАЯ КОНДЕНСАЦИЯ ПОЛЯРИТОНОВ: РЕАЛИЗАЦИЯ В УСЛОВИЯХ ВНУТРИРЕЗОНАТОРНОЙ ЛАЗЕРНОЙ НАКАЧКИ ВЕЩЕСТВА Аверченко В.А., Алоджанц А.П., Аракелян С.М., Багаев С.Н., Виноградов Е.А., Егоров B.C., Столяров А.И., Чехонин И.А. Квантовая электроника. 2006. Т. 36. № 6. С. 532-538. 2
ФОКУСИРОВКА АТОМНОГО ПУЧКА ДВУМЕРНОЙ МАГНИТО-ОПТИЧЕСКОЙ ЛОВУШКОЙ Мелентьев П.Н., Борисов П.А., Руднев С.Н., Афанасьев А.Е., Балыкин В.И. Письма в "Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики". 2006. Т. 83. № 1-2. С. 16-20. 0
ИНДУЦИРОВАННОЕ МОЩНЫМ ИК ЛАЗЕРОМ УВЕЛИЧЕНИЕ ВЕРОЯТНОСТИ ПРОХОЖДЕНИЯ МОЛЕКУЛ ЧЕРЕЗ ОХЛАЖДЕННУЮ МНОГОКАНАЛЬНУЮ ПЛАСТИНКУ Макаров Г.Н., Петин А.Н. Письма в "Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики". 2006. Т. 83. № 3-4. С. 115-119. 4
РАСПРОСТРАНЕНИЕ ИМПУЛЬСА САМОИНДУЦИРОВАННОЙ ПРОЗРАЧНОСТИ В СРЕДЕ С ПРОСТРАНСТВЕННОЙ ДИСПЕРСИЕЙ Гладуш Ю.Г., Камчатнов А.М. Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики. 2006. Т. 129. № 4. С. 642-650. 0
СПЕКТРЫ ОТРАЖЕНИЯ И ОПТИЧЕСКИЕ ПОСТОЯННЫЕ ТОНКИХ КВАЗИКРИСТАЛЛИЧЕСКИХ ПЛЕНОК AL-CU-FE В ИНФРАКРАСНОЙ ОБЛАСТИ Яковлев В.А., Новикова Н.Н., Матеи Д., Теплов А.А., Шайтура Д.С., Назин В.Г., Ласкова Г.В., Ольшанский Е.Д., Долгий Д.И. Физика твердого тела. 2006. Т. 48. № 5. С. 775-779. 4
ИМПУЛЬСНЫЕ ШИРОКОДИАПАЗОННЫЕ ОРОТРОНЫ МИЛЛИМЕТРОВЫХ И СУБМИЛЛИМЕТРОВЫХ ВОЛН Братман В.Л., Гинцбург В.А., Гришин Ю.А., Думеш Б.С., Русин Ф.С., Федотов А.Э. Известия высших учебных заведений. Радиофизика. 2006. Т. 49. № 11. С. 958-963. 1
АНАЛИЗ ПЕРЕХОДОВ 4P64D7-(4P64D64F+ 4Р54А8) В ВОСЬМОМ СПЕКТРЕ ОЛОВА SN VIII Чурилов C.С., Рябцев А.Н. Оптика и спектроскопия. 2006. Т. 100. № 5. С. 721-727. 4
УЧЕТ ВЛИЯНИЯ "ТРЕТЬИХ" ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ ПРИ АНАЛИЗЕ АЛЮМИНИЕВЫХ СПЛАВОВ НА ЭМИССИОННОМ СПЕКТРОМЕТРЕ ПАПУАС-4 Горский Е.В., Лившиц А.М., Пелезнев А.В. Заводская лаборатория. Диагностика материалов. 2006. Т. 72. № 3. С. 11-15. 0
КОНИЧЕСКАЯ ЭМИССИЯ ФЕМТОСЕКУНДНОГО ЛАЗЕРНОГО ИМПУЛЬСА ПРИ ФОКУСИРОВКЕ АКСИКОНОМ В СТЕКЛО К108 Компанец В.О., Чекалин С.В., Косарева О.Г., Григорьевский А.В., Кандидов В.П. Квантовая электроника. 2006. Т. 36. № 9. С. 821-824. 0
СПЕКТРЫ КОМБИНАЦИОННОГО РАССЕЯНИЯ СВЕТА ГИДРОФТАЛАТОВ КАЛИЯ, РУБИДИЯ И ТАЛЛИЯ Маврин Б.Н., Колдаева М.В., Закалюкин Р.М., Турская Т.Н. Оптика и спектроскопия. 2006. Т. 100. № 6. С. 936-943. 2
ОСОБЕННОСТИ ЧЕРЕДОВАНИЯ ИНТЕНСИВНОСТЕЙ В РАЗЛИЧНЫХ ПОРЯДКАХ ДИФРАКЦИОННОЙ РЕШЕТКИ СКОЛЬЗЯЩЕГО ПАДЕНИЯ Анциферов П.С., Дорохин Л.А., Кошелев К.Н., Медников Л.С., Назаренко А.В. Оптика и спектроскопия. 2006. Т. 101. № 3. С. 497-499. 0
АНАЛИЗ СПЕКТРОВ IN XII-XIV И SN XIII-XV В ДАЛЬНЕЙ ВУФ ОБЛАСТИ Чурилов С.С., Рябцев А.Н. Оптика и спектроскопия. 2006. Т. 101. № 2. С. 181-190. 6
ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ФАЗОВОЙ ДИАГРАММЫ И ФИЗИЧЕСКИХ СВОЙСТВ МНОГОЧАСТИЧНЫХ СИСТЕМ МЕТОДОМ МОНТЕ-КАРЛО Астрахарчик Г.Е. Сборник рефератов научно-исследовательских и опытно-конструкторских работ. Серия 16: 29. Физика. 30. Механика. 41. Астрономия. 89. Космические исследования. 2006. № 5. С. 2c. 0
ОПТИЧЕСКИЕ СВОЙСТВА, ДИНАМИКА И КОГЕРЕНТНОСТЬ МНОГОЧАСТОТНЫХ КВАНТОВЫХ СИСТЕМ Шарапов В.А. Сборник рефератов научно-исследовательских и опытно-конструкторских работ. Серия 16: 29. Физика. 30. Механика. 41. Астрономия. 89. Космические исследования. 2006. № 5. С. 3b. 0
НАНОЭЛЕКТРОМЕХАНИЧЕСКИЕ СИСТЕМЫ, ОСНОВАННЫЕ НА НАНОТРУБКАХ Лозовик Ю.Е., Николаев А.Г., Попов А.М. Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики. 2006. Т. 130. № 3. С. 516-533. 8
ФОКУСИРОВКА АТОМНОГО ПУЧКА БЛИЖНЕПОЛЕВОЙ АТОМНОЙ МИКРОЛИНЗОЙ Балыкин В.И., Миногин В.Г., Руднев С.Н. Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики. 2006. Т. 130. № 5. С. 784-796. 5
НЕЭКВИВАЛЕНТНЫЕ ЦЕНТРЫ В ЦЕПОЧЕЧНОМ НИКЕЛАТЕ (ER0,25GD 0,75)2BANIO5 Романов Е.А., Коротков Н.М., Higel P., Климин С.А. Известия Российской академии наук. Серия физическая. 2006. Т. 70. № 9. С. 1275-1279. 0
СПЕКТРОСКОПИЧЕСКОЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ МАГНИТНЫХ ФАЗОВЫХ ПЕРЕХОДОВ И МАГНИТНЫХ СТРУКТУР В РЕДКОЗЕМЕЛЬНЫХ ФЕРРОБОРАТАХ RFE3(BO3)4 (R = Y, ЕR, TB, GD) Попова М.Н., Чукалина Е.П., Станиславчук Т.Н., Безматерных Л.Н. Известия Российской академии наук. Серия физическая. 2006. Т. 70. № 11. С. 1652-1658. 7
МНОГОКОМПОНЕНТНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ ФИЗИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ЖИДКОСТЕЙ С ПРИМЕНЕНИЕМ ПОРТАТИВНЫХ СПЕКТРОМЕТРОВ НА ПРИМЕРЕ МОЛОКА Калинин А.В., Крашенинников В.В., Кривцун В.М., Садовский С.С. Альманах клинической медицины. 2006. № 12. С. 115-115. 0
ИЗУЧЕНИЕ ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ СОЗДАНИЯ ДАТЧИКА КАПНОМЕТРА (С02 В ВЫДОХЕ) НА ОСНОВЕ ИК-СВЕТОДИОДОВ Калинин А.В., Кривцун В.М. Альманах клинической медицины. 2006. № 12. С. 116-116. 0
ОПТИЧЕСКИЙ БИОСЕНСОР НА ОСНОВЕ ПОРТАТИВНОГО ДИХРОМЕТРА С ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ БИОЧИПОВ НА ЖИДКИХ КРИСТАЛЛАХ ДНК Кольяков С.Ф., Гусев В.М., Компанец О.Н., Павлов М.А., Евдокимов Ю.М., Скуридин С.Г. Альманах клинической медицины. 2006. № 12. С. 119-119. 0
ДИСПЕРСИЯ МОД В СПЕКТРАХ ОПТИЧЕСКИХ ФОНОНОВ СМЕШАННЫХ КРИСТАЛЛОВ ZNS1-XSEX Виноградов Е.А., Маврин Б.Н., Новикова Н.Н., Яковлев В.А. Физика твердого тела. 2006. Т. 48. № 10. С. 1826-1831. 3
II ТРОИЦКАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ «МЕДИЦИНСКАЯ ФИЗИКА И ИННОВАЦИИ В МЕДИЦИНЕ». Компанец О.Н. Технологии живых систем. 2006. Т. 3. № 3. С. 61-63. 0
ВЫЯВЛЕНИЕ ГЕНОТОКСИКАНТОВ РАСТИТЕЛЬНОГО ПРОИСХОЖДЕНИЯ ПРИ ПОМОЩИ БИОДАТЧИКОВ ПЛЕНОЧНОГО ТИПА Скуридин С.Г., Дубинская В.А., Лагутина М.А., Компанец О.Н., Голубев В.Г., Ребров Л.Б., Быков В.А., Евдокимов Ю.М. Биомедицинские технологии и радиоэлектроника. 2006. № 3. С. 38-43. 2
НОВЫЙ ТИП БИОДАТЧИКОВ ДЛЯ БИОТЕХНОЛОГИИ И МЕДИЦИНЫ Скуридин С.Г., Дубинская В.А., Компанец О.Н., Евдокимов Ю.М. Альманах клинической медицины. 2006. № 12. С. 131-131. 0
ЭКСТРЕМАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОЦЕССЫ В КЛАСТЕРАХ ПРИ СТОЛКНОВЕНИИ С ТВЕРДОЙ ПОВЕРХНОСТЬЮ Макаров Г.Н. Успехи физических наук. 2006. Т. 176. № 2. С. 121-174. 14
ПРОСТРАНСТВЕННАЯ ДИСПЕРСИЯ И ОТРИЦАТЕЛЬНОЕ ПРЕЛОМЛЕНИЕ СВЕТА Агранович В.М., Гартштейн Ю.Н. Успехи физических наук. 2006. Т. 176. № 10. С. 1051-1068. 21
НЕОБЫЧНЫЕ ВРАЩЕНИЯ В НАНОКЛАСТЕРАХ ГЕЛИЯ И ВОДОРОДА И "НАНОСКОПИЧЕСКАЯ" СВЕРХТЕКУЧЕСТЬ Думеш Б.С., Сурин Л.А. Успехи физических наук. 2006. Т. 176. № 11. С. 1137-1154. 8
Publications in 2005
Title: Atomic scale design of carbon nanotubes: the way to produce bolt and nut pairs Author(s): Lozovik YE, Nikolaev AG, Popov AM Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 2 Issue: 3 Pages: 255-270 Published: 2005 Times Cited: 4
Title: Stimulated amplification under spatially nonhomogeneous conditions: An astrophysical FeII laser in the vicinity of eta carinae Author(s): Johansson S, Letokhov V Source: PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: T120 Pages: 99-104 Published: 2005 Times Cited: 0
Title: Determination of the parameters of condensed media by the dual-wavelength differential absorption method Author(s): Liger VV, Bolshov MA, Kuritsyn YA, et al. Source: OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 99 Issue: 5 Pages: 816-827 Published: NOV 2005 Times Cited: 0
Title: High-efficiency carrier multiplication through direct photogeneration of multi-excitons via virtual single-exciton states Author(s): Schaller RD, Agranovich VM, Klimov VI Source: NATURE PHYSICS Volume: 1 Issue: 3 Pages: 189-194 Published: DEC 2005 Times Cited: 156
Title: Local density approximation for a perturbative equation of state Author(s): Astrakharchik GE Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW A Volume: 72 Issue: 6 Article Number: 063620 Published: DEC 2005 Times Cited: 8
Title: High-power two-frequency laser source based on a semiconductor laser for atom optics Author(s): Melentiev PN, Borisov PA, Balykin VI Source: LASER PHYSICS Volume: 15 Issue: 12 Pages: 1617-1622 Published: DEC 2005 Times Cited: 2
Title: Momentum distribution and condensate fraction of a fermion gas in the BCS-BEC crossover Author(s): Astrakharchik GE, Boronat J, Casulleras J, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 95 Issue: 23 Article Number: 230405 Published: DEC 2 2005 Times Cited: 42
Title: Simple system for active frequency stabilization of a diode laser in an external cavity Author(s): Borisov PA, Melentiev PN, Rudnev SN, et al. Source: LASER PHYSICS Volume: 15 Issue: 11 Pages: 1523-1527 Published: NOV 2005 Times Cited: 1
Title: Kinetic equation for a dense soliton gas Author(s): El GA, Kamchatnov AM Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 95 Issue: 20 Article Number: 204101 Published: NOV 11 2005 Times Cited: 7
Title: Astrophysical laser operating in the OI 8446-angstrom line in the Weigelt blobs of eta Carinae Author(s): Johansson S, Letokhov VS Source: MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 364 Issue: 2 Pages: 731-737 Published: DEC 1 2005 Times Cited: 4
Title: Beyond the Tonks-Girardeau gas: Strongly correlated regime in quasi-one-dimensional Bose gases Author(s): Astrakharchik GE, Boronat J, Casulleras J, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 95 Issue: 19 Article Number: 190407 Published: NOV 4 2005 Times Cited: 30
Title: Femtosecond laser photoemission microscopy of capillary nanotips with ultrahigh spatial resolution Author(s): Mironov BN, Aseev SA, Chekalin SV, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 101 Issue: 4 Pages: 628-634 Published: 2005 Times Cited: 3
Title: Low-field memory and negative magnetization in semiconductors and polymers Author(s): Bulyzhenkov I, Lamarche AM, Lamarche G Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 72 Issue: 15 Article Number: 155203 Published: OCT 2005 Times Cited: 2
Title: Absorption measurements of a cell monolayer relevant to phototherapy: Reduction of cytochrome c oxidase under near IR radiation Author(s): Karu TI, Pyatibrat LV, Kolyakov SF, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY Volume: 81 Issue: 2 Pages: 98-106 Published: NOV 1 2005 Times Cited: 31
Title: Evidence for differentiation in the iron-helicoidal chain in GdFe3(BO3)(4) Author(s): Klimin SA, Fausti D, Meetsma A, et al. Source: ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION B-STRUCTURAL SCIENCE Volume: 61 Pages: 481-485 Part: Part 5 Published: OCT 2005 Times Cited: 33
Title: Dynamics of bright matter wave solitons in a Bose-Einstein condensate Author(s): Abdullaev FK, Gammal A, Kamchatnov AM, et al. Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B Volume: 19 Issue: 22 Pages: 3415-3473 Published: SEP 10 2005 Times Cited: 56
Title: Analytic model for a weakly dissipative shallow-water undular bore Author(s): El GA, Grimshaw RHJ, Kamchatnov AM Source: CHAOS Volume: 15 Issue: 3 Article Number: 037102 Published: SEP 2005 Times Cited: 7
Title: Spectral dependence of polarization of the LH2 complex from photosynthetic purple bacterium Thiorhodospira sibirica under femtosecond excitation and probing within near IR spectral region Author(s): Razjivin AP, Kompanets VO, Pishchalnikov RY, et al. Source: BIOLOGICHESKIE MEMBRANY Volume: 22 Issue: 5 Pages: 355-362 Published: SEP-OCT 2005 Times Cited: 0
Title: Solid and soft nanostructured materials: Fundamentals and applications Author(s): Willander M, Nur O, Lozovik YE, et al. Source: MICROELECTRONICS JOURNAL Volume: 36 Issue: 11 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 940-949 Published: NOV 2005 Times Cited: 22
Title: Decomposition of CF2HCl molecules by femtosecond laser radiation Author(s): Apatin VM, Kompanets VO, Laptev VB, et al. Source: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 414 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 76-81 Published: OCT 3 2005 Times Cited: 2
Title: Spin Hall effect on edge magnetization and electric conductance of a 2D semiconductor strip Author(s): Mal'shukov AG, Wang LY, Chu CS, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 95 Issue: 14 Article Number: 146601 Published: SEP 30 2005 Times Cited: 37
Title: Nonlinear surface waves at the interfaces of left-handed electromagnetic media Author(s): Darmanyan SA, Neviere M, Zakhidov AA Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 72 Issue: 3 Article Number: 036615 Part: Part 2 Published: SEP 2005 Times Cited: 15
Title: Exact action spectra for cellular responses relevant to phototherapy Author(s): Karu TI, Kolyakov SF Source: PHOTOMEDICINE AND LASER SURGERY Volume: 23 Issue: 4 Pages: 355-361 Published: AUG 2005 Times Cited: 42
Title: Ground-state properties of a one-dimensional system of dipoles Author(s): Arkhipov AS, Astrakharchik GE, Belikov AV, et al. Source: JETP LETTERS Volume: 82 Issue: 1 Pages: 39-43 Published: 2005 Times Cited: 19
Title: NLTE ionization equilibrium of NdII and NdIII in cool A and Ap stars Author(s): Mashonkina L, Ryabchikova T, Ryabtsev A Source: ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS Volume: 441 Issue: 1 Pages: 309-318 Published: OCT 2005 Times Cited: 38
Title: Ising-Bloch transition for the parametric Ginzburg-Landau equation with rapidly varying perturbations Author(s): Michaelis D, Abdullaev FK, Darmanyan SA, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 71 Issue: 5 Article Number: 056205 Part: Part 2 Published: MAY 2005 Times Cited: 2
Title: Electronic excitations in organic microcavities with strong light-matter coupling Author(s): Agranovich VM, La Rocca GC Source: SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 135 Issue: 9-10 Pages: 544-553 Published: SEP 2005 Times Cited: 8
Title: Strain-induced coupling of spin current to nanomechanical oscillations Author(s): Mal'shukov AG, Tang CS, Chu CS, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 95 Issue: 10 Article Number: 107203 Published: SEP 2 2005 Times Cited: 19
Title: Stark structure of the Yb3+ ion levels in (YbxY1-x)(2)Ti2O7 and the crystal field in rare-earth titanates with a pyrochlore structure Author(s): Klimin SA, Popova MN, Chukalina EP, et al. Source: PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE Volume: 47 Issue: 8 Pages: 1425-1430 Published: 2005 Times Cited: 0
Title: Stark structure and exchange splittings of Nd3+ ion levels in chain nickelate Nd2BaNiO5 Author(s): Popova MN, Romanov EA, Klimin SA, et al. Source: PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE Volume: 47 Issue: 8 Pages: 1497-1503 Published: 2005 Times Cited: 1
Title: Spectroscopic study of magnetic phase transitions in NdxGd1-xFe3(BO3)(4) Author(s): Chukalina EP, Bezmaternykh LN Source: PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE Volume: 47 Issue: 8 Pages: 1528-1531 Published: 2005 Times Cited: 3
Title: Analog of the Migdal-Kohn singularity in the polariton spectrum of a two-dimensional crystal Author(s): Dubovskii OA Source: JETP LETTERS Volume: 81 Issue: 10 Pages: 485-486 Published: 2005 Times Cited: 1
Title: Thermodynamics of two-band superconductors: The case of MgB2 Author(s): Dolgov OV, Kremer RK, Kortus J, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 72 Issue: 2 Article Number: 024504 Published: JUL 2005 Times Cited: 37
Title: Stimulated amplification in an astrophysical plasma: An FeII space laser in gas condensation in the vicinity of eta carinae Author(s): Johansson S, Letokhov VS Source: LASER PHYSICS Volume: 15 Issue: 7 Pages: 939-946 Published: JUL 2005 Times Cited: 0
Title: Ultrafast photoresponse on cavity-mode frequencies in a vacuum-semiconductor film-metal microcavity Author(s): Vinogradov EA Source: LASER PHYSICS Volume: 15 Issue: 7 Pages: 954-965 Published: JUL 2005 Times Cited: 0
Title: Formation and measurement of cluster beams at gasdynamic cooling of CF2HCl molecules Author(s): Lokhman VN, Ogurok DD, Ryabov EA Source: TECHNICAL PHYSICS Volume: 50 Issue: 7 Pages: 846-855 Published: 2005 Times Cited: 4
Title: Dispersion of the local parameters of quasilocalized low-frequency vibrational modes in a low-temperature glass: Direct observation via single-molecule spectroscopy Author(s): Vainer YG, Naumov AV, Bauer M, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 122 Issue: 24 Article Number: 244705 Published: JUN 22 2005 Times Cited: 9
Title: Room-temperature semiconductor heterostructure refrigeration Author(s): Chao KA, Larsson M, Mal'shukov AG Source: APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 87 Issue: 2 Article Number: 022103 Published: JUL 11 2005 Times Cited: 8
Title: Generation of spin current and polarization under dynamic gate control of spin-orbit interaction in low-dimensional semiconductor systems Author(s): Tang CS, Mal'shukov AG, Chao KA Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 71 Issue: 19 Article Number: 195314 Published: MAY 2005 Times Cited: 22
Title: Sum-frequency generation from surface species in porous silicon Author(s): Mattei G, Valentini V, Yakovlev VA, et al. Source: PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE Volume: 202 Issue: 8 Pages: 1487-1491 Published: JUN 2005 Times Cited: 2
Title: Study of nonlinear-optical characteristics of AgGa1-xInxSe2 crystals Author(s): Badikov VV, Laptev VB, Panyutin VL, et al. Source: QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 35 Issue: 3 Pages: 263-267 Published: MAR 2005 Times Cited: 4
Title: Analysis of the spectra of Pd-like praseodymium and neodymium (Pr XIV and Nd XV) Author(s): Churilov SS, Ryabtsev AN, Wyart JF, et al. Source: PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: 71 Issue: 6 Pages: 589-598 Published: JUN 2005 Times Cited: 12
Title: In memory of Roman Ivanovich Personov (January 4, 1932 January 17, 2002) Author(s): Agranovicv VM, Bol'shov MA, Vainer YG, et al. Source: OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 98 Issue: 5 Pages: 650-654 Published: MAY 2005 Times Cited: 0
Title: Statistical analysis of spectra of single impurity molecules and dynamics of disordered solids: I. Distributions of linewidths, moments, and cumulants Author(s): Vainer YG, Naumov AV, Bauer M, et al. Source: OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 98 Issue: 5 Pages: 740-746 Published: MAY 2005 Times Cited: 3
Title: Statistical analysis of spectra of single impurity molecules and dynamics of disordered solids: II. Manifestation of interaction of two-level systems with impurity molecules at different distances Author(s): Vainer YG, Naumov AV Source: OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 98 Issue: 5 Pages: 747-752 Published: MAY 2005 Times Cited: 4
Title: Application of the broad hole burning technique for studying low-temperature photoreactions in impurity amorphous bodies Author(s): Gorshelev AA, Ulitsky NI, Snegirev EP, et al. Source: OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 98 Issue: 5 Pages: 769-775 Published: MAY 2005 Times Cited: 0
Title: Zeeman effect on holes in the Q bands in the absorption spectra of molecules of phthalocyanine metal complexes in amorphous polymer glasses Author(s): Ulitsky NI, Nizhankovskii VI Source: OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 98 Issue: 5 Pages: 786-789 Published: MAY 2005 Times Cited: 0
Title: A superpowerful source of far-ultraviolet monochromatic radiation Author(s): Ivanova EP, Ivanov AL Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 100 Issue: 5 Pages: 844-856 Published: 2005 Times Cited: 8
Title: Phonon transmission in III-V semiconductor superlattices and alloys Author(s): Antonyuk VB, Larsson M, Mal'shukov AG, et al. Source: SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume: 20 Issue: 5 Pages: 347-352 Published: MAY 2005 Times Cited: 3
Title: Time variations of the narrow FeII and HI spectral emission lines from the close vicinity of eta Carinae during the spectral event of 2003 Author(s): Hartman H, Damineli A, Johansson S, et al. Source: ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS Volume: 436 Issue: 3 Pages: 945-952 Published: JUN 2005 Times Cited: 7
Title: Evolution of the nuclear structure approaching Ni-78: beta decay of Cu74-78 Author(s): Van Roosbroeck J, De Witte H, Gorska M, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW C Volume: 71 Issue: 5 Article Number: 054307 Published: MAY 2005 Times Cited: 12
Title: Analysis of the 4f(2)-4f5g transitions in Cd-like Pr XII and Nd XII Author(s): Churilov SS, Joshi YN Source: PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: 71 Issue: 5 Pages: 453-456 Published: MAY 2005 Times Cited: 0
Title: Analysis of the 4-4 transitions in the Ni-like KrIX spectrum Author(s): Churilov SS, Ryabtsev AN, Wyart JF Source: PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: 71 Issue: 5 Pages: 457-463 Published: MAY 2005 Times Cited: 1
Title: Additions to the spectrum and energy levels and a critical compilation of singly-ionized boron, BII Author(s): Ryabtsev AN, Kink I, Awaya Y, et al. Source: PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: 71 Issue: 5 Pages: 489-501 Published: MAY 2005 Times Cited: 3
Title: Highly excited and autoionizing states in the spectrum of triply ionized titanium Ti(IV) Author(s): Ryabtsev AN, Churilov SS, Kononov EY Source: OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 98 Issue: 4 Pages: 519-527 Published: APR 2005 Times Cited: 13
Title: Study of vibronic interactions in impurity centers by conjugate fluorescence and absorption spectra with a poorly resolved vibrational structure Author(s): Naumova NL, Vasil'eva IA, Osad'ko IS, et al. Source: OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 98 Issue: 4 Pages: 535-542 Published: APR 2005 Times Cited: 2
Title: Selective processes of IR excitation and dissociation of molecules in gasdynamically cooled jets and flows Author(s): Makarov GN Source: PHYSICS-USPEKHI Volume: 48 Issue: 1 Pages: 37-76 Published: JAN 2005 Times Cited: 13
Title: Spin Hall conductivity of a disordered two-dimensional electron gas with Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction Author(s): Mal'shukov AG, Chao KA Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 71 Issue: 12 Article Number: 121308 Published: MAR 2005 Times Cited: 44
Title: Ab initio study of relative motion of walls in carbon nanotubes Author(s): Bichoutskaia E, Popov AM, El-Barbary A, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 71 Issue: 11 Article Number: 113403 Published: MAR 2005 Times Cited: 31
Title: Interaction of quantum well excitons with a resonant localized excitation Author(s): Basko DM, La Rocca GC, Bassani F, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 71 Issue: 16 Article Number: 165330 Published: APR 2005 Times Cited: 8
Title: Possibility of measuring the width of narrow FeII astrophysical laser lines in the vicinity of eta Carinae by means of Brown-Twiss-Townes heterodyne correlation interferometry Author(s): Johansson S, Letokhov VS Source: NEW ASTRONOMY Volume: 10 Issue: 5 Pages: 361-369 Published: APR 2005 Times Cited: 6
Title: Motion of an atom under the effect of femtosecond laser pulses: From chaos to spatial localization Author(s): Balykin VI Source: JETP LETTERS Volume: 81 Issue: 5 Pages: 209-213 Published: 2005 Times Cited: 1
Title: Excitation dynamics in the LH2 complex from photosynthetic purple bacterium Thiorhodospira sibirica under femtosecond excitation and probing Author(s): Razjivin AP, Kompanets VO, Pishchalnikov RY, et al. Source: BIOLOGICHESKIE MEMBRANY Volume: 22 Issue: 2 Pages: 83-91 Published: MAR-APR 2005 Times Cited: 0
Title: Metastable hydrogen absorption in ejecta close to eta Carinae Author(s): Johansson S, Gull TR, Hartman H, et al. Source: ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS Volume: 435 Issue: 1 Pages: 183-189 Published: MAY 2005 Times Cited: 7
Title: Field theory for the global density of states distribution function of disordered conductors Author(s): Yudson VI Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS Volume: 94 Issue: 15 Article Number: 156601 Published: APR 22 2005 Times Cited: 1
Title: Applications of quartz tuning forks in spectroscopic gas sensing Author(s): Kosterev AA, Tittel FK, Serebryakov DV, et al. Source: REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS Volume: 76 Issue: 4 Article Number: 043105 Published: APR 2005 Times Cited: 75
Title: Analysis of the 3d(3)4f configuration in NiVII Author(s): Kildiyarova RR, Churilov SS, Joshi YN, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS Volume: 22 Issue: 4 Pages: 884-897 Published: APR 2005 Times Cited: 2
Title: Selecting molecules embedded in nanodroplets (Clusters) of superfluid helium Author(s): Lokhman VN, Makarov GN Source: JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS Volume: 100 Issue: 3 Pages: 505-515 Published: 2005 Times Cited: 3
Title: Stability of indirect biexcitons in superlattices Author(s): Berman O, Lozovik YE Source: SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 134 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 27-31 Published: APR 2005 Times Cited: 0
Title: Superfluidity of 'dirty' indirect excitons in coupled quantum wells Author(s): Berman OL, Lozovik YE, Snoke DW, et al. Source: SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 134 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 47-50 Published: APR 2005 Times Cited: 4
Title: Instantaneous approximation for the dynamical Casimir effect Author(s): Fedotov A, Narozhny N, Lozovik Y Source: JOURNAL OF OPTICS B-QUANTUM AND SEMICLASSICAL OPTICS Volume: 7 Issue: 3 Pages: S64-S68 Published: MAR 2005 Times Cited: 7
Title: Millimeter-wave spectrum of Ne-CO: new measurements Author(s): Surin LA, Potapov A, Panfilov VA, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 230 Issue: 2 Pages: 149-152 Published: APR 2005 Times Cited: 5
Title: Center-of-mass tomography and probability representation of quantum states for tunneling Author(s): Arkhipov AS, Lozovik YE, Man'ko VI, et al. Source: THEORETICAL AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS Volume: 142 Issue: 2 Pages: 311-323 Published: FEB 2005 Times Cited: 1
Title: State-insensitive trapping and guiding of cesium atoms using a two-color evanescent field around a subwavelength-diameter fiber Author(s): Le Kien F, Balykin VI, Hakuta K Source: JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN Volume: 74 Issue: 3 Pages: 910-917 Published: MAR 2005 Times Cited: 3 View full text from the publisher
Title: Revised and extended analysis of the 4d(8)4f+4d(8)5p+4p(5)4d(10) configurations in Cs XI spectrum Author(s): Churilov SS, Joshi YN, Tauheed A Source: PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: 71 Issue: 3 Pages: 261-265 Published: MAR 2005 Times Cited: 3
Title: Dimensional effects and magnetic field influence on excitons in coupled quantum dots and coupled quantum wells Author(s): Kaputkina NE, Lozovik YE Source: PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES Volume: 26 Issue: 1-4 Pages: 291-296 Published: FEB 2005 Times Cited: 4
Title: High-resolution optical spectroscopy investigation of Nd2BaNiO5 and Nd0.1Y1.9BaNiO5 and crystal-field parameters for rare-earth linear-chain nickelates Author(s): Popova MN, Klimin SA, Chukalina EP, et al. Source: PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 71 Issue: 2 Article Number: 024414 Published: JAN 2005 Times Cited: 30
Title: Electric and magnetic dipole transitions of an atom in the presence of spherical dielectric interface Author(s): Klimov VV, Letokhov VS Source: LASER PHYSICS Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Pages: 61-73 Published: JAN 2005 Times Cited: 1
Title: Analysis of the thirteenth spectrum of neodymium, Nd XIII Author(s): Churilov SS, Joshi YN, Ryabtsev AN Source: PHYSICA SCRIPTA Volume: 71 Issue: 1 Pages: 43-47 Published: JAN 2005 Times Cited: 4
Title: Coherent fluorescence resonance energy transfer in symmetrical clusters of fluorescent centers Author(s): Basieva IT, Sekatskii SK, Dietler G Source: CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 402 Issue: 4-6 Pages: 433-438 Published: FEB 4 2005 Times Cited: 1
Title: Raman and IR study of high-pressure atomic phase of nitrogen Author(s): Popov M Source: PHYSICS LETTERS A Volume: 334 Issue: 4 Pages: 317-325 Published: JAN 17 2005 Times Cited: 6
Title: Evaluation of parameters of intramolecular interaction from absorption and fluorescence spectra of substituted arylpolyene with poor resolved vibrational structure Author(s): Naumova NL, Vasil'eva IA, Naumov AV, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE Volume: 111 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 37-45 Published: JAN 2005 Times Cited: 2
Publications in 2004
1. Agranovich V.M. Negative refraction in the optical domain and nonlinear wave propagation. - Physics - Uspekhi, 2004, v.47, No.6, p.626-627.
