List of publications:
В. И. Мишин. Список публикаций в хронологическом порядке
V. I. Mishin. List of publications in chronological order
215. Resonance laser ionization of atoms for nuclear physics
V. N. Fedoseyev, Y. A. Kudryavtsev, V. I. Mishin
«Physica Scripta»
Phys. Scr., Volume 85, Number 5 (2012) 058104(14)
Abstract. The applications of the laser resonance ionization method in nuclear research are reviewed. Investigation of radioactive isotopes using resonance ionization techniques provides a valuble combination of high selectivity, efficiency and spectral resolution.
The majority of radioactive ion beams produced at on-line isotope separator facilities profit from the selectivity and universal applicability of laser ion sources. Numerous ultra-sensitive and high-resolution techniques of laser spectroscopy based on resonance ionization of atoms have been developed for the study of rare and radioactive isotopes. A summery of ionization schemes applied to radioactive isotopes is given in table form.
214. ?-decay study of 77Cu
N. Patronis, H. De Witte, M. Gorska, M. Huyse, K. Kruglov, D. Pauwels, K. Van de Vel,
P. Van Duppen, J. Van Roosbroeck, J.-C. Thomas, S. Franchoo, J. Cederkall,
V. N. Fedoseyev, H. Fynbo, U. Georg, O. Jonsson, U. Koster, T. Materna, L. Mathieu,
O. Serot, L. Weissman, W. F. Mueller, V. I. Mishin, and D. Fedorov
«Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics»
Phys. Rev. C, Volume 80, Issue 3 (2009) 034307(8)
Abstract. A ?-decay study of 77Cu has been performed at the ISOLDE mass separator with the aim to deduce its ?-decay properties and to obtain spectroscopic information on 77Zn. Neutron-rich copper isotopes were produced by means of proton- or neutron-induced fission reactions on 238U. After the production, 77Cu was selectively laser ionized, mass separated, and sent to different detection systems where ?-? and ?-n coincidence data were collected. We report on the deduced half-live, decay scheme, and possible spin assignment of 77Cu.
213. New laser spectroscopic approaches for nuclear physics
V. I. Mishin
Report on the VIII International Workshop: “Application of Lasers and Storage Devices in Atomic Nuclei Research. Recent Achievements and Future Prospects”,
Poznan, Poland (June 22 – 25, 2009)
212. Improvement in RILIS selectivity and spectral resolution by the use of Time-of-Flight Technique
V. I. Mishin
Report on the “ISOLDE Workshop and Users meeting 2009”.
CERN, Switzerland (18-20 November 2009)
211. Resonant ionization laser ion source (RILIS) with improved selectivity achieved by ion pulse compression using in-source
Time-of-Flight technique
V. I. Mishin, A. L. Malinovsky and D. V. Mishin
«American Institue of Physics Conference Proceedings»
AIP Conf. Proc., Volume 1104, Issue 1 (2009) 207-212
“The 4th International Conference on Laser Probing – LAP 2008”.
Nagoya, Japan, 6–10 October 2008
Abstract. This paper describes for the first time the improved selectivity of the RILIS made possible by the time-of-flight (TOF) ion bunch compression. Brief description of the compression principles and some preliminary experimental results are presented. In the off-line experiments short ion peaks of natural Li, Na, K, Tm and Yb are observed as ions leave the RILIS-TOF structure. For Tm the ion peaks of 5 µs half-height duration are detected and 1 µs peaks for Sn are predicted. In view of the repetition rate of the ISOLDE-RILIS lasers it is hoped that the selectivity of Sn isotopes production may be improved as much as 100 employing the RILIS with the TOF ion bunch compression and a gating technique.
210. Nuclear dipole moment of 71Cu from online ?-NMR measurements
N. J. Stone, K. van Esbroeck, J. Rikovska Stone, M. Honma, T. Giles, M. Veskovic,
G. White, A. Wohr, V. I. Mishin, V. N. Fedoseyev, U. Koster, P. F. Mantica, W. B. Walters and the ISOLDE collaboration
«Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics»
Phys. Rev. C, Volume 77, Issue 1 (2008) 014315(3)
Abstract. On-line ?-NMR measurements on nuclei oriented at low temperatures of the magnetic dipole moment of 71Cu(N = 42) are reported, with the result ?(71Cu) = +2.28(1) nuclear magneton (n.m.). The value shows a significant difference from ?(67Cu) = +2.54(2) n.m., revealing asymmetry with respect to N = 40. This effect presents a challenge to theoretical interpretation.
209. ?-decay properties of 72Ni and 72Cu
J.-C. Thomas, H. De Witte, M. Gorska, M. Huyse, K. Kruglov, Y. Kudryavtsev, D. Pauwels, N. V. S. V. Prasad, K. Van de Vel, P. Van Duppen, J. Van Roosbroeck, S. Franchoo,
J. Cederkall, H. O. U. Fynbo, U. Georg, O. Jonsson, U. Koster, L. Weissman, W. F. Mueller, V. N. Fedosseev, V. I. Mishin, D. Fedorov, A. De Maesschalck, and N. A. Smirnova and the ISOLDE collaboration
«Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics»
Phys. Rev. C, Volume 74, Issue 5 (2006) 054309(16)
Abstract. The ?-decay properties of 2872Ni44 and 2972Cu43 have been studied at the LISOL facility of Louvain-La-Neuve and at the CERN-ISOLDE facility, respectively. These neutron-rich nuclei have been produced in the proton-induced fission of 238U. Their decay schemes are presented and the lifetime T1/2 = 6.63(3) s of 72Cu was measured. No ?-decaying isomeric state was found in 72Cu, in line with a suggested spin (2) for its ground state. Spin and parity assignments of the observed excited states in the odd-odd nucleus 72Cu are proposed and discussed in terms of coupling between the valence proton and neutrons. Comparison is made with a schematic shell-model picture of 72Cu and with large-scale shell-model calculations performed in the (2p3/21f5/22p1/21g9/2) shell space outside the doubly magic 2856Ni28 core.
208. Evolution of the nuclear structure approaching 78Ni: ? decay of 74-78Cu
J. Van Roosbroeck, H. De Witte, M. Gorska, M. Huyse, K. Kruglov, D. Pauwels,
J.-Ch. Thomas, K. Van de Vel, P. Van Duppen, S. Franchoo, J. Cederkall, V. N. Fedoseyev, H. Fynbo, U. Georg, O. Jonsson, U. Koster, L. Weissman, W. F. Mueller, V. I. Mishin,
D. Fedorov, A. De Maesschalck, N. A. Smirnova, K. Heyde and the ISOLDE collaboration
«Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics»
Phys. Rev. C, Volume 71, Issue 5 (2005) 054307(19)
Abstract. A ?-decay study of the even mass 74,76,78Cu isotopes toward levels in 74,76,78Zn was performed at the ISOLDE mass separator. The copper isotopes were produced in proton- or neutron-induced fission reactions on 238U, laser ionized, mass separated, and sent to a ?-? detection system. Half-lives, decay schemes, and possible spin configurations were obtained for the copper isotopes. The results are compared with calculations using schematic forces as well as large-scale shell-model calculations with realistic forces.
207. Nuclear structure studies of neutron-rich Cu and Zn isotopes produced by means of proton-induced fission of 238U
J.-C. Thomas, H. De Witte, M. Gorska, M. Huyse, K. Kruglov, Yu. Kudryavtsev,
D. Pauwels, N. V. S. V. Prasad, K. Van de Vel, P. Van Duppen, J. Van Roosbroeck,
S. Franchoo, J. Cederkall, H. O. U. Fynbo, U. Georg, O. Jonsson, U. Koster, L. Weissman, W. F. Mueller, V. N. Fedoseyev, V. I. Mishin, D. Fedorov, A. De Maesschalck,
N. A. Smirnova, and the IS365 collaboration and the ISOLDE collaboration
«American Institue of Physics Conference Proceedings»
AIP Conf. Proc., Volume 798, Issue 1 (2005) 131-136
“The third International Workshop on Nuclear Fission and Fission-Product Spectroscopy”, Cadarache, France (2005)
Abstract. The neutron-rich nuclei 72Ni and 72Cu have been produced in the proton-induced fission of 238U at the LISOL and ISOLDE facilities of Louvain-La-Neuve and CERN. Partial ? -decay schemes are presented, giving some information about the nuclear structure of their daughter nuclei 72Cu and 72Zn. The lifetime of 72Cu was determined to be T1/2 = 6.63(3) s, in line with previous measurements. No ? -decaying isomeric states were identified in 72Cu, in contrast to 70Cu. The spin and the parity of several states in 72Cu are tentatively assigned and a comparison is made with different shell-model predictions.
206. Coupling a proton and a neutron to the semidoubly magic nucleus 68Ni: A study of 70Cu via the ? decay of 70Ni and 70Cu
J. Van Roosbroeck, H. De Witte, M. Gorska, M. Huyse, K. Kruglov, K. Van de Vel,
P. Van Duppen, S. Franchoo, J. Cederkall, H. Fynbo, U. Georg, O. Jonsson, U. Koster,
L. Weissman, W. F. Mueller, V. N. Fedoseyev, V. I. Mishin, D. Fedorov, N. A. Smirnova, A. Van Dyck, A. De Maesschalck, K. Heyde, and the IS365 collaboration and the ISOLDE collaboration
«Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics»
Phys. Rev. C, Volume 69, Issue 3 (2004) 034313(19)
Abstract. The 70Ni nucleus has been produced at the LISOL facility and its b decay to 70Cu has been observed. In parallel, the 70Cu nucleus has been produced at the ISOLDE facility. A new third ?-decaying isomeric state in 70Cu has been identified, partly with the aid of the in-source laser spectroscopy method. Its measured half-life is T1/2 = 33(2) s.
In addition, two isomeric transitions in 70Cu have been observed at energies of 101.1(3) and 141.3(3) keV, and it allowed the relative placement of the three 70Cu isomeric states and their tentative spin and parity assignments. The new 70Cu isomer was found to be weakly populated in the ? decay of 70Ni. It allowed the construction of the 70Ni decay scheme. Furthermore, the b decay of the three 70Cu isomers to 70Zn has been measured and their decay schemes are presented. The 70Ni b decay to the isomeric states in 70Cu and their subsequent isomeric decay and b decay to 70Zn are discussed within the extreme shell-model picture of two valence nucleons outside the semidouble magic 6828Ni40 core and it yields satisfactory results. Large-basis shell-model calculations using 5628Ni28 as the core and a realistic effective interaction support rather well the suggested interpretation.
205. Unambiguous identification of three ?-decaying isomers in 70Cu
J. Van Roosbroeck, C. Guenaut, G. Audi, D. Beck, K. Blaum, G. Bollen, J. Cederkall,
P. Delahaye, A. De Maesschalck, H. DeWitte, D. Fedorov, V. N. Fedoseyev, S. Franchoo, H. O. U. Fynbo, M. Gorska, F. Herfurth, K. Heyde, M. Huyse,A. Kellerbauer, H.-J. Kluge,
U. Koster, K. Kruglov, D. Lunney, V. I. Mishin, W. F. Mueller, Sz. Nagy, S. Schwarz,
L. Schweikhard, N. A. Smirnova, K. Van deVel, P. Van Duppen, A. Van Dyck,
W. B.Walters, L. Weissman, and C. Yazidjian
«Physical Review Letters»
Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume 92, Issue 11 (2004) 112501(4)
Abstract. Using resonant laser ionization, ?-decay studies, and for the first time mass measurements, three ?-decaying states have been unambiguously identified in 70Cu.
A mass excess of 62 976.1(1.6) keV and a half-life of 44.5(2) s for the (6-) ground state have been determined. The level energies of the (3-) isomer at 101.1(3) keV with
T1/2 = 33(2) s and the 1+ isomer at 242.4(3) keV with T1/2 = 6.6(2) s are confirmed by high-precision mass measurements. The low-lying levels of 70Cu populated in the decay of 70Ni and in transfer reactions compare well with large-scale shell-model calculations, and the wave functions appear to be dominated by one proton–one neutron configurations outside the closed Z = 28 shell and N = 40 subshell. This does not apply to the 1+ state at 1980 keV which exhibits a particular feeding and deexcitation pattern not reproduced by the shell-model calculations.
204. On-line yields obtained with the ISOLDE RILIS
U. Koster, V. N. Fedoseyev, A. N. Andreyev, U. C. Bergmann, R. Catherall, J. Cederkaell, M. Dietrich, H. de Witte, D. V. Fedorov, L. Franchoo, H. Fynbo, U. Georg, T. Giles,
M. Gorska, M. Hannawald, M. Huyse, A. Joinet, O. C. Jonsson, K. L. Kratz, K. Kruglov,
Ch. Lau, J. Lettry, V. I. Mishin, M. Oinonen, K. Partes, K. Perajarvi, B. Pfeiffer, H. L. Ravn, M. D. Selverstov, P. Thirolf, K. Van de Vel, P. Van Duppen, J. Van Roosbroeck,
L. Weissmann, IS365, IS387, IS393 and ISOLDE Collaboration
«Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms»
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B, Volume 204 (2003) 347-352
“The 14th International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Techniques Related to their Applications”
Abstract. The ISOLDE resonance ionization laser ion source (RILIS) allows to ionize efficiently and selectively many metallic elements. In recent yield surveys and on-line experiments with the ISOLDE RILIS we observed 23–34Mg, 26–34Al, 98–132Cd, 149Tb,
155–177Yb, 179–200Tl, 183–215Pb and 188–218Bi. The obtained yields are presented together with measured release parameters which allow to extrapolate the release efficiency towards more exotic (short-lived) nuclides of the same elements.
203. Oxide fiber targets at ISOLDE
U. Koster, U. C. Bergmann, D. Carminati, R. Catherall, J. Cederkall, J. G. Correia,
B. Crepieux, M. Dietrich, K. Elder, V. N. Fedoseyev, L. Fraile, S. Franchoo, H. Fynbo,
U. Georg, T. Giles, A. Joinet, O. C. Jonsson, R. Kirchner, Ch. Lau, J. Lettry, H. J. Maier,
V. I. Mishin, M. Oinonen, K. Perajarvi, H. L. Ravn, T. Rinaldi, M. Santana-Leitner,
U. Wahl, L. Weissman and the ISOLDE Collaboration
«Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms»
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B, Volume 204 (2003) 303–313
“The 14th International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Techniques Related to their Applications”
Abstract. Many elements are rapidly released from oxide matrices. Some oxide powder targets show a fast sintering, thus losing their favorable release characteristics. Loosely packed oxide fiber targets are less critical since they may maintain their open structure even when starting to fuse together at some contact points. The experience with various oxide fiber targets (titania, zirconia, ceria and thoria) used in the last years at ISOLDE is reviewed. For short-lived isotopes of Cu, Ga and Xe the zirconia and ceria targets respectively provided significantly higher yields than any other target (metal foils, oxide powders, etc.) tested before. Titania fibers, which were not commercially available, were produced in a relic process by impregnation of a rayon felt in a titanium chloride solution and subsequent calcination by heating the dried felt in air. Thoria fibers were obtained either by the same process or by burning commercial gas lantern mantle cloth. In the future a beryllia fiber target could be used to produce very intense 6He beams (order of 1013 ions per second) via the 9Be(n,?) reaction using spallation neutrons.
202. Atomic spectroscopy studies of short-lived isotopes and nuclear isomer separation with the ISOLDE RILIS
V. N. Fedosseev, D. V. Fedorov, R. Horn, G. Huber, U. Koster, J. Lassen, V. I. Mishin,
M. D. Seliverstov, L. Weissman, K. Wendt and the ISOLDE Collaboration
«Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms»
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B, Volume 204 (2003) 353-358
“The 14th International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Techniques Related to their Applications”
Abstract. The resonance ionization laser ion source (RILIS) at the ISOLDE on-line isotope separator is based on the selective excitation of atomic transitions by tunable laser radiation. Ion beams of isotopes of 20 elements have been produced using the RILIS setup. Together with the mass separator and a particle detection system it represents
a tool for highsensitive laser spectroscopy of short-lived isotopes. By applying narrow-bandwidth lasers for the RILIS one can study isotope shifts and hyperfine structure (HFS) of atomic optical transitions. Such measurements are capable of providing data on nuclear charge radii, spins and magnetic moments of exotic nuclides far from stability. Although the Doppler broadening of the optical absorption lines limits the resolution of the technique, the accuracy of the HFS measurements examined in experiments with stable Tl isotopes approaches a value of 100 MHz. Due to the hyperfine splitting of atomic lines the RILIS gives an opportunity to separate nuclear isomers. Isomer selectivity of the RILIS has been used in studies of short-lived Ag, Cu and Pb isotopes.
201. Resonant laser ionization of radioactive atoms
U. Koster, V. N. Fedoseyev, V. I. Mishin
«Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy»
Spectochimica Acta B, Volume 58, Number 6 (2003) 1047-1068
Abstract. Intence radioactive ion beams are produced by the isotope separation on-line method. The resonance ionization laser ion source (RILIS) can provide the chemical selectivity to separate beams with reduced isobaric contamination. The hot cavity RILIS at ISOLDE (CERN) uses copper vapor laser pumped dye lasers for the resonant transitions. Up to now 22 elements have been ionized with efficiencies of the order of 10%. Additional elemets have been ionized with similar RILIS set-ups at the Institute of Spectroscopy (Troitsk), IRIS (Gatchina), Mainz University and TIARA (Takasaki). Ideas are discussed for future developments of this type of RILIS, which could further improve the efficiency, selectivity, rapidity of release and stability of the operation. The RILIs can also be applied for atomic spectroscopy studies of exotic radioactive isotopes, which are at rates of few atoms per second only. An interesting parallel is shown to the atomic vapor laser isotope separation (AVLIS), a large-scale application of resonance ionization, which could be used for the isotope enrichment of macroscopic amounts: tens of kg per h.
200. Light Exotic Isotopes: Recent beam developments and physics applications at ISOLDE
U. C. Bergmann, L. Axelsson, J. R. J. Bennett, M. J. G. Borge, R. Catherall, P. V. Drumm, V. N. Fedoseyev, C. Forssen, L. M. Fraile, H. O. U. Fynbo, U. Georg, T. Giles, S. Grevy,
P. Hornshoj, B. Jonson, O. C. Jonsson, U. Koster, J. Lettry, K. Markenroth, F. M. Marques, V. I. Mishin, I. Mukha, T. Nilsson, G. Nyman, A. Oberstedt, H. L. Ravn, K. Riisager,
G. Schrieder, V. Sebastian, H. Simon, O. Tengblad, F. Wenander, K. Wilhelmsen Rolander
«Nuclear Physics A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics»
Nuclear Physics A, Volume 701, Issues 1-4 (2002) 363-368
Abstract. This paper is divided in three parts: (i) the measurement of yields and decay losses of Li and Be isotopes released from a thin foil tantalum target at the CERN/ISOLDE PS-Booster; (ii) results from ?-decay experiments on 12Be and 14Be, an improved half-life of 21.49(3) ms has been obtained for 12Be; (iii) the ?-decay of 9C. An outline of the analysis procedure to determine the branching at high excitation energies is given. The ground-state branch has been determined to 54.1(15) %.
199. Charge radius change in the heavy tin isotopes until A = 132 from laser spectroscopy
F. Le Blanc, L. Cabaret, J. E. Crawford, S. Essabaa, V. Fedoseyev, W. Geithner, J. Genevey, M. Girod, R. Horn, G. Huber, S. Kappertz, J. Lassen, J. K. P. Lee, G. Le Scornet, V. Mishin, R. Neugart, J. Obert, J. Oms, A. Ouchrif, S. Peru, J. Pinard, H. Ravn, B. Roussiere,
J. Sauvage, D. Verney, and the Isolde Collaboration
«The European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei»
Eur. Phys. J. A, Volume 15, Numbers 1-2 (2002) 49–51
Abstract. Laser spectroscopy measurements have been carried out on the very neutron-rich tin isotopes with the COMPLIS experimental setup. Using the 5s25p2 3P0 > 5s25p6s 3P1 optical transition, hyperfine spectra of 126-132Sn and 125m,127m,129m-131mSn where recorded for the first time. The variation of the meansquare charge radius (?) between these nuclei and nuclear moments of the isomers and the odd isotopes were thus measured. An odd-even staggering which inverts at A = 130 is clearly observed. This indicates a small appearance of a plateau on the ? which has to be confirmed by measuring the isotope shift beyond A = 132.
198. Magnetic moments of 68Cug,m and 70Cug,m1,m2 nuclei measured by in-source laser spectroscopy
L. Weissman, U. Koster, R. Catherall, S. Franchoo, U. Georg, O. Jonsson, V. N. Fedoseyev, V. I. Mishin, M. D. Seliverstov, J. Van Roosbroeck, S. Gheysen, M. Huyse, K. Kruglov,
G. Neyens, and P. Van Duppen, (IS365 Collaboration and ISOLDE Collaboration)
«Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics»
Phys. Rev. C, Volume 65, Issue 2 (2002) 024315(10)
Abstract. We have obtained information on the atomic hyperfine splitting and, hence, on magnetic moments in neutron-rich 68, 70Cu isotopes by scanning the frequency of the narrow-band laser of the first excitation step in the resonance ionization laser ion source. The deduced magnetic moments are ?(68Cug, I? = 1+) = +2.48(2)?(7)?N , ?(68Cum, I? = 6-) = +1.24(4)(6)?N , and ?(70Cum2, I? = 1+) = +1.86(4)(6)?N , ?[70Cug, I? = (6-)] = (+)1.50(7)(8)?N.. The results of the scans analysis points out the existence of a new isomer, 70Cum1. Its deduced magnetic moment is (-)3.50(7)(11)?N , in good agreement with the I? =3- assignment. The method of in-source atomic spectroscopy, as well as the analysis of the obtained data, is described. The results are discussed in terms of single-particle configurations coupled to the 68Ni core.
197. Search for beta-delayed charged particles from the halo nucleus 14Be
H. Jeppesen, U. C. Bergmann, M. J. G. Borge, J. Cederkall, V. N. Fedoseyev,
H. O. U. Fynbo, V. Y. Hansper, B. Jonson, K. Markenroth, V. I. Mishin, T. Nilsson,
G. Nyman, K. Riisager, O. Tengblad, K. Wilhelmsen Rolander, and ISOLDE Collaboration
«Nuclear Physics A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics»
Nuclear Physics A, Volume 709, Issues 1-4 (2002) 119-130
Abstract. In a search for ?-delayed charged particles from 14Be we have obtained an upper limit on ?-delayed ? particles, B(??) < 1.2?10?4, and found evidence for ?-delayed tritons at intensity of 6?10?5 < B(?t) < 4?10?4 (both at 95% confidence level). By adding information on the ?-delayed neutron branches from direct measurements at low neutron energy and indirect detection via recoiling nuclei at high energy, and by including also information from earlier experiments, we deduce the ? strength distribution from 14Be. This differs significantly from shell-model calculations at high excitation energy.