2. Antonyuk B.P. Strong effects of weak electron-phonon coupling. - Hauppauge;New York:Nova Science Publishers, 2004, p.109.
3. Antonyuk B.P., Antonyuk V.B., Obidin A.Z., Vartapetov S.K., Kurzanov M. A. Light driven bunching of electrons in glasses: structuring of a matter by light. - Opt.Commun., 2004, v.230, No.1-3, p.151-159.
4. Antonyuk B.P., Obidin A.Z., Lapshin K.E. Light driven structuring of glasses. - Phys.Lett.A, 2004, v.332, No.1&2, p.86-92.
5. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N., Nazarenko A.V. Axially inhomogeneous plasma in fast discharges for creation of population inversion in soft X-ray region. - Journal of Physics D, 2004, v.37, No.18, p.2527-2530.
6. Apatin V.M., Kompanets V.O., Laptev V.B., Matveets Y.A., Ryabov E.A., Chekalin S.V., Letokhov V.S. Dissociation of CF2HCl molecules by intense radiation from a femtosecond laser in the near-IR range. - JETP Lett., 2004, v. 80, No.2, p.95-97.
7. Arkhipov A.S., Lozovik Y.E. Quantum tomography as a new approach to simulating quantum processes. - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2004, v.98, No.2, p.231-239.
8. Arkhipov A.S., Lozovik Y.E., Manko V.I. Center of mass tomography for reconstructing quantum states of multipartite systems. - Phys.Lett.A, 2004, v. 328, No.6, p.419-431.
9. Aseev S.A., Mironov B.N., Chekalin S.V., Letokhov V.S. Femtosecond laser photoelectron projection microscopy of organic nanocomplexes. - JETP Lett., 2004, v.80, No.8, p.568-571.
10. Astrakharchik G.E., Blume D., Giorgini S., Granger B.E. Quasi-One- Dimensional Bose Gases with a Large Scattering Length. - Phys.Rev.Lett., 2004, v.92, No.3, p.402.
11. Astrakharchik G.E., Blume D., Giorgini S., Pitaevskii L.P. Interacting Fermions in Highly Elongated Harmonic Traps. - Phys.Rev.Lett., 2004, v.93, No. 5, p.402.
12. Astrakharchik G.E., Pitaevskii L.P. Motion of a heavy impurity through a Bose-Einstein condensate. - Phys.Rev.A, 2004, v.70, No.1, p.3608.
13. Baby L.T., Bordeanu C., Goldring G., Hass M., Weissman L., Fedoseyev V. N., Koster U., NirEl Y., Haquin G., Gaggeler H.W., Weinreich R. Precision measurement of the Be-7(P,gamma)B-8 cross section with an implanted Be-7 target (Vol 90, art no 022501, 2003) - art. no. 029901. - Phys.Rev.Lett., 2004, v. 9202, No.2, p.9901.
14. Baby L.T., Bordeanu C., Goldring G., Hass M., Weissman L., Fedoseyev V. N., Koster U., NirEl Y., Haquin G., Gaggeler H.W., Weinreich R. New measurement of the proton capture rate on Be-7 and the S-17(0) factor (Vol C 67, art no 065805, 2003) - art. no. 019902. - Physical Review C, 2004, v.6901, No.1, p. 9902.
15. Balykin V.I., Hakuta K., LeKien F., Liang J.Q., Morinaga M. Atom trapping and guiding with a subwavelength-diameter optical fiber -art. no. 011401. - Phys.Rev.A, 2004, v.7001, No.1, p.1401.
16. Barkai E., Naumov A.V., Vainer Y.G., Bauer M., Kador L. Experimental evidence for Levy statistics in single-molecule spectroscopy in a low- temperature glass-manifestation of long-range interactions. - Journal of Luminescence, 2004, v.107, No.1-4, p.21-31.
17. Basieva I.T., Sekatskii S.K., Pukhov K.K., Basiev T.T., Dietler G. Clusters and superlattices of resonantly interacting fluorescence centers as quantum computer hardware. - Laser Phys., 2004, v.14, No.11, p.1393-1402.
18. Belikov A.V., Lozovik Y.E., Nikolaev A.G., Popov A.M. Double-wall nanotubes: classification and barriers to walls relative rotation, sliding and screwlike motion. - Chemical Physics Letters, 2004, v.385, No.1&2, p.72-78.
19. Belikov A.V., Lozovik Y.E., Nikolaev A.G., Popov A.M. Double-wall carbon nanotubes: Classification and barriers for relative motion of walls. - Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2004, v.12, No.1&2, p.117-121.
20. Berman O.L., Lozovik Yu.E., Snoke D.W., Coalson R.D. Collective properties of indirect excitons in coupled quantum wells in a random field. - Phys.Rev.B, 2004, v.70, No.23, p.5310.
21. Boutron C., Rosman K., Barbante C., Bolshov M., Adams F., Hong S.M., Ferrari C. Anthropogenic lead in polar snow and ice archives. - Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 2004, v.336, No.10, p.847-867.
22. Chekalin S.V., Kompanets V.O., Letokhov V.S., Matveets Yu.A., Mironov B.N., Sekatskii S.K. Recording of optical near-field in laser photoelectron microscope by means of two-photon ionization by femtosecond laser pulses. - SPIE Proc., 2004, v.5402, p.17-24.
23. Chukalina E.P., Kuritsin D.Y., Popova M.N., Bezmaternykh L.N., Kharlamova S.A., Temerov V.L. Magnetic ordering of NdFe3(BO3)(4) studied by infrared absorption spectroscopy. - Phys.Lett.A, 2004, v.322, No.3&4, p.239-243.
24. Churilov S.S., Joshi Y.N., Reader J., Kildiyarova R.R. 4p(6)4d(8)- (4d(7)5p+4d(7)4f+4p(5)4d(9)) transitions in Xe Xl. - Phys.Scripta, 2004, v.70, No.2&3, p.126-138.
25. Daghero D., Gonnelli R.S., Ummarino G.A., Dolgov O.V., Kortus J., Golubov A.A., Shulga S.V. The determination of the electron-phonon interaction from tunneling data in the two-band superconductor MgB2. - Physica C - Superconductivity and Its Applications, 2004, v.408(10), p.353-354.
26. Darmanyan S.A., Neviere M., Zayats A.V. Analytical theory of optical transmission through periodically structured metal films via tunnel-coupled surface polariton modes - art. no. 075103. - Physical Review B, 2004, v.7007, No.7, p.5103.
27. Darmanyan S.A, Neviere M., Zayats A.V. Enhanced optical transmission via tunnelcoupling in surface polaritonic crystals. - Nonlinear Waves:Classical and Quantum Aspects/Ed by F.Kh.Abdullaev,V.V.Konotop.-Kluwer Academic Publishers,2004, 2004
28. Drechsler S.L., Rosner H., Opahle I., Shulga S.V., Eschrig H. Electronic structure and anisotropic superconductivity in diborides and borocarbides. - Physica C - Superconductivity and Its Applications, 2004, v. 408(10), p.104-106.
29. Dumesh B.S., Panfilov V.A., Surin L.A., Furzikov D.N., Winnewisser G. Monomer counterrotations and tunneling splitting in CO dimer by data of millimeter wave spectroscopy. - JETP Lett., 2004, v.80, No.2, p.98-102.
30. Efimov V.V., Khasanov S.S., Mavrin B.N., Novikova N.N., Shilnikov A. V., Burkhanov A.I., Sikolenko V.V., Sternberg A., Tiutiunnikov S.I., Tobbens D. M., Yakovlev V.A. Structure and lattice dynamics in PLZT 8/65/35 ceramics irradiated by high-current pulsed electron beam. - Ferroelectrics, 2004, v.302, p.573-579.
31. Eremets M.I., Popov M.Yu., Trojan I.A., Denisov V.N., Boehler R., Hemley R.J. Polymerization of nitrogen in sodium azide. - Journal of Chemical Physics, 2004, v.120, No.22, p.10618-10623.
32. Filinov A.V., Peeters F.M., Riva C., Lozovik Y.E., Bonitz M. Exciton molecules in quantum wells: Influence of the well width fluctuations. - Few - Body Systems, 2004, v.34, No.1-3, p.149-154.
33. Fuchs G., Muller K.H., Drechsler S.L., Shulga S., Nenkov K., Freudenberger J., Behr G., Souptel D., Handstein A., Walte A., Lipp D., Gupta L. C. Non-magnetic superconducting R(Ni,Pt)(2)B2C compounds (R = Y, Lu) in the clean and dirty limit. - Physica C - Superconductivity and Its Applications, 2004, v.408(10), p.107-108.
34. Gammal A., Kamchatnov A.M. Temporal Talbot effect in interference of matter waves from arrays of Bose-Einstein condensates and transition to Fraunhofer diffraction. - Phys.Lett.A, 2004, v.324, No.2&3, p.227-234.
35. Grishin Yu.A., Fuchs M., Schnegg A., Dubinski A., Dumesh B.S., Rusin F. S., Bratman V.L., Mobius K. Pulsed orotron- A new microwave source for submillimeter pulse high-field. - Rev.Sci.Instrum., 2004, v.75, No.9, p.2928.
36. Ivanov I.A. Transformation of the asymptotic perturbation expansion for the anharmonic oscillator into a convergent expansion. - Phys.Lett.A, 2004, v.322, No.3&4, p.194-204.
37. Ivanov I.A., Ho Y.K. Complex rotation method for the Dirac Hamiltonian - art. no. 023407. - Phys.Rev.A, 2004, v.6902, No.2, p.3407.
38. Johansson S., Letokhov V.S. Anomalous FeII spectral effects and high HI Ly alpha temperature in gas blobs near eta Carinae. - Astronomy Letters - A Journal of Astronomy and Space Astrophysics, 2004, v.30, No.1, p.58-63.
39. Johansson S., Letokhov V.S. Anomalous fell spectral effects and high H I Ly alpha temperature in gas blobs near eta carinae (Vol 30, pg 58, 2004). - Astronomy Letters - A Journal of Astronomy and Space Astrophysics, 2004, v.30, No.6, p.433.
40. Johansson S., Letokhov V.S. Possibility of Successive Resonance- Enhanced Two-Photon Ionisation of Ne and Ar in a Astrophysical Plasma. - Astronomical Journal, 2004, v.81, No.4, p.1-9.
41. Johansson S., Letokhov V.S. Astrophysical Lasers Operating in Optical Fell Lines in Stellar Ejectra of a Carine. - Astron. Astrophys, 2004, v.428, p. 497-509.
42. Johansson S., Letokhov V.S. Astrophysical lasers operating in optical FeII lines in stellar ejecta of eta Carinae. - Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2004, v.428, No.2, p.497-509.
43. Johnson W.R., Dzuba V.A., Safronova U.I., Safronova M.S. Finite-field evaluation of the Lennard-Jones atom-wall interaction constant C-3 for alkali- metal atoms - art. no. 022508. - Phys.Rev.A, 2004, v.6902, No.2, p.2508.
44. Kamchatnov A.M. On Whitham theory for perturbed integrable equations. - Physica D - Nonlinear Phenomena, 2004, v.188, No.3&4, p.247-261.
45. Kamchatnov A.M., Darmanyan S.A, Neviere M. Polariton gap solitons in semiconductor microcavities. - Journal of Luminescence, 2004, v.110, No.4, p. 373-377.
46. Kamchatnov A.M., Gammal A., Kraenkel R.A. Dissipationless shock waves in Bose-Einstein condensates with repulsive interaction between atoms - art. no. 063605. - Phys.Rev.A, 2004, v.6906, No.6, p.3605.
47. Kamchatnov A.M., Gammal A., Kraenkel R.A. Shok waves in Bose-Einstein condensates. - Nonlinear Waves:Classical and Quantum Aspects/Ed by F.Kh. Abdullaev,V.V.Konotop.-Kluwer Academic Publishers,2004, 2004, p.285-290.
48. Kamchatnov A.M., Shchesnovich V.S. Dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates in cigar-shaped traps - art. no. 023604. - Phys.Rev.A, 2004, v. 7002, No.2, p.3604.
49. Klimin S.A., Chukalina E.P., Popova M.N., AnticFidancev E., Aschehoug P., Gaponenko N.V., Molchan I.S., Tsyrkunov D.A. Absorption and emission spectra of erbium-doped titania xerogels confined in porous anodic alumina. - Phys.Lett.A, 2004, v.323, No.1&2, p.159-163.
50. Klimov V., Sekatskii S.K., Dietler G. Coherent fluorescence resonance energy transfer between two dipoles: full quantum electrodynamics approach. - Journal of Modern Optics, 2004, v.51, No.13, p.1919-1947.
51. Kulakovskii D.V., Lozovik Y.E. Screening and rearrangement of excitonic states in double layer systems. - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2004, v.98, No.6, p.1205-1213.
52. Kulakovskii D.V., Lozovik Y.E., Chaplik A.V. Collective excitations in exciton crystal. - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2004, v.99, No.4, p.850-855.
53. Kulakovskii D.V., Lozovik Yu.E., Chaplik A.V. Collective excitations in exciton crystal. - ЖЭТФ, 2004, v.126, No.4, p.979-985.
54. LeKien F., Liang J.Q., Hakuta K., Balykin V.I. Field intensity distributions and polarization orientations in a vacuum-clad subwavelength- diameter optical fiber. - Opt.Commun., 2004, v.242, No.4-6, p.445-455.
55. Leskova T.A., Maradudin A.A., MunozLopez J. The design of one- dimensional randomly rough surfaces that act as Collett-Wolf sources. - Opt. Commun., 2004, v.242, No.1-3, p.123-133.
56. Letokhov V.S., Ryabov E.A. Laser Infrared Multiphoton Noncoherent Control of Intermolecular (Isotope)Selectivity for Polyatomic Molecules on a Practical Scale. - Israel Journal of Chemistry, 2004, v.44, p.1-4.
57. Letokhov V.S., Ryabov E.A. Laser Isotope Separation. - The Optics Encyclopedia/Ed.by Th.G.Brown,K.Creath,h.Kogelink,M.A.Kriss,J.Schmit,M.J.Weber.- Wiley-VCH,2004.-, 2004, v.2, p.1015-1028.
58. Levitin R.Z., Popova E.A., Chtsherbov R.M., Vasilev A.N., Popova M.N., Chukalina E.P., Klimin S.A., Loosdrecht P.H.M., Fausti D., Bezmaternykh L.N. Cascade of phase transitions in GdFe3(BO3)4. - Pis'ma v ZhETF, 2004, v.79, No. 9, p.531-534.
59. Litinskaya M., Reineker P., Agranovich V.M. Exciton-polaritons in a crystalline anisotropic organic microcavity. - Physica Status Solidi A - Applied Research, 2004, v.201, No.4, p.646-654.
60. Lokhman V.N., Makarov G.N. The possibility of selection of molecules embedded in superfluld helium nanodroplets. - Chemical Physics Letters, 2004, v. 398, No.4-6, p.453-458.
61. Lokhman V.N., Ryabov E.A., Ogurok D.D. The formation and characterization of freon 22 cluster beams. - Technical Physics Letters, 2004, v.30, No.4, p.345-347.
62. Lozovik Y.E., Ovchinnikov I.V. BCS instability of a two-layer system of composite fermions. - JETP Lett., 2004, v.79, No.2, p.76-80.
63. Lozovik Y.E., Ovchinnikov I.V., Ostroumov R.P., Wang K.L. Interwell exciton dispersion engineering, coherent phonons generation and optical detection of exciton condensate. - Physica Status Solidi B - Basic Research, 2004, v.241, No.1, p.85-100.
64. Lozovik Y.E., Ovchinnikov I.V., Sharapov V.A. Optical properties of a coherent phase in electron-hole systems: Stimulated light scattering and multibeam processes. - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2004, v. 98, No.3, p.582-593.
65. Lozovik Y.E., Popov A.M. Nanomachines based on carbon nanotubes walls motion: Operation modes and controlling forces. - Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2004, v.12, No.1&2, p.463-470.
66. Lozovik Y.E., Sharapov V.A., Arkhipov A.S. Simulation of tunneling in the quantum tomography approach - art. no. 022116. - Phys.Rev.A, 2004, v.6902, No.2, p.2116.
67. Lozovik Y.E., Volkov S.Y. Hydrogen atom moving across a magnetic field - art. no. 023410. - Phys.Rev.A, 2004, v.7002, No.2, p.3410.
68. Lozovik Y.E., Volkov S.Y., Willander M. Structural properties of the condensate in two-dimensional mesoscopic systems of strongly correlated excitons. - JETP Lett., 2004, v.79, No.10, p.473-478.
69. Lozovik Yu.E., Popov A.M. Nanomashines Based on Carbon Nanotubes Walls Motion:Operation Modes and Control Forces. - Fullerenes,Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2004, v.12, No.1&2, p.463-470.
70. Lozovik Yu.E., Popov A.M., Nikolaev A.G. Atomic scale design of carbon nanotubes:the wey to produce bolt-and-nut pairs. - Nano and Giga Challenger in Microelectronics Research and Development Opportunities Symposium and Summer School.Cracow,Poland Sept. 13-17 2004, 2004, p.199.
71. Makarov A.A. Microwave spectroscopy for studying intramolecular vibrational dynamics:Theretical background, current status, and future prospects. - SPIE Proc., 2004, v.5311, p.14-24.
72. Makarov A.A., Letokhov V.S. Metastable entangld states of atomic systems in macroscale: radiaton dynamics and spctrum. - SPIE Proc., 2004, v. 5402, p.54-64.
73. Makarov G.N. Generation of pulsed high-energy beams of trifluoroiodomethane molecules and trifluoromethyl radicals. - High Energy Chemistry, 2004, v.38, No.1, p.46-50.
74. Malinovsky A.L., Makarov A.A., Ryabov E.A. Real-time observation of the dynamics of vibrational-energy redistribution within an isolated polyatomic molecule by spontaneous Raman spectroscopy. - JETP Lett., 2004, v.80, No.8, p. 532-534.
75. Malkin B.Z., Zakirov A.R., Popova M.N., Klimin S.A., Chukalina E.P., AnticFidancev E., Goldner P., Aschehoug P., Dhalenne G. Optical spectroscopy of Yb2Ti2O7 and Y2Ti2O7:Yb3+ and crystal-field parameters in rare-earth titanate pyrochlores - art. no. 075112. - Physical Review B, 2004, v.7007, No.7, p.5112.
76. Mendez E.R., Leskova T.A., Maradudin A.A., MunozLopez J. Design of two- dimensional random surfaces with specified scattering properties. - Optics Letters, 2004, v.29, No.24, p.2917-2919.
77. Mosse C., Calisti A., Stamm R., Talin B., Bureyeva L.A., Lisitsa V.S. A universal approach to Rydberg spectral line shapes in plasmas. - J.Phys.B, 2004, v.37, p.1343-1352.
78. Naumov A.V., Vainer Y.G., Bauer M., Kador L. Quasi-localized low-
frequency vibrational modes of disordered solids II. Study by
single-molecule spectroscopy. - Physica Status Solidi B - Basic Research,
2004, v.241, No.15, p. 3487-3492.
79. Neill P., Harris C., Safronova A., Hamasha S., Hansen S., Safronova U., Beiersdorfer P. The study of X-ray M-shell spectra of W ions from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Electron Beam Ion Trap. - Can.J.Phys., 2004, v.82, No.11, p.931-942.
80. Orrit M., Vainer Y.G. In memory of Roman I. Personov. - Journal of Luminescence, 2004, v.107, No.1-4, p.1-3.
81. Podobedov V.B., Plusquellic D.F., Fraser G.T. THz laser study of self- pressure and temperature broadening and shifts of water vapor lines for pressures up to 1.4kPa. - JQSRT, 2004, v.87, No.3&4, p.377-385.
82. Podobedova L.I., Fuhr J.R., Reader J., Wiese W.L. Atomic spectral tables for the Chandra X-Ray Observatory. Part IV. NeV-NeVIII. - J.Phys.Chem. Ref.Data, 2004, v.33, No.2, p.525-540.
83. Podobedova L.I., Kelleher D.E., Reader J., Wiese W.L. Atomic spectral tables for the Chandra X-ray observatory. Part II. SI Vi-Si XII. - J.Phys.Chem. Ref.Data, 2004, v.33, No.2, p.471-494.
84. Podobedova L.I., Kelleher D.E., Reader J., Wiese W.L. Atomic spectral tables for the Chandra X-ray observatory. Part III. Mgv-Mgx. - J.Phys.Chem.Ref. Data, 2004, v.33, No.2, p.495-524.
85. Popov M.Yu. Pressure measurements from Raman spectra of stressed diamond anvils. - Journal of Applied Physics, 2004, v.95, p.5509-5514.
86. Popova M.N., Agladze N.I. Hyperfine structure in optical spectra of LiYF4-Ho3 forbidden transitions. - Molecular Physics, 2004, v.102, No.11&12, p. 1377-1380.
87. Popova M.N., Klimin S.A., Chukalina E.P., Zhizhin G.N., Korableva S. L., Abdulsabirov R.Y. Isotope shifts in the spectra of LiLuF4:Ho3+ crystals due to the isotopic disorder in the lithium sublattice. - Optics and Spectroscopy, 2004, v.97, No.1, p.50-55.
88. Popova M.N., Klimin S.A., Chukalina E.P., Levitin R.Z., Mill B.V., Malkin B.Z., Antic-Fidancev E. Crystal-field and magnetic ordering in the Haldane-chain compound Er2BaNiO5 as studied by optical spectroscopy. - Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2004, v.380, No.1&2, p.84-88.
89. Ryabov E.A. Laser isotope separation by IR multiphoton dissociation of molecules. - Physics - Uspekhi, 2004, v.47, No.6, p.627-629.
90. Safronova U.I., Safronova M.S. Relativistic many-body calculations of energies for doubly-excited 1s2l2l' and 1s3l3l' states in Li-like ions. - Can.J. Phys., 2004, v.82, No.9, p.743-765.
91. Sekatskii S.K. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer scanning near- field optical microscopy. - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A - Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2004, v.362, No.1817, p.901-919.
92. Servantes M.A., Smolovich A.M., Terpugov V.S., Chekalin S., Kompanets V.O., Matveets Yu.A., Serov O.B., Dement'ev D.A., Andreev N.N. Difraction properties of femosecond holograms. - SPIE Proc., 2004, v.5402, p.1-8.
93. Shchesnovich V.S., Kamchatnov A.M., Kraenkel R.A. Mixed-isotope Bose- Einstein condensates in rubidium - art. no. 033601. - Phys.Rev.A, 2004, v.6903, No.3, p.3601.