196. Nuclear spins, magnetic moments and ?-decay spectroscopy of long-lived isomeric states in 185Pb
A. N. Andreyev, K. Van de Vel, A. Barzakh, A. De Smet, H. De Witte, D. V. Fedorov,
V. N. Fedoseyev, S. Franchoo, M. Gorska, M. Huyse, Z. Janas, U. Koster, W. Kurcewicz,
J. Kurpeta, V. I. Mishin, K. Partes, A. Plochocki, P. Van Duppen, and L. Weissman
«The European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei»
Eur. Phys. J. A, Volume 14, Number 1 (2002) 63–75
Abstract. Alpha-decay properties of the neutron-deficient isotope 185Pb were studied at the PSB-ISOLDE (CERN) on-line mass separator using the resonance ionisation laser ion source (RILIS). The nuclei of interest were produced in a 1.4 GeV proton-induced spallation reaction of a uranium graphite target. In contrast to previous studies, two
?-decaying isomeric states were identified in 185Pb. The relative production of the isomers, monitored by their ?-counting rates, could be significantly changed when a narrow-bandwidth laser at the RILIS setup was used to scan through the atomic hyperfine structure. Based on the atomic hyperfine structure measurements, along with the systematics for heavier odd-mass lead isotopes, the spin and the parity of these states were interpreted as 3/2? and 13/2+ and their nuclear magnetic moments were deduced. The ?-decay energy and half-life value for the I? = 13/2+ isomer are E? = 6408(5) keV, T1/2 = 4.3(2) s, respectively; while for the I? = 3/2? isomer (T1/2 = 6.3(4) s) two ?-decays with E?1 = 6288(5) keV, I?1 = 56(2)% and E?2 = 6486(5) keV, I?2 = 44(2)% were observed. By observing prompt ?-? coincidences new information on the low-lying states in the daughter isotope 181Hg was obtained.
195. ?-decay studies of 135-137Sn using selective resonance laser ionization techniques
J. Shergur, B. A. Brown, V. Fedoseyev, U. Koster, K.-L. Kratz, D. Seweryniak,
W. B. Walters, A. Wohr, D. Fedorov, M. Hannawald, M. Hjorth-Jensen, V. Mishin,
B. Pfeiffer, J. J. Ressler, H. O. U. Fynbo, P. Hoff, H. Mach, T. Nilsson, K. Wilhelmsen-Rolander, H. Simon, A. Bickley, and the ISOLDE Collaboration
«Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics»
Phys. Rev. C, Volume 65, Issue 3 (2002) 034313(9)
Abstract. The decays of the very neutron rich Sn isotopes 135– 137Sn were studied at CERN/ISOLDE using isotopic and isobaric selectivity achieved by the use of
a resonance ionization laser ion source and mass spectroscopy, respectively. Neutron decay rates, ?-ray singles, and ?-? coincidence data were collected as a function of time. The half-life (T1/2) and delayed neutron emission probability (Pn) values of 135Sn were measured to be 530(20) ms and 21(3) %, respectively. For 136Sn, a T1/2 of 250(30) ms was determined along with a Pn value of 30(5) %. For 137Sn, a T1/2 of 190(60) ms and
a Pn value of 58(15) % were deduced. Identification of low-energy transitions in 135Sb was made possible by comparison of laser-on and laser-off ?-ray spectra. Those data combined with ?-? coincidence spectra were used to construct a level scheme for 135Sb that includes an unexpectedly low first excited state at 282 keV. A ground state ? branch of 33.2 % was measured by following the growth and decay of the 135Sb daughter. Shell-model calculations are consistent with the observed 135Sb level structure and can account for a lowered first excited state.
194. News on Beta Delayed Particle Emission from 14Be
H. Jeppesen, U. C. Bergmann, M. J. G. Borge, J. Cederkall, V. N. Fedoseyev,
H. O. U. Fynbo, V. Y. Hansper, B. Jonson, K. Markenroth, V. I. Mishin, T. Nilsson, G. Nyman, K. Riisager, O. Tengblad, K. Wilhelmsen-Rolander, and the ISOLDE Collaboration
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, Kyto Univ, Issue 146 (2002) 520-524
Abstract. Beta delayed charged particles from Be-14 have been measured and give an upper limit on beta delayed alpha particles of B(betaalpha) < 6.7x10-5 and a tentative branching ratio on beta delayed tritons of 7.5x10-5 < B(betat) < 3.9x10-4. We combine the knowledge on beta delayed particles from Be-14 to deduce information on the beta strength distribution
193. Ground-state spin of 59Mn
M. Oinonen, U. Koster, J. Aysto, V. Fedoseyev, V. Mishin, J. Huikari, A. Jokinen,
A. Nieminen, K. Perajarvi, A. Knipper, G. Walter and the ISOLDE Collaboration
«The European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei»
Eur. Phys. J. A, Volume 10, Number 2 (2001) 123-127
Abstract. Beta-decay of 59Mn has been studied at PSB-ISOLDE, CERN. The intense and pure Mn beam was produced using the Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source (RILIS). Based on the measured ?-decay rates the ground-state spin and parity are proposed to be J? = 5/2 ?. This result is consistent with the systematic trend of the odd- Mn nuclei and extends the systematics one step further towards the neutron drip line.
192. Decay of 135, 136 Sn Isolated by Use of a Laser Ion Source and Evidence for a More Harmonic-Oscillator-Like Nuclear Potential
J. Shergur, M. Hannawald, D. Seweryniak, H. Fynbo, U. Koester, A. Woehr, D. Fedorov,
V. Fedoseyev, V. Mishin, P. Hoff, J. Ressler, A. Bickley, B. Pfeiffer, H. Simon,
T. Nilsson,H. Mach, K. Wilhelmsen Rolander, H. Ravn, K.-L. Kratz, W. Walters and the ISOLDE Collaboration
«Nuclear Physics A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics»
Nuclear Physics A, Volume 682, Issues 1-4 (2001) 493c-492c
Abstract. The use of a resonance ionization laser ion source at CERN/ISOLDE has made it possible to study the decay of very neutron-rich 135-137Sn. The decay of 135Sn is found to populate low-energy levels in 135Sb via direct beta decay and the first excited state in 134Sb by beta-delayed neutron emission. The level structure of 135Sb will be discussed and a possible signature for a more diffuse nuclear surface considered.
191. Decay Properties of N = 82 to 84 Cadmium r-Process Nuclides
M. Hannawald, V. N. Fedoseyev, U. Koster, K.-L. Kratz, V. I. Mishin, W. F. Mueller,
H. L. Ravn, J. Van Roosbroeck, H. Schatz, V. Sebastian, W. B. Walters, and the ISOLDE Collaboration
«Nuclear Physics A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics»
Nuclear Physics A, Volume 688, Issue 1-2 (2001) 578-580
Abstract. A chemically selective laser ion source has been applied in a decay study of very neutron-rich Cd isotopes at CERN/ISOLDE. For the classsical N = 82 r-process "waiting-point" isotope Cd-130, a more precise half-life of T1/2 (162 +/-7) ms and a ?-delayed neutron (beta dn) branch of Pn = (3.5 +/-1.0) % were determined. Quite surprising results were obtained for the new isotopes Cd-131 and Cd-132, which indicate the occurrence of new nuclear-structure effects beyond N=82.
190. Isomer separation of 70gCu and 70mCu with a resonance ionization laser ion source
U. Koster, V. N. Fedoseyev, V. I. Mishin, L. Weissman, M. Huyse, K. Kruglov,
W. F. Mueller, P. Van Duppen, J. Van Roosbroeck, P. Thirolfe, H. G. Thomas,
D. Weisshaar, W. Schulze, R. Borcea, M. La Commara, H. Schatz, K. Schmidt, S. Rottger, G. Huber, V. Sebastian, K. L. Kratz, R. Catherall, U. Georg, J. Lettry, M. Oinonen,
H. L. Ravn, H. Simon, ISOLDE collaboration
«Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms»
Nucl. Instr. and Meth., Volume B 160, Issue 4 (2000) 528-535
Abstract. Radioactive copper isotopes were ionized with the resonance ionization laser ion source (RILIS) at the on-line isotope separator ISOLDE (CERN). Using the different hyperfine structure in the 3d10 4s 2S1/2 - 3d10 4p 2P01/2 transition the low- and high-spin isomers of 70Cu were selectively enhanced by tuning the laser wavelength. The light was provided by a narrow-bandwidth dye laser pumped by copper vapor lasers (CVL) and frequency doubled in a BBO crystal. The ground state to isomeric state intensity ratio could be varied by a factor of 30, allowing to assign gamma transitions unambiguously to the decay of the individual isomers. It is shown that the method can also be used to determine magnetic moments. In a first experiment for the 1+ ground state of 70Cu
a magnetic moment of (+)1.8(3)?N and for the high-spin isomer of 70Cu a magnetic moment of (±)1.2(3) ?N could be deduced.
189. The ISOLDE laser ion source for exotic nuclei
V. N. Fedoseyev, G. Huber, U. Koster, J. Lettry, V. I. Mishin, H. Ravn, V. Sebastian and the ISOLDE Collaboration
Hyperfine Interactions, Volume 127, Numbers 1-4 (2000) 409-416
Abstract. At the ISOLDE on-line mass-separator a system of copper vapor lasers and dye lasers serves for resonant ionization of atoms inside a hot cavity attached to
the target. Radioactive ion beams of Yb, Ag, Mn, Ni, Zn, Be, Cu, Cd and Sn were produced with the Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source (RILIS). Two- and three-step excitation schemes are used, providing an ionization efficiency of about 10%. Thanks to the use of the RILIS it became possible to ionize beryllium efficiently at ISOLDE, and all particle stable Be isotopes could be separated for the first time. Separation of Ag and Cu nuclear isomers was achieved in the ion source by appropriate tuning of the laser wavelength. New isotopes of Ag, Mn, Zn, Cd and Sn were found, including the r-process “waiting-point” nucleus 129Ag.
188. First On-Line Beta-NMR on Oriented Nuclei: Magnetic Dipole Moments of the (? p1/2)-1 1/2- Ground State in 67Ni and (? p3/2)+1 3/2- Ground State in 69Cu
J. Rikovska, T. Giles, N. J. Stone, K. van Esbroeck, G. White, A. Wohr, M. Veskovic,
I. S. Towner, P. F. Mantica, J. I. Prisciandaro, D. J. Morrissey, V. N. Fedoseyev,
V. I. Mishin, U. Koster, W. B. Walters
«Physical Review Letters»
Phys. Rev. Lett. Volume 85, Issue 7 (2000) 1392-1395
Abstract. The first fully on-line use of the angular distribution of beta emission in detection of NMR of nuclei oriented at low temperatures is reported. The magnetic moments of the single valence particle, intermediate mass, isotopes 67Ni(?p-11/2; 1/2-) and 69Cu(?p1 3/2; 3/2-) are measured to be +0.601(5) ?N and +2.84(1) ?N, respectively, revealing only a small deviation from the neutron p1/2 single-particle value in the former and a large deviation from the proton p3/2 single-particle value in the latter. Quantitative interpretation is given in terms of core polarization and meson-exchange currents.
187. Isomer separation and measurement of nuclear moments with the ISOLDE RILIS
U. Koster, R. Catherall, V. N. Fedoseyev, S. Franchoo, U. Georg, M. Huyse, K. Kruglov,
J. Lettry, V. I. Mishin, M. Oinonen, H. Ravn, M. D. Seliverstov, H. Simon, P. Van Duppen, J. Van Roosbroeck, L. Weissman
Hyperfine Interactions, Volume 127, Numbers 1-4 (2000) 417-420
Abstract. Short-lived radioisotopes are element selectively ionized by the resonance ionization laser ion source (RILIS) of the on-line isotope separator ISOLDE (CERN). The relative production of low and high spin isomers can be significantly changed when a narrow-bandwidth laser is used to scan through the atomic hyperfine structure. This allows the assignment of gamma ray transitions to the decay of the individual isomers. Moreover, the measurement of the hyperfine splitting provides a very sensitive method for the determination of magnetic moments of exotic isotopes. The technical developments are discussed for the example of copper.
186. Laser ionization in ? decay studies of Zn and Mn nuclei
M. Oinonen, Y. Jading, U. Koster, J. Lettry, H. Ravn, J. Aysto, P. Dendooven, J. Huikari,
A. Jokinen, P. O. Lipas, A. Nieminen, K. Perajarvi, T. Siiskonen, P. Baumann, A. Huck,
A. Knipper, M. Ramdhane, G. Walter, F. Didierjean, V. N. Fedoseyev, V. I. Mishin,
M. Koizumi, W. Liu, E. Roeckl, V. Sebastian, and the ISOLDE Collaboration
Hyperfine Interactions, Volume 127, Numbers 1-4 (2000) 431-436
Resonance ionization laser ion source (RILIS) technique has been used in the ?-decay studies of 59Mn and 58Zn. The importance of the RILIS for production of these elements is discussed. The properties of the low-lying levels of the studied nuclei are discussed.
185. New states in heavy Cd isotopes and evidence for weakening of the N = 82 shell structure
T. Kautzsch, W. B. Walters, M. Hannawald, K.-L. Kratz, V. I. Mishin, V. N. Fedoseyev,
W. Bohmer, Y. Jading, P. Van Duppen, B. Pfeiffer, A. Wohr, P. Moller, I. Klockl,
V. Sebastian, U. Koster, M. Koizumi, J. Lettry, H.L. Ravn, the ISOLDE Collaboration
«The European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei»
Eur. Phys. J. A, Volume 9, Number 2 (2000) 201-206
Abstract. A chemically selective laser ion source has been used in a ?-decay study of heavy Ag isotopes into even-even Cd nuclides. Gamma-spectroscopic techniques in time-resolving event-by-event and multiscaling modes have permitted the identification of
the first 2+ and 4+ levels in 126Cd78, 128Cd80, and tentatively the 2+ state in 130Cd82. From
a comparison of these new states in 48Cd with the E(2+) and E(4+)/E(2+) level systematics of 46Pd and 52Te isotopes and several recent model predictions, possible evidence for a weakening of the spherical N=82 neutron-shell below double-magic 132Sn is obtained.
184. Selective laser ionization of very neutron-rich cadmium isotopes: Decay properties of 131Cd83 and 132Cd84
M. Hannawald, K.-L. Kratz, B. Pfeiffer, W. B. Walters, V. N. Fedoseyev, V. I. Mishin,
W. F. Mueller, H. Schatz, J. Van Roosbroeck, U. Koster, V. Sebastian, H. L. Ravn, and the ISOLDE Collaboration
«Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics»
Phys. Rev. C, Volume 62, Issue 5 (2000) 054301(7)
Abstract. A chemically selective laser ion source has been applied in a decay study of the very neutron-rich isotopes 131Cd and 132Cd at CERN/ISOLDE. For the ?- decay of the N = 83 nuclide 131Cd a surprisingly short half-life of (68±3) ms and a weak delayed-neutron branch of Pn = (3.5±1.0) % were observed. For the N = 84 nuclide 132Cd a half-life of (97±10) ms and a Pn value of (60±15) % were obtained. Schematic features of both decay schemes are developed. We find that our new data are not reproduced by current global models used for ab initio calculations of ?-decay properties without significant changes.
183. Electric field gradients of acceptor-donor pairs in semiconductors
A. Burchard, M. Deicher, V. N. Fedoseyev, D. Forkel-Wirth, R. Magerle, V. I. Mishin,
D. Steiner, A. Stotzler, R. Weissenborn, Th. Wichert and the ISOLDE Collaboration
Hyperfine Interactions, Volume 120-121, Number 1-8 (1999) 389-395
Abstract. The interaction between substitutional and interstitial donors and single or double acceptors in Si, GaAs, InP and InAs has been studied by perturbed angular correlation spectroscopy (PAC). For the case of Si, complex formation between substitutional donors (As, P) and different radioactive acceptors (111In, 111Cd, 117Cd) has been observed. The formation of Cd–hydrogen pairs using either 111Cd or 117Cd is discussed for GaAs, InP and InAs.
182. New information on ?-delayed neutron emission from 12, 14Be
U. C. Bergmann, L. Axelsson, M. J. G. Borge, V. N. Fedoseyev, C. Forssen, H. O. U.Fynbo, S. Grevy, P. Hornshoj, Y. Jading, B. Jonson, U. Koster, K. Markenroth, F. M. Marques,
V. I. Mishin, T. Nilsson, G. Nyman, A. Oberstedt, H. L.Ravn, K. Riisager, G. Schrieder,
V. Sebastian, H. Simon, O. Tengblad, F. Wenander, K. Wilhelmsen Rolander, The ISOLDE Collaboration
«Nuclear Physics A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics»
Nuclear Physics A, Volume 658, Issue 2 (1999) 129-145
Abstract. The ?-delayed neutron branches from neutron-rich Be-isotopes have been measured with a setup sensitive down to thermal energies. For 14Be a new value of
Pn = 101 ± 4% has been found for the total neutron-emission probability and an upper limit of 2.4% (95% confidence level) is imposed on the combination P2n + 3P3n of multi-neutron emission probabilities. Moreover, an improved value of Pn = 0.50 ± 0.03% has been obtained for 12Be. A time-correlation method, previously developed for a continuous radioactive beam to determine neutron branching ratios, has been revised and adapted to the pulsed secondary beam at ISOLDE, CERN.
181. Decay of Neutron-Rich Mn Nuclides and Deformation of Heavy Fe Isotopes
M. Hannawald, T. Kautzsch, A. Wohr, W. B. Walters, K.-L. Kratz, V. N. Fedoseyev,
V. I. Mishin, W. Bohmer, B. Pfeiffer, V. Sebastian, Y. Jading, U. Koster, J. Lettry,
H. L. Ravn, and the ISOLDE Collaboration
Physical Review Letters, Volume 82, Issue 7 (1999) 1391-1394
Abstract. The use of chemically selective laser ionization combined with ?-delayed neutron counting at CERN/ISOLDE has permitted identification and half-life measurements for 623-ms 61Mn up through 14-ms 69Mn. The measured half-lives are found to be significantly longer near N = 40 than the values calculated with
a quasiparticle random-phase-approximation shell model. Gamma-ray singles and coincidence spectroscopy has been performed for 64, 66Mn decays to levels of 64, 66Fe, revealing a significant drop in the energy of the first 2+ state in these nuclides that suggests an unanticipated increase in collectivity near N = 40.
180. A new measurement of the 7Be(p, ?)8B cross-section with an implanted 7Be target
M. Hass, C. Broude, V. Fedoseev, G. Goldring, G. Huber, J. Lettry, V. Mishin, H. J. Ravn, V. Sebastian, L. Weissman, ISOLDE Collaboration
Physics Letters, Volume 462 B, Issue 3-4 (1999) 237-242
Abstract. The 7Be(p,?)8B capture reaction is of major importance to the physics of
the sun and the issues of the “solar neutrino puzzle”. We report here on a new determination of the absolute cross section of this reaction, using a novel method which overcomes some of the major experimental uncertainties of previous measurements. We utilize a 7Be target implanted into a Cu substrate and a uniformly scanned particle beam larger than the target spot, eliminating issues of target homogeneity and backscattering loss of 8B reaction products. The target was produced using a beam of 1.8·1010/s 7Be nuclei extracted at ISOLDE (CERN) from a graphite target bombarded by 1 GeV protons in a two-step resonant laser ionization source. The 7Be nuclei were directly implanted into a copper substrate to obtain a target of 2 mm diameter with a total of 3·1015 atoms.
The measurement of the 8B production cross section was carried out at the Van de Graaff laboratory of the Weizmann Institute of Science. We obtain for the S factor of
the reaction: S17(Ecm = 1.09 MeV) = 22.7(1.2) eV·barn and S17(Ecm = 1.29 MeV) = 23.8(1.5) eV·barn, somewhat higher than other recent measurements. The present results can serve as a benchmark for further measurements of this cross section.
179. Measurement of the Magnetic Moment of the One-Neutron Halo Nucleus 11Be
W. Geithner, S. Kappertz, M. Keim, P. Lievens, R. Neugart, L. Vermeeren, S. Wilbert,
V. N. Fedoseyev, U. Koster, V. I. Mishin, V. Sebastian, and ISOLDE Collaboration
«Physical Review Letters»
Phys. Rev. Lett. Volume 83, Issue 19 (1999) 3792–3795
Abstract. The magnetic moment of 11Be (T1/2 = 13.8 s) was measured by detecting nuclear magnetic resonance signals in a beryllium crystal lattice. The experimental technique applied to a 11Be+ ion beam from a laser ion source includes in-beam optical polarization, implantation into a metallic single crystal, and observation of rf resonances in the asymmetric angular distribution of the ? decay (?-NMR). The nuclear magnetic moment ?(11Be) = -1.6816(8) ?N provides a stringent test for theoretical models describing the structure of the 1/2+ neutron halo state.
178. Decay of neutron-rich Mn nuclides and collectivity of N-40 isotopes
A. Wohr, M. Hannawald, K.-L. Kratz, W. B. Walters, V. N. Fedoseyev, V. I. Mishin,
H. L. Ravn, and ISOLDE Collaboration
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society (Meeting Abstract),
Volume 217, Part 2 (1999) U31-U31.
177. The electronic configuration of substitutional Fe in silicon
G. Weyer, A. Burchard, M. Fanciulli, V. N. Fedoseyev, H. P. Gunnlaugsson, V. I. Mishin
R. Sielemann, and ISOLDE Collaboration
Physica B: Condensend Matter, Volume 274, (1999) 363-366
Abstract. Ion implantations of radioactive Mn-57(+) into differently doped silicon single crystals held at 300-600 K have been utilized for Fe-57 Mossbauer studies of interstitial and substitutional Fe. Site and charge state assignments have been made on the basis of the determined hyperfine interaction parameters and Debye temperatures. Substantial fractions of substitutional Mn-57 probe atoms are proposed to occur due to annealing reactions. This site is maintained in the subsequent decay to Fe-57 by less than or equal to 50% of the Fe-57 atoms, the remainder is displaced by recoil effects into interstitial sites.
176. Recent developments of the ISOLDE laser ion source
J. Lettry, R. Catherall, G. J. Focker, O. C. Jonsson, E. Kugler, H. Ravn, C. Tamburella,
V. Fedoseyev, V. I. Mishin, G. Huber, V. Sebastian, M. Koizumi, U. Koster and the ISOLDE Collaboration
«Review of Scientific Instruments»
Rev. Sci. Instrum., Volume 69, Number 2 (1998) 761-763
Abstract. The ISOLDE laser ion source (LIS), in which stepwise resonant laser ionization is performed inside a high-temperature cavity, has been extended to include
the elements Be, Zn, Cu and Cd. The ionization efficiencies obtained are discussed with respect to the level of saturation of each step achieved with the available laser beam intensities. Because of a high ionization potential of about 9 eV the first resonant transition of Be, Zn and Cd is in the far ultraviolet (UV) region. The UV laser beam needed for the first resonant step of Be, Zn and Cd is achieved in a new laser setup via frequency tripling of the dye laser light. The ions created during the 30 ns laser pulse are extracted from the hot cavity of the ion source by the electrical field resulting from
the ohmic heating of the cavity. The time distribution of the laser-ionized ion bunches was measured for various cavities and temperatures. The time structure of the ion bunch is discussed in order to gain insight into the development of LIS cavities.
175. Gamma-Spectroscopy of 64Mn39 and 66Mn41 Decays
A. Wohr, W. B. Walters, M. Hannawald, T. Kautzsch, W. Bohmer, K.-L. Kratz, B. Pfeiffer, V. N. Fedoseyev, V. I. Mishin, and the ISOLDE Collaboration
DPG-Verhandlungen (1998).
174. Fast Gamow-Teller Decay of Neutron-Rich Mn Isotopes
M. Hannawald, T. Kautzsch, W. Bohmer, B. Pfeiffer, K.-L. Kratz, W. B. Walters, A. Wohr, V. N. Fedoseyev, V. I. Mishin, Y. Jading, and the ISOLDE Collaboration
DPG-Verhandlungen (1998).
173. Frequency tripling for resonance ionization spectroscopy (RIS) of Cd
N. Erdmann, V. Sebastian, V. N. Fedoseyev, M. Hannawald, G. Huber, T. Kautzsch,
K.-L. Kratz, V. I. Mishin, M. Nunnemann, G. Passler, N. Trautmann
«Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics»
Appl. Phys. B, Volume 66, Number 4 (1998) 431-433
Abstract. To explore the nucleosynthesis of heavy elements in the rapid neutron-capture process, investigations on shortlived, very neutron-rich Cd isotopes are planned that require pure samples. These will be produced at the CERN-ISOLDE on-line mass separator in combination with a chemically selective laser ion source. The excitation scheme for resonance ionization of Cd was tested in Mainz with a copper-vapor-pumped dye laser system. Due to the high ionization potential of Cd, frequency tripling was required for the first excitation step (?1 = 228.8 nm). Laser light with an average power of 2 mW was obtained after frequency tripling and was successfully used for RIS test measurements on cadmium with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. The eight stable Cd isotopes could be identified unambiguously.
172. Microscopic Study of the Hydrogen Diffusion In III-V Semiconductors
A. Burchard, M. Deichera, D. Forkel-Wirtha, M. Knopf, R. Magerlea, A. STotzler,
V. N. Fedoseyev, V. I. Mishin and The Isolde-Collaborationa
1998 MRS Spring Meeting.
Abstract. We report on experiments which observe on a microscopic scale the migration
of isolated hydrogen in InP, GaAs, and InAs. Using the radioactive acceptor 117 Cd, Cd-H
pairs have been formed in these III-V semiconductors. After the decay of 117 Cd to 117 In,
171. Beta decay of the MT = -1 nucleus 58Zn studied by selective laser ionization
A. Jokinen, M. Oinonen, J. Aysto, P. Baumann, P. Dendooven, F. Didierjean, V. Fedoseyev, A. Huck, Y. Jading, A. Knipper, M. Koizumi, U. Koster, J. Lettry, P. O. Lipas, W. Liu,
V. Mishin, M. Ramdhane, H. Ravn, E. Roeckl, V. Sebastian, G. Walter, and the ISOLDE Collaboration
«The European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei»
Eur. Phys. J. A, Volume 3, Number 3 (1998) 271-276
Abstract. Beta decay of 58Zn has been studied for the first time. A new laser ion-source concept has been used to produce mass-separated sources for beta and gamma spectroscopy. The half-life of 58Zn was determined to be 86(18) ms. Comparisons are made with previous data from charge-exchange reactions. Our Gamow–Teller strength to the 1+ state at 1051 keV excitation in 58Cu agrees well with the value extracted from
a recent (3He, t) study. Extensive shell-model calculations are presented.
170. Spectroscopic applications of the ISOLDE laser ion source
V. Sebastian, R. Catherall, V. N. Fedoseyev, U. Georg, G. Huber, Y. Jading, O. Jonsson,
U. Koster, M. Koizumi, K.-L. Kratz, E. Kugler, J. Lettry, V. I. Mishin, H. L. Ravn,
C. Tamburella, and A. Wohr
«American Institue of Physics Conference Proceedings»
AIP Conf. Proc., Volume 455, Issue 1 (1998) 126-129
“The Exotic nuclei and atomic masses (ENAM 98)”
Abstract. At the ISOLDE facility radioactive ion beams are produced via proton induced reactions in a target which is connected to a laser ion source. For beryllium a two step excitation scheme with laser light at wavelengths of ? = 235 nm and ? = 297 nm has been developed. Efficient laser ionization of beryllium was achieved with a new optical set-up using frequency tripling with two non-linear BBO crystals to generate laser light in the ultraviolet for the first excitation step. The second step was optimized to reach the 2p2 1S0 autoionizing state for high ionization efficiency. The isotope shift of 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 Be could be measured by tuning the wavelength of the first step. The laser ion source has also been used for the preparation of neutron-rich silver ion beams. Tuning the laser frequency of the first step it was possible to ionize selectively low-and high spin isomers of silver isotopes via the hyperfine structure. In both cases it was demonstrated that laser spectroscopy of exotic isotopes can be performed directly with the laser ion source.
An outlook on other possible elements for laser spectroscopy using the laser ion source will be given.
169. Decay of very neutron-rich Mn nuclides and vanishing of the N=40 subshell closure in 66Fe
A. Wohr, M. Hannawald, W. B. Walters, T. Kautzsch, B. Pfeiffer, K.-L. Kratz,
V. N. Fedoseyev, V. I. Mishin, D. Forkel-Wirth, V. Sebastian, M. Koizumi, U. Koster,
J. Lettry, and H. L. Ravn
«American Institue of Physics Conference Proceedings»
AIP Conf. Proc., Volume 455, Issue 1 (1998) 456-461
“The Exotic nuclei and atomic masses (ENAM 98)”
Abstract. The use of chemically selective laser ionization combined with beta-delayed neutron counting at ISOLDE has permitted identification and half-life measurements for 61Mn up through 69Mn. The 14(4)-ms half life for 69Mn is one of the shortest determined for any nuclide beyond the sd shell. Gamma-ray singles and coincidence spectra have been determined for the decays of 64, 66Mn to levels of 64, 66Fe, revealing strong deformation and vanishing of the N = 40 subshell in the Fe isotopes.
168. Measurement of the 7Be(p, ?)8B cross-section with an implanted 7Be target
M. Hass, C. Broude, V. Fedoseev, G. Goldring, G. Huber, J. Lettry, V. Mishin, H. J. Ravn, V. Sebastian, and L. Weissman
«American Institue of Physics Conference Proceedings»
AIP Conf. Proc., Volume 455, Issue 1 (1998) 864-867
“The Exotic nuclei and atomic masses (ENAM 98)”
167. On-line separation of short-lived beryllium isotopes
Ulli Koster, James Barker, Richard Catherall, Valentin N. Fedoseyev, Uwe Georg, Gerhard Huber, Ylva Jading, Ove Jonsson, Mitsuo Koizumi, Karl-Ludwig Kratz, Erich Kugler, Jacques Lettry, Viatcheslav I. Mishin, Helge Ravn, Volker Sebastian, Claire Tamburella, and Andreas Wohr
«American Institue of Physics Conference Proceedings»
AIP Conf. Proc., Volume 455, Issue 1 (1998) 989-994
“The Exotic nuclei and atomic masses (ENAM 98)”
Abstract. With the development of a new laser ionization scheme, it became possible to ionize beryllium efficiently in the hot cavity of the ISOLDE laser ion source. The high target and ion source temperatures enable the release of short-lived beryllium isotopes. Thus all particle-stable beryllium isotopes could be extracted from a standard uraniumcarbide/graphite target. For the first time the short-lived isotopes 12Be and 14Be could be identified at an ISOL facility, 14Be being among the most short-lived isotopes separated so far at ISOLDE. The release time from the UC/graphite target was studied with several beryllium isotopes. Profiting from the element selectivity of laser ionization, the strong and isotopically pure beam of 12Be allowed to determine the half-life to
T1/2 = 21.34(23) ms and the probability of beta-delayed neutron emission to
Pn = 0.48+0.12-0.10 %.
166. Decay of neutron-rich Mn isotopes produced by laser ionization
M. Hannawald, W. B. Walters, T. Kautzsch, A. Wohr, W. Bohmer, K.-L. Kratz, B. Pfeiffer, V. N. Fedoseyev, V. I. Mishin, and the ISOLDE Collaboration
“The 216th Meeting of the American Chemical Society”, Boston, USA, August 1998, World Scientific Press, Singapore (1998) 586
165. Laser isotope and isomer separation of heavy Ag nuclides: half-life the r-process waiting-point isotope 129Ag and structure of neutron-rich Cd nuclides
K.-L. Kratz, T. Kautzsch, M. Hannawald, W. Bohmer, I. Klockl, P. Muller, B. Pfeiffer,
V. N. Fedoseyev, V. I. Mishin, W. B. Walters, A. Wohr, P. Van Duppen, Y. Jading,
H. L. Ravn, J. Lettry, V. Sebastion, M. Koizumi, U. Koster, and the ISOLDE Collaboration
Proceedings of the International Conf. on “Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei”,
December 1997, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA; eds. J. H. Hamilton and V. A. Ramayya, World Scientific Press, Singapore, (1998) 586
Abstract. Laser isotope separation has been used to isolate the heavy Ag nuclides including the r-process “waiting-point” isotope 129Ag and study their beta-delayed and gamma decay. A half-life of 46 (+5/-9) ms has been determined for the ground state decay of 129Ag. For 126Cd, energies of 652 and 1467 keV have been found for the 2+ and 4+ enegies, respectively. The hyperfine splitting of the atomic transition in Ag by which the laser radiation is absorbed has made possible laser isomer selection through which
the beta and gamma decay of the high-spin isomer of 122Ag was observed while suppressing the ionization of the low-spin isomer.
164. Fast Gamow-Teller Decay of Neutron-Rich Mn Isotopes
M. Hannawald, T. Kautzsch, W. Bohmer, B. Pfeiffer, K.-L. Kratz, W. B. Walters, A. Wohr, V. N. Fedoseyev, V. I. Mishin, Y. Jading, and the ISOLDE Collaboration
DPG-Verhandlungen (1998).
163. Gamma-Spectroscopy of 64Mn39 and 66Mn41 Decays
A. Wohr, W. B. Walters, M. Hannawald, T. Kautzsch, W. Bohmer, K.-L. Kratz, B. Pfeiffer, V. N. Fedoseyev, V. I. Mishin, and the ISOLDE Collaboration
DPG-Verhandlungen (1998).
162. Production of radioactive Ag ion beams with a chemically selective laser ion source
Y. Jading, R. Catherall, V. N. Fedoseyev, A. Jokinen, O. C. Jonsson, T. Kautzsch, I. Klockl, K.-L. Kratz, E. Kugler, J. Lettry, V. I. Mishin, H. L. Ravn, F. Scheerer, O. Tengblad,
P. Van Duppen, W. B. Walters, A. Wohr and ISOLDE Collaboration
«Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms»
Nucl. Instr. and Meth., Volume B 126, Number 1-4 (1997) 76-80
“The International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Techniques Related to Their Applications”
Abstract. We have developed a chemically selective laser ion source at the
CERN-ISOLDE facility in order to study neutron-rich Ag nuclides. A pulsed laser system with high repetition rate has been used based on high-power coppe-vapour pump lasers and dye lasers. With this source significant reductions of the isobaric background has been achieved.
161. Chemically selective laser ion source of manganese
V. N. Fedoseyev, K. Batzner, R. Catherall, A. H. M. Evensen, D. Forkel-Wirth, O. C. Jonsson, E. Kugler, J. Lettry, V. I. Mishin, H. L. Ravn, G. Weyer and ISOLDE Collaboration
«Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms»
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B, Volume 126, Issue 1-4 (1997) 88-91
“The International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Techniques Related to Their Applications”
Abstract. Ion beams produced by on-line isotope separators are often contaminated by abundantly produced isobars. This significantly complicates, and in a number of cases renders impossible, the realization of physical experiments with such beams. In many cases the purity of the ion beams may be improved on the ionization stage of the isotope separation using a laser resonance ion source. The method of laser resonance ionization of atoms in a hot cavity has been applied for chemically selective production of Mn ion beams at the CERN-ISOLDE facility. Radiation of pulsed dye lasers and copper vapor lasers provided three-step excitation and ionization of Mn isotopes in the ordinary W surface ionizer, connected to the target container. High values of efficiency and selectivity obtained with the laser ion source made it possible to suppress substantially
an admixture of 57Fe in the 57Mn ion beam and to perform Mossbauer experiments on implanted impurities in solids.
160. Selective Laser Ionization of Radioactive Ni-Isotopes
A. Jokinen, A.-H. Evensen, E. Kugler, J. Lettry, H. L. Ravn, P. Van Duppen, N. Erdman,
Y. Jading, S. Kohler, K.-L. Kratz, N. Trautmann, A. Wohr, V. N. Fedoseyev, V. I. Mishin, V. Tikhonov and ISOLDE-Collaboration
«Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms»
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B, Volume 126, Issue 1-4 (1997) 95-99
“The International Conference on Electromagnetic Isotope Separators and Techniques Related to Their Applications”
Abstract. A chemically selective laser ion source based on resonance ionization of atoms in a hot cavity has been applied in the study of Ni-isotopes at the CERN-ISOLDE on-line isotope separator. Laser ionization enhanced the yields of long-lived Ni-isotopes almost four orders of magnitude when compared to the yields obtained with the surface ionization mode of the source. As a result, high yields of long-lived Ni-isotopes were obtained. Separation efficiencies of 0.3 and 0.8% were obtained for Ni produced in uranium-carbide, produced from uranium-di-pthalocyanine, and Ta-foil targets, respectively. Ni was found to be released very slowly from the present target and ion source combination.
159. Mossbauer spectroscopy of Fe in silicon with the novel laser-ionized 57Mn+ ion beam at ISOLDE
G. Weyer, S. Degroote, M. Fanciulli, V. N. Fedoseyev, G. Langouche, V. I. Mishin,
A.-M. Van Bavel, A. Vantomme, and ISOLDE Collaboration
Materials Science Forum, Volume 258-2 (1997) 437-442
Abstract. Radioactive 57Mn+ ions have been implanted at the ISOLDE facility into variously doped silicon single crystals to study the lattice lacation and electronic configuration of 57Fe daughter atoms by 57Fe Mossbauer emission spectroscopy. Two single lines in the spectra are assigned to substitutional Fes and interstitial Fei, respectively. The isomer shift, i.e. electron density, for Fei has been found to depend on the doping of the crystals, this is attributed to the 0/+ band gap state of Fei. A model for the creation of both Fes and Fei in different charge states by the ?-- decay of ion implanted 57Mn is proposed.
158. Laser isotope and isomer separation of heavy Ag nuclides: half-life the r-process waiting-point isotope 129Ag and structure of neutron-rich Cd nuclides
K.-L. Kratz, T. Kautzsch, M. Hannawald, W. Bomer, I. Klokl, P. Muller, B. Pfeiffer,
V. N. Fedoseyev, V. I. Mishin, W. B. Walters, A. Wohr, P. Van Duppen, Y. Jading,
H. L. Ravn, J. Lettry, V. Sebastion, M. Koizumi, U. Koster, and the ISOLDE Collaboration
Proceedings of the International Conf. on “Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei”,
Sanibel Island, Florida, November 10-15 (1997); eds. J. H. Hamilton and V. A. Ramayya
Abstract. Laser isotope separation has been used to isolate the heavy Ag nuclides including the r-process “wating-point” isotope 129Ag and study their beta-delayed neutron and gamma decay. A half-life of 46 (+5/-9) ms has been determined for the ground state decay of 129Ag. For 126Cd, energies of 652 and 1467 keV have been found for the 2+ and 4+ energies, respectively. The hyperfine splitting of the atomic transitions in Ag by which the laser radiation is absorbed has been made possible laser isomer selection through which the beta and gamma decay of the high-spin isomer of 122Ag was observed while suppressing the ionization of the low-spin isomer.
157. Mossbauer spectroscopy of Fe in silicon with the novel laser-ionized 57Mn+ ion beem at ISOLDE
G. Weyer, S. Degroote, M. Fanciulli, V. N. Fedoseyev, G. Langouche, V. I. Mishin,
A.-M. Van Bavel, A. Vantomme, and the ISOLDE Collaboration
Book Series: Materials Science Forum, Volume 258-2, Part 1-3 (1997) 437-442
Abstract. Radioactive 57Mn+ ions have been implanted at the ISOLDE facility into variously doped silicon single crystals to study the lattice location and electronic configuration of 57Fe daughter atoms by 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy. Two single lines in spectra are assigned to substitutional Fes and interstitial Fei, respectively. The isomer shift, i.e. electron density, for the Fei has been found to depend on the doping of the crystals, this is attributed to the 0/+ band gap state of Fei. A model for the creation of both Fes and Fei in different charge states by the ?- - decay of ion implanted 57Mn is proposed.
156. Laser Ionization of 124Ag and Its Decay to Levels of 124Cd
T. Kautzsch, W. B. Walters, V. N.Fedoseyev, Y. Jading, A. Jokinen, I. Klockl, K.-L. Kratz, V. I. Mishin, H. L. Ravn, P. Van Duppen, A. Wohr
«Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics»
Phys. Rev. C, Volume 54, Issue 6 (1996) R2811 - R2814
Abstract. Gamma-rays following the decay of the neutron-rich isotope 124Ag have been studied at the ISOLDE facility using a chemically selective laser ion source. Excited structures beyond the first 2+ level in 124Cd have been identified for the first time, and are discussed in terms of a recent anharmonic vibration model.
155. Высокоэффективный лазерный ионный источник, использующий эффект пленения фотоионов в электрическом поле цилиндрического конденсатора
В. И. Мишин, С. К. Секацкий
«Письма и Журнал технической физики»
Письма в ЖТФ, том 22, выпуск 13 (1996) 61-67
High-performance laser ion source based on photoion capture effect in electrical field of cylinder capacitor
V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatskii
Pisma v Zhurnal Technicheskoi Fiziki, Volume 22, Issue 13 (1996) 61-67.
154. Delayed-Neutron and Gamma Measurements of Neutron-Rich Silver Isotopes
A. Wohr, V. Fedoseyev, Y. Jading, A. Jokinen, T. Kautzsch, I. Klockl, K.-L. Kratz,
V. I. Mishin, H.-L. Ravn, P. Van Duppen, W. B. Walters, and the ISOLDE Collaboration
Contributions to “The North-West Europe Nuclear Physics Conference, NWE'96”, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 16-19, 1996 (1996) 107.
153. First PAC studies on the hydrogen diffusion in III-V semi-conductors
A. Burchard, M. Deicher, R. Magerle, A. Egenter, R. Spengler, V. N. Fedoseyev,
V. I. Mishin, D. Forkel-Wirth, And the ISOLDE Collaboration
Proc. of “The 7th International Conference on “Shallow-Level Centers in Semiconductors”,
Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 17-19 (1996)
Abstract. We report on first experiments which observe on a microscopic scale the migration of isolated hydrogen in InP, InAs and GaAs. Using the radioactive acceptor 117Cd, Cd-H pairs have been formed in these III-V semiconductors. After the decay of 117Cd to 117In, H is no longer bound to 117In and can diffuse freely. This diffusion has been observed by perturbed ?? angular correlation (PAC) spectroscopy. At 10 K, the occupation of two different lattice sites by hydrogen has been observed.
152. Review of resonant laser ionization sources for on-line mass separators for radioactive ion beams
V. I. Mishin
«Review of Scientific Instruments»
Rev. Sci. Instrum., Volume 67, Issue 3 (1996) 934
“Meeting abstract”
Abstract. The basic operation principles of laser ion sources (LIS) based on resonance ionization of atoms in a hot cavity are discussed. Since the atom of each element has its own specific energy level structure the ionization process has an exceptionally high elemental selectivity if the laser radiation frequencies coincide with the atomic transition frequencies. The efficiency of a single laser pulse ionization may reach tens of percent.
If a sample containing studied isotopes is placed in a closed hot cavity and light beams of high repetition rate lasers are introduced into the cavity via a small hole which is also used for extraction of the photoions, the overall efficiency of such an ion source may also reach tens of percent. The elemental selectivity of the LIS will be determined by
the efficiency of the surface ionization of undesirable isotopes and the efficiency of laser ionization of the studied isotope. The LIS is naturally coupled with the mass separator because the diameter of the cavity hole is small (1–3 mm). Rydberg levels of Fr were studied using LIS in off-line experiments at the Institute of Spectroscopy, Troitzk.
The production rate of Fr isotope source was around 1000 atom/s. The LIS has been applied to produce radioactive ion beams at IRIS (St.-Petersburg), ISOLDE/CERN, and GSI/Darmstadt on-line facilities. At GSI neutron-deficient Sn (102, 103, 104) isotopes have been studied using the LIS. The on-line measured overall efficiency of the LIS was equal to 8.5%. At ISOLDE neutron-rich Ag (121–127) isotopes produced by the LIS have been studied by a neutron long counter and beta detector. The efficiency of the LIS measured in off-line experiments with stable isotopes is as great as 11%. The LIS of Yb, Sm, Sn, Li, and Ni have also been developed at ISOLDE. At the IRIS the LIS was used to obtain radioactive beams of Yb and Ho.
151. Study of Short-Lived Silver Isotopes with a Laser Ion Source
V. N. Fedoseyev, Y. Jading, O. C. Jonsson, R. Kirchner, K.-L. Kratz, M. Krieg, E. Kugler,
J. Lettry, T. Mehren, V. I. Mishin, H. L. Ravn, T. Rauscher, F. Scheerer, O. Tengblad,
P. Van Duppen, A. Wohr, and the ISOLDE Collaboration
«Zeitschrift fur Physik A: Hadrons and Nuclei»
Z. Phys. A, Volume 353, Number 1 (1995) 9-10
Abstract. A chemically selective laser ion source based on resonance ionization of atoms in a hot cavity has been applied for the study of short-lived silver isotopes at CERN/ISOLDE. Silver atoms were ionized by two resonant excitations and final laser ionization into the continuum. Decay properties of the neutron-rich isotopes 121-127Ag were studied with a neutron long-counter and ?-detector.
150. Beta Decay of the New Isotope 101Sn
Z. Janas, H. Keller, R. Kirchner, O. Klepper, A. Piechaczek, E. Roeckl, K. Schmidt,
M. Huyse, J. von Schwarzenberg, J. Szerypo, P. Van Duppen, L. Vermeeren, F. Albus,
H.-J. Kluge, G. Passler, F. P. Scheerer, N. Trautmann, V. N. Fedoseyev, V. I. Mishin,
R. Grzywacz, A. Plochocki, K. Rykaczewski, J. Zylicz
Physica Scripta, Volume T 56 (1995) 262-265
Abstract. The very neutron-deficient isotope 101Sn was produced in a 50Cr(58Ni, 2p5n) reaction and its decay properties were determined for the first time. By using chemically selective ion sources of an on-line mass separator, the energy spectrum and the half-life (3 ± 1 s) of beta-delayed protons of 101Sn were measured. These results are compared to theoretical predictions.
149. Nuclear model predictions near the neutron drip line relevant to r-process nucleosynthesis
Y. Jading, J. Dobaczewski, V. N. Fedoseyev, K.-L. Kratz, V. I. Mishin, P. Moller,
B. Pfeiffer, H.-L.Ravn, F. Scheerer, F.-K. Thielemann, W. B. Walters, A. Wohr and the ISOLDE Collaboration
Proceedings of “The Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics II”, Tours, France (1994).