94. Shlyapin V.V., Nilsson K., Blom A. Calculation of bound and resonant donor states of GaAs in a magnetic field. - Solid State Commun., 2004, v.132, No.3&4, p.187-191.
95. Sidorov N.V., Palatnikov M.N., Golubyatnik N.A., Kalinnikov V.T., Mavrin B.N., Asonov V.V., Olekhnovich N.M., Radyush Y.V., Pushkarev A.V. Manifestation of a ferroelectric-antiferroelectric phase transition in Li(0. 1)2Na(0.88)Ta(0.4)Nb(0.6)O(3) in its Raman scattering spectra. - Optics and Spectroscopy, 2004, v.97, No.3, p.388-393.
96. Surin L.A., Fourzikov D.N., Dumesh B.S., Winnewisser G., Tang J., McKellar A.R.W. The millimeter wave spectrum of the (CO)-C-13-O-16 dimer. - Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 2004, v.223, No.2, p.132-137.
97. Vainer Y.G. Single-molecule spectroscopy and disordered solid dynamics. - Physics - Uspekhi, 2004, v.47, No.6, p.623-626.
98. Vainer Y.G., Naumov A.V., Bauer M., Kador L. Dynamics of amorphous polymers in the temperature region 2-7 K where the standard model of low- temperature glasses begin to fail: studies by single molecule spectroscopy and comparison with photon echo data. - Journal of Luminescence, 2004, v.107, No.1- 4, p.287-297.
99. Vainer Y.G., Naumov A.V., Kolchenko M.A., Personov R.I. Quasi- localized low-frequency vibrational modes of disordered solids I. Study by photon echo. - Physica Status Solidi B - Basic Research, 2004, v.241, No.15, p. 3480-3486.
100. VanRoosbroeck J., DeWitte H., Gorska M., Huyse M., Kruglov K., VandeVel K., VanDuppen P., Franchoo S., Cederkall J., Fedoseyev V.N., Fynbo H., Georg U., Jonsson O., Koster U. Coupling a proton and a neutron to the semidoubly magic nucleus Ni-68: A study of Cu-70 via the beta decay of Ni-70 and Cu-70 - art. no. 034313. - Physical Review C, 2004, v.6903, No.3, p.4313.
101. VanRoosbroeck J., Guenaut C., Audi G., Beck D., Blaum K., Bollen G., Cederkall J., Delahaye P., DeMaesschalck A., DeWitte H., Fedorov D., Fedoseyev V.N., Franchoo S., Fynbo H.O.U. Unambiguous identification of three beta- decaying isomers in Cu-70 - art. no. 112501. - Phys.Rev.Lett., 2004, v.9211, No. 11, p.2501.
102. Vinogradov E.A., Mavrin B.N., Vodopyanov L.K. Raman scattering and optical normal vibrations of the Zn(1-x)Cd(X)Secrystal lattice. - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2004, v.99, No.4, p.749-755.
103. Vodopianov L.K., Vinogradov A.A., Vinogradov V.S., Kucherenko I.V., Mavrin B.N., Novikova N.N., Shapkin P.V. Optical phonons in Zn1-xCdxSe. - Physia Status Solidi C, 2004, v.1, No.1, p.3162-3165.
104. Walte A., Fuchs G., Muller K.H., Handstein A., Nenkov K., Narozhnyi V. N., Drechsler S.L., Shulga S., Schultz L., Rosner H. Evidence for strong electron-phonon coupling in MgCNi3 - art. no. 174503. - Physical Review B, 2004, v.7017, No.17, p.4503.
105. Well J-P.R., Jones G.D., Reid M.F., Popova M.N., Chukalina E.P. Hyperfine patterns of infrared absorption lines of Ho3C4 centres in CaF2. - Molecular Physics, 2004, v.102, No.11&12, p.1367-1376.
106. Zayats A.V., Darmanyan S.A, G'erard D., Salomon L. Surface plasmon polaritons on nanostructured sufraces and thin films. - Proc.of the 10th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory. Dnepropetrovsk,Ukraine,2004, 2004, p.73-178.
107. Zybin A., Kuritsyn Y.A., Mironenko V.R., Niemax K. Cavity enhanced wavelength modulation spectrometry for application in chemical analysis. - Appl. Phys.B, 2004, v.78, No.1, p.103-109.
108. Zybin A., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Mironenko V.R., Niemax K. Cavity enhanced wavelength modulation spectrometry for application in chemical analysis. - Applied Physics B., 2004, v.78, No.1, p.103-109.
Publications in 2003
1. Abdullaev F.K., Kamchatnov A.M., Konotop V.V., Brazhnyi V.A. Adiabatic dynamics of periodic waves in Bose-Einstein condensates with time dependent atomic scattering length - art. no. 230402. - Phys.Rev.Lett., 2003, v.9023, No. 23, p.402.
2. Agranovich V.M., Kamchatnov A.M. Optics and Nonlinearties of Excitons in Organic Multilayered Nanostructures and Superlattices. - Thin Films Nanostructures, 2003, v.31, p.185-220.
3. Agranovich V.M., La Rocca G.C. Two-Dimensional Charge-Transfer Excitons at a Donor-Acceptor Interface. - Thin Films Nanostructures, 2003, v. 31, p.293-316.
4. Agranovich V.M., Litinskaia M., Lidzey D.G. Cavity polaritons in microcavities containing disordered organic semiconductors - art. no. 085311. - Physical Review B, 2003, v.6708, No.8, p.5311.
5. Agranovich V.M., Yudson V.I., Reineker P. Hybridization of Frenkel and Wannier-Mott Excitons in Organic-Inorganic Heterostructures.Strong Coupling Regime,Chapter 7. - Thin Films Nanostructures, 2003, v.31, p.317-357.
6. Antonyuk B.P. Light driven self-organization. - New York:Nova Science Publisher,Inc., 2003, p.118.
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93. Lozovik Y.E., Popov A.M., Belikov A.V. Classification of two-shell nanotubes with commensurate structures of shells. - Physics of the Solid State, 2003, v.45, No.7, p.1396-1402.
94. Lozovik Y.E., Sharapov V.A. Excitation of coherent acoustic phonons by a femtosecond pulse. - Physics of the Solid State, 2003, v.45, No.5, p.969-971.
95. Lozovik Y.E., Volkov S.Y. Control of electron correlations in a spherical quantum dot. - Physics of the Solid State, 2003, v.45, No.2, p.364- 368.
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97. Lozovik Y.E., Volkov S.Y., Willander M. Crystallization and quantum melting of few electron system in a spherical quantum dot: quantum Monte Carlo simulation. - Solid State Communications, 2003, v.125, No.2, p.127-131.
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100. Makarov A.A. Microwave Spectroscopy for Studying Intramolecular Vibrational Dynamics:Theoretical Background,Current Status,and Future Prospects. - High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy:XIV Symposium.July,6-11, Krasnoyarsk 2003., 2003, p.50.
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109. Narozhny N.B., Fedotov A.M., Lozovik Y.E. Dynamical Casimir and Lamb effects and entangled photon states. - Laser Phys., 2003, v.13, No.2, p.298-304. 110. Naumov A.V., Vainer Y.G. Modified model of photon echoes in low- temperature glasses: Effect of minimal distance between two-level systems and chromophore. - Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2003, v.107, No.9, p.2054-2060.
111. Naumov A.V., Vainer Y.G., Bauer M., Kador L. Dynamics of a doped polymer at temperatures where the two-level system model of glasses fails: Study by single-molecule spectroscopy. - Journal of Chemical Physics, 2003, v. 119, No.12, p.6296-6301.
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114. Perajarvi K., Bergmann U.C., Fedoseyev V.N., Joinet A., Koster U., Lau C., Lettry J., Ravn H., SantanaLeitner M., ISOLDECollaboration. Studies of release properties of ISOLDE targets. - Nucl.Inst.Meth.Phys.Res.B, 2003, v.204, p.272-277.
115. Polianski M., Boyarkin O.V., Rizzo T.R., Apatin V.M., Laptev V.B., Ryabov E.A. Infrared laser chemistry of trichlorosilane in view of silicon isotope separation. - Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2003, v.107, No.41, p. 8578-8583.
116. Popova M.N., Klimin S.A., Chukalina E.P., Malkin B.Z., Levitin R.Z., Mill B.V., Antic-Fidancev E. High-resolution spectral study of Er 3+ crystal- field levels and magnetic ordering in (ErxY1-x)2BaNiO5 chain compounds. - Phys. Rev.B, 2003, v.68, No.15, p.5103.
117. Popova M.N., Klimin S.A., Chukalina E.P., Malkin B.Z., Levitin R.Z., Mill B.V., AnticFidancev E. High-resolution spectral study of Er3+ crystal- field levels and magnetic ordering in (ErxY1-x)(2)BaNiO5 chain compounds - art. no. 155103. - Physical Review B, 2003, v.6815, No.15, p.5103.
118. Popova M.N., Malkin B.Z. Relaxation processes in rare earth doped crystals as studied by high resolution Fourier spectroscpoy. - Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures/Ed by V.E.Borisenko,S.V.Gaponenko,V. S.Gurin.-NJ,London,Singapore:World Scientific,2003, 2003, p.560-567.
119. Rosner H., Johannes M.D., Pickett W.E., Fuchs G., Walte A., Drechsler S.L., Shulga S.V., Muller K.H., Handstein A., Nenkov K., Freudenberger J., Schultz L. Superconductivity and electronic structure in MgCNi3. - Physica C - Superconductivity and Its Applications, 2003, v.388, p.563-564.
120. Safronova U.I., Johnson W.R., Safronova M.S., Albritton J.R. Relativistic many-body calculations of transition rates from core-excited states in sodiumlike ions (Vol 66, art no 052511, 2002) - art. no. 029902. - Phys.Rev.A, 2003, v.6802, No.2, p.9902.
121. Safronova U.I., Johnson W.R., Shlyaptseva A.S., Hamasha S. Relativistic many-body calculations of excitation energies and transition rates from core-excited states in copperlike ions - art. no. 052507. - Phys.Rev.A, 2003, v.6705, No.5, p.2507.
122. Safronova U.I., Sataka M., Albritton J.R., Johnson W.R., Safronova M. S. Relativistic many-body calculations of electric-dipole lifetimes, transition rates, and oscillator strengths for n=3 states in Al-like ions. - At.Dat.Nuc. Dat.Tables, 2003, v.84, No.1, p.1-83.
123. Safronova U.I., Savukov I.M., Safronova M.S., Johnson W.R. Third-order relativistic many-body calculations of energies and lifetimes of levels along the silver isoelectronic sequence - art. no. 062505. - Phys.Rev.A, 2003, v. 6806, No.6, p.2505.
124. Savukov I.M., Johnson W.R., Safronova U.I., Safronova M.S. Energies, transition rates, and electron electric-dipole-moment enhancement factors for Ce IV and Pr V - art. no. 042504. - Phys.Rev.A, 2003, v.6704, No.4, p.2504.
125. Savukov I.M., Johnson W.R., Safronova U.I. Multipole (E1, M1, E2, M2) transition wavelengths and rates between states with n <= 6 in helium-like carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, neon, silicon, and argon. - At.Dat.Nuc.Dat.Tables, 2003, v.85, No.1, p.83-167.
126. Sekatskii S.K. Self-alignment of a polar molecule colliding with a solid surface - art. no. 022901. - Phys.Rev.A, 2003, v.6702, No.2, p.2901.
127. Sekatskii S.K. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer and quantum Zeno effect. - Phys.Lett.A, 2003, v.317, No.1&2, p.1-5.
128. Sekatskii S.K. Preparation of entangled spin states for a free electron and nucleus by resonance laser photoionization. - JETP Lett., 2003, v. 78, No.6, p.405-407.
129. Sekatskii S.K., Chergui M., Dietler G. Coherent fluorescence resonance energy transfer: Construction of nonlocal multiparticle entangled states and quantum computing. - Europhys.Lett., 2003, v.63, No.1, p.21-27.
130. Sekatskii S.K., Mironov B.N., Kompanets V.O., Matveets Yu.A., Chekalin S.V., Dietler G., Letokhov V.S. Nonperturbing Observation of Optical Near Field. - Appl.Phys.Lett., 2003, v.83, No.24, p.4900-4902.
131. Shlyaptseva A.S., Fedin D.A., Hamasha S.M., Hansen S.B., Harris C., Kantsyrev V.L., Neill P., Ouart N., Beiersdorfer P., Safronova U.I. X-ray spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry of high energy density plasma complemented by LLNL electron beam ion trap experiments. - Rev.Sci.Instrum., 2003, v.74, No. 3, p.1947-1950.
132. Shlyaptseva A.S., Hansen S.B., Kantsyrev V.L., Fedin D.A., Ouart N., Fournier K.B., Safronova U.I. Advanced spectroscopic analysis of 0.8-1.0-MA Mo x pinches and the influence of plasma electron beams on L-shell spectra of Mo ions - art. no. 026409. - Phys.Rev.E, 2003, v.6702, No.2, p.6409.
133. Surin L.A., Fourzikov D.N., Dumesh B.S., Winnewisser G., McKellar A.R. W. Millimeter-Wave Spectra of the 13C16O Dimer:Assignment and Precise Location of Energy Levels. - High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy:XIV Symposium.July,6- 11,Krasnoyarsk 2003., 2003, p.89.
134. Surin L.A., Fourzikov D.N., Lewen F., Dumesh B.S., Winnewisser G., McKellar A.R.W. The CO Dimer:New Light on a Mysterious Molecule. - Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 2003, v.222, p.93-100.
135. Ummarino G.A., Gonnelli R.S., Dolgov O.V., Shulga S.V. Electron-phonon spectral function and two-band model in tunneling measurements on MgB2. - International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2003, v.17, No.4-6, p.643-648.
136. Vainer Y.G., Kolchenko M.A., Naumov A.V., Personov R.I., Zilker S.J. Optical dephasing in solid toluene activated by octaethylporphine zinc. - Physics of the Solid State, 2003, v.45, No.2, p.224-230.
137. Vainer Y.G., Naumov A.V., Bauer M., Kador L. Low-temperature dynamics of amorphous polymers and evolution over time of spectra of single impurity molecules: I. Experiment. - Optics and Spectroscopy, 2003, v.94, No.6, p.864- 872.
138. Vainer Y.G., Naumov A.V., Bauer M., Kador L. Low-temperature dynamics of amorphous polymers and evolution over time of spectra of single impurity molecules: II. Model calculations and analysis of results. - Optics and Spectroscopy, 2003, v.94, No.6, p.873-884.
139. Yakovlev V.A., Valentini V., Mattei G. An FTIR study of hexamethylenetetramine in porous silicon. - Physica Status Solidi A - Applied Research, 2003, v.197, No.1, p.158-162.
140. Yudson V.I., Kravtsov V.E. Electron kinetics in isolated mesoscopic rings driven out of equilibrium -art. no. 155310. - Physical Review B, 2003, v. 6715, No.15, p.5310.
141. Апатин В.М., Лаптев В.Б., Петин А.Н, Рябов Е.А. Исследование возможностей одно-и двухступенчатой схем разделнения для получения высокообогащенного углерода-13 лазерным методом. - Химия высоких энергий, 2003, v.37, No.2, p.133-139.
142. Апатин В.М., Лаптев В.Б., Рябов Е.А. Лазерная ИК-фотохимия трихлорсилана. - Химия высоких энергий, 2003, v.37, No.4, p.313-320.
143. Апатин В.М., Лаптев В.Б., Рябов Е.А. ИК многофотонная диссоциация трихлорсилана под действием импульсного излучения СО2-и NH3-лазеров. - Квантовая электроника, 2003, v.33, No.10, p.894-896.
144. Балыкин В.И. Атомный нанозонд с единичным фотоном. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 2003, v.78, No.6, p.860-864.
145. Балыкин В.И., Климов В.В., Летохов В.С. Атомная нанооптика на основе фотонных точек и фотонных дырок. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 2003, v.78, No.1, p.11-15.
146. Балыкин В.И., Летохов В.С. Атомный оптико-спинтронный коррелятор на основе эффекта селективного зеркального отражения. - Квантовая электроника, 2003, v.33, No.7, p.628-632.
147. Балыкин В.И., Миногин В.Г. Магнитооптическое сжатие атомного пучка. - ЖЭТФ, 2003, v.123, No.1, p.13-24.
148. Большов М.А., Зыбин А.В., Бутчер Д., Нимакс К. Определение отдельных форм соединений комбинированным методом ЖХ с элементселективным детектором ААС с диодным лазером. - Журнал аналитической химии, 2003, v.58, No.7, p.725-726.
149. Буреева Л.А., Лисица В.С., Петров Д.А., Шуваев Д.А., Розми Ф., Штамм Р. Эффект насыщения интенсивностей спектральных линий многозарядных ионов в плазме при перезарядке на нейтралах. - Физика плазмы, 2003, v.29, No.10, p.835- 845.
150. Вайнер Ю.Г., Кольченко М.А., Наумов А.А., Персонов Р.И., Цилкер С.Дж. Оптическая дефазировка в твердом толуоле,активированном цинк-октаэтилпорфином. - Физика твердого тела, 2003, v.45, No.2, p.215-221.
151. Вайнер Ю.Г., Наумов А.В., Bauer M., Kador L. Динамка аморфных полимеров при низких температурах и временная эволюция спектров одиночных примесных молекул.I. Эксперимент. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 2003, v.94, No.6, p. 926-935.
152. Вайнер Ю.Г., Наумов А.В., Bauer M., Kador L. Динамика аморфных полимеров при низких температурах и временная эволюция спектров одиночных примесных молекул.II. Модельные расчеты и анализ результатов. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 2003, v.94, No.6, p.936-948.
153. Виноградов Е.А., Лозовик Ю.Е. Исследование ультратонких пленок и микрорезонаторов методами оптики ближнего поля. - Нанофотоника, 2003, p.144-147.
154. Григорьев Л.А., Силькис Э.Г. Применение фотоэлектронной кассеты ООО "Морс" для определения водорода в титане. - Аналитика 2003.Сборник материалов. Санкт-Петербург 22-24 апреля 2003 г., 2003, p.9.
155. Григоьев Л.И., Силькис Э.Г. Определение фосфора в сталях спектральным методом с регистрацией на фотоэлектронную кассету. - Заводская лаборатория, 2003, v.69, No.9, p.13-15.
156. Ефиммов В.В., Иванов В.В., Клевцова Е.А., Новикова Н.Н., Сиколенко В. В., Тютюнников С.И., Яковлев В.А. Оптические и структурные исследования кристалла ТГС, облученного импульсным сильным пучком электронов. - Известия РАН. Cер.физическая, 2003, v.65, No.8, p.1686-1688.
157. Иванова Е.П. Спектроскопические константы лазерных переходов в ВУФ области в ионах изоэлектронной последовательности палладия. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 2003, v.94, No.2, p.181-186.
158. Кдючник А.В., Курганов С.Ю., Лозовик Ю.Е. Плазмоны на отверстии в экране. - Физика твердого тела, 2003, v.45, No.9, p.1709-1712.
159. Лапшин Д.А., Шубейта Г.Т., Секацкий С.К., Дитлер Дж., Летохов В.С. Прямое измерение абсолютного значения силы взаимодействия между поверхностью и оптоволоконным зондом сканирующего микроскопа ближнего поля. - Микросистемная техника, 2003, No.5
160. Лившиц А.М., Лозовик Ю.Е. Алгоритм развертки для численной генерации и записи фуллеренов. - Физика твердого тела, 2003, v.45, No.7, p.1339-1342.
161. Лигер В.В. Улучшение контраста в оптической томографии. - Биомедицинские технологии и радиоэлектроника, 2003, No.1
162. Лозовик Ю.Е. Новые нелинейно-оптические эффекты в когерентной экситонной системе. - Научная сессия МИФИ.Сборник научных трудов.Т.5. Теоретическая физика, 2003, v.5, p.170-171.
163. Лозовик Ю.Е., Волков С.Ю. Движение трехмерного экситона в магнитном поле :"фазовый" переход экситон-магнитоэкситон. - ЖЭТФ, 2003, v.123, No.3, p. 635-642.
164. Лозовик Ю.Е., Ключник А.В., Меркулова С.П., Меркулов А.Л. Плазменные моды и ближние поля вблизи иглы сканирующего зондового микроскопа и их использование в нанооптике. - Научная сессия МИФИ-2003,Сборник научных трудов.Т. 8.Молекулярная физика, 2003, v.8, p.46-47.
165. Лозовик Ю.Е., Попов А.М., Беликов А.В. Классификация двухслойных нанотрубок с соизмеримыми структурами слоев. - Физика твердого тела, 2003, v. 45, No.7, p.1333-1338.
166. Лозовик Ю.Е., Шарапов В.А. Возбуждение когерентных акустических фононов фемтосекундным импульсом. - Физика твердого тела, 2003, v.45, No.5, p. 922-924.
167. Маврин Б.Н, Асонов В.В., Фомичев В.В., Иванов-Шиц А.К., Киреев В.В. Комбинационное рассеяние света,взаимодествие и интерференция оптических колебаний в суперионном кристалле -Li3PO4. - ЖЭТФ, 2003, v.123, No.1, p.64-70.
168. Макаров А.А., Летохов В.С. Спонтанный распад в системе из двух пространственно-разнесенных атомов(одномерный случай). - ЖЭТФ, 2003, v.124, No. 4, p.766-780.
169. Макаров Г.Н. Генерация интенсивных импульсных молекулярных пучков низкой кинетической энергией. - ЖЭТФ, 2003, v.123, No.2, p.276-282.
170. Макаров Г.Н. Исследования с интенсивными импульсными молекулярными пучками и потоками ,взаимодействующими с твердой поверхностью. - Успехи физических наук, 2003, v.173, No.9, p.913-940.
171. Мосолкова З.И., Силькис Э.Г. Применение фотоэлектронной кассеты ООО "Морс" для анализа металлов и сплавов. - Аналитика 2003.Сборник материалов. Санкт-Петербург 22-24 апреля 2003 г., 2003, p.8.
172. Секацкий С.К. Приготовление перепутанных состояний спина свободного электрона и ядерного спина методом резонансной лазерной фотоионизацции. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 2003, v.78, No.6, p.857-859.
173. Секацкий С.К., Миронов Б.Н., Компанец В.О., Матвеец Ю.А., Чекалин С. В., Летохов В.С., Dietler G. Невозмущающая визуализация света в ближнем поле с помощью фемтосекундных импульсов. - Нанофотоника, 2003, p.489-492.
174. Секацкий С.К., Миронов Б.Н., Компанец В.О., Матвеец Ю.А., Чекалин С. В., Летохов В.С. Невзмущающая визуализация света в ближнем поле с помощью фемтосекундных импульсов. - Материалы совещания "Нанофотоника",Нижний Новгород 17-20 марта 2003г. Т.2., 2003, p.489-492.
175. Сидоров Н.В., Волк Т.Р., Маврин Б.Н, Калинников В.Т. Ниобат лития: дефекты,фоторефракция,колебательный спектр,поляритоны. - СПб.:Наука, 2003
176. Федотов А.М., Нарожный Н.Б., Лозовик Ю.Е. Динамический эффект Казимира в мгновенном приближении. - Научная сессия МИФИ.Сборник научных трудов.Т.5. Теоретическая физика, 2003, v.5, p.174.
Publications in 2002
1. Agranovich V.M., Kamchatnov A.M., Munn R.W. Difference frequency Fermi resonance interface modes in organic multilayer structures. - Chemical Physics, 2002, v.282, No.3, p.399-408.
2. Agranovich V.M., Litinskaia M., Lidzey D.G. Microcavity polaritons in materials with weak intermolecular interaction. - Physica Status Solidi B - Basic Research, 2002, v.234, No.1, p.130-138.
3. Andreeva O.V., Dement'ev D.A., Chekalin S.V., Kompanets V.O., Matveets Yu.A., Serov O.B., Smolovich A.M. Recording of interference fringe structure by femtosecond laser pulses in samples of silver-containing porous glass and thik slabs of dichromated gelatin. - Proceedings SPIE, 2002, v.4752, p.130-135.
4. Andreyev A.N., VandeVel K., Barzakh A., DeSmet A., DeWitte H., Fedorov D.V., Fedoseyev V.N., Franchoo S., Gorska M., Huyse M., Janas Z., Koster U., Kurcewicz W., Kurpeta J. Nuclear spins, magnetic moments and alpha-decay spectroscopy of long-lived isomeric states in Pb-185. - European Physical Journal A, 2002, v.14, No.1, p.63-75.
5. Antonyuk B.P., Novikova N.N., Didenko N.V., Aktsipetrov O.A. Light- induced chi((2)) nonlinear susceptibility and its 1/omega fluctuations in silica glasses. - Phys.Lett.A, 2002, v.298, No.5&6, p.405-409.
6. Basko D.M., LaRocca G.C., Bassani F., Agranovich V.M. Electronic energy transfer in a planar microcavity. - Physica Status Solidi A - Applied Research, 2002, v.190, No.2, p.379-382.
7. Bergmann U.C., Axelsson L., Bennett J.R.J., Borge M.J.G., Catherall R., Drumm P.V., Fedoseyev V.N., Forssen C., Fraile L.M., Fynbo H.O.U., Georg U., Giles T., Grevy S., Hornshoj P. Light exotic isotopes: recent beam developments and physics applications at ISOLDE. - Nucl.Phys.A, 2002, v.701, p. C363-368.
8. Blank V.D., Gogolinsky K.V., Denisov V.N., Ivdenko V.A., Mavrin B.N., Serebryanaya N.R., Sulyanov S.N. Mechanical, structural, and spectroscopic properties of C-70 fullerite phases produced under high pressure and shear. - Technical Physics, 2002, v.47, No.12, p.1533-1537.
9. Blank V.D., Kulnitskiy B.A., Batov D.V., Bangert U., GutierrezSosa A., Harvey A.J. Transmission electron microscopy studies of nanofibers formed on Fe7C3-carbide. - Diamond and Related Materials, 2002, v.11, No.3-6, p.931-934.
10. Bolshov M.A. Surface Analysis by Laser Ablation. - Surface and Thin Film Analysis.Principles,Instrumentation,Applications/eds by H.Bubert,H.Jenett.- Wiley-VCH,2002., 2002, p.231-240.
11. Bonitz M., Golubichiy V, Filinov A.V., Lozovik Yu.E. Single-electron control of Wigner crystallization. - Microelectronic Engineering, 2002, v.63, No.1-31, p.141-145.
12. Bratman V.L., Dumesh B.S., Fedotov A.E, Grishin Yu.A., Rusin F.S. Broadband orotron operation at millimeter and submillimeter waves. - Int.J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2002, v.23, No.11, p.1595-1601.
13. Buga S., Blank V., Fransson A., Serebryanaya N., Sundqvist B. DSC study of annealing and phase transformations of C-60 and C-70 polymerized under pressures in the range 9.5-13 GPa. - J.Phys.Chem.of Solids, 2002, v.63, No.2, p. 331-343.
14. Cavalcanti S.B., Kamchatnov A.M., Kraenkel R.A., Umarov B.A. Periodic waves and solitons in a nonlinear fibre with resonant impurities. - Journal of Modern Optics, 2002, v.49, No.13, p.2183-2193.
15. Chang S., Kwon T.Y., Lee H.S., Minogin V.G. Laser sub-Doppler cooling of atoms in an arbitrarily directed magnetic field - art. no. 043404. - Phys. Rev.A, 2002, v.6604, No.4, p.3404.
16. Chang S., Minogin V. Density-matrix approach to dynamics of multilevel atoms in laser fields. - Physics Reports - Review Section of Physics Letters, 2002, v.365, No.2, p.65-143.
17. Chekalin S.V., Kurdoglyan A.S., Oraevskii A.N., Starodubtsev N.F., Yartsev A.P., Sundstrom V. Femtosecond spectroscopy of primary photoexcitation relaxation in Sri- and Ti-doped C60 films. - Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, 2002, v. 66, No.3, p.305-308.