Abstract. Using the waiting-point approximation, which assumes the classical
(n, ?) - (?, n) – equilibrium, in combination with a local ?-flow equilibrium, we have been able to reproduce the solar r-process abundance (Nr,0) fairly well with a minimum of three neutron-density components. However, local deficiencies have been observed around the abundance peak. They have been interpreted as being due to weaknesses in the description of the shell-structure near the neutron drip line. In this contribution, it will be shown that the deficiencies can be considerably reduced when using new data from experiments at CERN/ISOLDE together with recent mean-field calculations of nuclear masses according to the HFB-method with the Skyrme P interaction.
148. Study of short-lived silver isotopes with a laser ion source
V. N. Fedoseyev, P. Van Duppen, G. Huber, Y. Jading, O. C. Jonsson, R. Kirchner,
K.-L. Kratz, M. Krieg, E. Kugler, J. Lettry, T. Mehren, V. I. Mishin, T. Rauscher,
H.-L.Ravn, F. Scheerer, O. Tengblad, A. Wohr and the ISOLDE Collaboration
«American Institue of Physics Conference Proceedings»
AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 329 (1995)
Proceedings of “The 7th International Symposium: Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy and Its Application (RIS-94)”, Bernkastel-Kues, Germany (1994)
Abstract. A chamically selective laser ion source based on resonance ionization of atoms in a hot cavity has been applied for the study of short-lived silver isotopes at CERN/ISOLDE. Silver atoms were ionized by two resonant excitations and final laser ionization into continuum. Decay properties of the neutron-rich isotopes 121-127Ag were studied with a neutron long-counter and a ?-detector.
147. Study of short-lived tin isotopes with a laser ion source
V. N. Fedoseyev, F. Albus, R. Kirchner, O. Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, V. I. Mishin, G. Passler,
E. Roeckl, F. Scheerer, K. Schmidt, and N. Trautmann
«American Institue of Physics Conference Proceedings»
AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 329 (1995) 465-467
“The 7th International Symposium: Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy and Its Application (RIS-94)”, Bernkastel-Kues, Germany (1994)
Abstract. A chemically selective laser ion source based on resonance ionization of atoms in a hot cavity was applied for study of short-lived tin isotopes at the heavy ion accelerator UNILAC/GSI. Tin atoms were ionized by a three-step resonance laser excitation of an autoionizing state. Yields of fusion-produced 108Sn and 108In isotopes were compared with the plasma ion source FEBIAD-B3. The total efficiency of tin ionization was determined to be 8.5%, whilst the indium isobar ionization was suppressed by a factor of 12. An experimental run on study of decay properties of extremely neutron deficient isotopes 101–103Sn has been carried out.
146. Chemically selective laser ion-source for the CERN ISOLDE on-line mass separator facility
V. I. Mishin, V. N. Fedoseyev, H.-J. Kluge, V. S. Letokhov, H. L. Ravn, F. Scheerer,
Y. Shirakabe, S. Sundell, O. Tengblad, and the ISOLDE collaboration
«Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms»
Nucl. Instr. and Meth., Volume 73, Issue 4 (1993) 550-560
Abstract. Radioactive atoms produced in proton-induced nuclear reactions and released from thick targets have been ionized resonantly by laser radiation in a hot tube connected to the target container. Pulsed tuneable lasers with a repetition rate as high as 10 kHz have been applied for stepwise resonant excitation and photoionization in the last step.
In this way the efficiency and selectivity of the target and ion source system which serves as an injector to the on-line isotope separators at CERN-ISOLDE could be improved. In a series of off-line and on-line studies the ionization of Sn (Ei = 13 eV), Tm (Ei = 6.2 eV), Yb (Ei = 6.2 eV) and Li (Ei = 5.4 eV) was investigated.
An ionization efficiency of up to 15% was obtained for Yb. The ratio of the laser-ionized and surface-ionized ion currents was measured as a function of temperature for different ionization cavity materials (W, Ta, Nb and TaC). It was shown that this ratio, i.e.
the selectivity, rises for Tm from 10 to 10000 with falling temperature and is strongly dependent on the material. Since the lasers are pulsed the ion beam becomes bunched with a pulse width of about 10-50 ?s. This width is strongly dependent on the potential drop along the tube (caused by the electric current used for heating the tube) and on
the alignment of the laser beams with respect to the tube axis. The selectivity could be further improved by a factor of 10 using gated detection of the bunched ion beam.
145. Nuclear radii and moments of rare-earth elements from laser spectroscopy
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, V. P. Denisov, V. N. Panteleyev, V. S. Letokhov,
V. I. Mishin, V. N. Fedoseyev
Book Series: Institute of Physics Conference Series, Issue 132 (1993) 145-150
“Nuclear Far from Stability/Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants 1992
Abstract. A comparision of the experimental data on nuclear radii and moments in
the rare-earth region with HF theory is presented. The data art shown to be of importance Par the choice of a proper effective interaction between nucleons. A new highly efficient method of atomic spectroscopy for far from stability investigations, based on
the application of the laser ion source is described. (0)
144. ISOLDE PS Booster Facility at CERN: experiments with slow radioactive beams (Laboratory portrait)
Nuclear Physics News, Volume 3, Issue 2 (1993) 10
…. A new development with a lot of future prospects is an ion source based on laser ionization. As illustrated in the fugure three different frequence laser beams enter the tube between the target and the acceleration electrode and in a multistep atomic excitation an electron is finally brought into the continuum and the atom is ionized in a highly selective way.
143. A chemically selective laser ion-source for online mass separation
F. Scheerer, V. N. Fedoseyev, H.-J. Kluge, V. I. Mishin, V. S. Letokhov, H. L. Ravn,
Y. Shirakabe, S. Sundell, O. Tengblad, and the ISOLDE collaboration
Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume 63, Issue 4 (1992) 2831-2833
Contributed Paper to “The 4th International Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS 91)”,
Bensheim (1991)
Abstract. Laser resonance ionization has been applied to ionize radioactive atoms released from thick ISOLDE/CERN targets. Laser light from pulsed dye lasers with
a high repetition rate (10 kHz) was used for stepwise excitation and ionization. By this method, efficiency as well as the selectivity of the target/ion source system could be improved. In a series of off-line and on-line studies, the resonance ionization of elements with different ionization potentials, such as Yb (Ei = 6.2 eV), Tm (Ei = 5.8 eV) and
Sn (Ei = 7.3 eV), was investigated. For Yb, photoionization efficiencies of up to 15% have been measured. An efficiency of 0.2% was obtained for Sn at the on-line separator ISOLDE-3. However, this value can be improved by about two orders of magnitude using a transition to an autoionizing state at 59 375.9 cm-1.
142. Измерение изотопических сдвигов и сверхтонкой структуры нейтронодефицитных изотопов Yb с помощью нового высокочувствительного метода атомной спектроскопии
Г. Д. Алхазов, А. Е. Барзах, В. П. Денисов, К. А. Мезилев, Ю. Н. Новиков,
В. Н. Пантелеев, А. В. Попов, Э. П. Судентас, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин,
В. Н. Федосеев, С. В. Андреев, Д. С. Веденеев, А. Д.Зюзиков
«Известия Академии наук СССР. Серия физическая»
Изв. АН СССР. Сер. физ., том 56, № 11 (1992) 69-74
“XLI Международное совещание по ядерной спектроскопии и структуре атомного ядра”, Алма-Ата, 1992 г.
Описан высокочувствительный метод измерения изотопических сдвигов и сверхтонкой структуры оптических переходов радиоактивных атомов, основанный на использовании лазерной резонансной ионизации атомов в источнике масс-сепаратора. Измерены изотопические сдвиги и сверхтонкая структура перехода с длиной волны ? = 555,6 нм для изотопов 154-156Yb. Показано, что чувствительность описанного метода уже в настоящее время позволяет в ряде случаев проводить измерения изотопических сдвигов для изотопов, скорость образования которых в мишени составляет 1-10 ядер/с.
Measurement of Isotope Shifts and Hyperfine Structure of Neutron-Deficient Yb Isotopes Using a New Highly Sensitive Method of Atomic Spectroscopy
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, V. P. Denisov, K. A. Mezilev, Yu. N. Novikov,
V. N. Panteleev, A. V. Popov, E. P. Sudentas, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin,
V. N. Fedoseev, S. V. Andreev, D. S. Vedeneyev, A. D. Zyuzikov
«Izvestiya Akademii Nauk of SSSR. Seriya Fizicheskaya»
Izv. AN SSSR Ser. Fiz., Volume 56, № 11 (1992) 69-74 (in Russian).
“The XLIInd Conference on Nuclear Sspectroscopy and on the Nuclear Structure”, Alma-Ata (1992)
141. Laser spectroscopic studies of nuclei with neutron number
N < 82 (Eu, Sm and Nd isotopes)
V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatsky, V. N. Fedoseyev, G. D. Alkhazov,
A. E. Barzakh, V. P. Denisov and V. E. Starodubsky
«Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics»
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys., Volume 18, Number 7 (1992) 1177-1193
Abstract. The isotope shifts and hyperfine splittings of atomic optical lines in 132,134-143Nd (lambda = 588.79 nm), 138-145Sm (lambda = 600.42 nm) and 138-145Eu (lambda = 576.52 nm) have been measured using resonance ionization spectroscopy. The magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments of the odd Nd and Sm isotopes and the changes in mean square charge radii delta (r2) for all isotopes in question have been derived. A shell effect and a strong Z-dependence in the isotopic behaviour of delta (r2) at N<82 have been observed. The experimental data have been analysed in the framework of the Hartree-Fock method.
140. A new highly efficient method of atomic spectroscopy for nuclides far from stability
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, V. P. Denisov, K. A. Mezilev, Yu. N. Novikov,
V. N. Panteleyev, A. V. Popov, E. P. Sudentas, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin,
V. N. Fedoseyev, S. V. Andreyev, D. S. Vedeneyev and A. D. Zyuzikov
«Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms»
Nucl. Instr. and Meth., Volume B 69, Number 4 (1992) 517-520
Abstract. A new high-efficient method for measuring isotope shifts and hyperfine structures in optical transitions of radioactive atoms is described. The method is based on application of laser resonance ionization in a mass separator ion source. The high sensitivity of the method results from a high efficiency of the laser ion source and a low background of the detection system, which uses counting ?-particles following the decay of the isotope under investigation. The isotope shifts and hyperfine structures for 154–156Yb in the 555.6 nm transition have been measured. It is shown that in a number of cases this method allows measurements to be carried out for isotopes with a production rate in the target down to 1–10 atoms per second.
139. Deficient Ytterbium Isotopes by Using Highly Sensitive Method of Atomic Spectroscopy
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, V. P. Denisov, K. A. Mezilev, Yu. N. Novikov,
V. N. Panteleev, A. V. Popov, Eh. P. Sudentas, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin,
V. N. Fedoseev, S. V. Andreev, D. S. Vedeneyev, A. D. Zyuzikov
Proc. of “The 42nd Annual Conf. Nucl. Spectrosc. Struct. At. Nuclei”, Alma-Ata, (1992) 79.
138. Optical Isotope Shift and Hyperfine Structure Investigations of Nuclei Far from Stability with a Laser Ion Source
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, V. P. Denisov, K. A. Mezilev, Yu. N. Novikov,
V. N. Panteleyev, S. V. Andreyev, V. N. Fedoseyev, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin,
A. D. Zuzicov, D. S. Vedeneyev
Proceedings of “The 6th International Conf. on Nuclei Far from Stability (NFFS 6) and the 9th International Conf. on Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants (AMCO 9)”,
Bernkastel-Kues, Germany, 1992 (Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 132: Section 2, 1993).
137. Nuclear radii and moments of rare- earth elements from laser spectroscopy
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, V. N. Panteleyev, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin,
V. N. Fedoseyev
Proceedings of “The 6th International Conf. on Nuclei Far from Stability (NFFS 6) and the 9th International Conf. on Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants (AMCO 9)”,
Bernkastel-Kues, Germany, 1992 (Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 132: Section 2, 1993) 145-150
Abstract. A comparision of the experimental data on nuclear radii and moments in
the rare-earth region with HF theory is presented. The data are shown to be of importance for the choice of a proper effective interaction between nucleons. A new highly efficient method of atomic spectroscopy for far from stability investigations, based on
the application of the laser ion source is described.
136. Новый высокочувствительный метод атомной спектроскопии короткоживущих изотопов
Г. Д. Алхазов, А. Е. Барзах, В. П. Денисов, К. А. Мезилев, Ю. Н. Новиков,
В. Н. Пантелеев, А. В. Попов, Э. П. Судентас, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин,
В. Н. Федосеев, С. В. Андреев, Д. С. Веденеев, А. Д. Зюзиков
Препринт ЛИЯФ АН СССР им. Б.П. Константинова № 1679, Ленинград (1991)
Описан высокочувствительный метод измерения изотопических сдвигов и сверхтонкой структуры оптических переходов радиоактивных атомов, основанный на использовании лазерной резонансной ионизации атомов в источнике масс-сепаратора. Чувствительность метода определяется высокой эффективностью лазерного ионного источника и низким фоном при детектировании масс-сепарированных фотоионов методом регистрации ?-частиц, испускаемых при распаде исследуемых ядер. Возможности метода продемонстрированы на примере изотопов 154-156Yb. При этом скорость образования ядер 154Yb в мишени масс-сепаратора под действием протонов с энергией 1 ГэВ составляла 2·103 ядер/с, что соответствует чувствительности на 2 порядка выше, чем в стандартной схеме резонансной фотоионизации. Измерены изотопические сдвиги и сверхтонкая структура перехода с длиной волны ? = 555,6 нм для этих изотопов. Показано, что чувствительность описанного метода уже в настоящее время позволяет в ряде случаев проводить измерения изотопических сдвигов для изотопов, скорость образования которых в мишени составляет 1-10 ядер/с.
135. Новый высокоэффективный метод резонансной ионизационной спектроскопии атомов короткоживущих ядер
Г. Д. Алхазов, А. Е. Барзах, В. П. Денисов, К. А. Мезилев, Ю. Н. Новиков,
В. Н. Пантелеев, А. В. Попов, Э. П. Судентас, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин,
В. Н. Федосеев, С. В. Андреев, Д. С. Веденеев, А. Д. Зюзиков
«Письма в Журнал технической физики»
Письма в ЖТФ, том 17, выпуск 14 (1991) 39-42
New high-performance method of resonance ionization spectroscopy of short-living nucleus atoms
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, V. P. Denisov, K. A. Mezilev, Yu. N. Novikov,
V. N. Panteleev, A. V. Popov, Eh. P. Sudentas, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin,
V. N. Fedoseev, S. V. Andreev, D. S. Vedeneyev, A. D. Zyuzikov
Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, Volume 17, Issue 14 (1991) 39-42
134. Resonance ionization spectroscopy on a fast atomic ytterbium beam
Ch. Schulz, E. Arnold, W. Borchers, W. Neu, R. Neugart, M. Neuroth, E. W. Otten,
M. Scherf, K. Wendt, P. Lievens, Yu. A. Kudryavtsev, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin,
V. V. Petrunin, and the ISOLDE Collaboration
«Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics»
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., Volume 24, Number 22 (1991) 4831-4844
Abstract. Resonance ionization spectroscopy in collinear geometry has been successfully applied to a fast beam of ytterbium atoms. The atoms were excited stepwise into a Rydberg state by pulsed laser light, ionized in an electrical field and deflected onto a secondary electron detector. The efficiency was 1?10-5 detected ions per incoming atom on a background from collisional ionization of 1?10-8. The technique has been exploited for the measurement of hyperfine structures and isotope shifts of unstable ytterbium isotopes, in particular 157Yb, 159Yb and 175Yb.
133. Application of a high efficiency selective laser ion source at the IRIS facility
G. D. Alkhazov, L. Kh. Batist, A. A. Bykov, V. D. Vitman, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin,
V. N. Panteleyev, S. K. Sekatsky and V. N. Fedoseyev
«Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment»
Nucl. Instr. and Meth., Volume A 306, Number 1-2 (1991) 400-402
Abstract. Results of the first experiments performed at the mass separator IRIS using a selective ion source are presented
132. Laser resonant photoionization spectroscopy of highly excited and autoionization states of terbium atoms
V. N. Fedoseev, V. I. Mishin, D. S. Vedeneev and A. D. Zizikov
«Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics»
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., Volume 24, Number 7 (1991) 1575-1583
Abstract. The energies of unknown highly excited states of terbium atom have been measured by multistep laser excitation followed by photoionization: 19 odd and 25 even states in the 32 300-35 400 cm-1 energy region with an accuracy of ±0.3 cm-1 and 135 odd and 85 even autoionization states in the 47 800-52 700 cm-1 energy region with an accuracy of 3 cm-1 were investigated. The optimal three-step schemes of Tb atom photoionization through autoionization states in the yellow-green region of the spectrum have been defined.
131. A laser ion-source for on-line isotope separation
V.N. Fedoseev, Yu.A. Kudryavtsev, V.S. Letokhov, V.I. Mishin, H. Ravn, S. Sundell,
H.J. Kluge, F. Scheerer.
Institute of Physics Conference Series, Issue 114, Bristol, London, (1991) 129-132
Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on “Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy and its Applications, RIS -90”, Varese, Italy (1990)
Abstract. A laser ion source has been developed for efficient production of isobarically pure ion beams at the on-line mass sperator ISOLDE at CERN. In first off-line tests with radioactive Yb-169, an efficiency of about 15% was achieved. An elemental selectivity between 10 and 104 was observed. The maximum value could be obtained at the off-line separator with TaC as construction material. A first test at the on-line separator ISOLDE-3 was performed recently with Yb isotopes. The lasers produced a pulsed ion beam of about 10 ns pulse length. In order to suppress the continuous background due to surface ionization a pulsed deflector was used so that the selectivity was improved by a factor of 10.
130. Resonant ionization spectroscopy of fast atomic beam
Ch. Schultz, E. Arnold, W. Borchers, W. Nen, R. Neugart, M. Neuroth, E. W. Otten,
M. Scherf, K. Wendt, P. Lievens, Yu. A. Kudriavtsev, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin,
V. V. Petrunin
Institute of Physics Conference Series, Number 114, Bristol, London (1991) 27-30
Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on “Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy and its Applications, RIS -90”, Varese, Italy (1990)
Abstract. Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy in collinear geometry has been successfully applied to a fast beam of Yb atoms. The atoms were excited stepwise into
a Rydberg state by pulsed laser light, ionized in an electric field and deflected onto
a secondary electron detector. The efficiency was 1·10-5 detected ions per incoming atoms on a background from collisional ionization of 1· 10-8. The technique has been exploited for the measurement of hyperfine structures and isotope shifts of unstable Yb isotopes, in particular 157Yb, 159Yb and 175Yb.
129. Laser resonance ionization spectroscopy of radioactive isotopes of rare-earth elements
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, V. P. Denisov, V. N. Fedoseyev, V. S. Letokhov,
V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatskii.
Institute of Physics Conference Series, Number 114, Bristol, London (1991) 13-18
Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on “Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy and its Applications, RIS -90”, Varese, Italy (1990)
Abstract. Application of the resonance ionization spectroscopy for measurements of the electromagnetic moments and isotopic changes of nuclear charge radii of radioactive nuclei at the mass-separator IRIS and the directions of further development of our facility are described. A short rewiew of nuclear physics results obtained at this installation is presented.
128. Laser photoionization spectroscopy of rare-earth elements: New results on nuclear electromagnetic moments and charge radii of Eu, Gd and Tb isotopes
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, V. P. Denisov, V. S. Ivanov, I. Ya. Chubukov,
V. N. Fedoseev, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin and S. K. Sekatsky.
Hyperfine Interactions, Volume 61, Numbers 1-4 (1990) 1335-1338
Abstract. New results on spins, electromagnetic moments and isotopic changes of nuclear charge radii for 157–159Eu63, 146, 148, 150Cd64 and 147–155, 157, 159Tb65 have been obtained from hyperfine structure and isotope shifts measured with laser resonance photoionization technique. These results complement two-dimensional picture (with respect to N and Z) of the changes of nuclear ground state properties near the “critical” neutron numbers N = 88–90 in the vicinity of the “magic” proton number Z=64.
127. Investigation of Electromagnetic Moments and Charge Radii of Short-Lived Rare-Earth Nuclides with Atomic Laser Spectroscopy
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, V. P. Denisov, V. S. Ivanov, V. E. Starodubsky,
V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatsky, V. N. Fedoseev
Annual Report 1988-1989, Leningrad Nuclear Physics Institute, (1990) 54.
126. Odd-even staggering in nuclear charge radii of neutron-rich europium isotopes
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, V. A. Bolshakov, V. P. Denisov, V. S. Ivanov,
Yu. Ya. Sergeyev, I. Ya. Chubukov, V. I. Tikhonov, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin,
S. K. Sekatsky, V. N. Fedoseyev
«Zeitschrift fur Physik A: Hadrons and Nuclei»
Z. Phys. A, Volume 337, Number 3 (1990) 257-259
Abstract. Nuclear magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments and changes in mean square charge radii for the neutron-rich 155–159Eu isotopes have been measured using resonance ionization spectroscopy at the IRIS facility. It has been found that the isotopes with N > 92, unlike the isotopes with 89 ? N ? 92, have an ordinary character of odd-even staggering in nuclear charge radii. This means that the octupole deformation attributed previously to the europium nuclei around 154Eu does not display itself in the charge radii of heavier europium isotopes.
125. Electromagnetic Moments and Nuclear Charge Radii for Neutron-Deficient Tb Isotopes and the Deformation Jump Near
Z = 64, N = 90
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, V. P. Denisov, V. S. Ivanov, I. Ya. Chubukov,
V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatsky, V. N. Fedoseyev
«Zeitschrift fur Physik A: Hadrons and Nuclei»
Z. Phys. A, Volume 337, Number 4 (1990) 367-370
Abstract. Optical isotope shifts and hyperfine structures of the 147–153, 155, 157, 159 Tb isotopes have been measured by the resonance ionization spectroscopy method. Nuclear moments and changes in nuclear charge radii ? have been deduced. The “jump” in ? at N = 88–90 has been revealed. It is compared with the relevant data for nuclei with other proton numbers.
124. Deformation Jump for Terbium Nuclei
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, V. P. Denisov, V. S. Ivanov, I. Ya. Chubukov,
V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatsky, V. N. Fedoseev
Program and Thesis, Proc. “The 40th Ann. Conference Nucl. Spectrosc. Struct. At Nuclei”,
Leningrad (1990) 88
123. The ?-Decay Strength Functions of 149, 151 Ho Isotopes
G. D. Alkhazov, L. Kh. Batist, A. A. Bykov, V. D. Vitman, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin,
S. Yu. Orlov, Sh. D. Paiziev, V. N. Panteleev, S. K. Sekatsky, V. K. Tarasov,
V. N. Fedoseev
Program and Thesis, Proc. “The 40th Ann. Conference Nucl. Spectrosc. Struct. At. Nuclei”, Leningrad (1990) 90
122. Laser Spectroscopy of Highly Excited Atomic States: Best Transitions for Lantanide Element Detection by Three – Step Photoionization Technique
V. N. Fedoseyev, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, D. S. Vedeneev and S. D. Zuzikov
“European Group for Atomic Spectroscopy, vol. I, 22d EGAS UPPSALLA 1980”, Uppsalla (1980) 161-163.