18. Churilov S.S., Joshi Y.N. Revised and extended analysis of six times ionized xenon: XeVII. - Phys.Scripta, 2002, v.65, No.1, p.35-39.
19. Churilov S.S., Joshi Y.N. Analysis of the 4p(6)4d(8)4f and 4p(5)4d(10) configurations of Xe X and some highly excited levels of XeVIII and XeIX ions. - Phys.Scripta, 2002, v.65, No.1, p.40-45.
20. Churilov S.S., Joshi Y.N., Reader J. Analysis of 5p(6)5d-(5p(6)5f+ 5p(6)6p+5p(5)5d(2)+5p(5)5d6s) transitions in Tl XIII, Pb XIV, and Bi XV and revised wavelengths for 5p(6) S-1(0)-5p(5)5d(3/2,5/2)(1) transitions in Hg XIII, Tl XIV, Pb XV, and Bi XVI. - Phys.Scripta, 2002, v.66, No.3, p.213-221.
21. Churilov S.S., Ryabtsev A.N., Tchang-Brillet W.-U.L., Wyart J.-F. Spectroscopy of Pd-like ions. - Phys.Scripta T, 2002, v.100, p.98-103.
22. Churilov S.S., Ryabtsev A.N., TchangBrillet W.U.L., Wyart J.-F. Analysis of the spectra of Pd-like ions from Xe IX through Ce XIII. - Phys. Scripta, 2002, v.66, No.4, p.293-307.
23. Darmanyan S.A, Kamchatnov A.M., Naviere M. TE-polarized Guided Modes in Layered Structures with x 2 Nonlinearity. - Nonlinear Optics, 2002, v.28, No. 3, p.183-195.
24. Demin M.V., Lozovik Y.E., Sharapov V.A. Bose condensate drag in a system of two coupled traps. - JETP Lett., 2002, v.76, No.3, p.135-138.
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132. Sekatskii S.K., Letokhov V.S. Visualization of the wave function of a quantum particle in the momentum space by the field-emission microscopy technique. - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2002, v.95, No.2, p.210-220.
133. Serebryakov D.V., Cherkun A.P., Loginov B.A., Letokhov V.S. Tuning- fork-based fast highly sensitive surface-contact sensor for atomic force microscopy/near-field scanning optical microscopy. - Rev.Sci.Instrum., 2002, v. 73, No.4, p.1795-1802.
134. Servantes M.A., Smolovich A.M., Terpugov V.S., Dement'ev D.A., Chekalin S.V., Kompanets V.O., Matveets Yu.A., Serov O.B. Diffraction properties of femtosecond holograms recordedon thik slabs of dichromated gelatin. - XLV Congreso Nacional de Fisica,Leon,Mexico,28.10-1.11.02, 2002
135. Shergur J., Brown B.A., Fedoseyev V., Koster U., Kratz K.L., Sweryniak D., Walters W.B., Wohr A., Fedorov D., Hannawald M., HjorthJensen M., Mishin V., Pfeiffer B., Ressler J.J. beta-decay studies of Sn135-137 using selective resonance laser ionization techniques - art. no. 034313. - Physical Review C, 2002, v.6503, No.3, p.4313.
136. Shubeita G.T., Sekatskii S.K., Dietler G., Letokhov V.S. Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Probes for Scanning near-field Optical Microscopy. - Scanning Probe Microscopy-2002.Proceedings.Nizhny Novgorod.March 3-6.2002., 2002, p.72-74.
137. Shubeita G.T., Sekatskii S.K., Dietler G., Letokhov V.S. Local fluorescent probes for the fluorescence resonance energy transfer scanning near- field optical microscopy. - Appl.Phys.Lett., 2002, v.80, No.15, p.2625-2627.
138. Shulga S.V., Drechsler S.L. Low temperature value of the upper critical field H-c2(0) of isotropic single band metals. - Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2002, v.129, No.1&2, p.93-102.
139. Sundqvist P.A., Volkov S.Y., Lozovik Y.E., Willander M. Phase transitions of a few-electron system in a spherical quantum dot -art. no. 075335. - Physical Review B, 2002, v.6607, No.7, p.5335.
140. Surin L.A., Muller H.S.P., Alieva E.V., Dumesh B.S., Winnewisser G., Pak I. Detection of the bending vibration of the CO-orthoN(2) complex. - Journal of Molecular Structure, 2002, v.612, No.2&3, p.207-211.
141. Tang J., McKellar A.R.W., Surin L.A., Fourzikov D.N., Dumesh S., Winnewisser G. Millimeter wave spectra of the CO dimer:Three new states and further evidence of distinct isomers. - Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 2002, v.214, No.1, p.87-93.
142. Tawara H., Richard P., Safronova U.I., Vasilyev A.A., Hansen S., Shlyaptseva A.S. L x rays from low-energy (Similar to 2-keV/u) ions with L- shell vacancies produced in single collisions with atoms and molecules - art. no. 042509. - Phys.Rev.A, 2002, v.6504, No.4, p.2509.
143. Tawara H., Richard P., Safronova U.I., Stancil P.C. K x-ray production in H-like Si13+, S15+, and Ar17+ ions colliding with various atom and molecule gas targets at low collision energies (Vol A 64, art no 042712, 2001) - art. no. 059901. - Phys.Rev.A, 2002, v.6505, No.5, p.9901.
144. Tawara H., Richard P., Safronova U.I., Vasilyev A.A., Stockly M. X-ray emissionfrom low-energy highly excited Ta(q+) (q=45-59) ions collided with neutral atoms due to singlyand doubly excited states fromed throungh single electron capture. - Can. Journal of Physics, 2002, v.80, p.821.
145. Ulitskii N.I., Snegirev E.P., Personov R.I. Stark effect on holes in the absorption spectra of phthalocyanine and the aluminum-phthalocyanine complex in polymer matrices. - Optics and Spectroscopy, 2002, v.92, No.6, p.859- 865.
146. Vainer Y.G., Kolchenko M.A., Naumov A.V., Personov R.I., Zilker S.J., Haarer D. Optical dephasing in doped organic glasses over a wide (0.35-100 K) temperature range: Solid toluene doped with Zn-octaethylporphine. - Journal of Chemical Physics, 2002, v.116, No.20, p.8959-8965.
147. Vasilyev A.A., Tawara H., Richard P., Safronova U.I. Observation and analysis (Synthesis) of X-ray spectrum originated from electron capture of low- energy, highly charged Xeq+ (Q=26-43) ions in single collisions with Ar atom. - Can.J.Phys., 2002, v.80, No.1, p.65-81.
148. Vinogradov E.A. Semiconductor microcavity polaritons. - Physics - Uspekhi, 2002, v.45, No.12, p.1213-1250.
149. Vinogradov E.A., Pudonin F.A., Zayats A.V. Optical Spectroscopy of Amorphous Si/SiO2 Quantum Well Structures. - Proceeding, 2002, p.16-30.
150. Weissman L., Koster U., Catherall R., Franchoo S., Georg U., Jonsson O., Fedoseyev V.N., Mishin V.I., Seliverstov M.D., VanRoosbroeck K., Gheysen S., Huyse M., Kruglov K., Neyens G. Magnetic moments of Cu-68(G,m) and Cu-70(G, m1,m2) nuclei measured by in-source laser spectroscopy - art. no. 024315. - Physical Review C, 2002, v.6502, No.2, p.4315.
151. Yakovlev V.A., Alieva E.V. Surface electromagnetic waves in linear and nonlinear infrared spectral measurements using free electron laser. - Jap.J. Appl.Phys. Part 1, 2002, v.41, No.1, p.96-103.
152. Yudson V.I. Variance of direct current in mesoscopic rings - art. no. 115309. - Physical Review B, 2002, v.6511, No.11, p.5309.
153. Zhizhin G.N. Fine isotopic structure on hyperfine structure in the monoisotopic dopant-ion spectra in crystals. - Appl.Spectrosc.Rev., 2002, v.37, No.4, p.365-381.
154. Акципетров О.А., Антонюк Б.П., Диденко Н.В., Новикова Н.Н. Наведенная светом нелинейная восприимчивость Х(2) в стеклах и ее 1/w флуктуации. - Труды конференции.Информационные технологии в науке,образовании,телекоммуникации, бизнесе.Украина,Крым,Ялта-Гурзуф,май 2002., 2002, p.163-166.
155. Астапенко В.А., Буреева Л.А., Лисица В.С. Радиационные потери электронов при рассеянии на Томас-Фермиевском атоме. - ЖЭТФ, 2002, v.121, No.1, p.19-30.
156. Астапенко В.А., Буреева Л.А., Лисица В.С. Поляризационный канал излучения и рекомбинации электронов в плазме с тяжелыми ионами. - Физика плазмы, 2002, v.28, No.4, p.337-345.
157. Бланк В.Д., Гоголинский К.В., Денисов В.Н., Ивденко В.А., Маврин Б.Н, Серебряная Н.Р., Сульянов С.Н. Механические структурные и спектроскопические свойства фаз фуллерита С70,полученных при высоком давлении со сдвиговой деформацией. - ЖТФ, 2002, v.72, No.12, p.49-53.
158. Виноградов Е.А. Аморфные Si/Sio2 многослойные квантовые структуры. - Нанофотоника.Материалы совещания.Нижний Новгород,20-23 марта., 2002, p.9.
159. Виноградов Е.А. Поляритоны полупроводниковой микрополости. - Успехи физических наук, 2002, v.172, No.12, p.1371-1410.
160. Виноградов Е.А., Ефиммов В.В., Калмыков А.В., Маврин Б.Н, Минашкин В. Ф., Новикова Н.Н., Сиколенко В.В., Скрыпник А.В., Тютюнников С.И., Яковлев В.А. Рптические и структурные исследования PLZT х.65.35 (х=4,8%) сегнетокерамики, облученной сильноточным импульсным пучком электронов. - Письма в ЭЧАЯ, 2002, No. 1, p.39-47.
161. Гусев В.М., Руднев С.Н., Силькис Э.Г., Станкевич А.С. Новые типы фотоэлектронных кассет (ФЭК) для спектрографов СТЭ-1 и ИСП-30,ресурсы программного обеспечения для эмиссионной аналитики. - 10-й юбилейный научно- практическкий семинар "Аналитика 2002".Сборник материалов.Санкт-Петербург 20-22 мая 2002 г., 2002, p.52.
162. Демин М.В., Лозовик Ю.Е., Шарапов В.А. Эффект увлечения бозе- конденсата в системе двух связанных ловушек. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 2002, v.76, No.3, p.166-170.
163. Денисов В.Н., Маврин Б.Н, Краванский В.А. Идентификация побочных продуктов на поверхности пористых полупроводников GaAs GaSb методом комбинационного рассеяния света. - Оптический журнал, 2002, v.69, No.2, p.3-7.
164. Евдокимов Ю., Компанец О.Н. Биосенсоры-прорыв в будущее. - Промышленник России, 2002, No.6&7, p.28-31.
165. Евдокимов Ю., Компанец О.Н. Биосенсоры от идеи к практике. - Наука в России, 2002, No.4, p.52-55.
166. Кильдиярова Р.Р., Рябцев А.Н., Чурилов С.С. Анализ переходов 5d3-5d26p в ионе HgX. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 2002, v.93, No.5, p.713-720.
167. Климин С.А., Попова М.Н., Милль Б.В. Инфракрасная спектроскопия иона Nd3+ в Nd2BaCuO5 и Nd2BaZnO5. - Физика твердого тела, 2002, v.44, No.8, p.1492- 1497.
168. Кулаковский Д.В., Губарев С.И., Лозовик Ю.Е. Свойства экситонных состояний в квантовых ЯМАХ GaAs/AlGaAs в присуствии квази двумерного электроного газа. - ЖЭТФ, 2002, v.121, No.4, p.915-924.
169. Кулаковский Д.В., Лозовик Ю.Е. Заряженные многочастичные комплексы: свойства непрямого триона. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 2002, v.76, p.598-603.
170. Летохов В.С. Фемтосекундные лазерные импульсы:перспективы применения. - Вестник Российской Академии Наук, 2002, v.72, No.9, p.779-785.
171. Летохов В.С. Астрофизические лазеры. - Квантовая электроника, 2002, v. 32, No.12, p.1065-1079.
172. Летохов В.С. Лазерный эффект в космосе. - Успехи физических наук, 2002, v.172, No.12, p.1468-1470.
173. Летохов В.С., Секацкий С.К. Новый класс источников монохроматического пространственно-некогерентного излучения:безрезонаторные порошковые лазеры с накачкой от полевых эмиссионных катодов. - Квантовая электроника, 2002, v.32, No.11, p.1007-1008.
174. Лившиц А.М., Лозовик Ю.Е. Квазидвумерные кристаллические кластеры на сфере:метод топологического описания. - Кристаллография, 2002, v.47, No.2, p. 214-223.
175. Лившиц А.М., Пелезнев А.В. Опыт эксплуатации эмиссионных спектрометров ПАПУАС-4 и новые разработки ООО "Спектроприбор" - 10-й юбилейный научно- практическкий семинар "Аналитика 2002".Сборник материалов.Санкт-Петербург 20-22 мая 2002 г., 2002, p.46.
176. Лозовик Ю.Е. Новые нелинейно-оптические эффекты в экситонной системе в наноструктурах. - Нанофотоника.Материалы совещания.Нижний Новгород.11-14 марта 2002г., 2002, p.89-91.
177. Лозовик Ю.Е., Овчинников И.В. Стимулированное многофотонное излучение экситонным бозе-конденсатом. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 2002, v.75, No.10, p.603-608.
178. Лозовик Ю.Е., Попов А.М. Исследование ориентационного плавления и термодинамических свойств наночастицы С60@С240 методом молекулярной динамики. - Физика твердого тела, 2002, v.44, No.1, p.180-187.
179. Лозовик Ю.Е., Ракоч Е.А., Волков С.Ю. Двумерные мезоскопические кластеры вихрей в сверхпроводящем кольце:оболочечная структура и плавление. - Физика твердого тела, 2002, v.44, No.1, p.22-28.
180. Макаров Г.Н. Управление длительностью импульсов интенсивных молекулярных пучков. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 2002, v.75, No.3, p.159-162.
181. Макаров Г.Н. Получение интенсивных пучков низкоэнергетических молекул. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 2002, v.76, No.5, p.341-344.
182. Макаров Г.Н., Петин А.Н. Многофотонная ИК-диссоциации SF6 в колебательно-охлажденном скачке уплотнения. - Химия высоких энергий, 2002, v. 36, No.6, p.472-476.
183. Попова М.Н., Сушков А.Б., Чукалина Е.П., Романов Е.А., Изобэ М., Уэда И. Зарядовое упорядочение и димеризация решетки в a'-NaV2O5.Один или два фазовых перехода. - Физика твердого тела, 2002, v.44, No.8, p.1390-1394.
184. Руднев С.Н., Силькис Э.Г. Стилоскоп с системой обработки спектров на линейном ПЗС. - 10-й юбилейный научно-практическкий семинар "Аналитика 2002". Сборник материалов.Санкт-Петербург 20-22 мая 2002 г., 2002, p.29.
185. Секацкий С.К., Летохов В.С. Визуализация волновой функции квантовой частицы в импульсном пространстве методом автоэлектронной микроскопии. - ЖЭТФ, 2002, v.122, No.2, p.245-257.
186. Чекалин С.В., Курдоглян М.С., Ораевский А.Н., Стародубцев Н.Ф., Ярцев А.П., Сундстрем В. Фемтосекундная спектроскопия релаксации первичных фотовозбуждениий в пленках С60,легированных Sn и Ti. - Изв.АН сер.физическая, 2002, v.66, No.3, p.305-308.
187. Чурилов С.С. Анализ спектра Zn-подобного иона Kr VII: высоковозбужденные конфигурации 4p4d и 4p5s. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 2002, v. 93, No.6, p.896-903.
Publications in 2001
1. Azarov V.I. Parametric study of the 5d(2), 5d6s, and 5d6p configurations in the YbI isoelectronic sequence. - JOSA B,, 2001, v.18, No.1, p.106-112.
2. Agranovich V.M., Dubovsky O.A., Kamchatnov A.M. Kinematic Frenkel gap biexciton in one-dimensional structures. - Synthetic Metals,, 2001, v.116, No.1- 3, p.293-295.
3. Agranovich V.M., Basko D.M., LaRocca G.C., Bassani F. New concept for organic LEDs: non-radiative electronic energy transfer from semiconductor quantum well to organic overlayer. - Synthetic Metals,, 2001, v.116, No.1-3, p. 349-351.
4. Антонюк Б.П., Антонюк В.Б. Самоорганизация возбуждений в германосиликатных волоконных световодах и ее роль в генерации второй гармоники. - Успехи физических наук, 2001, v.171, No.1, p.61-78.
5. Апатин В.М., Макаров Г.Н., Рябов Е.А. Импульсный ИК-лазерный синтез фреона-22 из тетрафторэтилена. - Химическая физика, 2001, v.20, No.1, p.11-17.
6. Makarov G.N., Petin A.N. Selective multiphoton IR dissociation of SF6 molecules under nonequilibrium conditions of a pulsed gasodynamically cooled molecular flow interacting with a solid surface. - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2001, v.92, No.1, p.1-9.
7. Quentmeier A., Bolshov M., Niemax K. Measurement of uranium isotope ratios in solid samples using laser ablation and diode laser-atomic absorption spectrometry. - Spectrochimica Acta B, 2001, v.56, No.1, p.45-55.
8. Ellwi S.S., Juschkin L., Ferri S., Kunze H.-J., Koshelev K.N., Louis E. X-ray lasing as a result of an induced instability in an ablative capillary discharge. - J.Phys.D - Appl.Phys., 2001, v.34, No.3, p.336-339.
9. Sekatskii S.K., Shubeita G.T., Dietler G. On the possibility of observation of single quadrupoles by fluorescence resonance energy transfer scanning near-field optical microscopy. - Opt.Commun., 2001, v.188, No.1-4, p. 41-45.
10. Mendez E.R., GarciaGuerrero E.E., Escamilla H.M., Maradudin A.A., Leskova T.A., Shchegrov A.V. Photofabrication of random achromatic optical diffusers for uniform illumination. - Appl.Opt., 2001, v.40, No.7, p.1098-1108.
11. Lozovik Y.E., Popov A.M. Orientational melting of two-shell carbon nanoparticles: molecular dynamics study (Vol 328, pg 355, 2000). - Chemical Physics Letters, 2001, v.335, No.3&4, p.348.
12. Dobryakov A.L., Kovalenko S.A., Lozovik Y.E., Merkulova S.P., Farztdinov V.M., Ernsting N.P. Femtosecond spectroscopy of relaxation processes in metals and High-T-c superconductors. - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2001, v.92, No.2, p.267-276.
13. Antsiferov P.S., Ralchenko Y.V. Measurement and interpretation of the low-energy wing of Fe K beta(1,3) characteristic X-ray line. - JQSRT, 2001, v. 69, No.1, p.103-106.
14. Shergur J., Hannawald M., Seweryniak D., Fynbo H., Koester U., Woehr A., Fedorov D., Fedoseyev V., Mishin V., Hoff P., Ressler J., Bickley A., Pfeiffer B., Simon H. Decay of Sn-135,Sn-136 isolated by use of a laser ion source and evidence for a more harmonic-oscillator-like nuclear potential. - Nucl.Phys.A, 2001, v.682
15. Popova M.N., Chukalina E.P., Malkin B.Z., Iskhakova A.I., AnticFidancev E., Porcher P., Chaminade J.P. High-resolution infrared absorption spectra, crystal-field levels, and relaxation processes in CsCdBr3 : Pr3+ - art. no. 075103. - Physical Review B, 2001, v.6307, No.7, p.5103.
16. Antonyuk B.P., Antonyuk V.B. Self-organization in germanium silicate fibers and its role in second harmonic generation. - Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, 2001, v.171, No.1, p.61-78.
17. Smolyaninov I.I., Liang H.Y., Lee C.H., Davis C.C. Local crystal analysis using near-field optical second harmonic microscopy: Application to thin ferroelectric films. - Journal of Applied Physics, 2001, v.89, No.1, p.206- 211.
18. Shlyaptseva A.S., Hansen S.B., Kantsyrev V.L., Bauer B.S., Fedin D.A., Ouart N., Kazantsev S.A., Petrashen A.G., Safronova U.I. X-ray spectropolarimetry of high-temperature plasmas. - Rev.Sci.Instrum., 2001, v.72, No.1, p.1241-1244.
19. Niemax K., Zybin A., Eger D. Tunable deep blue light for laser spectrochemistry. - Analytical Chemistry, 2001, v.73, No.5, p.135-139.
20. Antsiferov P.S. Shifts of X-ray characteristic L lines of free atoms of rare-earth metals. - Optics and Spectroscopy, 2001, v.90, No.1, p.21-23.
21. Alieva E.V., Kuzik L.A., Pudonin F.A., Yakovlev V.A. Manifestation of quantum size effects in optics of ultrathin niobium films. - Optics and Spectroscopy, 2001, v.90, No.1, p.106-109.
22. Safronova U.I., Johnson W.R., Kato D., Ohtani S. Excitation energies and transition rates in the 3d(2) states of Ca-like ions - art. no. 032518. - Phys.Rev.A, 2001, v.6303, No.3, p.2518.
23. Surin L.A., Dumesh B.S., Rusin F.S., Winnewisser G., Pak I. Doppler- free two-photon millimeter wave transitions in OCS and CHF3. - Phys.Rev.Lett., 2001, v.86, No.10, p.2002-2005.
24. Добряков А.Л., Коваленко С.А., Лозовик Ю.Е., Меркулова С.П., Фарзтдинов В.М., Эрнстинг Н.П. Фемтосекундная спектроскопия релаксационных процессов в металлах и высокотемпературных сверхпроводниках. - ЖЭТФ, 2001, v. 119, No.2, p.309-320.
25. Макаров Г.Н., Петин А.Н. Селективная многофотонная ИК диссоциация молекулы SF6 в неравновесных условиях импульсного газодинамически охлажденного молекулярного потока,взаимодействующего с твердой поверхностью. - ЖЭТФ, 2001, v. 119, No.1, p.5-15.
26. Johansson S., Letokhov V.S. Multiple two-photon resonance-enhanced ionization of elements in natural conditions:Nebulae in the vicinity of hot stars. - Pis'ma v ZhETF, 2001, v.73, No.3, p.134-136.
27. Макаров Г.Н., Мочалов С.А., Петин А.Н. Селективная ИК многофотонная диссоциация CF3I в неравновесных условиях скачка уплотнения. - Квантовая электроника, 2001, v.31, No.3, p.263-267.
28. Анциферов П.С. Сдвиги рентгеновских характеристических L-линий свободных атомов редкоземельных металлов. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 2001, v.90, No.1, p.26-29.
29. Алиева Е.В., Кузик Л.А., Пудонин Ф.А., Яковлев В.А. Проявление квантовых размерных эффектов в оптике сверхтонких пленок ниобия. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 2001, v.90, No.1, p.119-123.
30. Ellwi S., Andreic Z., Ferri S., Juschkin L., Koshelev K., Kunze H.-J. Induced m=0 instability in fast ablative capillary discharges and possible utilisation for X-ray lasers. - Nukleonika, 2001, v.46, No.1, p.1-3.
31. Kies W., Decker G., Berntien U., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Glushkov D.A., Koshelev K.N., Simanovskij D.M., Bobashev S.V. Pinch modes in the SPEED2 plasma focus. - Nikleonika, 2001, v.46, No.1, p.9-14.
32. Agranovich V.M., Schmidt K., Leo K. Surface states in molecular chains with strong mixing of Frenkel and charge-transfer excitons (Vol 325, pg 308, 2000). - Chemical Physics Letters, 2001, v.336, No.5&6, p.536.
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139. SL Drechsler, H Rosner, SV Shulga, I Opahle, H Eschrig, J Freudenberger, G Fuchs, K Nenkov, KH Muller, H, Bitterlich, W Loser, G Behr, D Lipp, A Gladun, A brief comparison of superconductivity in borocarbides and cuprates, Physica C, 2001, Vol 364, pp 31-36
140. YN Joshi, AN Ryabtsev, SS Churilov, Title Revised and extended analysis of the spectrum of ten-times-ionized cerium (Ce XI), Full source Journal of the Optical Society of America B - Optical Physics, 2001, Vol 18, Iss 12, pp 1935-1942
141. SA Klimin, MN Popova, E AnticFidancev, P Porcher, Title Optical and crystal-field analysis of Nd3+ ion in Nd2BaCuO5 and Nd2BaZnO5, Full source Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2001, Vol 162, Iss 1, pp 42-51
142. EA Vinogradov, AL Dobryakov, YE Lozovik, YA Matveets, Title Femtosecond photoresponse of structures with the Schottky barrier, Full source Laser Physics, 2001, Vol 11, Iss 11, pp 1147-1152
143. VI Balykin, VS Letokhov, Title Informational cooling of neutral atoms - art. no. 063410, Full source Physical Review A, 2001, Vol 6406, Iss 6, pp 3410+
144. SK Sekatskii, BN Mironov, DA Lapshin, G Dietler, VS Letokhov, Title Analysis of fiber probes of scanning near-field optical microscope by field emission microscopy, Full source Ultramicroscopy, 2001, Vol 89, Iss 1-3, pp 83-87
145. SK Sekatskii, VS Letokhov, Title Electron tunneling time measurement by field-emission microscopy - art. no. 233311, Full source Physical Review B, 2001, Vol 6423, Iss 23, pp 3311+
146. EP Ivanova, NA Zinovev, LV Knight, Title Theoretical investigation of a Ni-like xenon X-ray laser in the 13-14 nm range, Full source Quantum Electronics, 2001, Vol 31, Iss 8, pp 683-688
147. AM Prokhorov, LV Keldysh, ON Krokhin, MA Vasilev, NS Kardashev, YV Kopaev, AN Lebedev, II Sobelman, AN Starodub, NA Borisevich, MD Galanin, AI Isakov, VS Letokhov, SI Nikolskii, VP Silin, VY Fainberg, LP Feoktistov, VA Isakov, RV Ambartsumyan, YV Afanasev, AV Vinogradov, AZ Grasyuk, MA Gubin, IG Zubarev, VS Zuev, AD Klementov, YL Kokurin, IB Kovsh, PG Kryukov, VV Nikitin, AN Oraevskii, AL Petrov, YM Popov, VB Rozanov, AS Semenov, GV Sklizkov, Title In memory of Nikolai Gennadievich Basov - Obituary, Full source Quantum Electronics, 2001, Vol 31, Iss 8, pp 751-752
148. VN Lokhman, DD Ogurok, EA Ryabov, VS Letokhov, Title IR multiple-photon plus UV mutliphoton laser selective fragmentation and ionization of SF6 and CF2HCl molecules, Full source Zeitschrift Fur Physikalische Chemie - International Journal of Research in Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics, 2001, Vol 215, Part 12, pp 1469-1485
Publications in 2000
1. Balagurov D.B., Klyuchnik A.V., Lozovik Y.E. Theory of scanning capacitance microscopy. - Physics of the Solid State, 2000, v.42, No.2, p.371- 376.
2. Ferrari C.P., Hong S., VandeVelde K., Boutron C.F., Rudniev S.N., Bolshov M., Chisholm W., Rosman K.J.R. Natural and anthropogenic bismuth in Central Greenland. - Atmospheric Environment, 2000, v.34, No.6, p.941-948.
3. Chernozatonskii L.A., Serebryanaya N.R., Mavrin B.N. The superhard crystalline three-dimensional polymerized C-60 phase. - Chemical Physics Letters, 2000, v.316, No.3&4, p.199-204.
4. Азаров В.И., Чурилов С.С. Идентификация переходов 5d6s-5d6p в ионе PtIX.Сравнение двух расчетов структуры конфигураций 5d2,5d6s и 5d6p в ионе. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 2000, v.88, No.1, p.16-21.
5. Farztdinov V.M., Kovalenko S.A., Lozovik Y.E., Lisin D.V., Matveets Y. A., Zhuravleva T.S., Geskin V.M., Zemtsov L.M., Kozlov V.V., Marowsky G. Ultrafast optical response of carbon films. - Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2000, v.104, No.2, p.220-227.