121. Laser Photoionization Detection of Short-Lived and Long-Lived Rare Isotopes
Y. A. Kudriavtzev, V. S. Letokhov and V. I. Mishin
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, Volume 199 (1990) 61
120. Tm autoionization Rydberg states in the vicinity of the third and fourth atomic ionization limt
E. P. Vidolova-Angelova, D. A. Angelov, S. T. Mincheva, V. N. Fedoseev, V. I. Mishin, and A. D. Zuzukov
«Zeitschrift fur Physik D: Atoms, Molecules and Clusters»
Z. Phys. D, Volume 13, Number 2 (1989) 115-121
Abstract. The energies of about 200 autoionization Rydberg states of the thulium atom have been measured in the 57380–58960 cm–1 energy region by laser multistep excitation and subsequent autoionization with an accuracy of± 0.4 cm–1. More than a half of the states have been grouped in series. New spectroscopic information has been derived. Three-step two-colour effective excitation schemes have been proposed for thulium atom detection.
119. Узкополосный импульсный лазер на красителях с электродинамическими приводами поворота дисперсионных элементов
И. Н. Нестерук, О. Н. Компанец, В. И. Мишин
Квантовая электроника, том 16, № 5 (1989) 965-967
A narrowband pulsed dye laser with electrodynamic drives for rotation of dispersive elements
I. N. Nesteruk, O. N. Kompanets, V. I. Mishin
Sov. J. Quantum Electron., Vol. 19, Num. 5 (1989) 627-629 (English version)
Kvantovaya Electronika, Volume 16, № 5 (1989) 965-967 (in Russian)
A narrow-band (0.04 cm – 1) pulsed dye laser was pumped by a pulse-periodic copper vapor laser. The output wavelength was continuously, rapidly, and reproducibly tunable using synchronously controlled electrodynamic drives for rotation of a diffraction grating and an intracavity Fabry–Perot etalon.
118. Высокоэффективная z-селективная фотоионизация атомов в горячей металлической полости с последующим электро-статическим удержанием ионов
Г. Д. Алхазов, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, В. Н. Пантелеев, В. И. Романов,
С. К. Секацкий, В. Н. Федосеев
«Письма в Журнал технической физики»
Письма в ЖТФ, том 15, выпуск 10 (1989) 63-66
High-performance Z-selective photoionization of atoms in hot metal cavity with following electrostatic ion retention
G. D. Alkhazov, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, V. N. Panteleyev, V. I. Romanov,
S. K. Sekatskii, V.N. Fedoseyev
Pis'ma Zh. Tekhn. Fiz., Volume 15, Issue10 (1989) 63-67 (in Russian)
117. Использование селективного лазерного ионного источника для получения короткоживущих изотопов гольмия
Г. Д. Алхазов, Л. Х. Батист, А. А. Быков, В. Д. Витман, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин,
С. Ю. Орлов, Ш. Д. Пайзиев, В. Н. Пантелеев, А. Г. Поляков, В. И. Романов,
С. К. Секацкий, В. К. Тарасов, В. Н. Федосеев
Препринт ЛИЯФ им. Б. П. Константинова АН СССР № 1510, Ленинград (1989)
116. Подоболочка Z = 64 и деформация ядер вблизи N = 90
Г. Д. Алхазов, А. Е. Барзах, В. П. Денисов, В. С. Иванов, И. Я. Чубуков, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, С. К. Секацкий, В. Н. Федосеев
Препринт ЛИЯФ им. Б. П. Константинова АН СССР № 1554, Ленинград (1989)
115. Исследование радиоактивных изотопов редкоземельных элементов методом лазерной резонансной фотоионизации атомов
Г. Д. Алхазов, А. Е. Барзах, Н. Б. Буянов, В. С. Иванов, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин,
С. К. Секацкий, В. Н. Федосеев, В. П. Денисов и И. Я. Чубуков
«Известия Академии наук СССР. Серия физическая»
Изв. АН СССР. Сер. физ., том 53, № 6 (1989) 1208-1214
“Материалы XIII Международной конференции по когерентной и нелинейной оптике”, Минск (1988)
Investigation of rare-earth radioactive isotopes by laser resonance photoionization of atoms
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, N. B. Buyanov, V. S. Ivanov, V. S. Letokhov,
V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatskii, V. N. Fedoseyev, V. P. Denisov, and I. Ya. Chubukov
«Izvestiya Akademii Nauk of SSSR. Seriya Fizicheskaya»
Izv. AN SSSR Ser. Fiz., Volume 53, № 6 (1989) 1208-1214 (in Russian).
Proceedings of “The XIII International Conf. on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics”
114. Nuclear deformation of holmium isotopes
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, I. Ya. Chubukov, V. P. Denisov, V. S. Ivanov,
N. B. Buyanov, V. N. Fedoseyev, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatsky
«Nuclear Physics A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics»
Nuclear Physics A, Volume 504, Issue 3 (1989) 549-561
Abstract. Hyperfine structures and isotope shifts of holmium isotopes and isomers in
the mass range 152–165 have been measured for the atomic transition of 592.17 nm using resonance ionization Spectroscopy. Nuclear magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments, and changes in mean square charge radii have been derived from the results. Nuclear spins for some isotopes and isomers have been determined too. A sudden change of nuclear deformation between N = 89 and N = 90 has been found. The experimental data are discussed within the framework of the macroscopic-microscopic approach and the Hartree-Fock method. The intrinsic quadrupole moments, including their change at
N = 89–90, are described fairly well. At the same time, some difficulties in the description of the mean square charge radii by the Hartree-Fock theory have been revealed.
113. Isotopical Changes of Charge Radii of Gadolinium Nuclei and Charge Radius of Magic Nucleus 146Gd
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, V. P. Denisov, V. S. Ivanov, I. Ya. Chubukov,
N. B. Buyanov, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatsky, V. N. Fedoseev
Program and Thesis, Proc. “The 39th Annual Conf. Nucl. Spectrosc. Struct. Atomic Nuclei”,
Tashkent (1989) 88
112. Nuclear Electromagnetic Moments and Charge Radii of Deformed Thulium Isotopes with the Mass Numbers A = 157-172
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, I. Ya. Chubukov, V. P. Denisov, V. S. Ivanov,
V. N. Panteleev, V. E. Starodubsky, N. B. Buyanov, M. N. Fedoseyev, V. S. Letokhov,
V. I. Mishin, and S. K. Sekatskii
«Nuclear Physics A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics»
Nuclear Physics A, Volume 477, Issue 1 (1988) 37-54
Abstract. Hyperfine structures and isotope shifts of thulium isotopes in the mass range 157–172 have been measured in the atomic transitions 4f136s2?4f125d6s2 (589.565 nm) and 6s2?6s6p (597.13 nm), using resonance ionization Spectroscopy at the IRIS facility. Nuclear magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments, and the changes in mean square charge radii have been obtained. They are analysed within the framework of the microscopic-macroscopic approach and the Hartree-Fock method, revealing single-particle and collective properties. Some conclusions on effective nucleon-nucleon interactions are drawn.
111. Лазерная резонансная фотоионизационная спектроскопия возбуждённых и автоионизационных состояний атомов редкоземельных элементов. III. Неодим
А. Д. Зюзиков, В. И. Мишин, В. Н. Федосеев
Оптика и спектроскопия, том 64, выпуск 3 (1988) 480-482
Abstract. Методом многоступенчатого лазерного возбуждения и фотоионизации исследовались переходы в чётные возбуждённые состояния атома неодима из двух состояний с энергией 16 757,037 см-1, J = 5 и 19 979,352 см-1, J = 3, возбуждаемых также лазерным излучением. Обнаружены переходы в высоколежащие состояния из первого сотояния в диапазоне 578 – 611 нм (37 переходов) и второго сотояния в диапазоне 578 – 667 нм (48 переходов). Из некоторых высоколежащих состояний проведён поиск переходов в автоионизационные состояния. Точность нахождения положений энергетических уровней определялась точностью измерения частоты излучения лазеров, которая составляла ± 0,5 см-1. Найдена эффективная двухчастотная схема фотоионизации атома Nd I (?1 = 588, 79 нм, ?2 = 596, 94 нм).
110. Импульсный лазер на красителях с прецизионной автоматической перестройкой длины волны излучения на основе электродинамического привода поворота дифракционной решётки
И. Н. Нестерук, О. Н. Компанец, В. И. Мишин
Квантовая электроника, том 15, № 3 (1988) 455-459
Abstract. Описан лазер на красителях со сканирующим устройством, представляющим собой систему автоматического регулирования положения дифракционной решётки, легко сопрягаемую с ЭВМ и позволяющую быстро, точно, с высокой степенью воспроизводимости устанавливать нужную длину волны.
A pulsed dye laser with precision automatic wavelength tuning by rotation of a diffraction grating with an electrodynamic drive
I. N. Nesteruk, O. N. Kompanets, V. I. Mishin
Sov. J. Quantum Electron., Vol. 18, Num. 3 (1988) 288-291 (English version).
Kvantovaya Elektronika, Volume 15, № 3 (1988) 455-459 (in Russian).
Abstract. A description is given of a dye laser with a scanning device representing
a system for automatic control of the position of a diffraction grating, easily coupled to
a computer and providing fast and accurate means for selecting the required wavelength with a high degree of reproducibility.
109. Изотопические изменения средних квадратов зарядовых радиусов и электро-магнитные моменты ядер изотопов самария и неодима при N < 82
Г. Д. Алхазов, А. Е. Барзах, Н. Б. Буянов, В. П. Денисов, В. С. Иванов, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, С. К. Секацкий, В. Н. Федосеев, И. Я. Чубуков
Известия АН СССР. Серия Физическая, том 52, № 8 (1988) 1651-1655
Trends in Mean-Square Charge Radius and Electromagnetic Moments for Samarium and Neodymium Isotopes Having
N < 82
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, N. B. Buyanov, V. P. Denisov, V. S. Ivanov,
V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatsky, V. N. Fedoseev, I. Ya. Chubukov
Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Fiz., Vol. 52, № 8 (1988) 1651-1655 (in Russian)
108. Среднеквадратичный зарядовый радиус магического ядра 146Gd
Г. Д. Алхазов, А. Е. Барзах, В. П. Денисов, В. С. Иванов, И. Я. Чубуков, Н. Б. Буянов, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, С. К. Секацкий, В. Н. Федосеев
«Письма в Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 48, выпуск 7 (1988) 373-375
Mean-Square Charge Radius of the Magic Nucleus 146Gd
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, V. P. Denisov, V. S. Ivanov, I. Ya. Chubukov,
N. B. Buyanov, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatskii, V. N. Fedoseev
JETP Letters, Volume 48, Issue 7 (1988) 413-415 (English version)
Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 48, Issue 7 ( 1988) 373-375 (in Russian)
Abstract. The isotope shifts of gadolinium isotopes A = 146 - 160 have been determined by the method of resonance photoionization of atoms. The isotope change of the charge radii was calculated from the measured isotope shifts. These calculations, along with
the known charge radii of stable Gd nuclei, were used to determine for the first time
the mean-square charge radius of the 146Gd magic nucleus: 1/2(146Gd) = 4.984 fm.
107. Rydberg levels and ionization potential of francium measured by laser-resonance ionization in a hot cavity
S. V. Andreev, V. I. Mishin, and V. S. Letokhov
«Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics»
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Volume 5, Issue 10 (1988) 2190- 2198
Abstract. A highly sensitive method of detecting atoms in samples has been used for spectral investigations of the rare radioactive element Fr. The method is based on laser-resonance photoionization of Fr atoms in a hot quasienclosed cavity. The investigations have been carried out with samples in which short-lived radioactive 221Fr atoms formed at a rate of approximately 103 atoms/sec. The data obtained, to our knowledge for
the first time, on the energies of the high-lying Rydberg levels of the 2S? and 2D series have made it possible to determine the electron binding energy of the 7p 2P3/2 state and to establish the ionization potential of Fr accurately.
106. Изотопические изменения зарядовых радиусов ядер гадолиния и зарядовый радиус магического ядра 146Gd
Г. Д. Алхазов, А. Е. Барзах, В. П. Денисов, В. С. Иванов, И. Я. Чубуков, Н. Б. Буянов, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, С. К. Секацкий, В. Н. Федосеев
Препринт ЛИЯФ им. Б. П. Константинова АН СССР № 1417 (1988).
105. Исследование радиоактивных изотопов редкоземельных элементов методом лазерной резонансной фотоионизации атомов
Г. Д. Алхазов, А. Е. Барзах, Н. Б. Буянов, В. С. Иванов, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин,
С. К. Секацкий, В. Н. Федосеев, В. П. Денисов И. Я. Чубуков
В кн.: “XIII Международная конференция по когерентной и нелинейной оптике”, ч. 3, Минск (1988) 96-97.
104. Исследование высоколежащих возбуждённых, ридбергов-ских и автоионизационных состояний атомов неодима, самария, гольмия и тулия
А.Д. Зюзиков, В.С. Летохов, В.И. Мишин В.Н. Федосеев
В кн.: “Всесоюзный съезд по спектроскопии ХХ”, ч. I, Киев (1988) 105.
103. Effects of very low electric fields on narrow autoionizing states in gadolinium
V. I. Mishin, G. C. Lombardi, J. W. Copper, D. E. Kelleher
«Physical Review A: atomic, molecular, and optical physics»
Phys. Rev. A, Volume 35, Issue 2 (1987) 664-668
Abstract. We have observed a narrow (0.075-cm-1) isolated autoionizing level to undergo a stepwide increase in width at an electric field strength 2 V/cm. At such low fields, classical field ionization or ‘‘forced autoionization’’ cannot account for this phenomena. We find that the autoionizing level is narrow because of its high angular momentum (J = 5). The level is energetically embedded in the Rydberg series converging to a nearby limit. The model we propose suggests that such narrow autoionizing levels will increase in width near a field F (a.u.) = (1/3)n5 for n values of the Rydberg levels which lie nearby in energy. At this field (Ingliss-Teller limit), adjacent n Stark manifolds begin to overlap, resulting in the onset of complete ‘‘l mixing.’’
102. Rydberg and Autoionization Tm States Investigation by the Three-Step Laser Excitation and Electric Field Ionization Method
E. P. Vidolova-Angelova, D. A. Angelov, S. T. Mincheva, V. N. Fedoseev, V. I. Mishin, and A. D. Zuzikov
«Zeitschrift fur Physik D: Atoms, Molecules and Clusters»
Z. Phys. D, Volume 5, Number 4 (1987) 287-292
Abstract. The energies of 190 Rydberg and autoionization 4f 13 6snp-states of the Tm atom (ground electron configuration 4f 13 6s 2, nuclear charge Z=69) have been measured by the laser multistep excitation with subsequent electric field ionization method.
The investigation range of these states has been extended towards states with higher and lower values of the principal quantum number. As a result the energies of 160 states have been obtained for the first time. The experiment has been carried out on an automated laser photoionization spectrometer. The measurement accuracy has been ±0.5 cm–1.
101. О различиях в изотопических изменениях зарядовых радиусов ядер в области 50 ? (N,Z) ? 82
Г. Д. Алхазов, А. Е. Барзах, Н. Б. Буянов, В. П. Денисов, В. С. Иванов, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, С. К. Секацкий, В. Н. Федосеев, И. Я. Чубуков
«Письма в Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 46, выпуск 4 (1987) 136-138
Differences in the Isotopic Changes in the Charge Radii of Nuclei with 50 ? (N, Z) ? 82
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, N. B. Buyanov, V. P. Denisov, V. S. Ivanov,
V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatskii, V. N. Fedoseev, I. Ya. Chubukov
JETP Letters, Volume 46, Issue 4 (1987) 170-172 (English version)
Pis’ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 46, Issue 4 (1987) 136-138 (in Russian)
Abstract. The isotopic shifts and hyperfine splitting of optical lines have been measured for europium, samarium, and neodymium isotopes with N < 82 neutrons at a laser installation at the IRIS mass-separator of the Leningrad Institute of Nuclear Physics.
The isotopic behavior of the charge radii of the nuclei is found to depend critically on
the proton number.
100. Лазерная резонансная фотоионизационная спектроскопия возбуждённых и автоионизационных состояний атомов редкоземельных элементов. I. Европий
А. Д. Зюзиков, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, В. Н. Федосеев
Оптика и спектроскопия, том 63, выпуск 5 (1987) 973-982
Laser resonance photoionization spectroscopy of excited and autoionization atomic states of rare-earth elements.
I: Europium
A. D. Zyuzikov, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, V. N. Fedoseyev
Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR),
Volume 63, Issue 5 (1987) 572-578 (English version).
Optika i Spektroskopiya, Volume 63, выпуск 5 (1987) 973-982 (in Russian).
Abstract. The method of stepwise laser excitation in photoionization has been used to study the transitions between the excited and autoioinization states of the europium atom. A description of the method is given, along with the results of measurements of
the wavelengths of the transitions, energies of the levels, absorption cross sections and lifetimes of the states. Three previously unknown odd levels of Eu I with energies 34 889.73, 34 076.85 cm-1 have been discovered. In the 540-685 nm range, over 400 transitions to even autoionization states of europium from levels located in the 30 619-36 045 cm-1 energy range have been observed. The data obtained are used to find
the optimum schimes of three-step photoionization of europium atoms.
99. Лазерная резонансная фотоионизационная спектроскопия возбуждённых и автоионизационных состояний атомов редкоземельных элементов. II. Гадолиний
В. И. Мишин, В. Н. Федосеев
Оптика и спектроскопия, том 63, выпуск 4 (1987) 710-713
Методом трёхступенчатой лазерной фотоионизации исследовались переходы в чётные автоионизационные состояния Gd I из возбуждённых состояний. Измерялись также сечения поглощения промежуточных переходов и времена жизни уровней. Найдены схемы возбуждения, обеспечивающие наибольшую эффективность фотоионизации гадолиния излучением лазеров в желто-красной области спектра.
Laser resonance photoionization spectroscopy of excited and autoionization atomic states of rare-earth elements.
II: Gadolinium
V. I. Mishin, V. N. Fedoseyev
Optics and Spectroscopy (USSR), Volume 63, Issue 4 (1987) (English version).
Optika i Spektroskopiya, Volume 63, № 4 (1987) 710-713 (in Russian).
98. Ultrasensitive laser photoionization spectroscopy of short-lived isotopes and very rare atoms
V. S. Letokhov, and V. I. Mishin
In: Laser Spectroscopy VIII, ed. by S. Svanberg and W. Persson, Springer Series in Optical Sciences (Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York,), Volume 55 (1987) 167-175
97. Resonance photoionization spectroscopy and laser separation of 141Sm and 164Tm nuclear isomers
V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatskii, V. N. Fedoseev, N. B. Buyanov, V. S. Letokhov,
A. E. Barzakh, V. P. Denisov, A. G. Dernyatin, V. S. Ivanov, I. Ya. Chubukov and
G. D. Alkhazov
Optics Communications, Volume 61, Issue 6 (1987) 383-386
Abstract. The 141g and 141m samarium and 164g and 164m thulium nuclear isomers have been separated for the first time by the laser selective atomic photoionization technique in on-line experiments with a proton accelerator and a mass separator.
The hyperfine structure of the 141Sm isomer lines has been studied and the nuclear parameters ?, Q, and ? of the isomers determined.
96. Ультрачувствительная лазерная резонансная фотоиониза-ционная спектроскопия цепочки радиоактивных изотопов
157-172Tm на протонном ускорителе
В. И. Мишин, С. К. Секацкий, В. Н. Федосеев, Н. Б. Буянов, В. С. Летохов,
Г. Д. Алхазов, А. Е. Барзах, В. П. Денисов, В. С. Иванов, И. Я. Чубуков
«Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
ЖЭТФ, том 93, выпуск 2(8) (1987) 410-423
Исследованы изотопическая структура и изотопический сдвиг атомных линий 597,1 и 589,6 нм радиоактивных изотопов 157-172Tm. Измерения проведены методом лазерной резонансной фотоионизации атомов в атомном пучке в «линию» с протонным синхроциклотроном. Определены магнитные дипольные и электрические квадрупольные моменты и изменение среднеквадраричных зарядовых радиусов (СКЗР) ядер. Обнаружено плавное уменьшение деформации этих ядер по мере уменьшения числа нейтронов N. Обнаружена нерегулярность в зависимости СКЗР от N при N =94, отсутствующая для соседнихчётно-протонных ядер.
Ultrasensitive laser resonance photoionization spectroscopy of chain of 157-172Tm radioactive isotopes with a proton accelerator
V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatsky, V. N. Fedoseyev, N. B. Buyanov, V. S. Letokhov,
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, V. P. Denisov, V. S .Ivanov, and I. Ya. Chubukov
Sov. Phys. JETP, Volume 66, Issue 2 (1987) 235-242 (English version).
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 93, Issue 2(8) (1987) 410-423 (in Russian).
Abstract. The hyperfine structure and isotope shift of the 597.1 nm and 589.6 nm atomic lines of the radioactive isotopes 157-172Tm are investigated. The measurements are carried out by laser resonant photoionization of the atoms in an atomic beam «on-line» with
a proton synchrocyclotron. The magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments and variation of the mean square charge radii of the nuclei are determined. A gradual decrease in deformation of the nuclei is observed with decrease of the number of neutrons N. An irregularity in the dependence of the mean square charge radii on N is observed for
N = 94; the irregularity is not observed for neighboring even-proton nuclei.
95. Laser resonance photoionization spectroscopy of Rydberg levels in Fr
S. V. Andreev, V. S. Letokhov, and V. I. Mishin
«Physical Review Letters»
Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume 59, Issue 12 (1987) 1274-1276
Abstract. We investigated for the first time the high-lying Rydberg levels in the rare radioactive element francium (Fr). The investigations were conducted by the highly sensitive laser resonance atomic photoionization technique with Fr atoms produced at
a rate of about 103 atoms/s in a hot cavity. We measured the wave numbers of
the 7p2P3/2>nd2D (n=22–33) and 7p2P3/2>ns2S (n=23, 25–27, 29–31) transitions and found the binding energy of the 7p2P3/2 state to be T=-18 924.8(3) cm-1, which made it possible to establish accurately the ionization potential of Fr.
94. Лазерно-спектроскопические исследования основных состояний ядер гольмия и неодима
Г. Д. Алхазов, А. Е. Барзах, Н. Б. Буянов, В. П. Денисов, В. С. Иванов, В. С. Летохов,
В. И. Мишин, С. К. Секацкий, В. Н. Федосеев, И. Я. Чубуков
Препринт ЛИЯФ АН СССР им. Б. П. Константинова № 1283 (1987).