6. Romanovskii Y.V., Gerhard A., Schweitzer B., Scherf U., Personov R.I., Bassler H. Phosphorescence of pi-conjugated oligomers and polymers. - Phys.Rev. Lett., 2000, v.84, No.5, p.1027-1030.
7. Belousov A.I., Lozovik Y.E. Mesoscopic and macroscopic dipole clusters: Structure and phase transitions. - European Physical Journal A, 2000, v.8, No.2, p.251-264.
8. Agranovich V.M., Dubovsky O.A., Basko D.M., LaRocca G.C., Bassani F. Kinematic Frenkel biexcitons. - Journal of Luminescence, 2000, v.85, No.4, p. 221-232.
9. Antonyuk B.P., Antonyuk V.B., Frolov A.A. Charge transfer excitons in Ge-doped silica fibres and their response to static electric field. - Opt. Commun., 2000, v.174, No.5&6, p.427-434.
10. Виноградов Е.А., Добряков А.Л., Лозовик Ю.Е., Матвеец Ю.А. Фемтосекундный фотоиндуцированный отклик структуры полупроводниковая пленка- металл. - Нанофотоника.Материалы совещания.Нижний Новгород,20-23 марта., 2000, p.228.
11. Angeluts A.A., Balakin A.V., Boucher D., Goncharov A.A., Dunin A.S., Koroteev N.I., Lozovik Yu.E., Masselin P., Merkulova S.P., Nazarov M.M., Shkurinov A.P. Femtosecond nonlinear optics of evanescent and surface electromagnetic waves in diagnostics of chiral media. - Italian-Russian Symposium on ultrafast Optical Physics, 2000, p.259-262.
12. Azarov V.I., Raassen A.J.J., Wyart J.-F., Joshi Y.N., Churilov S.S. The fifth spectrum of gold (Au V): analysis of the (5d(7)+5d(6)6s)-5d(6)6p transition array. - Phys.Scripta, 2000, v.61, No.2, p.133-141.
13. Lavrischev S.V., Merkulova S.P., Leonov A.V., Merkulov A.L., Lozovik Y. E. Electronic micromirror. - Phys.Scripta, 2000, v.61, No.2, p.187-191.
14. Malshukov A.G., Chao K.A. Waveguide diffusion modes and slowdown of D'yakonov-Perel' spin relaxation in narrow two-dimensional semiconductor channels. - Physical Review B, 2000, v.61, No.4, p.R2413-2416.
15. Verzakov S.A., Lozovik Y.E. Investigation of an array of mesoscopic grains in the framework of quantum cosine model. - Physics of the Solid State, 2000, v.42, No.3, p.409-414.
16. Basko D.M., Agranovich V.M., Bassani F., LaRocca G.C. Energy transfer from a semiconductor quantum dot to an organic matrix. - European Physical Journal A, 2000, v.13, No.4, p.653-659.
17. Surin L.A., Roth D.A., Pak I., Dumesh B.S., Lewen F., Winnewisser G. Detection of the millimeter wave spectra of the weakly bound complexes He-3-CO and He-4-CO. - Journal of Chemical Physics, 2000, v.112, No.9, p.4064-4068.
18. Vinogradov E.A., Davis C.C., Dobryakov A.L., Lozovik Y.E., Smolyaninov I.I. Electron injection dynamics through the Schottky barrier. - Laser Phys., 2000, v.10, No.1, p.76-80.
19. Golles M., Darmanyan S., Lederer F., Onishchukov G., Shipulin A., Bakonyi Z., Lokhnygin V. Modulational instability in a transmission system with semiconductor optical amplifiers and in-line filters. - Optics Letters, 2000, v. 25, No.5, p.293-295.
20. Darmanyan S.A., Neviere M. Eigenmodes of waveguides with quadratic nonlinearity. - Opt.Commun., 2000, v.176, No.1-3, p.231-237.
21. Safronova U.I., Johnson W.R., Livingston A.E. Relativistic many-body calculations of electric-dipole transitions between n = 2 states in B-like ions - art. no. 039901 (Vol A60, pg 996. 1999). - Phys.Rev.A, 2000, v.6103, No.3, p. 9901.
22. Churilov S.S., Dorokhin L.A., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Koshelev K.N., Schulz A., Ralchenko Y.V. Inverse populations of multicharged ion levels in a Z-pinch plasma as a result of interaction of plasma beams with neutral or low-ionized gas targets. - Contrib.Plasma Phys., 2000, v.40, No.1&2, p.167-172.
23. Popova M.N., Chukalina E.P., Malkin B.Z., Saikin S.K. Experimental and theoretical study of the crystal-field levels and hyperfine and electron-phonon interactions in LiYF4 : Er3+. - Physical Review B, 2000, v.61, No.11, p.7421- 7427.
24. Darmanyan S., Crasovan L., Lederer F. Double-hump solitary waves in quadratically nonlinear media with loss and gain. - Phys.Rev.E, 2000, v.61, No. 3, p.3267-3269.
25. Engel A., Choi P., Koshelev K.N., Lebert R. KeV ion beam generation from Z-pinches produced in plasma focus like geometry. - Contrib.Plasma Phys., 2000, v.40, No.1&2, p.101-105.
26. Bassani F., LaRocca G.C., Agranovich V.M. Organic-inorganic junctions and microcavities: New effects and applications. - International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2000, v.77, No.6, p.973-981.
27. Koster U., Fedoseyev V.N., Mishin V.I., Weissman L., Huyse M., Kruglov K., Mueller W.F., VanDuppen P., VanRoosbroeck J., Thirolf P., Thomas H.G., Weisshaar D., Schulze W., Borcea R. Isomer separation of Cu-70g and Cu-70m with a resonance ionization laser ion source. - Nucl.Inst.Meth.Phys.Res.B, 2000, v. 160, No.4, p.528-535.
28. Azarov V.I., Churilov S.S. Assignment of the 5d6s-5d6p transitions in the PtIX ion: Comparison of two calculations of the 5d(2), 5d6s, and 5d6p configurations in the ion. - Optics and Spectroscopy, 2000, v.88, No.1, p.11-16.
29. Basko D.M., Agranovich V.M., Bassani F., LaRocca G.C. Energy transfer from a semiconductor quantum dot to an organic matrix. - Physica Status Solidi A - Applied Research, 2000, v.178, No.1, p.69-72.
30. Верзаков С.А., Лозовик Ю.Е. Исследование системы мезоскопических гранул при помощи модели квантовых косинусов. - Физика твердого тела, 2000, v. 42, No.3, p.400-406.
31. Лин Э.Э., Новиков С.А., Глушак А.Б., Корицкая С.В., Куропаткин В.Г., Малышев А.Н., Медведкин В.А., Сухаренко В.И., Юкина Н.А., Бланк В.Д., Дубицкий Г.А., Семенова Е.Е. Условия получения порошков и компактов на основе наноалмаза. - Химическая физика, 2000, v.19, No.2, p.87-89.
32. Рябцев А.Н., Чурилов С.С., Джоши И.Н. Анализ переходов с автоионизационных состояний ионов Bi III,Bi IV,Bi V. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 2000, v.88, No.3, p.360-365.
33. Астапенко В.А., Буреева Л.А., Лисица В.С. Классичекая и квантовая теории поляризационного тормозного излучения в модели локальной электронной плотности. - ЖЭТФ, 2000, v.117, No.3, p.496-510.
34. Fukuyama Y., Kanou H., Balykin V.I., Shimizu K. Bright atomic beam by a temporal Zeeman acceleration. - Appl.Phys.B, 2000, v.70, No.4, p.561-565.
35. Demyanenko A.V., Lokhman V.N., Ogurok D.D., Ryabov E.A., Letokhov V.S. Direct observation of S+ and SF+ ions resulting from the IR plus UV laser irradiation of SF6 molecules. - Chemical Physics Letters, 2000, v.320, No.5&6, p.594-600.
36. Agranovich V.M., Basko D.M. Frenkel excitons beyond the Heitler-London approximation. - Journal of Chemical Physics, 2000, v.112, No.18, p.8156-8162.
37. Churilov S.S., Azarov V.I., Ryabtsev A.N., TchangBrillet W.U.L., Wyart J.-F. Revised and extended analyses of the Pd-like ion spectra SbVI, TeVII and IVIII. - Phys.Scripta, 2000, v.61, No.4, p.420-430.
38. Kamchatnov A.M., Nosov V.G. Nonconservation of the quantum number K and phase transitions in rapidly rotating nuclei. - Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2000, v.63, No.3, p.373-376.
39. Kharlamov B.M. Low-temperature equilibrium and nonequilibrium glass dynamics on a broad time and temperature scale investigated via optical hole- burning spectroscopy. - Journal of Luminescence, 2000, v.86, No.3&4, p.225-233.
40. Kharlamov B.M., Muller J., Khodykin O.V., Haarer D. Spectral diffusion in PMMA on a long time scale at 4.2 K. Nonlogarithmic hole broadening and absence of aging effect. - Journal of Luminescence, 2000, v.86, No.3&4, p.235- 240.
41. Vainer Y.G., Kolchenko M.A., Naumov A.V., Personov R.I., Zilker S.J. Photon echoes in doped organic amorphous systems over a wide (0.35-50 K) temperature range. - Journal of Luminescence, 2000, v.86, No.3&4, p.265-272.
42. Naumov A.V., Vainer Y.G., Zilker S.J. Nonexponential two-pulse photon echo decay in amorphous solids at low temperatures. - Journal of Luminescence, 2000, v.86, No.3&4, p.273-278.
43. Filinov V.S., Lozovik Y.E., Filinov A.V., Zacharov I.E. Quantum dynamics in Wigner representation. - Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2000, v.85, No.1&2, p.257-268.
44. Lapshin D.A., Kobylkin E.E., Letokhov V.S. Shear force distance control in near-field optical microscopy: experimental evidence of the frictional probe-sample interaction. - Ultramicroscopy, 2000, v.83, No.1&2, p. 17-23.
45. Surin L.A., Roth D.A., Pak I., Dumesh B.S., Lewen F., Winnewisser G. Detection of the millimeter wave spectra of the weakly bound complexes He-3-CO and He-4-CO (Vol 112, pg 4064, 2000). - Journal of Chemical Physics, 2000, v. 112, No.20, p.9190.
46. Holsa J., Lamminmaki R.J., Lastusaari M., Chukalina E.P., Popova M.N., Porcher P. Parametric analysis of the energy level scheme of Ho3+ in HoOCl. - Journal of Luminescence, 2000, v.87(9), p.1052-1055.
47. Buga S.G., Blank V.D., Dubitsky G.A., Edman L., Zhu X.M., Nyeanchi E. B., Sundqvist B. Semimetallic and semiconductor properties of some superhard and ultrahard fullerites in the range 300-2 K. - J.Phys.Chem.of Solids, 2000, v. 61, No.7, p.1009-1015.
48. Levin V.M., Blank V.D., Prokhorov V.M., Soifer J.M., Kobelev N.P. Elastic modules of solid C-60: measurement and relationship with nanostructure. - J.Phys.Chem.of Solids, 2000, v.61, No.7, p.1017-1024.
49. Dobryakov A.L., Karavanskii V.A., Kovalenko S.A., Merkulova S.P., Lozovik Y.E. Observation of coherent phonon states in porous silicon films. - JETP Lett., 2000, v.71, No.7, p.298-302.
50. Safronova U.I., Johnson W.R., Berry H.G. Excitation energies and transition rates in magnesiumlike ions - art. no. 052503. - Phys.Rev.A, 2000, v. 6105, No.5, p.2503.
51. Vinogradov E.A., Dobryakov A.L., Lozovik Y.E., Matveets Y.A. Femtosecond photoresponse of structures with the Schottky barrier. - MPLP 2000., 2000, p.179-186.
52. Balykin V.I. Information cooling of neutral atoms. - MPLP 2000., 2000, p.48.
53. Летохов В.С. Принципы лазерного разделения изотопов. - Изотопы: свойства,получение,применение/Под.ред. В.Ю.Баранова.-М.:ИздАт,2000., 2000, p. 291-307.
54. Летохов В.С., Рябов Е.А. Многофотонная изотопически-селективная ИК диссоциация молекул. - Изотопы:свойства,получение,применение/Под.ред. В.Ю. Баранова.-М.:ИздАт,2000., 2000
55. Bureyeva L.A., Lisitsa V.S. A Perturbed Atom. - Harwood Academic Publishers,2000, 2000, p.455.
56. Agranovich V.M., Kamchatnov A.M. Quantum confinement and superradiance of self-trapped excitons from 1D J-aggregates. - Multiphoton and Light Driven Multielectron Processes in Organics:New Phenomena,Materials and Applications/Ed. by F.Kajzar,V.Agranovich.-Dordrecht et al.:Kluwer,2000.-549p., 2000, p.109-122.
57. Laptev V.B., Ryabov E.A. Production of highly enriched carbon-13 by IR multiphoton dissociation of dichlorodifluoromethane mixed with hydrogen iodide. - High Energy Chemistry, 2000, v.34, No.3, p.193-199.
58. Kamchatnov A.M. Decay of an optical pulse in a nonlinear fiber at the zero dispersion point. - Opt.Commun., 2000, v.178, No.4-6, p.333-337.
59. Chukalina E.P., Popova M.N., Korableva S.L., Abdulsabirov R.Y. Fine structure of spectral lines in LiYF4 : Er3+ due to isotopic disorder in the lattice. - Phys.Lett.A, 2000, v.269, No.5&6, p.348-350.
60. Dumesh B.S. Influence of quantum fluctuations on the magnetic properties of quasi-one-dimensional triangular antiferromagnets. - Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, 2000, v.170, No.4, p.403-418.
61. Sekatskii S.K. Visualization of single dopant ion's quantum states by field emission microscopy. - Surface Science, 2000, v.453, No.1-3, p.L303-308.
62. Blank V.D., Gorlova I.G., Hutchison J.L., Kiselev N.A., Ormont A.B., Polyakov E.V., Sloan J., Zakharov D.N., Zybtsev S.G. The structure of nanotubes fabricated by carbon evaporation at high gas pressure. - Carbon, 2000, v.38, No. 8, p.1217-1240.
63. Sekatskii S.K., Shubeita G.T., Chergui M., Dietler G., Mironov B.N., Lapshin D.A., Letokhov V.S. Towards the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) scanning near-field optical microscopy: Investigation of nanolocal FRET processes and FRET probe microscope. - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2000, v.90, No.5, p.769-777.
64. Smolyaninov I.I., Liang H.Y., Lee C.H., Davis C.C., Aggarwal S., Ramesh R. Near-field second-harmonic microscopy of thin ferroelectric films. - Optics Letters, 2000, v.25, No.11, p.835-837.
65. Popova M.N., Sushkov A.B., Golubchik S.A., Isobe M., Ueda Y. High- resolution infrared spectroscopy of alpha '-NaV2O5. - Physica B, 2000, v.284, p. 1617-1618.
66. Dumesh B.S., Panfilov V.A., Tikhonov A.M., Fourzikov D.N. Influence of quantum fluctuations on the ground state of quasi-one-dimensional triangular antiferromagnet CsMnI3. - Physica B, 2000, v.284, p.1623-1624.
67. Smirnov A.I., Popova M.N., Sushkov A.B., Golubchik S.A., Khomskii D. I., Mostovoy M.V., Vasilev A.N., Isobe M., Ueda Y. Dielectric anomaly in NaV2O5: evidence for charge ordering. - Physica B, 2000, v.284, p.1653-1654.
68. Lebedev B.V., Zhogova K.B., Blank V.D., Bagramov R.K. Thermodynamic properties of some polymeric forms of fullerite C-60 at temperatures ranging from 0 to 320 K. - Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2000, v.49, No.2, p.280-284.
69. Ryabtsev A.N., Churilov S.S., Joshi Y.N. Analysis of transitions from autoionization states of the BiIII, BiIV, and BiV ions. - Optics and Spectroscopy, 2000, v.88, No.3, p.316-320.
70. Kovalenko S.A., Schanz R., Farztdinov V.M., Hennig H., Ernsting N.P. Femtosecond relaxation of photoexcited para-nitroaniline: solvation, charge transfer, internal conversion and cooling. - Chemical Physics Letters, 2000, v. 323, No.3&4, p.312-322.
71. Makarov G.N., Petin A.N. TEA CO2 laser-induced isotopically selective dissociation of SF6 in a cold shock wave. - Chemical Physics Letters, 2000, v. 323, No.3&4, p.345-350.
72. Konopsky V.N. A new method for increasing the laser damage threshold of metal mirrors. - Optics & Laser Technol., 2000, v.32, No.1, p.15-21.
73. Muller J., Maier H., Hannig G., Khodykin O.V., Haarer D., Kharlamov B. M. Long-time scale spectral diffusion in polymer glass. - Journal of Chemical Physics, 2000, v.113, No.2, p.876-882.
74. Malinovskii A.L., Makarov A.A., Ryabov E.A., Tishina E.N. A shape of the vibrational distribution of SF6 subjected to multiphoton IR excitation to quasicontinuum. - Chemical Physics Reports, 2000, v.18, No.9, p.1597-1608.
75. Makarov G.N., Petin A.N. TEA CO2 laser-induced selective molecular dissociation in a cold shock wave. - JETP Lett., 2000, v.71, No.10, p.399-402.
76. Leskova T.A., Maradudin A.A., Novikov I.V. Scattering of light from the random interface between two dielectric media with low contrast. - Journal of Modern Optics, 2000, v.17, No.7, p.1288-1300.
77. Antonyuk B.P. All optical poling of glasses. - Opt.Commun., 2000, v. 181, No.1-3, p.191-195.
78. Agranovich V.M., Schmidt K., Leo K. Surface states in molecular chains with strong mixing of Frenkel and charge-transfer excitons. - Chemical Physics Letters, 2000, v.325, No.1-3, p.308-316.
79. Balagurov D.B., Lozovik Y.E. Fermi surface of composite fermions and one-particle excitations at nu=1/2: Effect of band-mass anisotropy. - Physical Review B, 2000, v.62, No.3, p.1481-1484.
80. Butov L.V., Mintsev A.V., Lozovik Y.E., Campman K.L., Gossard A.C. From spatially indirect excitons to momentum-space indirect excitons by an in- plane magnetic field. - Physical Review B, 2000, v.62, No.3, p.1548-1551.
81. Klimov V.V., Letokhov V.S. Coherent radiation scattering by resonant nanostructures. - Physical Review B, 2000, v.62, No.3, p.1639-1642.
82. Fedoseyev V.N., Huber G., Koster U., Lettry J., Mishin V.I., Ravn H., Sebastian V. The ISOLDE laser ion source for exotic nuclei. - Hyperfine Interactions, 2000, v.127, No.1-4, p.409-416.
83. Koster U., Catherall R., Fedoseyev V.N., Franchoo S., Georg U., Huyse M., Kruglov K., Lettry J., Mishin V.I., Oinonen M., Ravn H., Seliverstov M.D., Simon H., VanDuppen P. Isomer separation and measurement of nuclear moments with the ISOLDE RILIS. - Hyperfine Interactions, 2000, v.127, No.1-4, p.417-420.
84. Ryabtsev A.N., Churilov S.S. High-lying odd configurations of quintuply ionized bismuth (Bi VI). - Optics and Spectroscopy, 2000, v.88, No.6, p.819-829.
85. Hoffmann M., Schmidt K., Fritz T., Hasche T., Agranovich V.M., Leo K. The lowest energy Frenkel and charge-transfer excitons in quasi-one-dimensional structures: application to MePTCDI and PTCDA crystals. - Chemical Physics, 2000, v.258, No.1, p.73-96.
86. Safronova U.I. Excitation energies and transition rates in Be-, Mg-, and Zn-like ions. - Molecular Physics, 2000, v.98, No.16, p.1213-1225.
87. Добряков А.Л., Караванский В.А., Коваленко С.А., Меркулова С.П., Лозовик Ю.Е. Наблюдение когерентных фононных колебаний в пленках пористого кремния. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 2000, v.71, No.7, p.430-436.
88. Думеш Б.С. Влияние квантовых флуктуаций на магнитные свойства квазиодномерных треугольных антиферромагнетиков. - Успехи физических наук, 2000, v.170, No.4, p.403-418.
89. Рябцев А.Н., Чурилов С.С. Высоковозбужденные нечетные конфигурации пятикратно ионизованного висмута (Bi VI). - Оптика и спектроскопия, 2000, v.88, No.6, p.903-913.
90. Макаров Г.Н., Петин А.Н. Индуцированная ТЕА СО2-лазером селективная диссоциация молекул в холоднойударной волне. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 2000, v.71, No. 10, p.583-587.
91. Лаптев В.Б., Рябов Е.А. Получение высокообогащенного углерода-13 при ИК многофотонной диссоциацииCF2Cl2 в смеси с HI. - Химия высоких энергий, 2000, v.34, No.3, p.231-237.
92. Астапенко В.А., Буреева Л.А., Лисица В.С. Поляризационное тормозное излучение быстрой заряженной частицы на томас-фермиевском атоме. - ЖЭТФ, 2000, v.117, No.5, p.906-912.
93. Sekatskii S.K., Shubeita G.T., Chergui M., Dietler G., Mironov B.N., Lapshin D.A., Letokhov V.S. Towards the Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) scanning near-field Optical Microscopy:investigation of nanolocal FRET processes and FRET Probe Microscope. - :ЖЭТФ, 2000, v.117, No.5, p.885-894.
94. Rikovska J., Giles T., Stone N.J., vanEsbroeck K., White G., Wohr A., Veskovic M., Towner I.S., Mantica P.E., Prisciandaro J.I., Morrissey D.J., Fedoseyev V.N., Mishin V.I., Koster U. First on-line beta-NMR on oriented nuclei: Magnetic dipole moments of the ((Vp1/2))(-1) 1/2(-) ground state in Ni- 67 and ((Pi p3/2))(+1) 3/2(-) ground state in Cu-69. - Phys.Rev.Lett., 2000, v. 85, No.7, p.1392-1395.
95. Balykin V.I., Letokhov V.S. On the possibility of ''informational'' cooling of neutral atoms. - JETP Lett., 2000, v.72, No.1, p.11-13.
96. Shubeita G.T., Sekatskii S.K., Riedo B., Dietler G., Durig U. Scanning near-field optical microscopy based on the heterodyne phase-controlled oscillator method. - Journal of Applied Physics, 2000, v.88, No.5, p.2921-2927.
97. Roth D.A., Surin L.A., Dumesh B.S., Winnewisser G., Pak I. The CO dimer millimeter wave spectrum: Detection of tunneling transitions. - Journal of Chemical Physics, 2000, v.113, No.8, p.3034-3038.
98. Antsiferov P.S., Churilov S.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N., Nazarenko A.V., Sidelnikov Yu.V. Analysis of high resolution ArIX spectrum, excited in fast capillary discharge. - Phys.Scripta, 2000, v.62, No.2&3, p.127- 131.
99. Kies W., Decker G., Berntien U., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Glushkov D.A., Koshelev K.N., Simanovskii D.M., Bobashev S.V. Pinch modes produced in the SPEED2 plasma focus. - Plasma Sources Science & Technology, 2000, v.9, No.3, p. 279-287.
100. Leskova T.A., LeyvaLucero M., Mendez E.R., Maradudin A.A., Novikov I. V. The surface enhanced second harmonic generation of light from a randomly rough metal surface in the Kretschmann geometry. - Opt.Commun., 2000, v.183, No. 5&6, p.529-545.
101. Lozovik Y.E., Willander M. Excitons and magnetoexcitons in coupled quantum nanostructures: the role of a dirty environment. - Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing, 2000, v.71, No.4, p.379-390.
102. Garraway B.M., Minogin V.G. Theory of an optical dipole trap for cold atoms - art. no. 043406. - Phys.Rev.A, 2000, v.6204, No.4, p.3406.
103. Smolyaninov I.I. Supercooling molecular hydrogen down through the superfluid transition. - Phys.Rev.Lett., 2000, v.85, No.14, p.2861-2864.
104. Fedotov A.M., Narozhny N.B., Lozovik Y.E. 'Shaking' of an atom in a non-stationary cavity. - Phys.Lett.A, 2000, v.274, No.5&6, p.213-222.
105. Ivanova E.P., Zinoviev A.N. The possibility of X-ray lasers based on the innershell transitions of Ne-like ions. - Phys.Lett.A, 2000, v.274, No.5&6, p.239-246.
106. Lozovik Y.E., Popov A.M. Orientational melting of two-shell carbon nanoparticles: molecular dynamics study. - Chemical Physics Letters, 2000, v. 328, No.4-6, p.355-362.
107. Churilov S.S., Joshi Y.N. Revised and extended analysis of eight-times ionized barium: BaIX and nine-times ionized barium: Ba X. - Phys.Scripta, 2000, v.62, No.4, p.282-288.
108. Filinov A.V., Lozovik Y.E., Bonitz M. Path integral simulations of crystallization of quantum confined electrons. - Physica Status Solidi B - Basic Research, 2000, v.221, No.1, p.231-234.
109. Kaputkina N.E., Lozovik Y.E. Spatially-indirect exciton in coupled quantum wells or coupled quantum dots in magnetic field. - Physica Status Solidi B - Basic Research, 2000, v.221, No.1, p.341-344.
110. Балыкин В.И., Летохов В.С. Возможность "информационного" охлаждения нейтральных атомов. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 2000, v.72, No.1, p.18-22.
111. Лозовик Ю.Е., Нарожный Н.Б., Федотов А.М. Возбуждение атома в нестационарной полости. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 2000, v.72, No.5, p.344-349.
112. Lozovik Y.E., Ovchinnikov I.V. Phonon Laser and Indirect Exciton Dispersion Engeneering. - Pis'ma v ZhETF, 2000, v.72, No.8, p.617-622.
113. Лозовик Ю.Е., Попов А.М. Энергетические барьеры, термодинамические свойства и ориентационное плавание двухоболочечной углеродной наночастицы С60 @ C240. - Изв.АН сер.физическая, 2000, v.64, No.8, p.1475-1480.
114. Balykin V.I., Minogin V.G., Letokhov V.S. Electromagnetic trapping of cold atoms. - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2000, v.63, No.9, p.1429-1510.
115. Letokhov V.S., Sekatskii S.K. Laser Resonance Photoelectron/Photon Microscopy witch Subwavelength Spatial Resolution. - Advances in Laser Physics, 2000
116. Sekatskii S.K., Shubeita G.T., Dietler G. Time-gated scanning near- field optical microscopy. - Appl.Phys.Lett., 2000, v.77, No.14, p.2089-2091.
117. Dyadkin A.P., Kuzmenko V.A., Pigulskii S.V., Laptev V.B., Ryabov E.A. Study on the feasibility of obtaining highly enriched carbon-13 in one-and two- stage modes of laser separation process. - High Energy Chemistry, 2000, v.34, No.5, p.320-325.
118. Lozovik Y.E., Narozhnyi N.B., Fedotov A.M. Excitation of an atom in a nonstationary cavity. - JETP Lett., 2000, v.72, No.5, p.234-237.
119. Dobryakov A.L., Kovalenko S.A., Farztdinov V.M., Merkulova S.P., Ernsting N.P., Lozovik Y.E. Ultrafast relaxation in YBa2Cu3O7-delta on the femtosecond scale: Luttinger or two-dimensional Fermi liquid picture? - Solid State Communications, 2000, v.116, No.8, p.437-442.
120. Podobedov V.B., Weber A. Raman Scattering in Perovskite Manganites. - Raman Scattering in Materials Science (Series: SPRINGER SERIES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE), 2000, p.448-478.
121. Бобович С.Я., Денисов В.Н., Маврин Б.Н, Чуваева Т.И. Резонансные спектры комбинационного рассеяния купрата Ca2CuO3. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 2000, v.89, No.3, p.407-411.
122. Denisov V.N., Mavrin B.N., Ivlev A.N. Raman Spectra and the Symmetry of spin-plierls crysstal &'-NaV2O5. - Proc.SPIE, 2000, v.4069, p.217-221.
123. Chekalin S.V., Yartsev A.P., Sundstroem W. Ultrafast relaxation in C60 films,excited by femtosecond pulses at different wavelengths. - Proceedings of First General Meeting of the Ultra Programme European Science Foundation, Oktober 22-24,2000,Coimbra,Portugal, 2000, p.10.
124. Sekatskii S.K., Chekalin S.V., Ivanov A.L., Kompanets V.O., Matveets Yu.A., Stepanov A.G., Letokhov V.S. Quantitative Measurementt of the Local Coefficient of Two-photon Photoelectric Effect by the Femtosecond Laser Photoelectron Microscopy. - Nonlinear Optics, 2000, v.23, No.3&4, p.157-170.
125. Дядькин А.П., Кузьменко В.А., Пигульский С.В., Лаптев В.Б., Рябов Е.А. Исследование возможностей получения высокообогащенного углерода -13 лазерным методом при одно- и двухступенчатой схемах построения процесса разделения. - Химия высоких энергий, 2000, v.34, No.5, p.371-376.
126. Bobovich Y.S., Denisov V.N., Mavrin B.N., Chuvaeva T.I. Resonance Raman spectra of the Ca2CuO3 cuprate. - Optics and Spectroscopy, 2000, v.89, No. 3, p.372-375.
127. Blank V.D., Kulnitskiy B.A., Zhigalina O.M. Dimerisation and polymerisation of C-70 after thermobaric treatment. - Carbon, 2000, v.38, No. 15, p.2051-2054. 128. Surin L.A., Dumesh B.S., Winnewisser G., Pak I. The weakly bound complex CO-orthoD(2): Detection of millimeter-wave transitions. - Journal of Chemical Physics, 2000, v.113, No.20, p.9351-9352.
129. Konopsky V.N. Operation of scanning plasmon near-field microscope with gold and silver tips in tapping mode: demonstration of subtip resolution. - Opt. Commun., 2000, v.185, No.1-3, p.83-93.
130. Safronova U.I., Johnson W.R., Albritton J.R. Relativistic many-body calculations of excitation energies and oscillator strengths in Ni-like ions - art. no. 052505. - Phys.Rev.A, 2000, v.6205, No.5, p.2505.
131. Kosterev A.A., Makarov A.A., Malinovsky A.L., Petrova I.Y., Ryabov E. A., Letokhov V.S. Transition spectra in the vibrational quasicontinuum of polyatomic molecules: Raman spectra of highly excited UF6 molecules. - Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2000, v.104, No.45, p.10259-10264.
132. Balykin V.I., Jhe W. Atom optics. - J.Korean Phys.Soc., 2000, v.37, No. 5, p.654-660.
133. Churilov S.S., Joshi Y.N. Revised and extended analysis of the odd parity configurations of five-times ionized xenon: XeVI. - Phys.Scripta, 2000, v.62, No.5, p.358-363.
134. Ryabtsev A.N., Churilov S.S., Litzen U. Extended analysis of the NbII spectrum and term system. - Phys.Scripta, 2000, v.62, No.5, p.368-374.
135. Hannawald M., Kratz K.L., Pfeiffer B., Walters W.B., Fedoseyev V.N., Mishin V.I., Mueller W.F., Schatz H., VanRoosbroeck J., Koster U., Sebastian V., Ravn H.L. Selective laser ionization of very neutron-rich cadmium isotopes: Decay properties of Cd-131(83) and Cd-132(84) - art. no. 054301. - Physical Review C, 2000, v.6205, No.5, p.4301.
136. Makarov G.N., Petin A.N. Efficiency of selective IR multiphoton dissociation of molecules in a pulsed gas-dynamic flow interacting with a solid surface. - Quantum Electronics, 2000, v.30, No.8, p.738-740.
137. Roth D.A., Pak I., Surin L.A., Dumesh B.S., Winnewisser G. Millimeter wave spectroscopy of Ne-CO. - Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section A - a Journal of Physical Sciences, 2000, v.55, No.9&10, p.754-758.
138. Ivanov I.A., Ho Y.K. Electric-field influence on doubly excited Feshbach resonance states of the positronium negative ion below the N=3 threshold of the positronium atom. - Phys.Rev.A, 2000, v.61, No.2
139. Ivanov I.A., Ho Y.K. Supermultiplet structure of the doubly excited positronium negative ion. - Phys.Rev.A, 2000, v.61, No.3, p.2501.
140. Gayasov R.R., Joshi Y.N., Raassen A.J.J., Kaufman V. Analysis of the 5d5-5d4.6p and 5d4.6s-5d4.6p transition arrays of four times ionized iridium (Ir V). - Phys.Scripta, 2000, v.61, No.2, p.164-174.
141. Erber C.K., Koshelev K.N., Kunze H.-J. Time development of Mg micropinches in a low-inductance vacuum spark discharge. - JQSRT, 2000, v.65, No.1-3, p.195-206.
142. Ivanova E.P., Knight L.W. The possibility of laser effects on the innershell transitions of Ni-like ions. - SPIE Proceedings, 2000, v.3776, p.263- 280.
143. Antsiferov P.S., Churilov S.S. The x-ray characteristic L2,15 line of free molybdenum atoms. - J.Phys.B, 2000, v.33, No.24, p.5581-5585.
144. Ivanov I.A., Mitroy J. Optical model theory for positron annihilation during scattering. - J.Phys.B, 2000, v.33, No.21, p.L823-830.
145. Kharlamov B.M. Low temperature glass relaxations investigated via optical hole burning spectroscopy.Verification of the TLS model. - Photonics Science News, 2000, v.6, p.111.
146. Kharlamov B.M. Hole Burning Spectroscopy of Organic Glasses. - Photonics Science News, 2000, v.5, No.3&4, p.144.
147. Ashkinadze B.M., Yudson V.I. Hysteretic microwave cyclotron resonance of a laterally confined 2DEG. - Physica E (Amsterdam), 2000, v.6, p.182-186.
148. Surin L.A. Intracavity millimeter wave spectroscopy of molecules in excited vibrational states. - Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2000, v.24, No.1, p.147- 155.
149. Mattei G., Alieva E.V., Petrov J.E., Yakovlev V.A. Quick oxidation of porous silicon in presence of pyridine vapor.. - Physica Status Solidi A - Applied Research, 2000, v.182, No.1, p.139-143.
150. Lozovik Yu.E., Willander M. Excitons and magnetoexcitons in coupled quantum nanostructures:the role of a dirty environment. - Applied Physics A, 2000, v.71, p.379-390.
151. Lozovik Yu.E., Merkulova S.P., Nazarov M.M., Shkurinov A.P. From two- beam surface plasmon interaction to femtosecond surface optics and spectroscopy. - Physics Letters A, 2000, v.276, No.1-4, p.127-132.
152. Astapenko V., Bureyeva L.A., Lisitsa V.S. Polarization radiation phenomena in plasmas with heavy ions. - Physica Scripta T86, 2000, v.86, p.62- 67.
153. Astapenko V.A., Bureyeva L.A., Lisitsa V.S. Incoherent Polarization Bremsstrahlung of a Fast Charged Particle Scattered by an Atom. - Laser Physics, 2000, v.10, No.4, p.960-966.
154. Lozovik Y.E., Ovchinnikov I.V. Phonon laser and indirect exciton dispersion engineering. - JETP Lett., 2000, v.72, No.8, p.431-435.
155. Steudel H., Faria C.F.D., Kamchatnov A.M., Paris M.G.A. The inverse problem for second harmonic generation with amplitude-modulated pulses. - Phys. Lett.A, 2000, v.276, No.5&6, p.267-271.
156. Makarov G.N., Petin A.N. Selective dissociation of sulfur hexafluoride by intense CO2 laser radiation in pulsed gas dynamic flow. - High Energy Chemistry, 2000, v.34, No.6, p.384-388.
157. Margetic V., Pakulev A., Stockhaus A., Bolshov M., Niemax K., Hergenroder R. A comparison of nanosecond and femtosecond laser-induced plasma spectroscopy of brass samples. - Spectrochimica Acta B, 2000, v.55, No.11, p. 1771-1785.
158. Alieva E.V., Kuzik L.A., Yakovlev V.A., Van der Meer A.F.G., Knippels G.M.H. Giant enhancement of sum-frequency generation at a silver surface with thinorganic films due to surface plasmon excitation. - Nucl.Instr.and Meth.in Phys.Res.A, 2000, v.445, p.123.
159. Hoffmann M., Schmidt K., Fritz T., Hansche T., Agranovich V.M. The mixing of Frenkel and charge-transfer excitons in 1D structures:application to PTCDA and MePTCDI crystals. - Multiphoton and Light Driven Multielectron Processes in Organics:New Phenomena,Materials and Applications/Ed.by F.Kajzar,V. Agranovich.-Dordrecht et al.:Kluwer,2000.-549p., 2000, p.123-134.
160. Darmanyan S.A, Popov E., Neviere M. Nonlinear prism coupler: approximate theory and comparison with rigorous analysis. - Jouurnal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2000, v.14, p.383-399.
161. Макаров Г.Н., Петин А.Н. Селективная диссоциация SF6 интенсивным излучением СО2-лазера в импульсном газодинамическом потоке. - Химия высоких энергий, 2000, v.34, No.6, p.440-445.
162. Farztdinov V.M., Schanz R., Kovalenko S.A., Ernsting N.P. Relaxation of optically excited p-nitroaniline: Semiempirical quantum-chemical calculations compared to femtosecond experimental results. - Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2000, v.104, No.49, p.11486-11496.
163. Churilov S.S., Joshi Y.N. Analysis of the sixth spectrum of cerium: CeVI. - JOSA B, 2000, v.17, No.12, p.2081-2085.
164. Basko D.M., Bassani F., LaRocca G.C., Agranovich V.M. Electronic energy transfer in a microcavity. - Physical Review B, 2000, v.62, No.23, p. 15962-15977.
165. Ekimov E.A., Brazhkin V.V., Lyapin A.G., Lozovik Yu.E., Mel'nik N.N., Presz A. High Pressure Synthesis of Carbon Multiwall Nanotubes,Graphite Flowers, and Large Icosahedral Pseudocrystals of Diamond. - Eжегодник ИФВД, 2000, p.142-146.
166. Klimov V.V., Letokhov V.S. Effect of the curvature of nanostructures on radiative multipole transition rates. - Comments on Modern Physics, 2000, v. 2, No.1, p.D15-27.
167. Davies A.N., Jacob P., Stockhaus A., Kuckuk R., Hill W., Hergenroder R., Zybin A., Klockow D. Acoustic trap for simplified micro-sample handling in laser spectroscopy. - Applied Spectroscopy, 2000, v.54, No.12, p.1831-1836.
168. Kautzsch T., Walters W.B., Hannawald M., Kratz K.L., Mishin V.I., Fedoseyev V.N., Bohmer W., Jading Y., VanDuppen P., Pfeiffer B., Wohr A., Moller P., Klockl I., Sebastian V. New states in heavy Cd isotopes and evidence for weakening of the N=82 shell structure. - European Physical Journal A, 2000, v.9, No.2, p.201-206.
169. Chalykh A.E., Zagaytov A.I., Chertkov V.G., Makarov G.N. Fourier- transform analysis of the morphological patterns of phase separation in polymer systems. - Polymer Science Series B, 2000, v.42, No.11&12, p.345-351.
170. Safronova U.I., Vasilyev A.A., Smith R.K. Satellite dielectronic spectra created from autoionizing 2lnl ' and 1s2lnl ' states with n=4-5. - Can. J.Phys., 2000, v.78, No.12, p.1055-1067.
171. Сидоров Н.В., Красюков Ю.Н., Мухтаров Э.И., Шкрабо Д.М. Фазовый переход и доменная структура в кристалле йодоформа. - Кристаллография, 2000, v. 45, No.2, p.319-325.
172. Shkrabo D.M. Vibrationsof carbon monoxide-ethylene alternating copolymer in crystals:Theoretical stady. - Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2000, v. 24, No.2, p.101.
173. Letokhov V.S., Sekatskii S.K. Laser resonance photoelectron/photoion microscopy with subwavelength spatial resolution. - Advances in Laser Physics (Series: LASER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: SECOND SERIES), 2000, v.1, p.85-115.
174. Kupcik J., Tumanova L.M., Pola J. IR laser photolysis of some organosilicon compounds in the condensed phase. Extended Abstract; 3rd NIMC International Symposium on Photoreaction Control and Photofunctional Materials Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, 2000, 176-177.
Publications in 1999
1. Abdullaev F.K., Darmanyan S.A., Kobyakov A., Schmidt E., Lederer F. Evolution of spatial solitons in quadratic media with fluctuating nonlinearity. - Opt.Commun., 1999, v.168, No.1-4, p.213-218. 2. Afanasyeva N.I. Fiber-optic evanescent wave Fourier transform infrared (FEW-FTIR) spectroscopy of polymer surfaces and living tissue. - Macromolecular Symposia, 1999, v.141, p.117-127. 3. Afanasyeva N.I., Bruch R.F. Biocompatibility of polymer surfaces interacting with living tissue. - Surface and Interface Analysis, 1999, v.27, No.4, p.204-212. 4. Afanasyeva N.I., Bruch R.F. Surface and bulk investigations of fullerene-based materials under high pressure and temperature by means of vibrational spectroscopy. - Surface and Interface Analysis, 1999, v.27, No.4, p. 213-220. 5. Agranovich V.M. Excitons and optical nonlinearities in hybrid organic- nonorganic nanostructures. - Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, 1999, v.169, No.3, p. 348. 6. Agranovich V.M., Basko D.M. Resonance energy transfer from a semiconductor quantum dot to an organic matrix. - JETP Lett., 1999, v.69, No.3, p.250-254. 7. Agranovich V.M., Basko D.M., Boardman A.D., Kamchatnov A.M., Leskova T. A. Surface solitons due to second order cascaded nonlinearity. - Opt.Commun., 1999, v.160, No.1-3, p.114-118. 8. Agranovich V.M., Kamchatnov A.M. Quantum confinement and superradiance of one-dimensional self-trapped Frenkel excitons. - Chemical Physics, 1999, v. 245, No.1-3, p.175-184. 9. Agranovich V.M., Kiselev S.A., Soos Z.G., Forrest S.R. Phase transition to the conducting state in a system of charge-transfer excitons at a donor-acceptor interface. - Physics of the Solid State, 1999, v.41, No.5, p.704- 707. 10. Agranovich V.M., Kiselev S.A., Soos Z.G., Forrest S.R. Phase Transition to the Conducting State in a System of Charge-Transfer Excitons at a Donor-Acceptor Interface. - Физика твердого тела, 1999, v.41, No.5, p.781-784. 11. Alieva E.V., Knippels G.M.H., Kuzik L.A., Mattei G., vanderMeer A.F. G., Yakovlev V.A. Sum-frequency generation spectra of thin organic films on silver enhanced due to surface plasmon excitation. - Physica Status Solidi A - Applied Research, 1999, v.175, No.1, p.109-114. 12. Alieva E.V., Kuzik L.A., Mattei G., Petrov J.E., Yakovlev V.A. Use of a microcavity mode in porous silicon superlattice to enhance band intensities in vibrational spectra. - Physica Status Solidi A - Applied Research, 1999, v. 175, No.1, p.115-120. 13. Alieva E.V., Kuzik L.A., Yakovlev V.A., Knippels G., vanderMeer A.F. G., Mattei G. Spectroscopy of a thin fullerene film on silver using sum frequency generation enhanced by visible surface plasmon-polaritons. - Chemical Physics Letters, 1999, v.302, No.5&6, p.528-532. 14. Alieva E.V., Petrov Y.E., Yakovlev V.A. Application of surface electromagnetic waves for measuring the reflection coefficient of metal mirrors. - Opt.Spektrosk., 1999, v.86, No.5, p.740-744. 15. Antsiferov P.S. X-ray M spectra of free lead and bismuth atoms. - Optics and Spectroscopy, 1999, v.86, No.6, p.868-870. 16. Ashkinadze B.M., Yudson V.I. Hysteretic microwave cyclotronlike resonance in a laterally confined two-dimensional electron gas. - Phys.Rev. Lett., 1999, v.83, No.4, p.812-815. 17. Ashkinadze B.M., Yudson V.I. Hysteretic microwave cyclotronlike resonance in a laterally confined two-dimensional electron gas (Vol 83, pg 812, 1999). - Phys.Rev.Lett., 1999, v.83, No.12, p.2479. 18. Astrakharchik G.E., Belousov A.I., Lozovik Y.E. Properties of two- dimensional dusty plasma clusters. - Phys.Lett.A, 1999, v.258, No.2&3, p.123- 130. 19. Astrakharchik G.E., Belousov A.I., Lozovik Y.E. Two-dimensional mesoscopic dusty plasma clusters: structure and phase transitions. - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 1999, v.89, No.4, p.696-703. 20. Azarov V.I., Churilov S.S., Yoshi Y.N. Analysis of the (5d(3)+5d(2)6s)- 5d(2)6p Transitions of IrVII. - Phys.Scripta, 1999, v.60, No.6, p.506-513. 21. Balykin V.I. Atom Waveguides. - Adv.in Atomic,Mol.,and Opt.Phys., 1999, v.41, p.181-260. 22. Balykin V.I. Laser Maxwell's Demon:from "gedanken" to real experiment. - Лазеры,сверхточные измерения и квантовая оптика.Les Houches(26 september-1 oktobre 1999).First Russian-French Workshop., 1999 23. Basko D., LaRocca G.C., Bassani F., Agranovich V.M. Forster energy transfer from a semiconductor quantum well to an organic material overlayer. - European Physical Journal B, 1999, v.8, No.3, p.353-362. 24. Basov N.G., Prokhorov A.M., Baranov V.Y., Letokhov V.S., Nadezhdinskii A.I., Sobelman I.I. Peter A Franken - In memoriam. - Quantum Electronics, 1999, v.29, No.6, p.558. 25. Bassani F., La Rocca G.C., Basko D.M., Agranovich V.M. Excitons in Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Nanostructures. - Физика твердого тела, 1999, v.41, No. 5, p.778-780. 26. 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Новые разработки оптико-спектральных приборов в Институте спектроскопии РАН. - Успехи физических наук, 1999, v.169, No.3, p.355- 356. 208. Кривцун В.М., Курицын Ю.А., Снегирев Е.П. Наблюдение ИК спектров поглощения нестабильной молекулы PbH4. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 1999, v.86, No. 5, p.771-777. 209. Лаптев В.Б., Рябов Е.А. Исследование двухступенчатого процесса обогащения углерода-13 при селективной ИК многофотонной диссоциации молекул СF2HCl в смеси с HI. - Химия высоких энергий, 1999, v.33, No.5, p.394-400. 210. Летохов В.С. Проблемы нанооптики. - Успехи физических наук, 1999, v. 169, No.3, p.345-346. 211. Лозовик Ю.Е., Берман О.Л., Вилландер М. Сверхтекучесть непрямых биэкситонов в сверхрешетках. - ЖЭТФ, 1999, v.115, No.5, p.1786-1798. 212. Лозовик Ю.Е., Берман О.Л., Рувинский А.М. Сверхтекучесть "грязных" экситонов. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 1999, v.69, No.8, p.573-578. 213. Лозовик Ю.Е., Меркулова С.П. Перспективы нанолокальной фемтосекундной спектроскопии и нанолитографии. - Успехи физических наук, 1999, v.169, No.3, p. 348-350. 214. Лозовик Ю.Е., Никитков М.В. Кинетические свойства системы пространственно-разделенных экситонов и электронов при наличии Бозе-конденсата экситонов. - ЖЭТФ, 1999, v.116, No.4, p.1440-1449. 215. Лозовик Ю.Е., Пушнов А.В. Новый метод обнаружения Бозе-конденсации экситонов с помощью индуцированного двухфотонного испускания. - ЖЭТФ, 1999, v. 115, No.4, p.1353-1376. 216. Лозовик Ю.Е., Ракоч Е.А. Особенности плавления двумерных мезоскопических вигнеровских кластеров. - Физика твердого тела, 1999, v.41, No. 8, p.1499-1504. 217. Лозовик Ю.Е., Филинов А.В. Времена прохождения волновых пакетов через туннельные барьеры. - ЖЭТФ, 1999, v.115, No.5, p.1872-1889. 218. Макаров Г.Н., Лохман В.Н., Малиновский А.Л., Огурок Д.Д. Влияние буферного (акцепторного) газа на выход продуктов при изотопически селективной ИК многофотонной диссоциации молекул CF3I в импульсном газодинамическом потоке. - Химическая физика, 1999, v.18, No.3, p.71-78. 219. Макаров Г.Н., Малиновский А.Л., Огурок Д.Д. Селективная инфракрасная многофотонная диссоциация молекул в импульсном газодинамическом потоке малой протяженности. - Журнал технической физики, 1999, v.69, No.1, p.35-41. 220. Малиновский А.Л., Макаров А.А., Рябов Е.А., Тишина Е.Н. Вид колебательного распределения в квазиконтинууме при многофотонном ИК-возбуждении SF6. - Химическая физика, 1999, v.18, No.9, p.9-15. 221. Попова М.Н. Инфракрасная спектроскопия новых спин-пайерлсовских соединений. - Успехи физических наук, 1999, v.169, No.3, p.353-355. 222. Рябцев А.Н. Спектроскопия ионов с 5d-электронами в основном состоянии. - Успехи физических наук, 1999, v.169, No.3, p.350-351. 223. Рябцев А.Н. Несбалансированные взаимодействия конфигураций в атомных спектрах. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 1999, v.86, No.6, p.972-977. 224. Рябцев А.Н., Чурилов С.С., Нильсен Дж., Ли Ю., Данн Дж., Остерхельд А. Л. Дополнительный анализ спектров Ni-подобных ионов. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 1999, v.87, No.2, p.197-202. 225. Секацкий С.К., Чекалин С.В., Иванов А.Л., Компанец В.О., Матвеец Ю.А., Степанов А.Г., Летохов В.С. Прекционная фотоэлектронная микроскопиясверхвысокого пространственного разрешения с использованием фемтосекундных лазеров. - ЖЭТФ, 1999, v.115, No.5, p.1680-1688.