93. Studies of nuclear charge radii and electromagnetic moments of radioactive Nd, Sm, Eu, Ho, Tm isotopes by laser resonance photoionization technique
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, N. B. Buyanov, V. P. Denisov, V. S. Ivanov,
V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatsky, V. N. Fedoseev, and I. Ya. Chubukov
Препринт ЛИЯФ АН СССР им. Б. П. Константинова № 1309 (1987).
92. Investigation of Nuclear Electromagnetic Moments and Charge Radii of Rare-Earth Elements by Resonance Photoionization Spectroscopy
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, I. Ya. Chubukov, V. P. Denisov, V. S. Ivanov,
N.V. Buyanov, V. N. Fedoseyev, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatsky
Contrib. Proc. “The 5th International Conference: Nuclei Far from Stability”,
Rosseau Lake, Canada (1987) C1.
91. Isotopic Changes of RMS Charge Radii of Samarium and Neodymium Isotopes in N<82
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, N. B. Buyanov, V. P. Denisov, V. S. Ivanov,
V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatsky, V. N. Fedoseev, I. Ya. Chubukov
Program and Theses, “Proc. The 37th Ann.. Conf. Nucl.Spectros. Structure Atomic Nuclei,
Yurmala, (1987) 96.
90. Electromagnetic Moments and Charge Radii of Holmium Isotopes
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, N. B. Buyanov, V. P. Denisov, V. S. Ivanov,
V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatsky, V. N. Fedoseev, I. Ya. Chubukov
Program and Theses, “Proc.The 37th Ann.. Conf. Nucl. Spectros. Structure Atomic Nuclei,
Yurmala (1987) 116.
89. Исследование сверхтонкой структуры и электромагнитных моментов изотопов тулия
Г. Д. Алхазов, А. Е. Барзах, Н. Б. Буянов, В. П. Денисов, А. Г. Дернятин,
В. С. Иванов, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, С. К. Секацкий, В. Н. Федосеев,
И. Я. Чубуков
Известия АН СССР, серия физическая, том 50, № 12 (1986) 2366-2371
Investigation of a hyperfine-structure and electromagnetic moments of thulium isotopes
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Borzahk, N. B. Buyanov, V. P. Denisov, A. G. Dernyatin,
V. S. Ivanov, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatskii, V. N. Fedoseyev,
I. Ya. Chubukov
Izvestiya AN SSSR, Ser. Fiz., Vol. 50, № 12 (1986) 2366-2371 (in Russian)
88. Лазерное резонансное фотоионизационное детектирование следов радиоактивного изотопа 221Fr в образце
С. В. Андреев, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин
«Письма в Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 43, выпуск 12 (1986) 570-572
Измерено сверхтонкое расщепление линии D2 изотопа 221Fr (T1/2 = 4,8 мин). Уточнена величина потенциала ионизации атома франция Ei ? 4,154 эВ. Эксперименты проводились при потоке Fr из образца, равном 8·102 изотоп/с. Предельная чувствительность детектирования Fr в образце составляла 104 атомов.
Laser resonant photoionization detection of traces of the radioactive isotope 221Fr in a sample
S. V. Andreev, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin
JETP Letters, Volume 43, Issue 12 (1986) 736-739 (English version)
Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 43, Issue 12 ( 1986) 570-572 (in Russian)
Abstract. The hyperfine splitting of the D2 line of the isotope 221Fr (T1/2 = 4.8 min) has been measured. The ionization potential of the francium atom has been refined:
Ei ? 4.154 eV. The experiments were carried out at
87. High-efficiency laser resonance photoionization of Sr atom in a hot cavity
S. V. Andreev, V. I. Mishin, and V. S. Letokhov
Optics Communications, Volume 57, Issue 5 (1986) 317-320
Abstract. The possibility of high-efficiency photoionization of Sr atoms inside a hot cavity with lasers of high pulse repetition rate ( 104 pps) has been studied. The produced photoions were extracted from the cavity through a small hole in its wall for further analysis and counting. An overall photoion yield of about 0.2 has been achieved.
86. Photoionization Laser Spectroscopy of Short-Lived Isotopes
S. V. Andreev, V. I. Mishin, and V. S. Letokhov
In: “Laser in Atomic, Moleculat and Nuclear Physics”,
ed. V.S. Letokhov (3rd, 1984, Vilnus, Lithuania) London (1986) 47-52
85. Лазерная резонансная фотоионизационная спектроскопия возбуждённых и автоионизационных состояний атомов редкоземельных элементов: европий, гадолиний, тулий
А. Д. Зюзиков, В. И. Мишин, В. Н. Федосеев
В кн.: Методы атомных расчётов, АН СССР. Отделение общей физики и астрономии. Совет по спектроскопии. Москва (1986) 189-246.
84. Изотопические изменения зарядовых радиусов и электромагнитные моменты нейтронодефицитных нуклидов самария
Г. Д. Алхазов, А. Е. Барзах, Н. Б. Буянов, В. П. Денисов, А. Г. Дернятин, В. С. Иванов, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, С. К. Секацкий, В. Н. Федосеев, И. Я. Чубуков
Препринт ЛИЯФ им. Б. П. Константинова АН СССР № 1213 (1986)
На лазерно-ядерном комплексе масс-сепаратора ИРИС проведены исследования изотопических сдвигов и сверхтонкой структуры изотопов самария с массовыми числами А = 138-144. Получены значения изменений средних квадратов заряженных радиусов и электромагнитных моментов ядер этих изотопов. Определён спин ядра 139Sm и изомерный сдвиг 141Smm. Полученные результаты указывают на рост статической деформации нуклидов самария с уменьшением числа нейтронов N при N ? 78. Обнаружено существенное различие в поведении зарядовых радиусов нуклидов самария и исследованных ранее нуклидов бария, цезия и ксенона с тем же числом нейтронов.
83. Измерение оптических сдвигов атомных линий короткоживущих изотопов европия на лазерно-ядерном комплексе ЛИЯФ в режиме «в линию» с ускорителем и масс-сепаратором ИРИС
Г. Д. Алхазов, А. Е. Барзах, В. П. Денисов, А. Г. Дернятин, В. С. Иванов,
И. Я. Чубуков, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, С. К. Секацкий, В. Н. Федосеев
Препринт ЛИЯФ им. Б. П. Константинова АН СССР № 1161 (1986)
82. Исследование автоионизационных состояний атомов европия, гадолиния, тербия и тулия методом трёхступенчатой лазерной фотоионизации
А.Д. Зюзиков, В.С. Летохов, В.И. Мишин, В.Н. Федосеев
В кн.: «Автоионизационные явления в атомах». Материалы III научного семинара, Москва (1986) 40-41
81. Измерение оптических изотопических сдвигов для изотопов тулия с массовыми числами A = 157-172
А. Е. Барзах, В. П. Денисов, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, С. К. Секацкий,
В. Н. Федосеев, И. Я. Чубуков, В. С. Иванов
Препринт ЛИЯФ им Б.П. Константинова АН СССР № 1979 (1985)
80. Исследование электромагнитных моментов и зарядовых радиусов ядер изотопов тулия
Г. Д. Алхазов, А. Е. Барзах, Н. Б. Буянов, В. П. Денисов, А. Г. Дернятин, В. С. Иванов, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, С. К. Секацкий, В. Н. Федосеев, И. Я. Чубуков
Препринт ЛИЯФ им Б.П. Константинова АН СССР № 1145 (1985)
79. Повышение эффективности ионизации атомов импульсными периодическими лазерами
С. В. Андреев, В. И. Мишин, С. К. Секацкий
Квантовая электроника, том 12, № 3 (1985) 611-614
Rise in the efficiency of ionization of atoms by pulse-periodic lasers
S. V. Andreev, V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatskii
Sov. J. Quantum Electron., Vol. 15, Num. 3 (1985) 398-400 (English version)
Kvantovaya Elektronika, Volume 12, № 3 (1985) 611-614 (in Russian)
Abstract. The possibility is investigated of raising the efficiency of particle interception in the method of resonant photoionization of atoms by laser radiation in a closed hot cavity, located in vacuum, and subsequently employing an electric field to extract
the ions formed through a small aperture in the wall. It is shown that for realistic laser radiation parameters (pulse duration ~ 15 nsec, repetition frequency 10 kHz) the cavity geometry can be chosen in such a way that the interception efficiency exceeds 50%.
The possibility is demonstrated of completely extracting the ions formed by photoionization from the cavity.
78. Лазерная фотоионизационная спектроскопия высокого разрешения радио-активных изотопов европия и тулия
Г.Д. Алхазов, В.П. Денисов, В.С. Иванов, В.С. Летохов, В.И. Мишин, С.К. Секацкий, В.Н. Федосеев, И.Я. Чубуков.
В кн.: “Всесоюзная конференция по когерентной и нелинейной оптике”, ч. 2, Москва, (1985) 673-674.
77. Isotopic Measurement of Root-Mean-Square Change Radius of Isotopes of Thulium
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, V. P. Denisov, A. G. Dernyatin, V. S. Ivanov,
V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, S. K. Sekatsky, V. N. Fedoseev, I. Ya. Chubukov
Program and Theses, “Proc. The 35th Ann. Conf. Nucl. Spectrosc. Structure. Atom. Nuclei”,
Leningard (1985) 111
76. Оболочечный эффект в изотопической зависимости среднеквадратич-ных зарядовых радиусов короткоживущих ядер европия, измеренной методом лазерного фотоионизационного детектирования в линию с ускорителем
Г. Д. Алхазов, А. Е. Барзах, Э. Е. Берлович, В. П. Денисов, А. Г. Дернятин,
В. С. Иванов, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, В. Н. Федосеев
«Письма в журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 40, выпуск 3 (1984) 95-98
“В линию” с масс-сепаратором и протонным синхроциклотроном впервые измерены изотопические сдвиги линии 576,5 нм изотопов 141, 142, 143, 144, 145Eu методом лазерной резонансной фотоионизации атомов. Впервые, также, осуществлена селективная ступенчатая фотоионизация 142mEu и, тем самым, показана возможность лазерного разделения изомеров.
Shell Effect in the Isotopic Dependence of the Mean Square Charge Radii of Short-Lived Europium Nuclei Measured by Laser Photoionization Detection on Line with the Accelerator
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, E. E. Berlovich, V. P. Denisov, A. G. Dernyatin,
V. S. Ivanov, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, V. N. Fedoseev
JETP Letters, Volume 40, Issue 3 (1984) 836-840 (English version).
Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 40, Issue 3 (1984) 95-98 (in Russian).
Abstract. The isotopic shifts of the 576.5-nm line of the isotopes 141, 142, 143, 144, 145Eu have been measured by laser resonant photoionization of atoms on line with a mass separator and a proton synchrocyclotron. These are the first such measurements. In addition, a selective stepwise ionization of 142mEu has been achieved for the first time, demonstrating the possibility of a laser separation of isomers.
75. Atomic lines isotope shifts of short-lived radioactive Eu studied by high-sensitive laser resonance photoionization method in "on-line" experiments with proton beams
V. N. Fedoseyev, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh,
V. P. Denisov, A. G. Dernyatin and V. S. Ivanov.
Optics Communications, Volume 52, Issue 1 (1984) 24-28
Abstract. In “on-line” experiments the isotope shifts (IS) of 141–144Eu have been measured at the mass-separator output. The overall detection efficiency of Eu atoms is equal to 3 x 10-4. The accuracy of IS measurement is ±70 MHz and determined by laser linewidth.
74. Определение абсолютных уровней энергии nf 2Fo ридберговской серии Al I методом лазерного ступенчатого возбуждения и ионизации
А. Н. Жерихин, В. И. Мишин, В. Н. Федосеев
Оптика и спектроскопия, том 57, выпуск 5 (1984) 783-787
Измерены энергии и квантовые дефекты nf 2Fo – состояний атома Al I в области 11 ? n ? 55 с точностью ± 0, 05 см-1. Исследуемые состояния возбуждались излучением двух импульсных лазеров на красителях в результате переходов 3p 2Po – 3d 2D – nf 2Fo. Абсолютная длина волны второго перехода определялась с помощью оптогальванических резонансов в неоновой лампе с полым катодом методом счёта полос в интерферометре Фабри-Перо.
Determination of absolute energies of nf 2Fo Al I Rydberg states via laser step excitation and photoionization
Optika i Spektroskopiya, Volume 57, Issue 5 (1984) 783-787 (in Russian).
73. Промышленный перестраиваемый лазер на красителе ЛЖИ-504 с накачкой лазером на парах меди
С. Н. Дорофеев, В. И. Жильцов, А. Г. Климашина, В. Е. Мнускин, В. И. Мишин,
В. Г. Никифоров, Б. Ф. Тринчук, А. Н. Токарева, В. А. Фёдоров
«Журнал прикладной спектроскопии»
ЖПС, том 41, выпуск 3 (1984) 514-516
LZhI-504 commercial tunable dye laser with pumping by a copper-vapor laser
S. N. Dorofeev, V. I. Zhil'tsov, A. G. Klimashina, V. E. Mnuskin, V. I. Mishin, V. G. Nikiforov, B. F. Trinchuk, A. N. Tokareva and V. A. Fedorov
J. of Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 41, Number 3 (1984) 1085-1086 (English version)
Zhurnal Prikladnoi Spektroskopii, Vol. 41, Issue 3 (1984) 514–516 (in Russian)
Abstract. A LZhI-504 commercial tunable laser pumped by a copper laser «Criostat-1» is designed for the laboratory and industrial applications. The laser operates on available organic compounds at the 10 kHz pulse repetition rate. Dispersive elements and optics provide the linewidth of up to 0.002 nm and tuning interval from 530 to 750 nm.
72. Лазерная спектроскопия высокого разрешения радиоактивных изотопов европия
А. Н. Жерихин, О. Н. Компанец, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, В. Н. Федосеев,
Г. Д. Алхазов, А. Е. Барзах, Э. Е. Берлович, В. П. Денисов, А. Г. Дернятин,
В. С. Иванов
«Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
ЖЭТФ, том 86, выпуск 4 (1984) 1249-1262
High-resolution laser photoionization spectroscopy of radioactive europium isotopes
A. N. Zherikhin, O. N. Kompanets, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, V. N. Fedoseyev,
G. D. Alkhazov, E. E. Berlovich, V. P. Denisov, A. G. Dernyatin, and V. S. Ivanov
Sov. Phys. JETP, Volume 59, Issue 4 (1984) 729-736 (English version)
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 86, Issue 4 (1984) 1249-1262 (in Russian)
Abstract. A study is made of the autoionization spectrum for transitions of the Eu atom from excited states. The most efficient schemes are found for the three-step laser photoionization of Eu atoms. The data are used for measurement of the isotope shifts in the optical spectrum of the radioactive isotopes of Eu at the laser-nuclear complex at the Leningrad Institute of Nuclear Physics and the Institute of Spectroscopy. On the basis of the measured isotope shifts we have determined for the first time the changes in the mean-square distribution of nuclear charge for the radioactive isotopes 150-145 Eu. The prospects for improving the sensitivity of the method are discussed.
71. Лазер на красителе с автоматической точной перестройкой длины волны
В.И. Мишин, И.Н. Нестерук, О.Н. Компанец
В кн.: «Перестраиваемые по частоте лазеры». Материалы IV Всесоюзной конференции. Новосибирск (1984) 437-445
70. Colliniar high-resolution laser photoionization spectroscopy of radioactive isotopes
V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, Ya. A. Kudriavtsev
“On-line in 1985 and beyond, a workshop on the ISOLDE programme”,
Zinal, Switzerland (1984) B8/1-B8/4
69. Laser photoionization pulsed source of radioactive atoms
V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin
“On-line in 1985 and beyond, a workshop on the ISOLDE programme”,
Zinal, Switzerland (1984) D7/1-D7/4
68. Laser selective photoionization technique: photoion beam epitaxy and semiconductor trace impurity diagnostics.
G.I. Bekov, V.S. Letokhov, and V.I. Mishin
In: Laser Proceedings and Diagnostics, ed. by D.Buerle, Springer Series in Chem. Phys. (Springer–Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York,), Volume 39 (1984) 437-445
67. Isotopic variations of mean-square charge radii of Eu nuclei measured by resonant atomic photoionization.
G.D. Alkhazov, A.E. Barzakh, E.E. Berlovich, V.P. Denisov, A.G. Dernyatin,
V.S. Ivanov, V.N. Fedoseyev, V.S. Letokhov, V.I. Mishin, and O.N. Kompanets
In: Proc. “The 7th Intern. Conf. on Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants”,
Darmstadt, FRG (1984) 334-340
66. Измерение изотопических изменений зарядовых радиусов ядер европия методом трёхступенчатой лазерной фото-ионизации атомов
Г. Д. Алхазов, А. Е. Барзах, Э. Е. Берлович, В. П. Денисов, А. Г. Дернятин,
В. С. Иванов, А. Н. Жерихин, О. Н. Компанец, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин,
В. Н. Федосеев
«Письма в журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 37, выпуск 5 (1983) 231-234
Впервые методом лазерной многоступенчатой фотоионизации атомов измерены оптические изотопические сдвиги в атомных спектрах и определены среднеквадратичные изменения зарядовых радиусов радиоактивных ядер. Измерения выполнены для радиоактивных изотопов 145 – 149Eu на переходе 4f7 6s2 8SO7/2 - 4f7 6s 6p 6P7/2, ? = 576,5нм.
Measurement of isotopic variations in the charge radii of europium nuclei by the method of three-stepped laser photoionization of atoms
G. D. Alkhazov, A. E. Barzakh, E. I. Berlovich, V. P. Denisov, A. G. Dernyatin,
V. S. Ivanov, A. N. Zherikhin, O. N. Kompanets, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin,
V. N. Fedoseev
JETP Letters, Volume 37, Issue 5 (1983) 274-278 (English version)
Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 37, Issue 5 (1983) 231-234 (in Russian)
Abstract. The optical isotopic shifts in atomic spectra are measured for the first time using the method of laser multistep photoionization of atoms and the changes in
the mean-square charge radii of radioactive nuclei are determined. The measurements were performed for the radioactive isotopes 145 – 149Eu in the transition 4f7 6s2 8SO7/2 - 4f7 6s 6p 6P7/2, ? = 576,5nm.
65. Измерение оптических изотопических сдвигов у радио-активных атомов на лазерно-ядерном комплексе масс-сепаратора ИРИС
Г. Д. Алхазов, А. Е. Барзах, Э. Е. Берлович, В. П. Денисов, А. Г. Дернятин,
В. С. Иванов, А. Н. Жерихин, О. Н. Компанец, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, В. Н. Федосеев
Препринт ЛИЯФ АН СССР № 908, Ленинград (1983) 60 стр.
64. Способ разделения изотопов калия
В.И. Мишин, В. С. Летохов
Авторское свидетельство на изобретение № 1081868 (1983)
63. На пути к фотоионной лазерной эпитаксии: исследование чистоты и условий зарождения кристаллических плёнок индия
В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, М. Л. Мучник, Ю. В. Орлов, Е. Я. Черняк
Квантовая электроника, том 10, № 10 (1983) 1963-1964
Toward photoionic laser epitaxy: a study of the purity and nucleation conditions of crystalline indium films
V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, M. L. Muchnik, Y. V. Orlov and E. Ya. Chernyak
Sov. J. Quantum Electron., Vol. 13, № 10 (1983) 1308-1309 (English version)
Kvantovaya Elektronika, Volume 10, № 10 (1983) 1963-1964 (in Russian)
Abstract. An investigation was made of various configurations and operating regimes of systems for ion extraction in a method of selective multistage laser photoionization of atoms. The factor representing separation of a substance per cycle was determined. When several impurities were introduced deliberately, this separation factor was ?103. The crystallization temperature decreased to 300 K when films were formed by deposition from a beam of In+ ions.
62. Определение иттербия в растворах методом атомной лазерной фотоионизации
Г. И. Беков, А. Г. Егоров, В. И. Мишин
«Журнал аналитической химии»
ЖАХ, том 38, выпуск 3 (1983) 429-434
Determination of ytterbium in solution by means of laser atomic photoionization
Jornal of Analytical Chemistry of the USSR,
Volume 38, Issue 3 (1983) 331-335 (English version)
Zhurnal analiticheskoi khimii, Volume 38, Issue 3 (1983) 429-434 (in Russian)
61. Перестраиваемый лазер ЛЖИ-504 на растворах органических соединений
В. И. Мишин, В. Е. Мнускин, В. Г. Никифоров, Б. Ф. Тринчук, В. А. Фёдоров
«Приборы и техника эксперимента»
ПТЭ, № 2 (1983) 246-247
Tunable dye laser “LZhI-504”
V. I. Mishin, V. Ye. Mnuskin, V. G. Nikiforov, B. F. Trinchuk, V. A. Fedorov
Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, Number 2 (1983) 246-247 (in Russian)
60. Исследование лазера на парах меди с большим ресурсом и улучшенными параметрами импульса возбуждения
В. В. Зубов, Н. А. Лябин, В. И. Мишин, М. Л. Мучник, Г. Д. Паршин, Е. Я. Черняк,
А. Д. Чурсин
Квантовая электроника, том 10, № 9 (1983) 1908-1910
Investigation of a copper vapor laser with a long service life and improved excitation pulse parameters
V. V. Zubov, N. A. Lyabin, V. I. Mishin, M. L. Muchnik, G. D. Parshin,
E. Ya. Chernyak and A. D. Chursin
Sov. J. Quantum Electron., Vol. 13, Num. 9 (1983) 1266-1268 (English version)
Kvantovaya Elektronika, Volume 10, № 9 (1983) 1908-1910 (in Russian)
Abstract. A study was made of the operating regimes of a sealed copper vapor laser with a long service life. The average laser output power was doubled by shortening the excitation pulses. It was possible to achieve a further increase in the service life with
a negligible reduction in the average power. A maximum average power of 18 W was obtained using a "Kristall" active element.
59. Получение ионного пучка индия методом селективной ступенчатой лазерной фотоионизации атомов
М. Л. Мучник, Ю. В. Орлов, Г. Д. Паршин, Е. Я. Черняк, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин
Квантовая электроника, том 10, № 11 (1983) 2331-2335
Generation of an indium ion beam by selective multistage laser photoionization of atoms
M. L. Muchnik, Yu. V. Orlov, G. D. Parshin, E. Ya. Chernyak, V. S. Letokhov,
V. I. Mishin
Sov. J. Quantum Electron., Vol. 13, Num. 11 (1983) 1515-1517 (English version)
Kvantovaya Elektronika, Volume 10, № 11 (1983) 2331-2335 (in Russian)
Abstract. The method of selective two-stage photoionization of atoms by a dye laser was used to generate an indium ion current of 5 ? A. The dye laser was pumped by copper vapor laser radiation in the form of pulses with a repetition frequency of 8 kHz. The dye laser radiation was absorbed completely during the first stage of the photoionization process. The photoionization cross section of the excited state was ?2=(6.1±0.6)?10–18 cm2.
58. Production of Photoionic Gallium Beams Through Stepwise Ionization of Atoms by Laser Radiation
A. N. Zherikhin, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, M. E. Muchnik, and V. N. Fedoseyev
«Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics»
Appl. Phys. B, Volume 30, Number 1 (1983) 47-52
Abstract. Production of intensive (up to 1 mA) ionic beams through stepwise photoionization of atoms induced by laser radiation is investigated. Optimum photoionization schemes are presented. A photoionic gallium beam is obtained with
an average current value of 2.5 ?A.