Publications in 1998
1. Afanasyeva N.I., Artjushenko V., Kolyakov S.F., Lerman A., Pakhomov D. Y., Sokolov V, Letokhov V.S. Fiberoptic Evanescent mid-IR Fourier Transform Spectroscopy of Cancer Tissue. - Lasers in the Life Sciens, 1998, v.8, No.2, p. 65-79. 2. Aggarwal S., Perusse S.R., Tipton C.W., Ramesh R., Drew H.D., Venkatesan T., Romero D.B., Podobedov V.B., Weber A. Effect of hydrogen on Pb(Zr, Ti)O-3-based ferroelectric capacitors. - Appl.Phys.Lett., 1998, v.73, No. 14, p.1973-1975. 3. Agranovich V.M., Basko D.M., LaRocca G.C., Bassani F. Excitons and optical nonlinearities in hybrid organic-inorganic nanostructures. - Journal of Physics - Condensed Matter, 1998, v.10, No.42, p.9369-9400. 4. Agranovich V.M., Darmanyan S.A., Grigorishin K.I., Kamchatnov A.M., Neidlinger T., Reineker P. Dynamics of Fermi resonance solitary waves propagating along two interfaces. - Phys.Rev.B, 1998, v.57, No.4, p.2461-2467. 5. Agranovich V.M., Kamchatnov A.M., Benisty H., Weisbuch C. Nonlinear pulse propagation along quantum well in a semiconductor microcaviti. - Beam Shaping and Control with Nonlinear Optics,Eds.R.Reinisch and F. Kajzar,Plenum, 1998, 1998, p.133-147. 6. Agranovich V.M., LaRocca G.C., Bassani F., Benisty H., Weisbuch C. Hybrid Frenkel-Wannier-Mott excitons at interfaces and in microcavities. - Optical Materials, 1998, v.9, No.1-4, p.430-436. 7. Agranovich V.M., LaRocca G.C., Bassani F. Biexcitons and dark states in semiconductor microcavities. - Journal of Luminescence, 1998, v.76(7), p.161- 167. 8. Agranovich V.M., LaRocca G.C., Bassani F. Organic-inorganic interfaces and microcavities with hybrid excitons. - Pure and Applied Optics, 1998, v.7, No.2, p.119-127. 9. Alieva E.V., Beitel G., Kuzik L.A., Sigarev A.A., Yakovlev V.A., Zhizhin G.N., vanderMeer A.F.G., vanderWiel M.J. Linear and nonlinear FEL-SEW spectroscopic characterization of nanometer-thick films. - Journal of Molecular Structure, 1998, v.449, No.2&3, p.119-129. 10. Alieva E.V., Kuzik L.A., Yakovlev V.A. Sum frequency generation spectroscopy of thin organic films on silver using visible surface plasmon generation. - Chemical Physics Letters, 1998, v.292, No.4-6, p.542-546. 11. Alieva E.V., Zhizhin G.N., Kuzik L.A., Yakovlev V.A. Study of crystals in medium- and long-wavelength IR ranges by surface-electromagnetic-wave spectroscopy. - Physics of the Solid State, 1998, v.40, No.2, p.213-216. 12. Antonyuk B.P., Antonyuk V.B. Second-harmonic generation in Ge-doped silica fibres: experiment and theory. - Journal of Modern Optics, 1998, v.45, No.2, p.257-268. 13. Antonyuk B.P., Antonyuk V.B. High efficient second harmonic generation in Ge-doped silica fibers. - Opt.Commun., 1998, v.147, No.1-3, p.143-147. 14. Antonyuk B.P., Antonyuk V.B. Influence of an external electric field on the second harmonic generation in Ge-doped silica fibres. - Phys.Lett.A, 1998, v.249, No.1&2, p.113-116. 15. Antonyuk B.P., Denisov V.N., Mavrin B.N. Charge transfer states in GeO2-doped silicate fiber-optic waveguides and their role in second-harmonic generation. - JETP Lett., 1998, v.68, No.10, p.775-778. 16. Antonyuk B.P., Musichenko S.F. Positive feedback in response to static electric field in glasses under light pumping. - Phys.Scripta, 1998, v.58, No. 1, p.83-85. 17. Antsiferov P.S. The X-ray characteristic L-spectrum of Sn, emitted by metallic vapour. - Phys.Scripta, 1998, v.57, No.3, p.330-333. 18. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Khautiev E.Y., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Glushkov D.A., Lugovenko I.V., Koshelev K.N. Dynamics of a plasma in a capillary discharge driven by a plasma focus operated in the mode of a plasma switch opening. - J.Phys.D, 1998, v.31, No.16, p.2013-2017. 19. Azarov V.I., Churilov S.S., Kildayarova R.R., Ryabtsev A.N., Raassen A. J.J., Uylings P.H.M., Joshi Y.N., Aaltonen J. The Platinum Group Ion Project. - Int.Conf.on Atomic and Mol.Data and Their Appl., 1998, p.103-105. 20. Azarov V.I., Churilov S.S., Kildiyarova R.R., Ryabtsev A.N., Raassen A. J.J., Uylings P.H.M., Joshi Y.N., Tchang-Brillet L., Wyart J.-F. The Platinum Group Ion Project. - NIST Special Publ.926, 1998, p.103-105. 21. Bagatskaya O.V., Zhuk N.P., Shulga S.N. Effective permittivity of a discrete random medium with anisotropic inclusions. - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 1998, v.87, No.4, p.648-654. 22. Balykin V.I., Lapshin D.A., Subbotin M.V., Letokhov V.S. Near field diffraction grating for atoms. - Opt.Commun., 1998, v.145, No.1-6, p.322-328. 23. Belogorokhov A.I., Afanasyeva N.I., Blank V.D. Phonon spectra of metastable C60 systems obtained under high-energy impacts. - Journal of Applied Physics, 1998, v.84, No.1, p.657-659. 24. Belousov A.I., Lozovik Y.E. Quantum orientational melting and the phase diagram of a mesoscopic system. - JETP Lett., 1998, v.68, No.11, p.858- 863. 25. Belousov A.I., Verzakov S.A., Lozovik Y.E. The phase diagram of a two- dimensional array of mesoscopic granules. - Journal of Physics - Condensed Matter, 1998, v.10, No.5, p.1079-1089. 26. Belousov A.I., Verzakov S.A., Lozovik Y.E. Order parameter quantum fluctuations in a two-dimensional system of mesoscopic Josephson junctions. - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 1998, v.86, No.1, p.146-155. 27. Belousov A.I., Verzakov S.A., Lozovik Y.E. Josephson array of mesoscopic objects. Modulation of system properties through the chemical potential. - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 1998, v.87, No.2, p.322-328. 28. Blank V.D., Buga S.G., Dubitsky G.A., Serebryanaya N.R., Popov M.Y., Sundqvist B. High-pressure polymerized phases of C-60. - Carbon, 1998, v.36, No. 4, p.319-343. 29. Blank V.D., Buga S.G., Serebryanaya N.R., Dubitsky G.A., Mavrin B.N., Popov M.Y., Bagramov R.H., Prokhorov V.M., Sulyanov S.N., Kulniskiy B.A., Tatyanin Y.V. Structures and physical properties of superhard and ultrahard 3D polymerized fullerites created from solid C-60 by high pressure high temperature treatment. - Carbon, 1998, v.36, No.5&6, p.665-670. 30. Blank V.D., Buga S.G., Serebryanaya N.R., Dubitsky G.A., Sulyanov S.N. Phase transformations of C70 fullerite under high pressure of 6.5-13 GPa and temperature 300-1830 K:Comparison with C60. - Rev.High Pressure Sci.Technol, 1998, v.7, p.814-816. 31. Blank V.D., Denisov V.N., Ivlev A.N., Mavrin B.N., Serebryanaya N.R., Dubitsky G.A., Sulyanov S.N., Popov M.Y., Lvova N.A., Buga S.G., Kremkova G.N. Hard disordered phases produced at high-pressure-high-temperature treatment of C-60. - Carbon, 1998, v.36, No.9, p.1263-1267. 32. Blank V.D., Levin V.M., Prokhorov V.M., Buga S.G., Dubitskii G.A., Serebryanaya N.R. Elastic properties of ultrahard fullerites. - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 1998, v.87, No.4, p.741-746. 33. Blank V.D., Nuzhdin A.A., Prokhorov V.M., Bagramov R.K. Some comparative thermodynamic characteristics of fullerite and various covalent elements. - Physics of the Solid State, 1998, v.40, No.7, p.1261-1263. 34. Blank V.D., Popov M., Pivovarov G., Lvova N., Gogolinskii K.V., Reshetov V. Ultrahard and superhard phases of fullerite C60:comparison with diamond on hardness and wear. - Diamond and Related Materials, 1998, v.7, p.427- 431. 35. Blank V.D., Serebryanaya N.R., Dubitsky G.A., Buga S.G., Denisov V.N., Mavrin B.N., Ivlev A.N., Sulyanov S.N., Lvova N.A. Polymerization and phase diagram of solid C-70 after high-pressure-high-temperature treatment. - Phys. Lett.A, 1998, v.248, No.5&6, p.415-422. 36. Blank V.D., Serebryanaya N.R., Dubitsky G.A., Popov M.Y., Lvova N.A., Sulyanov S.N., Buga S.G. High pressure synthesis,structure,physical and mechanical properties of C60 fullerite superhard and ultrahard phases. - Rev. High Pressure Sci.Technol, 1998, v.7, p.972-974. 37. Blank V., Popov M., Pivovarov G., Lvova N., Gogolinsky K., Reshetov V. Ultrahard and superhard phases of fullerite C-60: comparison with diamond on hardness and wear. - Diamond and Related Materials, 1998, v.7, No.2-5, p.427- 431. 38. BorovikRomanov A.S., Petrov S.V., Tikhonov A.M., Dumesh B.S. NMR in Mn- 55(2+) nuclei in the quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnetic CsMnBr3. - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 1998, v.86, No.1, p.197-205. 39. BorovikRomanov A.S., Petrov S.V., Tikhonov A.M., Dumesh B.S. Investigation of NMR in a quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet CsMnBr3. - Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1998, v.177, p.657-658. 40. BorovikRomanov A.S., Petrov S.V., Tikhonov A.M., Dumesh B.S. NMR in Mn- 55(2+) nuclei in the quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnetic CsMnBr3 (Vol 86, pg 197, 1998). - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 1998, v.86, No.3, p.628-628. 41. Boucher D., Kovalenko S.A., Masselin P., Matveets Y.A., Novikov M.G., Ragulsky V.V., Stepanov A.G., Chekalin S.V. Investigation of ultrafast relaxation of photoexcited fullerenes at different excitation conditions by broadband femtosecond laser spectrometry. - Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, 1998, v. 62, No.2, p.237-244. 42. Brataas A., Gudmundsson V., Malshukov A.G., Chao K.A. Collective intersubband spin-density excitations in a quantum wire in a magnetic field. - Journal of Physics - Condensed Matter, 1998, v.10, No.19, p.4267-4279. 43. Bruch R., Afanasyeva N., Kano P., Schneider D. Surface spectroscopy of nano- and subnanostructures. - Nanotechnology, 1998, v.9, No.4, p.346-351. 44. Bruch R., Safronova U.I., Shlyaptseva A.S., Nilsen J., Schneider D. Theoretical analysis of the doubly excited 3lnl' states of sodiumlike copper. - Phys.Scripta, 1998, v.57, No.3, p.334-344. 45. Bruch R., Safronova U.I., Shlyaptseva A.S., Nilsen J., Schneider D. New comprehensive theoretical analysis of the doubly excited 3lnl' states of sodium-like iron. - JQSRT, 1998, v.60, No.4, p.605-622. 46. Burlakov V.M. Interference of mode instabilities and pattern formation in anharmonic lattices. - Phys.Rev.Lett., 1998, v.80, No.18, p.3988-3991. 47. Burlakov V.M., Moskalenko M.A., Berner D., Geserich H.P., Zibold A., Tanner D.B., Levy F., Berger H. Vibrational properties of the CDW condensate in the quasi-one-dimensional conductor (TaSe4)(2)I: Numerical and experimental study. - Physica B, 1998, v.244, p.96-102. 48. Chekalin S.V., Ivanov A.L., Kompanets V.O., Mavrin B.N., Matveets Y.A. Phototransformation and photoinduced oxygen-uptake in C60 films irradiated by femtosecond laser pulses. - ICONO'98, 1998 49. Churilov S.S., Gayasov R., Kildiyarova R.R., Joshi Y.N., Ryabtsev A.N. The 5d(2)-5d6p transitions in Au X and Hg XI. - Phys.Scripta, 1998, v.57, No.6, p.626-629. 50. Churilov S.S., Joshi Y.N. Transitions from autoionized states of Sb, Te and I in the 100-260 angstrom region. - Phys.Scripta, 1998, v.57, No.4, p. 500-502. 51. Churilov S.S., Joshi Y.N. Analyses of the 5p(6)5d-(5p(6)6p - 5p(6)5f - 5p(5)5d(2)) transitions of eight times ionized iridium to eleven times ionized mercury spectra (Ir IX-Hg XII). - Phys.Scripta, 1998, v.57, No.5, p.556-564. 52. Churilov S.S., Joshi Y.N. Analyses of the 5p(5)d(3)+5p(6)5d5f+6s6p configurations of Au X and 5p(5)5d(3)+5p(6)5d5f configurations of Hg XI. - Phys. Scripta, 1998, v.58, No.5, p.425-440. 53. Churilov S.S., Joshi Y.N., Gayazov R.R. Revised and extended analyses of I IX and I X. - JOSA B, 1998, v.15, No.7, p.1923-1931. 54. Churilov S.S., Joshi Y.N., Kildiyarova R.R. The 4p(5)rd(10) and 4d(8)6p configurations of Te VIII. - Phys.Scripta, 1998, v.58, No.3, p.196-202. 55. Dalton G.R., Azarov V.I., Kramida A.E., Ryabtsev A.N., Podobedova L. I., Dragoset R.A., Fuhr J.R., Kelleher D.E., Kotochigova S., Martin W.C., Mohr p.j., Musgrove A., Olsen K., Saloman E.B., Sugar J. NIST Atomic Spectra Database. - NIST Special Publ., 1998, v.926, p.12-15. 56. Dalton G.R., Podobedova L.I., Azarov V.I., Kramida A.E., Ryabtsev A.N. NIST Atomic Spectra Database. - Int.Conf.on Atomic and Mol.Data and Their Appl., 1998, p.12-15. 57. Darmanyan S., Kamchatnov A., Lederer F. Optical shock waves in media with quadratic nonlinearity. - Phys.Rev.E, 1998, v.58, No.4, p.R4120-4123. 58. Darmanyan S., Kobyakov A. Stabylity of Strongly Localized Excitations in Discrete Media with Cubic Nonlinearity. - ЖЭТФ, 1998, v.113, No.4, p.1253- 1260. 59. Darmanyan S., Kobyakov A., Lederer F. Strongly localized modes in discrete systems with quadratic nonlinearity. - Phys.Rev.E, 1998, v.57, No.2, p. 2344-2349. 60. Darmanyan S., Kobyakov A., Lederer F. Stability of strongly localized excitations in discrete media with cubic nonlinearity. - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 1998, v.86, No.4, p.682-686. 61. Darmanyan S., Kobyakov A., Schmidt E., Lederer F. Vectorial Discrete Solitons in Nonlinear Wavequide Arrays. - Proceedings of the International Quantum Electronics Conference,1998,San Francisco,USA, 1998 62. Dementev D.A., Ivanov A.L., Serov O.B., Stepanov A.G., Matveets Y.A., Chekalin S.V., Smolovich A.M. Geometric-optical reconstruction of a wavefront experimental realization with femtosecond laser pulses. - Opt.Commun., 1998, v. 150, No.1-6, p.38-42. 63. Demyanenko A.V., Ryabov E.A., Letokhov V.S. IR multiple-photon dissociation of Br(CF2)(4)COI molecules by excitation via C=O (1794 cm(-1)) stretching and skeleton (961 cm(-1)) vibrations. - Chemical Physics Letters, 1998, v.286, No.3&4, p.277-283. 64. Denisov V.N., Kuzik L.A., Lvova N., Mavrin B.N., Opimach I.V., Popov M., West W.P. Hard diamond-like layers produced during DIII-D tokamak operations. - Phys.Lett.A, 1998, v.239, No.4&5, p.328-331. 65. Dubau J., Ivanov I.A. Numerical calculation of the complex energy of the 1s2 resonance of a two-electron atom with nuclear charge below the threshold value. - J.Phys.B, 1998, v.31, No.15, p.3335-3344. 66. Dubau J., Kato T., Safronova U.I. Atomic Database for C I from C II. - Int.Conf.on Atomic and Mol.Data and Their Appl., 1998, p.117-120. 67. Dubau J., Kato T., Safronova U.I. Dielectronic Recombination Rate Coefficients to the Excited States of C I from C II. - NIFS-Data Ser., 1998, v. 44, p.1-67. 68. Dubau J., Kato T., Safronova U.I. Atomic Database for C I from C II. - NIST Special Publ.926, 1998, p.117-120. 69. Dumesh B.S., Petrov S.V., Tikhonov A.M. New phase transition in an easy-axis ''triangular'' antiferromagnet. - JETP Lett., 1998, v.67, No.12, p. 1046-1051. 70. Dumesh B.S., Petrov S.V., Tikhonov A.M. Observation of spin-reduction anisotropy in the quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet CsMnI3. - JETP Lett., 1998, v.67, No.9, p.692-697. 71. Engel A., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Churilov S.S., Gavrilescu C., Lebert R. Population inversion due to charge-exchange interaction of plasma jets from plasma focus with residual gas. - Phys.Rev.E, 1998, v.58, No.6, p. 7819-7822. 72. Engelman A., Yudson V.I., Reineker P. Enhanced optical nonlinearity of hybrid excitons in an inorganic semiconducting quantum dot covered by an organic layer. - Phys.Rev.B, 1998, v.57, No.3, p.1784-1790. 73. Engelmann A., Yudson V.I., Reineker P. Hybrid excitons in organic- inorganic semiconducting quantum dots. - Journal of Luminescence, 1998, v. 76(7), p.214-216. 74. Erdmann N., Sebastian V., Fedoseyev V.N., Hannawald M., Huber G., Kautzsch T., Kratz K.L., Mishin V.I., Nunnemann M., Passler G., Trautmann N. Frequency tripling for resonance ionization spectroscopy (RIS) of Cd. - Appl. 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Farztdinov V.M., Kovalenko S.A., Matveets Y.A., Starodubtsev N.F., Marowsky G. The slowing-down of ultrafast relaxation in C-60 films at high femtosecond pump intensities. - Appl.Phys.B, 1998, v.66, No.2, p.225-230. 81. Filinov V.S., Lozovik Y.E., Filinov A.V., Zacharov I.E., Oparin A.M. Quantum dynamics and Anderson localization of electrons in disordered systems of scatterers. - Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, 1998, v.62, No.6, p.1179-1184. 82. Filinov V.S., Lozovik Y.E., Filinov A.V., Zacharov I.E., Oparin A.M. Quantum dynamics in canonical and micro-canonical ensembles. Part I. Anderson localization of electrons. - Phys.Scripta, 1998, v.58, No.4, p.297-303. 83. Filinov V.S., Lozovik Y.E., Filinov A.V., Zacharov I.E., Oparin A.M. Quantum dynamics in canonical and micro-canonical ensembles. Part II. Tunneling in double well potential. - Phys.Scripta, 1998, v.58, No.4, p.304-309. 84. Filinov V.S., Lozovik Y.E., Filinov A.V., Zacharov I. 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Капуткина Н.Е., Лозовик Ю.Е. Энергетические спектры и квантовая кристаллизация двухэлектронных квантовых точек в магнитных полях. - Физика твердого тела, 1998, v.40, No.9, p.1753-1759. 267. Капуткина Н.Е., Лозовик Ю.Е. Спектр непрямого магнетоэкситона. - Физика и техника пол., 1998, v.32, No.11, p.1354-1362. 268. Кару Т.Й., Афанасьева Н.И., Кольяков С.Ф., Пятибрат Л.В. Изменение спектра поглощения монослоя живых клеток после низкоинтенсивноголазерного облучения. - Доклады Академии Наук, 1998, v.360, No.2, p.267-270. 269. Климов В.В., Летохов В.С. Резонансная флюоресценция в системе атом++ диэлектрическая микросфера,возбуждаемая одним фотоном. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 1998, v. 68, No.2, p.115-120. 270. Колошников В.Г. Разработка новых методов микроволновой спектроскопии с использованием оротрона для высокоселективного определения молекулярных примесей в газах. - Гос.н-т программа"Физика квантовых и волновых процессов", 1998, p.141-142. 271. Компанец В.О., Мельник Н.Н., Хесс Б., Чекалин С.В. Фотоиндуцированные превращения в пленках С60, облучаемых фемтосекундными лазерными импульсами. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 1998, v.68, No.4, p.320-325. 272. Кошелев К.Н. Источники когерентного и некогерентного рентгеновского и ВУФ излучения на основе пинчевых разрядов и развитие методов рентгеновской спектроскопической диагностики сверхплотной высокотемпературной плазмы. - Гос.н- т программа"Физика квантовых и волновых процессов", 1998, p.185-186. 273. Лаптев В.Б., Туманова Л.М., Рябов Е.А. Селективная диссоциация молекул Si(OCH3)4 и [(CH3)3Si]2O под действием излучения импульсного СО2-лазера. - Химия высоких энергий, 1998, v.32, No.2, p.133-138. 274. Лапшин Д.А., Решетов В.Н., Секацкий С.К., Летохов В.С. Контактная сканирующая оптическая микроскопия ближнего поля. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 1998, v.67, No.3&4, p.245-250. 275. Летохов В.С. Принципы нелинейной оптической спектроскопии. - Успехи физических наук, 1998, v.168, No.5, p.591-592. 276. Летохов В.С. Атомная и квантовая оптика в ближнем поле лазерного излучения (нанооптика). - Гос.н-т программа"Физика квантовых и волновых процессов", 1998, p.129-132. 277. Лин Э.Э., Новиков С.А., Сухаренко В.И., Бланк В.Д., Дубицкий Г.А., Семенова Е.Е. Ударно-индуцированный и статистический синтез полупроводниковых материалов на основе ультрадисперсного алмаза. - Химическая физика, 1998, v.17, No.2, p.62-64. 278. Лозовик Ю.Е., Берман О.Л. Квантовая кристаллизация двумерных дипольных системю. - Физика твердого тела, 1998, v.40, No.7, p.1350-1355. 279. Лозовик Ю.Е., Берман О.Л., Панфилов А.А. Спектры возбуждений в системе двух связанных кавнтовых ям. - Физика твердого тела, 1998, v.40, No.12, p.2226- 2228. 280. Лозовик Ю.Е., Ракоч Е.А. Структура и плавление дипольных кластеров. - Физика твердого тела, 1998, v.40, No.7, p.1379-1386. 281. Лозовик Ю.Е., Рувинский А.М. Магнитоэкситонное поглощение света в неоднородных квазидвумерных системах. - ЖЭТФ, 1998, v.114, No.4, p.1451-1465. 282. Лохман В.Н., Макаров Г.Н., Огурок Д.Д., Петин А.Н, Сотников М.В. Спектральные и энергетические характеристики индуцированного ТЕА СО2-лазером ускорения молекулы CF3I в пучке. - Химическая физика, 1998, v.17, No.11, p.35- 42. 283. Макаров Г.Н. Селективная ИК многофотонная диссоциация молекул СF3I в импульсном газодинамическом потоке.Зависимость фактора обогащения в продукте С2F6 изотопом 13 С от концентрации молекул в потоке. - Письма в ЖТФ, 1998, v. 24, No.23, p.35-40. 284. Макаров Г.Н., Лохман В.Н., Малиновский А.Л., Огурок Д.Д. Изотопически- селективная ИК многофотонная диссоциация молекул CF3I в импульсном газодинамическом потоке. - Квантовая электроника, 1998, v.25, No.6, p.545-549. 285. Мальшуков А.Г. Исследование нелинейно-оптических явлений,обусловленных спиновым расщеплением энергетических зон носителей в полупроводниковых квантовых ямах. - Гос.н-т программа"Физика квантовых и волновых процессов", 1998, p.156-158. 286. Матвеец Ю.А., Лозовик Ю.Е. Фемтосекундная спектроскопия неравновесных процессов в сильновозбужденных конденсированных средах. - Гос.н-т программа"Физика квантовых и волновых процессов", 1998, p.102-103. 287. Миногин В.Г., Нинхаус Г. Оптическая накачка селективных по скоростям состояний когерентного пленения населенности в трехуровневых атомах. - ЖЭТФ, 1998, v.114, No.2, p.511-525. 288. Миногин В.Г., Субботин М.В., Мелентьев П.Н. Динамика холодных атомов в квадрупольной магнитной ловушке с вращающимся потенциаломю. - ЖЭТФ, 1998, v. 114, No.1, p.23-36. 289. Петров Ю.Е., Алиева Е.В., Жижин Г.Н., Яковлев В.А. Фазовые измерения поверхностных электромагнитных волн на серебре при возбуждении сквозь подложку. - Журнал технической физики, 1998, v.68, No.3, p.64-68. 290. Попова М.Н. Изотопические эффекты в оптических спектрах редкоземельных ионов в кристаллах. - Гос.н-т программа"Физика квантовых и волновых процессов", 1998, p.84-86. 291. Попова М.Н., Сушков А.Б., Голубчик С.А., Маврин Б.Н, Денисов В.Н., Малкин Б.З., Ицхакова А.И., Исобэ М., Уэда И. Экспериментальное и теоретическое исследование динамики решетки NaV2O5:наличие центра инверсии в высокотемпературной фазе. - Сов.по физике низких температур.Тез.докл., 1998, p. 106-107. 292. Рябов Е.А. Спектроскопия колебательного квазиконтинуума и молекулярная динамика в многоатомных молекулах. - Гос.н-т программа"Физика квантовых и волновых процессов", 1998, p.12-14. 293. Рябцев А.Н. Эффекты корреляций и коллапса электронных оболочек в спектрах ионов тяжелых элементов. - Гос.н-т программа"Физика квантовых и волновых процессов", 1998, p.58-60. 294. Секацкий С.К., Серебряков Д.В., Летохов В.С. Лазерная фотоионная фотоселективная микроскопия с разрешением 5 НМ. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 1998, v.67, No. 7&8, p.450-454. 295. Смирнов А.И., Попова М.Н., Сушков А.Б., Голубчик С.А., Мостовой М.В., Хомский Д.И., Васильев А.Н., Исобэ М., Уеда Ю. Диэлектрическая аномалия при возникновении спиновой щели в NaV2O5. - Сов.по физике низких температур.Тез. докл., 1998, p.105. 296. Снегирев Е.П., Улицкий Н.И., Ходыкин О.В., Персонов Р.И. Нелинейный Штарк-эффект на провалах в спектре Zn-фталоцианина в полимерных пленках. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 1998, v.84, No.1, p.47-50. 297. Филинов В.С., Лозовик Ю.Е., Филинов А.В., Захаров И.Е., Опарин А.М. Квантовая динамика и Андерсоновская локализация электронов в неупорядоченных системах рассеивателей. - Изв.АН сер.физическая, 1998, v.62, No.6, p.1179-1184. 298. Хаутиев Э.Ю., Анциферов П.С., Дорохин Л.А., Кошелев К.Н., Сидельников Ю.В. Плазменный фокус как коммутатр тока для капилярного разряда. - Журнал технической физики, 1998, v.68, No.11, p.110-113.