57. Определение содержания алюминия в германии высокой чистоты методом лазерной ступенчатой фотоионизации атомов
Р. Акилов, Г. И. Беков, В. С. Летохов, Г. А. Максимов, В. И. Мишин, В. Н. Радаев,
В. Н. Шишов
Квантовая электроника, том 9, № 9 (1982) 1859-1862
Determination of the aluminum content in high-purity germanium by laser multistage photoionization of atoms
R. Akilov, G. I. Bekov, V. S. Letokhov, G. A. Maksimov, V. I. Mishin, V. N. Radaev, V. N. Shishov
Sov. J. Quantum Electronics, Vol. 12, № 9 (1982) 1201-1203 (English version)
Kvatovaya Electronika, Volume 9, Issue 9 (1982) 1859-1862 (in Russian)
Abstract. A new method is proposed for the determination of the amounts of impurities in high-purity materials. This involves thermal evaporation and atomization of
the material in vacuum and selective detection of impurity atoms by laser multistage photoionization via Rydberg states. Aluminum impurities have been recorded in high-purity germanium (aluminum content 2?10–7%) with a signal-to-noise ratio of around 102.
56. Proposal of a laser radiochemical Ga detector of solar neutrinos
V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, N. Eshkobilov and A. T. Tursunov
Optics Communications, Volume 41, Issue 5 (1982) 331-334
Abstract. The technique of laser discrimination of 71Ge ?-decay events in
a radiochemical detector of low energy solar neutrinos is proposed and considered. This technique is based on laser selective photoionization of single Ga atom. Preliminary experiments are presented
55. Laser photoionization detection of impurities in solids and studies of hyperfine and isotope structures of radioactive atoms
G.I. Bekov, V.S. Letokhov, V.I. Mishin
«American Institue of Physics Conference Proceedings»
AIP Conf. Proc., Volume 90, Issue 1 (1982) 101-111
“Laser Techniques for Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy”, Boulder, 1982
55*. Determination of ytterbium in solution using laser enhanced ionization
G.I. Bekov, A. S. Egorov, V.I. Mishin
Zh. Anal. Khim (1982)
54. Лазерная спектроскопия узких двукратно возбуждённых автоионизационных состояний атома иттербия
Г. И. Беков, Е. П. Видолова-Ангелова, Л. Н. Иванов, В.С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин
«Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
ЖЭТФ, том 80, выпуск 3 (1981) 866-878
Рассмотрены двукратно возбуждённые автоионизационные состояния (АС) атома с двумя валентными электронами. Приводятся результаты экспериментального и теоретического исследования узких АС атома иттербия вблизи границы ионизации. Используя метод многоступенчатой фотоионизации атомов лазерным излучением с перестраиваемой частотой, экспериментально зарегистрированы и отождествлены узкие автоионизационные состояния 1P1o, 3Po0,1,2 конфигурации 7s6p. Рассчитаны положения и ширины автоионизационных сотояний, принадлежащих конфигурациям 7s6p, 6p5d, 6p2, 5d2.
Laser spectroscopy of narrow double-excited autoionization states of ytterbium
G. I. Bekov, E. P. Vidolova-Angelova, L. N. Ivanov, V. S. Letokhov, and V. I. Mishin
Sov. Phys. JETP, Volume 53, Issue 3 (1981) 441-447 (English version)
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 80, Issue 3 (1981) 866-878 (in Russian)
53. Перестраиваемые лазеры на красителях с высокой часто-той повторения импульсов с накачкой лазером на парах меди
А. Н. Жерихин, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, В. П. Беляев, А. Н. Евтюнин,
М. А. Лесной
Квантовая электроника, том 8, № 6 (1981) 1340-1343
Исследованы генерация и усиление света в лазерах на спиртовых растворах родамина 110, 6G, B и оксазина 17 с частотой повторения импульсов 10 кГц, накачиваемых излучением серийного лазера на парах меди ИЛГИ-101. Получена генерация в области 530 – 720 нм. КПД лазера на растворе оксазина 17 равен 20 %. КПД усилителя на растворе родамина 6G – 30 % при ширине спектра генерации 0,8 см-1. С помощью интерферометра Фабри-Перо спектр сужался до 0,04 см-1 с уменьшением КПД до 7 %. Максимальная мощность излучения лазеров составляла 0,6 Вт. Излучение преобразовывалось во вторую гармонику в область 265 – 360 нм с КПД 5 %.
High-repetition-rate tunable dye lasers pumped by a copper vapor laser
A. N. Zherikin, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, V. P. Belyaev, A. N. Evtyunin and
M. A. Lesnoi
Sov. J. Quantum Electron., Vol. 11, Num. 6 (1981) 806-808 (English version)
Kvantovaya Elektronika, Volume 8, № 6 (1981) 1340-1343 (in Russian)
Abstract. A study was made of stimulated emission and amplification of light in lasers with active media consisting of alcohol solutions of rhodamines 110, 6G, and B, and of oxazine 17. The pulse repetition frequency was 10 kHz and pumping was provided by
a mass-produced copper vapor laser of the ILGI-101 type. The dye lasers emitted in
the range 530–720 nm. The efficiency of the oxazine 17 laser was 20% and
the efficiency of the rhodamine 6G amplifier was 30% when the width of the laser emission spectrum was 0.8 cm–1. A Fabry–Perot interferometer was used to reduce
the width of the spectrum to 0.04 cm–1, but this reduced the efficiency to 7%.
The maximum output power was 0.6 W. The radiation was transformed to the second harmonic in the 265 – 360 nm range with an efficiency of 5%.
52. Различие выходов многоступенчатой фотоионизации чётных и нечётных изотопов Yb поляризованным лазерным излучением
Г. И. Беков, А. Н. Жерихин, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, В. Н. Федосеев
«Письма в Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 33, выпуск 9 (1981) 467-470
Обнаружено влияние поляризации лазерного излучения на выход чётных и нечётных изотопов Yb при селективной трёхступенчатой фотоионизации через ридберговское состояние естественной смеси изотопов. Дана интерпретация полученных результатов.
Difference in the yields of even and odd Yb isotopes in multistep photoionization by polarized laser beams
G. I. Bekov, A. N. Zherikhin, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, and V. N. Fedoseev
JETP Letters, Volume 33, Issue 9 (1981) 450-453 (English version)
Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 33, Issue 9 (1981) 467-470 (in Russian)
Abstract. The polarization of the laser beams has been found to affect the yields of even and odd Yb isotopes from a natural isotopic mixture in selective three-step photoionization through a Rydberg state. The experimental results are interpreted.
51. Исследование узких автоионизационных состояний редкоземельных атомов
Г.И. Беков, Е.П. Видолова-Ангелова, Л.Н. Иванов, В.С. Летохов, В.И. Мишин
Труды II научного семинара «Автоионизационные явления в атомах»,
Москва (1981) 139-144
50. Многоступенчатая лазерная спектроскопия высоколежащих триплетных состояний атома иттербия
Г. И. Беков, Е. П. Видолова-Ангелова, В. С. Летохов и В. И. Мишин
Оптика и спектроскопия, том 48, выпуск 3 (1980) 435-439
Исследованы высоколежащие нечётные ридберговские p-состояния атома иттербия, соответствующие конфигурации 4f146snp3P методом селективного трёхступенчатого лазерного возбуждения. Определены значения энергий 75 состояний в спектре иттербия (из них 35 получены впервые). Погрешность измерений составляет ±0,2 и ±0,25 см-1 для серий 1P и 3P соответственно. Установлено, что квантовый дефект одинаков для всех членов серии 3P и уменьшается для более высоких членов серии 1P.
Multistep laser spectroscopy of high-lying triplet states of ytterbium
G. I. Bekov, E. P. Vidolova-Angelova, V. S. Letokhov, and V. I. Mishin
Optika i Spektroskopiya, Volume 48, Issue 3 (1980) 435-439 (in Russian)
49. Охлаждение атомов натрия резонансным лазерным излучением
В. И. Балыкин, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин
«Журнал Экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
ЖЭТФ, том 78, выпуск 4 (1980) 1376- 1375
Cooling of Na atoms by resonant laser radiation
V. I. Balykin, V. S. Letokhov, and V. I. Mishin
Sov. Phys. JETP, Volume 51, Issue 4 (1980) 692-696 (English version)
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 78, Issue 4 (1980) 1376-1375 (in Russian)
48. Multi-Photoelectron Fluorescence Selective Detection of Single Atoms by Laser Radiation
V. I. Balykin, V. S. Letokhov, and V. I. Mishin
«Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing»
Appl. Phys.A, Volume 22, Number 2 (1980) 245-248
Abstract. The results of fluorescence detection of single Na atoms in atomic beams have been presented. It has been shown that, in recording single atoms via the fluorescence signal from the photoelectron of the k>1 atom, it is possible to achieve extremely high selectivity (S?1020) of detection of these atoms against a great number of other atoms. The probability of recording the atom is slightly decreased.
47. Double-excited narrow autoionization states of Yb atom
G. I. Bekov, E. P. Vidolova-Angelova, L. N. Ivanov, V. S. Letokhov, and V. I. Mishin
Optics Communications, Volume 35, Issue 2 (1980) 194-198
Abstract. We report the results of theoretical and experimental research of double-excited narrow autoionization states of the ytterbium atom near the ionization limit. The energy of autoionization states of the 5d2, 6p2, 5d6p and 7s6p configurations was calculated. Perturbation theory with a model zero-order approximation was used in this calculation. The autoionization states of the 7s6p configuration were experimentally detected by using the method of multistep laser excitation and ionization of atoms.
46. Лазерное детектирование единичных атомов
В. И. Балыкин, Г. И. Беков, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин
«Успехи физических наук»
УФН, том 132, выпуск 2 (1980) 293-344
Laser detection of single atoms
V. I. Balykin, G. I. Bekov, V. S. Letokhov, and V. I. Mishin
Sov. Phys. Usp., Volume 23, Number 10 (1980) 651-678 (English version)
Uspekhi Fiz. Nauk, Volume 132, Issue 2 (1980) 293-344 (in Russian)
Abstract. This review deals with the problem of selective detection of single atoms by laser radiation. It begins with a classification of the detection methods (fluorescence, photoionization, deflection), discusses detection conditions (atomic vapor, atomic beam, buffer gas), and gives estimates of the parameters of laser radiation ensuring effective detection. Next, a detailed comparison is made of each of the detection methods. It is shown that in the fluorescence method the maximum efficiency of the detection process is achieved for cyclic interaction of atoms with laser radiation. In the photoionization method the most suitable technique is multistage photoionization of atoms by laser radiation. The highest ionization selectivity and a high efficiency are obtained by multistage excitation of an atom either to a Rydberg state followed by ionization with
an electric field pulse or to a narrow autoionizing state with a large excitation cross section. Both these techniques are considered from the point of view of the sources of background and ways of discriminating against it, detection selectivity, and absolute sensitivity; the experimental results are analyzed. In discussing the deflection method consideration is given to deflection of an atom in a magnetic field after excitation with laser radiation and to deflection of atoms by resonant optical pressure. The review concludes with a brief discussion of the prospective applications of these detection methods in nuclear physics, atomic physics, and chemistry.
45. Многоступенчатая лазерная спектроскопия метастабильных автоионизационных состояний редкоземельных атомов
Г.И. Беков, Е.П. Видолова-Ангелова, Л.Н. Иванов, В.С. Летохов, В.И. Мишин
Тезисы докладов “Х Всесоюзная конференция по нелинейной и когерентной оптике”, Москва, ч.2 (1980) 35-36
44. Наблюдение охлаждения свободных атомов натрия в резонансном лазерном поле со сканируемой частотой
В. И. Балыкин, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин
«Письма в Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 29, выпуск 10 (1979) 614-618
Используя лазер непрерывного действия со сканируемой частотой излучения и оптическую накачку атомов, осуществлено охлаждение атомов Na в атомном пучке.
Observation of the cooling of free sodium atoms in a resonance laser field with a scanning frequency
V. I. Balykin, V. S .Letokhov, and V. I. Mishin
JETP Letters, Volume 29, Issue 10 (1978) 560- (English version)
Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 29, Issue 10 (1979) 614-618 (in Russian)
Abstract. The cooling of Na atoms in the atomic beam was accomplished by using a continuous laser with a scanning radiation frequency and optical pumping of atoms.
43. Лазерное детектирование единичных атомов
В. И. Балыкин, Г. И. Беков, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин
В книге «Применение лазеров в атомной, молекулярной и ядерной физике»,
Москва (1979) 41-49
42. Исследование селективной фотопредиссоциации молекул и фотоионизации атомов лазерным излучением видимого и УФ диапазонов
В. И. Мишин
Диссертация на соискание учёной степени кандидата физико-математических наук. Москва, АН СССР, Институт спектроскопии (1979) 86 стр.
41. Исследование селективной фотопредиссоциации молекул и фотоионизации атомов лазерным излучением видимого и УФ диапазонов
В. И. Мишин
Автореферат диссертация на соискание учёной степени кандидата физико-математических наук. Москва, АН СССР, Институт спектроскопии (1979)
40. Лазерное флуоресцентное детектирование атомов
В. И. Балыкин, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин
«Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
ЖЭТФ, том 77, выпуск 6(12) (1979) 2221-2237
Laser fluorescence detection of single atoms
V. I. Balykin, V. S. Letokhov, and V. I. Mishin
«Zhurnal Eksperimentalnoi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki»
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 77, Issue 6 (12) (1979) 2221-2237 (in Russian)
A study is made of the detection of separate Na atoms using a fluorescence technique under conditions of controlled cyclic interaction of Na atoms with circularly polarized light waves at resonance frequency. To achieve multiple interaction of the atoms with
the laser radiation, optical orientation of the atoms is first carried out so that the atoms fall in the F = 2, mF = 2 sublevel from which only a transition into the F' = 3, mF' = 3' sublevel is possible. The maximal mean signal from each Na atom interacting with
the radiation in nmax = 2 photoelectrons. The minimum recorded Na atom flux in
the experiment is approx = 1 atom /s for an atomic recording probability of 0.4. Strong suppression of the wings of the atomic absorption spectral lines in the registration range of the separate atoms occurs when the fluorescence signal in the centre of the absorption line nF > 1 photoelectron. It is shown that it is possible to use this method of wing suppression of spectral lines to detect small concentrations of atoms of a particular element on a background of a large concentration of other elements in the case where the distance between the spectral absorption lines of the elements approx = 0.1 - 100 cm-1.
39. Highly selective multistep ionization of atoms by laser radiation
V. S. Letokhov and V. I. Mishin
Optics Communications, Volume 29, Issue 2 (1979) 168-171
Abstract. The possibility of dramatic selectivity increase during the stepwise ionization of atoms due to selective excitation at every step has been examined. Evaluations have been made to estimate the selectivity of excitation and ionization by laser radiation of some atoms, their isotopic shifts of absorption lines being observed at several excitation steps, for instance those of U, Yb and Gd. During three-step ionization of Yb atoms in atomic beam one may obtain an excitation selectivity equal to 4.4 ? 1016 cm2.
38. Selective detection of single atoms by multistep excitation and ionization through Rydberg states
G. I. Bekov, E. P. Vidolova-Angelova, V. S. Letokhov, and V. I. Mishin
Proceed. of Intern. Conf. “Laser Spectroscopy - IV”,
(Rottach- Egern, FRG, June 11-15, 1979), Springer Series of Optical Sciences
(Springer- Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg- New York, 1979), Volume 21, pp. 283-294
37. Laser detection of single atoms.
V. I. Balykin, G. I. Bekov, V. S. Letokhov, and V. I. Mishin.
In: Trudy 1-oi Vsesoyuznoi shkoly po primeneniyu lazerov v atomnoi, molekulyarnoi
i yadernoi fizike, g. Vil'nyus, avgust 1978 g.
(Proceedings of the “1st All-Union school on laser applications in atomic, molecular, and nuclear physics”, Vilnius, August 1978) (Nauka, Moscow, 1979) 41-59 (in Russian)
36. Single-atom detection of ytterbium by selective laser excitation and field ionization from Rydberg states
G. I. Bekov, V. S. Letokhov, O. I. Matveev, and V. I. Mishin
Optics Letters, Volume 3, Issue 5 (1978) 159-161
Abstract. Detection of single atoms Yb has been achieved using the method of electric-field ionization from the high-lying Rydberg states. Atoms of Yb in a beam were excited in three steps to a 17-p state by radiation of three pulsed dye lasers. The statistics of an atom’s appearance in the interaction volume have been studied in the single-ion-counting regime at low beam density.
35. Ионизационное детектирование единичных атомов лазерным излучением через ридберговские состояния
Г. И. Беков, В. С. Летохов, О. И. Матвеев, В. И. Мишин
«Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
ЖЭТФ, том 75, выпуск 6 (1978) 2092-2101
Осуществлена регистрация единичных атомов натрия и иттербия с использованием метода ионизации атома электрическим полем из высоколежащих (ридберговских) состояний. Атомы натрия и иттербия в пучке возбуждались в ридберговские состояния ступенчатым способом излучением лазеров на красителях с перестраиваемой частотой и ионизовались импульсом электрического поля. Для процессов возбуждения и ионизации исследован режим максимального выхода ионов. При низкой плотности пучка в режиме счёта ионов исследована статистика появления атомов в зоне регистрации атомов.
Ionization detection of single atoms by laser radiation using Rydberg states
G. I. Bekov, V. S. Letokhov, O. I. Matveev, and V. I. Mishin
Sov. Phys. JETP, Volume 48, Issue 6 (1978) 1052-1057 (English version)
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 75, Issue 6 (1978) 2092-2101 (in Russian)
Abstract. Single atoms of sodium and ytterbium were detected by the electric-field ionization of atoms from high (Rydberg) states. Sodium and ytterbium atoms in a beam were stepwise excited to Rydberg states by radiation from tunable dye lasers and ionized by electric field pulses. The conditions for maximum ion yield were investigated and implemented in the excitation and ionization processes. The statistics of appearance of atoms in the detection zone was studied for low-density beams under ion counting conditions.
34. Эффект Штарка на высоковозбуждённых лазерным излучением состояниях атома натрия
В. Н. Апатин, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин
Квантовая электроника, том 5, № 3 (1978) 632-636
Используя двухступенчатое возбуждение атома Na перестраиваемыми лазерами на красителях и флуоресцентный контроль высоковозбуждённых состояний, измерена поляризуемость состояний 2D3/2 c n = 8 и 9. Получена плавная перестройка уровней состояния с n = 9 на 20 см-1 при увеличении напряжённости электрического поля до 2 кВ/см. Обсуждается использование эффекта Штарка в методе селективной ступенчатой ионизации атомов лазерным излучением.
Stark effect in sodium atomic states highly excited by laser radiation
V. M. Apatin, V. S. Letokhov and V. I. Mishin
Sov. J. Quantum Electronics, Volume 8, № 3 (1978) 363-366 (English version)
Kvantovaya Elektronika, Volume 5, № 3 (1978) 632-636 (in Russian)
Abstract. Using two-step excitation of the sodium atom by tuned dye lasers, and fluorescence monitoring of the highly excited states, the polarizabilities of the 2D3/2 states with n = 8 and n = 9 were measured. The levels of the n = 9 states were smoothly tuned through 20 cm–1 by increasing the electric field up to 2 kV/cm. The use of the Stark effect as a method of selective stepwise ionization of the atoms by laser radiation is discussed.
33. Лазерное фотоионизационное детектирование единичных атомов натрия через ридберговские состояния
Г. И. Беков, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин
«Письма в Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 27, выпуск 1 (1978) 52-56
Впервые осуществлена регистрация единичных атомов, используя метод ионизации атома электрическим полем из высоколежащих (ридберговских) состояний. Атомы натрия, возбуждённые в состояние 13d излучением импульсных лазеров на красителях, ионизовались импульсом электрического поля. В области наблюдения было зарегистрировано 3 – 5 атомов Na из атомного пучка.
Laser photoionization detection of single sodium atoms via Rydberg states
G. I. Bekov, V. S. Letokhov, and V. I. Mishin
JETP Letters, Volume 27, Issue 1 (1968) 47-50 (English version)
Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 27, Issue l (1978) 52-56 (in Russian)
Abstract. Individial atoms have been registered for the first time by using the method whereby the atom is ionized by an electric field from high-lying (Rydberg) states. Sodium atoms excited to the 13d state by radiation from pulsed dye lasers were ionized by an electric-field pulse. 3–5 sodium atoms from the atomic beam were registered in the observation region.
32. Непрерывный лазер на красителе, перестраиваемый по частоте с помощью голографической дифракционной решётки
В. И. Балыкин, Э. Клозе, В. И. Мишин, В. А. Семчишен
Квантовая электроника, том 5, № 4 (1978) 753-758
Исследованы параметры непрерывного лазера на красителе, перестраиваемого по частоте с помощью дифракционной решётки (2040 штрих / мм, отражение в первый порядок R = 85% на длине волны 580 нм). Такая решётка, расположенная за полупрозрачным зеркалом, позволила получить линию генерации шириной 10 пм, а при использовании дополнительного телескопа - до 2 пм. Перестройка длины волны генерации осуществлялась в диапазоне 20 - 25 нм (для родамина 6G). Длина волны генерации упрвлялась только положением дифракционной решётки, мощность генерации оставалась постоянной во всей области перестройки. Для сравнения приводятся характеристики лазера с селектором из двух призм и эталона Фабри – Перо.
Continuous-wave dye laser tunable by a holographic diffraction grating
V. I. Balykin, E. Klose, V. I. Mishin, V. A. Semchishen
Sov. J. Quantum Electron., Vol. 8, Num. 4 (1978) 435-438 (English version)
Kvantovaya Elektronika, Volume 5, № 4 (1978) 753-758 (in Russian)
Abstract. An investigation was made of the parameters of a cw dye laser tunable by
a holographic diffraction grating (2040 lines/mm, first-order reflection R=85% at the wavelength of 580 nm). This grating was placed behind a semitransparent mirror and it produced an output line 10 pm wide; the use of an additional telescope reduced the line width to 2 pm. The emission wavelength was tunable over a range 20–25 nm wide
(in the case of rhodamine 6 G). The emission wavelength was controlled simply by
the position of the diffraction grating and the output power remained constant throughout the tuning range. For comparison, a study was made of the characteristics of a laser with a selector formed by two prisms and a Fabry–Perot etalon.
31. Метод получения поляризованных протонов лазерным излучением
В. С. Летохов, В. Н. Лобашов, В. Г. Миногин, В. И. Мишин
«Письма в Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 27, выпуск 5 (1978) 305-308
Предложен метод получения высокоинтенсивного пучка поляризованных протонов, позволяющий достигать 100% поляризации в пучках с угловой апертурой до 10О. Метод основан на селективном по проекциям полного момента оптическом тушении атомов водорода из метастабильного 2S – состояния и последующей фотоионизации атомов с определённой проекцией момента через ридберговское состояние.