Publications in 1997
1. Abdullaev F.Kh., Darmanyan S.A, Bischoff S., Sorensen M.P. Modulational instability of electromagnetic waves in media with varying nonlinearity. - J.of the Optical Soc.of America:B., 1997, v.14, No.1, p.27-33. 2. Adrian S.D., Wolf S.A., Dolgov O., Shulga S., Kresin V.Z. Density of states and the energy gap in superconducting cuprates. - Phys.Rev.B, 1997, v. 56, No.13, p.7878-7881. 3. Afanasyeva N.I., Belogorokhov A.I., Blank V.D., Jawhari T., Ovchinnikov A.A. FTIR and micro-Raman spectra of polymer nanostructures under pressure. - Macromolecular Symposia, 1997, v.119, p.207-212. 4. Agranovich V.M., Basko D.M., Dubovsky O.A. Superradiance of polaritons: Crossover from two-dimensional to three-dimensional crystals. - J.Chem.Phys., 1997, v.106, No.10, p.3896-3907. 5. Agranovich V.M., Benisty H., Weisbuch C. Organic and inorganic quantum wells in a microcavity: Frenkel-Wannier-Mott excitons hybridization and energy transformation. - Solid State Communications, 1997, v.102, No.8, p.631-636. 6. Agranovich V.M., Darmanyan S.A, Kamchatnov A.M., Leskova T.A., Boardman A.D. Variational approach to solitons in systems with cascaded chi( (2)) nonlinearity. - Physical Review E., 1997, v.55, No.2, p.1894-1898. 7. Agranovich V.M., LaRocca G.C., Bassani F., Reineker P. Nonlinear phenomena in organic multilayers. - Pure and Applied Chemistry, 1997, v.69, No. 6, p.1203-1210. 8. Agranovich V.M., LaRocca G.C., Bassani F. Biexciton luminescence in semiconductor microcavities. - Physica Status Solidi A - Applied Research, 1997, v.164, No.1, p.39-44. 9. Agranovich V.M., LaRocca G.C., Bassani F. Efficient electronic energy transfer from a semiconductor quantum well to an organic material. - JETP Lett., 1997, v.66, No.11, p.748-751. 10. Agranovich V.M., Rocca G.C.La, Bassani F. Efficient Electronic Energy Transfer from a Semiconductor Quantum Well to en Organic Materials. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 1997, v.66, No.11, p.714-717. 11. Alieva E.V., Beitel G., Kuzik L.A., Sigarev A.A., Yakovlev V.A., Zhizhin G.N., vanderMeer A.F.G., vanderWiel M.J. Linear and nonlinear FEL-SEW spectroscopic characterization of nanometer-thick films. - Applied Spectroscopy, 1997, v.51, No.4, p.584-591. 12. Alieva E.V., Petrov Y.E., Yakovlev V.A., Eliel E.R., vanderHam E.W.M., Vrehen Q.H.F., vanderMeer A.F.G., Sychugov V.A. Giant enhancement of sum- frequency generation upon excitation of a surface plasmon-polariton. - JETP Lett., 1997, v.66, No.9, p.609-613. 13. Antonova K., Byshewski P., Zhizhin G.N., Piechota J., Marhevka M. FT- IR and Raman Spectroscopy of C58BN. - Mikrochim.Acta [Suppl.], 1997, v.14, p. 271-273. 14. Antonyuk B.P., Musichenko S.F., Podobedov V.B. 1/omega noise in refractive-index fluctuations in As2Se3 glass. - Opt.Commun., 1997, v.142, No.4- 6, p.220-222. 15. Antsiferov P.S. Characteristic K X-ray lines emitted by metallic vapours. - JQSRT, 1997, v.58, No.1, p.67-74. 16. Aseev S.A., Kunets A.V., Letokhov V.S. Development of a laser method for the detection of a rare aluminum isotope. - Laser Phys., 1997, v.7, No.2, p. 356-357. 17. Azarov V.I., Raassen A.J.J., Joshi Y.N., Uylings P.H.M., Ryabtsev A.N. Analysis of the spectrum of the (5d(4)+5d(3)6s)-5d(3)6p system of four times ionized osmium (Os V). - Phys.Scripta, 1997, v.56, No.4, p.325-343. 18. Badikov V.V., Blinov P.S., Kosterev A.A., Letokhov V.S., Malinovskii A. L., Ryabov E.A. Efficient parametric generators of picosecond mid-infrared pulses based on AgGaS2 crystals. - Quantum Electronics, 1997, v.27, No.6, p.523- 526. 19. Balykin V.I., Laryushin D.V., Subbotin M.V., Letokhov V.S. A bright coherent source of de Broglie waves. - Laser Phys., 1997, v.7, No.2, p.358-360. 20. Baran M., Szymczak H., Klimin S.A., Popova M.N., Levitin R.Z., Mill B. V. Anisotrophy of the magnetic properties of the cuprates Dy2BaCuO5 and Ho2BaCuO5: Magnetic and spectroscopic investigations. - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 1997, v.84, No.1, p.175-182. 21. Bastin T., Biemont E., Dumont P.D., Garnir H.P., Krenzer M.J., Bukow H., Kramida A.E. The spectrum of Ne V. - Phys.Scripta, 1997, v.55, No.6, p.654- 660. 22. Belousov A.I., Lozovik Y.E. Quantum phase fluctuations in an array of mesoscopic Josephson junctions. - Physics of the Solid State, 1997, v.39, No.9, p.1345-1351. 23. Belousov A.I., Lozovik Y.E. New model for systems of mesoscopic Josephson junctions. - JETP Lett., 1997, v.66, No.10, p.686-692. 24. Berner D., Leihenseder H., Widder K., Geserich H.P., Burlakov V.M., Mavrin B.N., Denisov V.N., Roesky R., Gressier P., Meerschaut A. (LaSe)(1. 14)(NbSe2)(2) - a metal-insulator quantum well crystal? - Journal of Physics - Condensed Matter, 1997, v.9, No.47, p.10545-10553. 25. Blank V.D., Buga S.G., Serebryanaya N.R., Dubitsky G.A., Bagramov R. H., Popov M.Y., Prokhorov V.M., Sulyanov S.A. Physical properties of superhard and ultrahard fullerites created from solid C-60 by high-pressure-high- temperature treatment. - Applied Physis A, 1997, v.64, No.3, p.247-250. 26. Blank V.D., Kulnitskiy B.A. The habit plane of martensite at BCC-HCP phase transformation. - Scripta Materialia, 1997, v.37, No.3, p.373-376. 27. Blank V.D., Popov M.Y., Lvova N.A., Gogolinskii K.V., Reshetov V.N. Plasticity of diamond at room temperature and determination of its hardness using an atomic force microscope with an ultrahard C-60 fullerite tip. - Technical Physics Letters, 1997, v.23, No.7, p.546-547. 28. Blank V.D., Tatyanin Y.V., Kulnitskiy B.A. New structure after thermobaric treatment of solid C-60. - Phys.Lett.A, 1997, v.225, No.1-3, p.121- 126. 29. Blank V.D., Zhigalina O.M., Kulnitskii B.A., Tatyanin E.V. Distortion of an fcc-structure upon thermobaric treatment of C-60. - Crystallography Reports, 1997, v.42, No.4, p.588-591. 30. Blank V., Popov M., Lvova N., Gogolinsky K., Reshetov V. Nano- sclerometry measurements of superhard materials and diamond hardness using scanning force microscope with the ultrahard fullerite C-60 tip. - Journal of Materials Research, 1997, v.12, No.11, p.3109-3114. 31. Bolshov M.A., Rudniev S.N., Rudnieva A.A., Boutron C., Hong Songmin. Determination of heavy metals in polar snow and ice by laser excited atomic fluorescence spectrometry with electrothermal atomization in graphite cup. - Spectrochimica Acta B, 1997, v.52, No.9&10, p.1535-1544. 32. Borovik-Romanov A.S., Dumesh B.S., Petrov S.V., Tikhonov A.M. Investigation of NMR in a quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet CsMnBr3. - XVII Conference on Radio and Microwave Spectroscopy (AMPERE),Poznan,Poland,1997,, 1997, p.L22-24. 33. BorovikRomanov A.S., Petrov S.V., Tikhonov A.M., Dumesh B.S. Mn-55 NMR investigation of the suppression of quantum fluctuations in quasi-one- dimensional antiferromagnets by a magnetic field. - JETP Lett., 1997, v.66, No. 11, p.759-765. 34. Boucher D., Chekalin S.V., Kovalenko S.A., Matveets Y.A., Masselin P., Novikov M.G., Ragulsky V.V., Stepanov A.G. Investigation of ultrafast relaxation of solid fullerenes by broadband femtosecond laser spectrometry. - Int.Conf."Condensed Phase Quantum Dynamics:Application to Chemical and Biological Systems",Lausanne,Switzerland,28-30 Aug. 1997,Book of Abstracts, 1997, p.33. 35. Boucher D., Chekalin S.V., Kovalenko S.A., Matveets Y.A., Masselin P., Novikov M.G., Ragulsky V.V., Stepanov A.G. Investigation of ultrafast relaxation of fullerenes and fullerites by broadband ultrafast laser spectrometry. - Proceedings SPIE, 1997, v.3239, p.302-314. 36. Brataas A., Malshukov A.G., Chao K.A. Collective spin-density excitations in a III-V semiconductor quantum well. - Phys.Rev.B, 1997, v.56, No. 4, p.R1684-1687. 37. Brataas A., Malshukov A.G., Steinebach C., Gudmundsson V., Chao K.A. Spin-density and charge-density excitations in quantum wires. - Phys.Rev.B, 1997, v.55, No.19, p.13161-13172. 38. Bruch R., Sukuta S., Afanasyeva N.I., Kolyakov S.F., Butvina L.N. Fourier transform infrared evanescent wave (FTIR-FEW) spectroscopy tissue. - Laser in Surgery:Advanced Characterization,Therapeutics,and Systems VII, Proceedings of SPIE (Series:Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers), 1997, v.2970, p.408-415. 39. Burlakov V.M., Moskalenko M.A. About properties of IR active lattice vibrations in the vicinity of kinks in the Frenkel-Kontorova model. - ЖЭТФ, 1997, v.65, No.10, p.750-754. 40. Chekalin S.V. Phototransformation in visible and near-IR femtosecond pump-probe studies of C-60 films - Comment. - Appl.Phys.Lett., 1997, v.71, No. 9, p.1276-1276. 41. Chekalin S.V., Ivanov A.L., Mavrin B.N., Matveets Y.A., Stepanov A.G., Yartsev A.P. Phototransformation and optical damage of oxygen-containing C60 films irradiated by femtosecond pulses at various repetition rates. - Femtochemistry,97, 1997, p.17. 42. Chisholm W., Rosman K.J.R., Candelone J., Boutron C.F., Bolshov M.A. Measurement of bismeeth at pg g(-1) concentrations in snow and ice samples by thermal ionization mass spectrometry. - Analytica Chemica Acta, 1997, v.347, No. 3, p.351-358. 43. Churilov S.S., Joshi Y.N., Ryabtsev A.N., Hanlon M. Revised and extended analysis of quadruply ionized germanium:Ge V. - Physica Scripta, 1997, v.55, No.1, p.54-62. 44. D''aubler H., Yudson V., Reineker P. Excimer formation in pyrene crystals. - Jurnal of Luminescence, 1997, v.72-74, p.909-911. 45. Darmanyan S., Relke I., Lederer F. Instability of continuous waves and rotating solitons in waveguide arrays. - Phys.Rev.E, 1997, v.55, No.6, p.7662- 7668. 46. Daubler H., Yudson V.I., Reineker P. Excimer formation in pyrene crystals. - Journal of Luminescence, 1997, v.72(4), p.909-911. 47. Davis C.C., Atia W.A., Gungor A., Mazzoni D.L., Pilevar S., Smolyaninov I.I. Scanning near-field optical microscopy and lithography with bare tapered optical fibers. - Laser Physics, 1997, v.7, No.1, p.243-256. 48. Dem'yanenko A.V., Kapinus V.A., Letokhov V.S., Ryabov E.A. Unimolecular decay of Br(CF2)4COI molecules IR Multiple-excited in molecular beam. - Int.Symp.on Molecular Beams XVII. Paris, 1997, p.365. 49. Dementev D.A., Ivanov A.L., Serov O.B., Stepanov A.G., Chekalin S.V., Smolovich A.M. Achromatic reconstruction of the wave front of femtosecond laser pulses. - JETP Lett., 1997, v.65, No.5, p.402-404. 50. Demyanenko A.V., Letokhov V.S., Puretskii A.A., Ryabov E.A. Emission spectroscopy of a carbon plasma formed by laser ablation of graphite. I. Ablation by XeCl laser radiation. - Quantum Electronics, 1997, v.27, No.11, p. 983-987. 51. Denisov V.N., Ivlev A.N., Lipin A.S., Mavrin B.N., Orlov V.G. Raman spectra and lattice dynamics of single-crystal alpha-Bi2O3. - Journal of Physics - Condensed Matter, 1997, v.9, No.23, p.4967-4978. 52. Dobryakov A.L., Ernsting N.P., Kovalenko S.A., Lozovik Y.E. New method of non-Fermi liquid study by pump-supercontinuum probe femtosecond spectroscopy. - Laser Phys., 1997, v.7, No.2, p.397-399. 53. Dobryakov A.L., Lozovik Yu.E., Farztdinov V.M., Kovalenko S.A., Marowsky G., Matveets Y.A., Merkulova S.P. Direct study of nonequilibrium carriers near Fermi level of Au film by optical reflection and transmission in femtosecond scale. - Optical Diagnostics of Material and Devices for Opto-, Micro-and Quantum Electronics-OPTDIM'97,May 13-15,Kiev (SPIE,V.3359), 1997, v. 3359, p.150-156. 54. Dumesh B.S., Gorbatenkov V.D., Koloshnikov V.G., Panfilov V.A., Surin L.A. Application of highly sensitive millimeter-wave cavity spectrometer based on orotron for gas analysis. - Spectrochimica Acta Part A - Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 1997, v.53, No.6, p.835-843. 55. Dumesh B.S., Gorbatenkov V.D., Koloshnikov V.G., Surin L.A. Application of highly sensitive millimeter-wave cavity spectrometer based on orotron for gas analysis. - International Congress on Analytical Chemistry, Moscow,1997, Abstracts Vol.2, 1997, v.2, p.L83. 56. Dumesh B.S., Panfilov V.A., Surin L.A. High -J pure inversion spectrum of ND3 in the v2=1 State. - Proceedings of XV th Colloquium on high resolution molecular Spectroscopy,Glasgow,1997, 1997, p.234. 57. Engel A., Lebert R., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Churilov S.S., Gavrilescu C., Neff W. Interaction of Plasma Jets produced from Pinch Plasma with Neutral Atoms in order to achieve an effective Charge Exchange Table Top X- laser. - Vancouver,Canada.N.Y:AIP., 1997, v.409, p.361-365. 58. 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Femtosecond evolution of semiconductor microcavity modes. - Optical Diagnostics of Material and Devices for Opto-, Micro-and Quantum Electronics-OPTDIM'97,May 13-15,Kiev (SPIE,V.3359), 1997, v. 3359, p.14-18. 169. Vinogradov E.A., Farztdinov V.M., Dobryakov A.L., Kovalenko S.A., Lozovik Y.E., Matveets Y.A. Ultrafast Dynamics and Parametric Excitations of Microcavity Modes. - Modern Probl.of Laser Phys.:Proc., 1997, p.218-229. 170. Walser D., Plakhotnik T., Renn A., Wild U.P. One- and two-photon spectroscopy on single molecules of diphenyloctatetraene. - Chemical Physics Letters, 1997, v.270, No.1&2, p.16-22. 171. Watanabe H., Currell F.J., Kano H., Kobayashi N., Nakamura N., Ohtani S., Okazaki K., Tanuma H., Safronova U.I. Study of electron capture collisions of O6++He by visible spectroscopy. - J.Phys.Soc.Japan, 1997, v.66, No.12, p. 3790-3794. 172. Wong C.S., Choi P., Churilov S.S. Preliminary Results on a Pulsed Capillary Discharge. - Vancouver,Canada.N.Y:AIP., 1997, v.409, p.417-421. 173. Yakovlev V.A., Zhizhin G.N., Alieva E.V., Kuzik L.A., van der Meer A.F. G., van der Wiel M.J. Linear and nonlinear spectroscopy of surface electromagnetic waves with a free-electron laser. - Laser Physics, 1997, v.7, No.1, p.239-242. 174. Yudson V.I., Reineker P. Quantum interference in exciton luminescence of coupled semiconductor quantum wells. - Journal of Luminescence, 1997, v. 72(4), p.305-306. 175. Yudson V., Reineker P. Quantum interference in exciton luminescence of coupled semiconductor quantum wells. - Jurnal of Luminescence, 1997, v.72-74, p. 305-306. 176. Yudson V., Rozman M.G., Reineker P. Bound states of two particles confined to parallel two-dimensional layersand interacting via dipole-dipole or dipole-charge laws. - Phys.Rev.B, 1997, v.55, No.8, p.5214-5219. 177. Zhizhin G.N., Sigarev A.A., Yakovlev V.A. FT Infrared SEW Spectroscopy of Thin Films on Metal Surfaces by Using a Single Coupling Element or Composite SEW Waveguides. - Mikrochim.Acta [Suppl.], 1997, v.14, p.669-670. 178. Zilker S.J., Haarer D., Vainer Y.G. Line broadening mechanisms in spectra of organic amorphous solids: photon echo study of terrylene in polyisobutylene at subkelvin temperatures. - Chemical Physics Letters, 1997, v. 273, No.3&4, p.232-238. 179. Zilker S.J., Haarer D., Vainer Y.G., Personov R.I. Photon-Echo- Spektroskopie an farbstoffdotierten Polymerglaesern. - Fruehjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft Verhandlungen der DPG (1997),VI(32), 1997, p.1061. 180. Zybin A., Niemax K. GC analysis of chlorinated hydrocarbons in oil and chlorophenols in pliant extracts applying element-selective diode laser plasma detection. - Analytical Chemistry, 1997, v.69, No.4, p.755-757. 181. Zybin A., Niemax K. Improvement of the wavelength tunability of etalon- type laser diodes and mode recognition and stabilization in diode laser spectrometers. - Spectrochimica Acta B, 1997, v.52, No.8, p.1215-1221. 182. Алиева Е.В., Элиел Э.Р., ван дер Хам Э.В.М., ван дер Меер А.Ф.Г., Петров Ю.Е., Сычугов В.А., Врехен К.Х.Ф., Яковлев В.А. Гигантское усиление генерации суммарной частоты при возбуждении поверхностного плазмон-поляритона. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 1997, v.66, No.9, p.581-584. 183. Афанасьева Н.И., Артюшенко В.Г., Кольяков С.Ф., Пахомов Д.Ю., Соколов В.В., Франк Г.А., Летохов В.С. Спектральная диагностика опухлевых тканей методом волоконнооптической спектроскопии. - Доклады Академии Наук, 1997, v. 356, No.1, p.118-121. 184. Афанасьева Н.И., Лозовик Ю.Е., Матвеец Ю.А., Овчинников А.А., Степанов А.Г., Чекалин С.В., Щеголихин А.Н. Фемтосекундная спектроскопия монокристаллов полидиацетилена(PTS-PDA). - Оптика и спектроскопия, 1997, v.82, No.5, p.808-812. 185. Бадиков В.В., Блинов П.С., Костерев А.А., Летохов В.С., Малиновский А. Л., Рябов Е.А. Эффективные параметрические генераторы пикосекундных импульсов среднего ИК диапазона на основе кристаллов AgGaS2. - Квантовая электроника, 1997, v.24, No.6, p.537-540. 186. Бадиков В.В., Блинов П.С., Костерев А.А., Летохов В.С., Малиновский А. Л., Рябов Е.А. Эффективные параметрические генераторы пикосекундных импульсов среднего ИК диапазона на основе кристаллов AgGaS2. - Квантовая электроника, 1997, v.24, No.6, p.537-540. 187. Балыкин В.И. Импульсное магнитно-оптическое сжатие холодных атомов. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 1997, v.66, No.5, p.327-331. 188. Баран М., Климин С.А., Левитин Р.З., Милль Б.В., Попова М.Н., Шимчак Р. Анизотропия магнитных свойств купратов DyBaCuO5 и HO2BaCuO5: магнитные и спектроскопические исследования. - ЖЭТФ, 1997, v.111, No.1, p.318-331. 189. Белоусов А.И., Лозовик Ю.Е. Новая модель систем мезоскопических джозефсоновских контактов. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 1997, v.66, No.10, p.649-654. 190. Белоусов А.И., Лозовик Ю.Е. Квантовые флуктуации фазы в массиве мезоскопических джозефсоновских контактов. - Физика твердого тела, 1997, v.39, No.9, p.1513-1519. 191. Бланк В.Д., Попов М.Ю., Львова Н.А., Гоголинский К.В., Решетов В.Н. Пластичность алмаза при комнатной температуре и определение его твердостив атомно-силовом микроскопе наконечником из ультратвердого фуллерита С 60. - Письма в ЖТФ, 1997, v.23, No.14, p.25-29. 192. Боровик-Романов А.С., Думеш Б.С., Петров С.В., Тихонов А.М. Исследование подавления квантовых флуктуаций магнитным полем в квазиодномерных антиферромагнетиках методом ЯМР на Mn 55. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 1997, v.66, No.11, p. 724-729. 193. Буреева Л.А., Лисица В.С. Возмущенный атом. - М.: ИздАТ, 1997, p.464. 194. Гаязов Р.Р., Рябцев А.Н., Чурилов С.С., Джоши И.Н., Азаров В.И. Анализ спектра иона I X в дальней ВУФ области. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 1997, v.82, No.2, p.228-234. 195. Горбатенков В.Д., Думеш Б.С., Сурин Л.А. Наблюдение микроволнового спектра силана 28SiH4B колебательной диаде состояний v2/v4. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 1997, v.83, No.3, p.384-387. 196. Демьяненко А.В., Летохов В.С., Пурецкий А.А., Рябов Е.А. Эмиссионная спектроскопия углеродной плазмы при лазерной абляции графита.1.Абляция излучением ХеCl-лазера. - Квантовая электроника, 1997, v.24, No.11, p.1012-1016. 197. Журавлев Т.С., Коваленко, Лозовик Ю.Е., Матвеец Ю.А., Фарзтдинов В.М., Добряков А.Л., Назаренко А.В., Земцов Л.М., Козлов В.В., Карпачева Г.П. Ультрабыстрый оптический отклик в карбонизованных пленках на основе полиакрилонитрила. - Школа -симпозиум IX.Современная химическая физика,Тезисы докладов,18-30 сентября 1997 г.,г.Туапсе, 1997 198. Иванов А.Л., Иванова Е.П. Теоретическое исследование возможности генерации когерентного рентгеновского излучения в плазме металлоорганических соединений,образованной мощным субпикосекундным лазером накачки. - Изв.АН сер. физическая, 1997, v.61, No.7, p.1407-1421. 199. Казарян С.А., Бланк В.Д., Буга С.Т., Дубицкий Г.А., Ораевский А.Н., Прохоров В.М., Стародубцев Н.Ф. Микрофотолюминесценция фуллеритов С 60 синтезированных при давлении 13 ГПа и температуре 550 - 2000 С. - Препринт ФИАН No.41, 1997, No.41, p.16. 200. Климов В.В., Летохов В.С. Vacuum splitting of the energy levels of a system consisting of an atom and a dielectric microspere. - ЖЭТФ, 1997, v.111, No.1, p.44-51. 201. Колошников В.Г., Кривцун В.М., Курицын Ю.А., Персонов Р.И., Снегирев Е. П., Улицкий Н.И., Харламов Б.М., Ходыкин О.В. Штарк-спектроскопия на провалах с применением перестраиваемых диодных лазеров видимого диапозона. - Сборник трудов 3-ей конфeренции по лазерной физике и спектроскопии.,2-4июля 1997г.,г. Гродно,Республика Беларусь, 1997, v.2, p.296-299. 202. Кошелев К.Н., Кунце Х.И. Инверсная населенность в разрядной плазме с неустойчивостями типа перетяжки. - Квантовая электроника, 1997, v.24, No.2, p. 169-172. 203. Кузик Л.А., Маттеи Дж., Пудонин Ф.А., Яковлев В.А. Квантовые размерные эффекты в оптических свойствах тонких металлических пленок. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 1997, v.83, No.6, p.985-989. 204. Летохов В.С. Физическое обозрение.Первые 100 лет.(Анонс). - Успехи физических наук, 1997, v.167, No.3, p.308. 205. Летохов В.С., Макаров А.А., Малиновский А.Л., Петрова И.Ю., Рябов Е.А. Спектры колебательных переходов в квазиконтинууме молекул типа ХF6. - Всеросcийская научная конференция 2-я.Физико-химические процессы при селекции атомов и молекул,29 сент.-3 октяб.,1997г.,г.Звенигород, 1997, p.19. 206. Лигер В.В., Курицын Ю.А., Кривцун В.М., Снегирев Е.П., Кононов А.Н. Измерение поглощения с помощью диодного лазера с порогом обнаружения, определяемым дробовыми шумами излучения. - Квантовая электроника, 1997, v.24, No.4, p.371-376. 207. Лозовик Ю.Е., Берман О.Л. Переход металл-диэлектрик в двухслойной электронно-дырочной системе. - Физика твердого тела, 1997, v.39, No.9, p.1654- 1656. 208. Лозовик Ю.Е., Никитков М.В. Эффекты увлечения в двухслойной системе пространственно-разделенных электронов и экситонов. - ЖЭТФ, 1997, v.111, No.3, p.1107-1119. 209. Лозовик Ю.Е., Попов А.М. Образование и рост углеродных наноструктур - фуллеренов,наночастиц,нанотрубок и конусов. - Успехи физических наук, 1997, v. 167, No.7, p.751-774. 210. Лозовик Ю.Е., Попов А.М. Механизмы роста однооболочечных и многооболочечных углеродных нанотрубок и конусов. - Изв.АН сер.физическая, 1997, v.61, No.9, p.1711-1719. 211. Лозовик Ю.Е., Ракоч Е.А. Two-dimensional microclusters of vortices: Shell structure and melting. - JETP Lett., 1997, v.65, No.3, p.282-288. 212. Лозовик Ю.Е., Ракоч Е.А. Двумерные микрокластеры вихрей: оболочечная структура и плавление. - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 1997, v.65, No.3, p.268-273. 213. Лозовик Ю.Е., Рувинский А.М. Магнитоэкситонное поглощение в связанных квантовых ямах. - ЖЭТФ, 1997, v.112, No.5, p.1791-1808. 214. Лохман В.Н., Макаров Г.Н., Огурок Д.Д., Петин А.Н. Изотопически- селективная ИК-многофотонная диссоциация молекул СF3I внутри резонатора TEA CO2- лазера. - Всеросcийская научная конференция 2-я.Физико-химические процессы при селекции атомов и молекул,29 сент.-3 октяб.,1997г.,г.Звенигород, 1997, p.20. 215. Макаров Г.Н., Лохман В.Н., Ронандер Е. ИК многофотонное поглощение SF6 в газодинамическом потоке с аргоном. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 1997, v.83, No. 2, p.232-238. 216. Нода И., Афанасьева Н.И. Двумерная инфракрасная спектроскопия. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 1997, v.83, No.1, p.57-63. 217. Подобедова Л.И., Рамонас Р.Р., Рябцев А.Н., Крамида А.Е. Спектр Ge VIII.II.Уровни энергии. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 1997, v.83, No.2, p.181-189. 218. Подобедова Л.И., Рамонас Р.Р., Рябцев А.Н., Азаров В.И. Спектр Ge VIII. I.Длины волн. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 1997, v.83, No.1, p.32-37. 219. Рябов Е.А. Современное состояние и перспективы развития исследований изотопически селективной многофотонной диссоциации молекул в поле ИК-лазерного излучения. - Всеросcийская научная конференция 2-я.Физико-химические процессы при селекции атомов и молекул,29 сент.-3 октяб.,1997г.,г.Звенигород, 1997, p.18. 220. Сафронова У.И., Шляпцева А.С., Головкин И.Е. Высоковозбужденные автоионизационные состояния Li-подобных ионов. I.Энергия уровней. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 1997, v.82, No.1, p.8-13. 221. Секацкий С.К. Вращательные спектры кластеров жидкого гелия:возможный тест для проверки их сверхтекучести. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 1997, v.83, No. 1, p.83-86. 222. Секацкий С.К. Лазерная фотоэлектронная проекционная микроскопия непроводящих образцов с субволновым пространственным разрешением. - ЖЭТФ, 1997, v.112, No.4, p.1273-1284. 223. Ходыкин О.В., Харламов Б.М., Мюллер Ю., Хаарер Д. Исследование спектральной диффузии в микро-и миллисекундном диапазонах в полиметилметакрилате. - Сборник трудов 3-ей конфeренции по лазерной физике и спектроскопии.,2-4июля 1997г.,г.Гродно,Республика Беларусь, 1997, v.2, p.202- 205. 224. Хорошилова Е.В., Репеев Ю.А., Никогосян Д.Н. Лазерный фотолиз алифатических аминокислот и пептидов в водном растворе,протекающий при двухфотонном возбуждении растворителя на ^ = 266 нм. - Доклады Академии Наук, 1997, v.352, No.5, p.643-645. 225. Шляпцева А.С., Головкин И.Е., Сафронова У.И. Использование теоретических синтетических спектров диэлектронных сателлитов Не-подобных ионов для диагностики высокотемпературной плазмы. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 1997, v. 82, No.2, p.205-211.
Publications in 1996
1. Aaltonen J., Gromova E.A., Yakovlev V.A., Heselius S.J. Production of neptunium and plutonium tracers with a low-energy cyclotron. - Radiochemistry, 1996, v.38, No.4, p.285-289.2. Abdullaev F.Kh., Darmanyan S.A, Kobyakov A., Lederer F. Modulational instability in optical fibers with variable dispersion. - Phys.Lett.A, 1996, v. 220, No.4-54, p.213-218.
3. Abdullaev F.Kh., Darmanyan S.A, Lederer F. Evolution of randomly modulated solitons in optical fibers. - Optics Communications, 1996, v.126, No. 1-3, p.89-94.
4. Afanasyeva N.I., Jawhari T., Klimenko I.V., Zhuravleva T.S. Micro- Raman spectroscopic measurements on carbon fiber. - Vibrational Spectroscopy, 1996, v.11, No.1, p.79-83.
5. Agranovich V.M., Darmanyan S.A, Dubovsky O.A., Kamchatnov A.M., Ogievetsky E.I., Neidlinger Th., Reineker P. Fermi resonance solitary wave on the interface between two layers of organic semiconductors. - Phys.Rev.B, 1996, v.53, No.23, p.15451-15454.
6. Agranovich V.M., Dubovsky O.A., Grigorishin K.I., Leskova T.A., Neidlinger Th., Reineker P. Superradiance of 2D Frenkel exciton-polaritons: mixing of molecular configurations and resonance interaction with the substrate. - Cheical Physics, 1996, v.203, No.1, p.11-21.
7. Agranovich V.M., La Rocca G.C., Bassani F. Excitations in Organic Crystalline Nanostructures:Some Theoretical Aspects for Nonlinear Optics. - Chemical Physics Letters, 1996, p.1-16.
8. Alieva E.V., Kuzik L.A., Sigarev A.A., Yakovlev V.A., Zhizhin G.N., Van der Meer A.F.G., Van der Wiel. Complex Dielectric Constant Spectra Measurements by Means of Surface Waves Spectroscopy.Principles,Realizations, Examples. - Ferroelectrics, 1996, v.177, p.27-32.
9. Antonyuk B.P. Exciton Self-Organization in Organic and Inorganic Materials under Light Pumping. - Chemical Physics Letters, 1996, p.33-52.
10. Antonyuk B.P., Antonyuk V.B., Musichenko S.F., Podobedov V.B. Charge transfer excitons in Ge-doped silica fibers: Self-organization and second harmonic generation. - Phys.Lett.A, 1996, v.213, No.5&6, p.297-302.
11. Antsiferov P.S. Linewidth measurement under poor spectral resolution. - Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy &Radiative Transfer, 1996, v.55, No.1, p. 149-150.
12. Aseyev S.A., Petrunin V.V., Letokhov V.S. Ionization of Fast Rydberg Atoms in a Magnetic Field. - Comments on Atomic and Molecular Physics., 1996, v. 33, No.1, p.41-52.
13. Azarov V.I., Gayazov R.R., Ryabtsev A.N. Analysis of the 3d2nf(n=4-6) and 3p53d4 configurations of Mn V. - Int.Colloquium.5th., 1996, p.16.
14. Azarov V.I., Podobedova L.I., Ryabtsev A.N. Analysis of the 3p(6)3d(2)nf (n=4-6) and 3p (5)3d(4) configurations of five times ionized iron (Fe VI). - Physica Scripta, 1996, v.53, No.4, p.398-423.
15. Azarov V.I., Podobedova L.I., Ryabtsev A.N. Analysis of the 3p63d2nf (n=4-6) and 3p53d4 configurations of the five times ionized Iron (Fe VI). - Int. Colloquium.5th., 1996, p.18.
16. Baker C.L., Smith B.W., Bolshov M.A., Winefordner J.D. The determination of mercury in silver by laser-excited atomic fluorescence spectrometry with electrothermal atomization. - Spectroscopy Letters, 1996, v. 29, No.8, p.1497-1512.
17. Baldokhin Yu.V., Kolotyrkin P.Ya., Petrov Yu.I., Shafranovsky E.A. Structural and magnetic transformations in Fe-rich fine Fe-Mn particles. - Phys. Lett.A, 1996, v.211, No.4, p.273-241.
18. Balykin V.I., Subbotin M.V., Letokhov V.S. Reflection of an electron beam by femtosecond light waves. - Optics Communications, 1996, v.129, No.3&4, p.177-183.
19. Balykin V.I., Subbotin M.V., Letokhov V.S. Reflection of an electron beam by femtosecond light waves. - Optics Communications, 1996, v.129, No.3&4, p.177-183.
20. Belousov A.I., Lozovik Yu.E. Topological Phase Transition in 2D Quantum Josephson Array. - Solid State Commun., 1996, v.100, No.6, p.421-426.
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