Method of obtaining polarized protons by laser radiation
V. S. Letokhov, V. M. Lobashev, V. G. Minogin, and V. I. Mishin
JETP Letters, Volume 27, Issue 5 (1978) 284-287 (English version)
Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 27, Issue 5 (1978) 305-308 (in Russian)
Abstract. A metod is proposed for obtaining a high-intensity beam of polarized protons, capable of 100% polarization in beams with angular aperture up to 10o. The method is based on optical quenching, selective in the projections of the total angular momentum, of the hydrogen atom from the metastable 2S state and subsequent photoionization of
the atoms with definite projection of the angular momentum via the Rydberg state.
30. Обнаружение долгоживущего автоионизационного состояния в спектре атома гадолиния
Г. И. Беков, В. С. Летохов, О. И. Матвеев, В. И. Мишин
«Письма в Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 28, выпуск 5 (1978) 308-311
Впервые обнаружено автоионизационное состояние с временем жизни 0,5 нсек при селективной трёхступенчатой ионизации атомов гадолиния излучением импульсных лазеров на красителях. Для энергии ионизации атома гадолиния получено значение I = 495888 ± 5 см-1.
Observation of a long-lived autoinization state in the spectrum of the gadolinium atom
G. I. Bekov, V. S. Letokhov, O. I. Matveev, and V. I. Mishin
JETP Letters, Volume 28, Issue 5 (1978) 283-285 (English version)
Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 28, Issue 5 (1978) 308-311 (in Russian)
Abstract. An autoionization state with a lifetime 0.5 nsec was observed for the first time ever in selective three-step ionization of gadolinium atoms by radiation from pulsed dye lasers. A value I = 49 598 ± 5 cm-1 was obtained for the ionization energy of the gadolinium atom.
29. Детектирование единичных атомов лазерным флуорес-центным методом и селективной ступенчатой фотоионизацией через ридберговские состояния
В.И. Балыкин, Г.И. Беков, В.С. Летохов, В.И. Мишин, В.А. Семчишен
Тезисы докладов, “IX Всесоюзная конференция по когерентной и нелинейной оптике”, часть II, Москва (1978) 37
28. Пути управления поляризацией, монохроматичностью и длительностью импульса протонов лазерным излучением
В.С. Летохов, В.И. Мишин, В.Г. Миногин
Тезисы докладов, “IX Всесоюзная конференция по когерентной и нелинейной оптике”, часть II, Москва (1978) 37
27. Laser Detection of Single Atoms
V. I. Balikin, G. I. Bekov, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin
Proceedings of “The Sixth International Conference on Atomic Physics”,
August 17-22, Riga USSR (1978) 565-584
Laser detection of single atoms
V. I. Balykin, G. I. Bekov, V. S. Letokhov, and V. I. Mishin
In: Atomic Physics-6, ed. by R. J.Damburg, Proceed. VI Intern. Conf., Riga,
August, 1978 (Zinante-Riga) (Plenum Press, New York and London, 1979) 565-584
26. Высоковозбуждённые (ридберговские) состояния в электри-ческом поле
Г.И. Беков, В.С. Летохов, В.И. Мишин
“Труды IV Всесоюзной школы по физике электрических и атомных столкновений”, МГУ (1978) 226-241
Highly excited (Rydberg) atomic states in an electric field
G. I. Bekov, V. S. Letokhov, and V. I. Mishin
In: Lektsii IV Vsesoyuznoi shkoly: "Fizika elektronnykh i atomykh stolknovenii" (Lectures of All-Union school on the physics of electronic and atomic collisions) (Izd. MGU, 1978), 226-241 (in Russian)
25. Селективная фотоионизация атомов лазерным излучением
В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, А. А. Пурецкий
«Химия плазмы», сборник под редакцией Б. М. Смирнова, том 4,
Атомиздат, Москва (1977) 1-60
Selective photoionization of atoms with laser radiation
V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, A. A. Puretskii
In: Khimiya Plazmy (Plasma Chemistry), ed. by B. M. Smirnov
(Atomizdat, Moscow), Volume 4 (1977) 1-60 (in Russian)
24. Selective photoionization of atoms by laser radiation and its application
V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, and A. A. Puretskii
Progress in Quantum Electronics, ed. by J.H. Sanders and S. Stenholm, part 3 (Pergamon Press, Oxford, New York,) Volume 5 (1977) 139-204
23. Ионизация импульсным электрическим полем высоко-лежащих состояний атома натрия
Г. И. Беков, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин
«Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
ЖЭТФ, том 73, выпуск 1(7) (1977) 157-165
Получены значения критической напряжённости электрического поля для S- и D- состояний с n = 12 – 19 атома Na, возбуждённого излучением импульсных лазеров на красителях с плавно перестраиваемой частотой генерации. Измеренная в эксперименте критическая напряжённость хорошо согласуется с рассчитанной и пропорциональна (n*) -4, где n* - эффективное главное квантовое число. Показано, что в поле с напряжённостью, большей критической, высоковозбуждённые атомы ионизуются с выходом ионов, равным единице. Эффективное значение процесса ионизации атома в этом случае равно сечению возбуждения высоколежащего состояния.
Ionization of high lying states of the sodium atom by a strong electric field
G. I. Bekov, V. S. Letokhov, and V. I. Mishin
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 73, Issue 1(7) (1977) 157-165 (in Russian)
Abstract. Values are obtained of the critical electric field intensities for the S- and
D-states of n = 12-19 of sodium atom excited by the radiation from pulsed dye lasers with a continuously tuned generation frequency. The critical intensity found in
the experiments is in good agreement with the calculated value and is proportional to (n*)-4, where n* is the effective principal quantum number. It is shown that in a field with an intensity exceeding the critical value, highly excited atoms are ionized with an ion yield of unity. The effective cross section for ionization of atoms in this case, is equel to the cross section for exitation of a high-lying state.
22. Isotopically selective Rb atoms ionization through Rydberg states by laser and electric pulsed fields
G. I. Bekov, V. S. Letokhov and V. I. Mishin
Optics Communications, Volume 23, Issue 1 (1977) 85-89
Abstract. Ionization by a pulsed electric field of rubidium isotopes 85Rb and 87Rb selectively excited to Rydberg states by dye lasers radiation has been carried out.
We have obtained the values of the critical electric field strength for d-states of Rb atom with n = 15–22. Experimentally measured critical strength correlates with the theoretical one and is proportional to (n*)-4, where n* is the effective quantum number. It is shown, that in the electric field with strength larger than the critic al one highly excited atoms are ionized with the ultimate ion yield equal to one. In this case atomic ionization cross section is equal to the cross section of high lying state excitation.
21. Детектирование малых концентраций паров J2 методом лазерного возбуждения флуоресценции
В. И. Балыкин, В. И. Мишин, В. А. Семчишен
Квантовая электроника, том 4, № 7 (1977) 1556-1558
Detection of low concentrations of I2 vapor by laser excitation of its fluorescence
V. I. Balykin, V. I. Mishin, V. A. Semchishen
Sov. J. Quantum Electronics, Vol. 7, Num. 7 (1977) 879-881 (English version)
Kvantovaya Elektronika, Volume 4, № 7 (1977) 1556-1558 (in Russian)
Abstract. The temperature dependence of the concentration of the I2 vapor was determined by the laser excitation of its fluorescence. The sources of excitation of the I2 molecules were an argon laser and a cw dye laser. The minimum amount of the I2 vapor which could be recorded by this methid was 2?106 molecules, corresponding to
a concentration of 5?108 molecules/cm3. The minimum detectable number of molecules occupying one vibrational-rotational level was 2.4?104.
20. Лазерное флуоресцентное детектирование единичных атомов
В. И. Балыкин, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, В. А. Семчишен
«Письма в Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 26, выпуск 6 (1977) 492-495
Используя методику получения и выделения сигнала флуоресценции от одиночного атома, проведены измерения потока атомов натрия. Минимальный обнаружимый поток 10 атомов/сек, что соответствует 10-4 атомам в зоне регистрации.
Laser detection of single atoms fluorescence
V. I. Balykin, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin, and V. A. Semchishen
JETP Letters, Volume 26, Issue 6 (1977) 357-359 (English version)
Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 26, Issue 6 (1977) 492-495 (in Russian)
Abstract. The intensity of a beam of sodium atoms was measured by a procedure in which the fluorescence signal of a single atom was detected and resolved. The minimum observable flux is 10 atoms/sec, corresponding to 10-4 atoms in the recording region.
19. Ионизация электрическим полем изотопов 85Rb и 87Rb, селективно возбуждённых в ридберговские состояния двумя лазерами на красителях
Г. И. Беков, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин
Тезисы докладов 2ой Всесоюзной конференции “Лазеры на основе сложных органичес-ких соединений и их применение”, Душанбе (1977) 362-363
18. Особенности работы лазера на красителях непрерывного действия, перестраиваемого по частоте с помощью голографической дифракционной решётки
В. И. Мишин, В. С. Семчишен
Тезисы докладов 2ой Всесоюзной конференции “Лазеры на основе сложных органичес-ких соединений и их применение”, Душанбе (1977) 298-299
17. Лазерное разделение изотопов
Р. В. Амбарцумян, Г. И. Беков, Ю. А. Горохов, В. С. Летохов, Г. Н. Макаров,
В. И. Мишин, Е. А. Рябов, А. А. Пурецкий, Н. В. Чекалин
Proc. The IAEA Conference “Stable Isotopes in the Life Sciences”, Leipzig, 1977,
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (1977) 97-100
Рассматриваются наиболее универсальные методы лазерного разделения изотопов: 1) селективное воздействие мощного импульсного ИК-лазерного поля на колебательно-вращательный переход многоатомной молекулы;
2) селективная ступенчатая ионизация атома излучением лазера. Сообщается о разделении изотопов серы, углерода и азота в результате воздействия мощного излучения CO2 – лазера на молекулы SF6, CCl4 и CH3NO2. Рассматривается возможность разделения изотопов 40K путём селективного двухступенчатого возбуждения атомов 40K излучением лазеров на красителях в 11d2D3/2 – состояние с последующей автоионизацией импульсным электрическим полем.
Laser isotope separation
R. V. Ambartsumian, G. I. Bekov, Yu. A. Gorokhov, V. S. Letokhov,
G. N. Makarov, V. I. Mishin, E. A. Ryabov, A. A. Puretskii, N. V. Chekalin
Proc. The IAEA Conference “Stable Isotopes in the Life Sciences”, Leipzig, 1977.
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (1977) 97-100
Abstract. The most versatile laser methods of isotope separation are described:
(1) selective action of a powerful, pulsed i. r. laser field on the vibration-rotation transition of a polyatomic molecule; (2) selective stepwise ionization of an atom by laser radiation. The separation of sulphur, carbon and nitrogen isotopes through the action of powerful CO2 laser radiation on SF6, CCl4 and CH3NO2 molecules is described. The possibility is considered of separating 40K isotopes through the selective two-step excitation of 40K atoms by dye-shifted laser radiation to the 11d2D3/2 state with subsequent self-ionization by a pulsed electric field.
16. Кинетика фотофизических и фотохимических процессов при селективном возбуждении орто-I2 лазерным излучением
В. И. Балыкин, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, В. А. Семчишен
Препринт Института спектроскопии РАН (ИСАН) № 3 (1976) 52 стр.
15. Kinetics of Photophysical and Photochemical Processes Involving Selective Excitation of ortho-I2 by Laser Radiation.
V. I. Balykin, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin and V. A. Semchishen
Chemical Physics, Volume 17, Issue 1 (1976) 111-121
Abstract. A method is described for studying elementary processes in an ortho-para iodine molecular mixture during selective excitation of ortho-I2 and direct fluorescent control of the concentration of para-I2 and ortho-I2 molecules. Selective predissociation of ortho-I2 molecules was carried out with argon laser radiation. It is shown that the conversion of para-I2 into ortho-I2 proceeds under formation of the complex I3. The rate constants of elementary processes have been evaluated: the probability of iodine atom recombination on the cell walls, ? = (1.04±0.07)?104s?1; the desorption probability, K* = (2.30±0.25)?10?4s?1; the conversion rate constant, ? = (1.88 = 0.09)?1016 cm6 mol?2 s?1; the quantum yield of predissociation from the excited state B3?o+u(u=43) of I2 molecules, ? = 1.66?10?5. The selective photochemical reaction of electronically excited iodine molecules with 2-hexene has been investigated. When the mixture (iodine-40 mtorr,
2-hexene - 2 torr) was irradiated for 10-12 min by the 5145 A line of an argon laser with
a power of 2.2 W, photochemical separation of ortho- and para-modifications of iodine was realized with the enrichment coefficient being equal to 4.
14. Селективная двухступенчатая ионизация атомов Rb лазерным излучением
Р. В. Амбарцумян, В. М. Апатин, В. С. Летохов, А. А. Макаров, В. И. Мишин,
А. А. Пурецкий, Н. П. Фурзиков
«Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
ЖЭТФ, том 70, выпуск 5 (1976) 1660-1673
Селективным воздействием импульсного излучения лазера на красителях и рубинового лазера осуществлена двухступенчатая ионизация атомов Rb с начальной плотностью ионов ~ 1013 см-3 за импульс. Осуществлена ионизация каждого возбуждённого атома Rb, т. е. получено насыщение по интенсивности излучения на второй ступени. Экспериментально и теоретически исследован выход ионов в зависимости от интенсивностей возбуждающего и ионизующего излучений и концентрации атомов. На основании анализа этих зависимостей предложен простой метод измерения сечений фотоионизации атомов из возбуждённых состояний, который не требует знания абсолютного числа возбуждённых атомов. Этим методом измерены сечения фотоионизации из состояния 62P атома Rb при ионизации излучением основной частоты рубинового лазера
(?2 = (1,7 ± 0,3)·10-17 см2) и излучением второй гармоники рубинового лазера
(?2 = (0,19 ± 0,03)·10-17 см2).
Selective two-step ionization of rubidium atoms with laser radiation
R. V. Ambartsumian, V. M. Apatin, V. S. Letokhov, G. N. Makarov, V. I. Mishin,
A. A. Puretskii, and N. P. Furzikov
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 70, Issue 5 (1976) 1660-1673 (in Russian)
13. Кинетика фотофизических и фотохимических процессов при селективном возбуждении орто-I2 лазерным излучением
В.И. Балыкин, В.С. Летохов, В.И. Мишин, В.А. Семчишен
Тезисы докладов, “VIII Всесоюзная конференция по когерентной и нелинейной оптике”, Тбилиси (1976) 103.
12. Разделение изотопов калия методом селективной двухступенчатой ионизации атомов излучением лазеров
Г. И. Беков, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин
Тезисы докладов: “Международный Симпозиум МАГАТЭ/СЭВ по применению стабильных изотопов в биологии”, Лейпциг, ГДР (1976).
11. Автоионизация высоколежащих состояний атома натрия в электрическом поле при возбуждении их лазерами на красителях
Р. В. Амбарцумян, Г. И. Беков, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин.
Материалы Всесоюзной конференции “Лазеры на основе сложных органических соединений”, Минск (1975) 199-200.
10. Селективный фотокатализ и кинетика реакций йода при возбуждении непрерывным лазером на красителе
В. И. Балыкин, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, В. А. Семчишен
Материалы Всесоюзной конференции “Лазеры на основе сложных органических соединений”, Минск (1975) 2003-204.
9. Мощный перестраиваемый по частоте узкополосный лазер ультрафиолетового, видимого и инфракрасного диапазонов на основе неодимового стекла для фотохими
Р. В. Амбарцумян, В. М. Апатин, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин
Квантовая электроника, том 2, № 2 (1975) 337-342
Разработана конструкция лазера на неодимовом стекле с плавной перестройкой в диапазоне 200 A и с относительной стабильностью частоты генерации 2·10-6. При селективной фотопредиссоциации смеси H2CO и D2CO излучением третьей гармоники получено обогащение водорода дейтерием 1:9.
High-power tunable narrow-band ultraviolet, visible, and infrared neodymium-glass laser for use in selective photochemistry
R. V. Ambartsumyan, V. M. Apatin, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin
Sov. J. Quantum Electronics, Vol. 5, Num. 2 (1975) 191-194 (English version)
Kvantovaya Elektronika, Volume 2, № 2 (1975) 337-342 (in Russian)
Abstract. A neodymium-glass laser, continuously tunable in the 200A range and with a relative frequency stability of2?10–6, was developed. Selective photopredissociation of a mixture of H2CO and D2CO by the third harmonic resulted in a deuterium enrichment in the ratio 1:9.
8. Метод селективного возбуждения молекул излучением лазера с поглощающей ячейкой в резонаторе
Р. В. Амбарцумян, В. С. Летохов, С. А. Максимов, В. И. Мишин, Н. П. Фурзиков
Квантовая электроника, том 2, № 8 (1975) 1851-1853
Method for the selective excitation of molecules by the radiation emitted from a laser with an absorption cell in its resonator
R. V. Ambartsumyan, V. S. Letokhov, S. A. Maksimov, V. I. Mishin and
N. P. Furzikov
Sov. J. Quant. Electron., Vol. 5, Number 8 (1975) 1018-1019 (English version)
Kvantovaya Elektronika, Volume 2, № 8 (1975) 1851-1853 (in Russian)
Abstract. Separation of the H, C, and O isotopes was achieved by the excitation of glyoxal (H2C2O2) vapor with the radiation emitted from a pulse laser whose resonator contained an absorption cell filled with an H2C2O2 dye.
7. Возбуждение высоколежащих состояний атома натрия излучением лазеров на красителях и автоионизация их в электрическом поле
Р. В. Амбарцумян, Г. И. Беков, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин
«Письма в Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 21, выпуск 10 (1975) 595-598
Впервые осуществлена ионизация атомов Na электрическим полем при селективном двухступенчатом возбуждении излучением импульсных лазеров на красителях. Сечение фотоионизации атомов Na через автоионизационное состояние 15d в электрическом поле 12 кв/см составляет 0,7·10-14 см2.
Excitation of high-lying states in Na atoms by means of tunable laser radiation and autoionization of these states in an electric field
R. V. Ambartsumian, G. I. Bekov, V. S. Letokhov, V. I. Mishin
JETP Letters, Volume 21, Issue 10 (1975) 279-281 (English version)
Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 21, Issue 10 (1975) 595-598 (in Russian)
Abstract. Ionization of Na atoms by an electric field was realized for the first time with selected two-stage excitation by emission from pulsed dye lasers. The cross section for the photoionization of Na atoms via the autoionization state in electric field 12 kV/cm amounts to 0.7 ? 10-14 cm2.
6. Лазерное детектирование низких концентраций атомов урана, образующихся в результате химической реакции
В. И. Балыкин, В. С. Летохов, В. И. Мишин, В. А. Семчишен
«Письма в Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 24, вып. 8 (1975) 475-478
Исследовалась температурная зависимость концентрации атомов урана методом лазерного возбуждения флуоресценции. Диапазон изменения температуры от 1100 до 1800оС.
Laser detection of low concentrations of uranium atoms produced in a chemical reaction
Balykin V. I., Letokhov V. S., Mishin V. I., Semchishen V. A
JETP Letters, Volume 24, Issue 8 (1975) 436-438 (English version)
Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 24, Issue 8 (1975) 475-478 (in Russian)
Abstract. The temperature dependence of the concentration of uranium atoms was investigated by the method of laser excitation of fluorescence. The temperature ranged from 1100 to 1800oC.
5. Переходные процессы и эффект насыщения при усилении на вынужденном комбинационном рассеянии
А. З. Грасюк, И. Г. Зубарев, В. И. Мишин, В. Г. Смирнов
Препринт ФИАН № 14 (1973) 19 стр.
4. Динамика генерации в лазере на вынужденном комбина-ционном рассеянии
А. З. Грасюк, И. Г. Зубарев, В. И. Мишин, В. Г. Смирнов
Препринт ФИАН № 32 (1973) 26 стр.
3. Динамика генерации и усиления света на вынужденном комбинационном рассеянии
А. З. Грасюк, И. Г. Зубарев, В. И. Мишин, В. Г. Смирнов
Квантовая электроника, том 5, № 17 (1973) 27-35
Теоретически и экспериментально исследована динамика лазера на ВКР, генерирующего на двух стоксовых компонентах. Показано, что с появлением второй стоксовой компоненты квантовый выход в первую, достигая 50 %, затем убывает с ростом интенсивности накачки. Исследованы переходные процессы и эффект насыщения в двух вариантах усилителя на ВКР: попутном (накачка и сигнал идут в одном направлении) и встречном (накачка и сигнал распространяются навстречу друг другу). Установлено, что при одной и той же интенсивности накачки эффект насыщения в попутном усилителе наступает при меньшем входном сигнале, чем во встречном. Расходимость стоксова сигнала на входе и выходе усилителя была близка к дифракционному пределу. В попутном усилителе при сильном насыщении квантовый выход был близок к 100 %, а форма импульса определялась формой импульса накачки. Во встречном варианте наблюдалось сокращение фронта стоксова импульса.
Dynamics of the emission and amplification of light in stimulated Raman scattering
A. Z. Grasyuk, I. G. Zubarev, V. I. Mishin and V. G. Smirnov
Sov. J. Quantum Electronics, Vol. 3, Num. 5 (1974) 380-384 (English version)
Kvantovaya Elektronika, Volume 5, № 17 (1973) 27-35 (in Russian)
Abstract. A theoretical and experimental investigation was made of the dynamics of
a Raman laser emitting two Stokes components. It is shown that when the second Stokes component appears, the quantum efficiency of the first component reaches 50% and then falls with rising pumping intensity. The results are given of a study of transient processes and saturation in two types of Raman amplifier: 1) parallel amplifier in which the pump and signal waves travel in the same direction; 2) opposed amplifier in which the pump and signal waves are antiparallel. It is established that for the same pumping intensity
the saturation in the parallel amplifier occurs at a lower input signal than in the opposed amplifier. The divergence of the Stokes signal at the input and output of the amplifier is close to the diffraction limit. In the parallel variant the quantum efficiency under strong saturation conditions is close to 100% and the shape of the output pulses is governed by the shape of the pump pulses. In the opposed variant the leading edge of the Stokes pulses becomes shorter under saturation conditions.
2. Рубиновый генератор микросекундных световых импульсов с узким спектром
В. И. Мишин
Приборы и техника эксперимента, № 4 (1971) 181-182
В настоящее время достаточно хорошо разработаны оптические квантовые генераторы, длительность световых импульсов которых лежит в наносекундном или миллисекундном диапазонах. Однако для ряда физических исследований требуются мощные импульсы света с длительностями от сотен нсек до нескольких мксек.
Ruby narrow bandwidh laser with microsecond duration light pulses
V. I. Mishin
Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, Number 4 (1971) 181-182 (in Russian).
1. Лазер на комбинационном рассеянии в жидком азоте
А. З. Грасюк, В. Ф. Ефимков, И. Г. Зубарев, В. И. Мишин, В. Г. Смирнов
«Письма в Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики»
Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 8, выпуск 9 (1968) 474-478.
Laser Based on Raman Scattering in Liquid Nitrogen
Grasyuk A. Z., Efimkov V. F., Zubarev I. G., Mishin V. I., Smirnov V. G.
JETP Letters, Volume 8, Issue 9 (1968) 291-293 (English version)
Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., Volume 8, Issue 9 (1968) 474-478 (in Russian).