AGRANOVICH, Vladimir Moiseevich
Principal Investigator
Prof. Dr.
tel: 8(495)851-02-24
Curriculum Vitae:
Vladimir Agranovich received PhD in Kiev (1955), degree of Doctor of Science in 1961 from Institute of Chemical Physics(Moscow) and in 1963 he received the Professor Diploma from VAK (Commission of Government). Between 1956 and 1969 he worked as a Head of Theoretical Laboratory of Physical-Energetical Institute in Obninsk and in 1969 he joined the newly founded Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Science (ISAN) as Head of the Theoretical Department. He was in this position during 40 years and now he is a Principal Investigator of ISAN. He published about 400 papers, four books and many invited chapters in contributed volumes.
Professor Agranovich developed quantum theory of Frenkel excitons and found exact transformation from paulions to bosons. He is one of founders of polariton theory . He investigated linear and nonlinear optical properties of organic and semiconductor materials including optical properties of surface plasmon-polaritons and also properties of disordered material where light is weakly localized. Many his predictions for polaritons including polaritons in microcavity found confirmation in experiments. As an examples can be mentioned a predictions of giant Raby splitting of Frenkel polariton states in microcavity, of splitting in the spectrum of surface plasmon on a metal covered by thin film and prediction for negative refraction materials the propagation of the generated SH towards the source of the pump. Professor Agranovich have forwarded a concept of Resonant Hybrid Frenkel-Wannier-Mott excitons that can be formed in mixed resonant organic-inorganic nanostructures. Such hybrid excitons can combine a large oscilator strength of organics and important for applications properties of semiconductor materials. In the case of strong organics- semiconductor coupling such structures can results in huge inhancement of resonance optical nonlinearity. The resonant hybrid nanostructures in weak coupling regime can be used, for instance, for creation of new type of LED transforming the energy of electrically pumped semiconductor quantum well for lighting and for many other applications. This type of hybrid structures was investigated in numerous published experimental papers and these studies recently were supported by EU with grant ( 2011, 25 millions Euro).
Professor Agranovich received in 1992 Humboldt Research Award from Alexander fon Humboldt-Foundation in Germany, Kapiza Award in UK in 1993, the Mandelstam Award from the Russian Academy of Science. He is an elected Fellow of Institute of Physics of the UK and American Physical Sociaty and he has title Doctor Honoris Causa from Blaise Pascal University in Clermont-Ferrand, France. In 2002 Professor Agranovich was appointed “Pioneer of Nano-Science” in the University of Texas at Dallas where he worked as a research scientist during ten years.
Professor Agranovich in 1965 together with the 2003 Nobel Laureate V.L. Ginzburg published the monograph “Crystal Optics with Spatial Dispersion, and Excitons”(second edition published in 1984, Springer). In 1968 he published the monograph “Theory of Excitons” (Nauka, Moscow) and in 1982 with M.D. Galanin he published the monograph “Electronic Excitation Energy Transfer in Condensed Matter” (Elsevier). In 2009 he published the monograph “Excitations in organic solids” (Oxford Press). Together with A.A. Maradudin (Irvine) V.M. Agranovich created a series ”Modern Problems in Condense Matter Science” which comprises 35 volumes. He is an editor of journal “Physics Letters A”. For about 20 years he was the regional Editor of Solid State Communications and before Perestroika he was main organizer of bilateral workshops and conferences USSR-USA, USSR-Germany, USSR-Italy, USSR-Japan. Professor Agranovich advised many students who now are well-known scientists distributed over research institutions in many countries.
In 2013 Dr. Agranovich received Gross medal for development of the theory of Frenkel excitons, hybrid Frenkel-Wannier-Mott excitons and polaritons.
- Award by International Organizing Committee
of the conference on Luminescence 2014 (ICL-2014)
Awarded in recognition of his contribution to the development of the theory of excitons and polaritons and progress in understanding of their role in optical and luminescent properties of solids of organic and inorganic nature
Scientific interests:
Report on the visit in Germany (Sept. 20 to Oct. 16, 2015) of the
Humboldt-Prize Winner Prof. Dr. Vladimir M. Agranovich
The aim of the invitation of Professor Agranovich for a short visit of various German universities was to strengthen scientific and personal relations, and to see in which directions the research interests of Professor Agranovich and his group and those of his colleagues in Germany have developed and where common projects could be continued or envisaged. The aim of Professor Agranovich was also to extent such a collaboration to further groups in the Institute of Spectroscopy.
Before his visit Professor Agranovich has offered the titles of three talks to be presented during the visits in the various universities. The titles of the talks with a short description of the contents were as follows:
- The exciton concept and its history
This talk is on the development of the theory and experiments of quasi-particles which appeared during the development of solid state theory. - Hybrid resonant organic/inorganic nanostructures for optoelectronics
The talk describes the main achievements in the theory and experiments using resonant hybrid nanostructures. - Negative group velocity, negative refraction and harmonics generation
In this talk new results in the investigation of negative refraction and second harmonics generation in solids are presented.
On September 25 Professor Agranovich travelled to Bayreuth. The host there was Professor Jurgen Kohler, and Prof. Anna Kohler. He also met Professor Heinz Bassler and Professor Dietrich Haarer. Professor J. Kohler stressed that he was glad to have Professor Agranovich for some days in Bayreuth, because Master- and PhD-students as well as Postsdocs had the opportunity to meet and talk to a scientist in person, who fundamentally contributed to the field of the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with condensed matter and not to know him only from his papers and books. In Bayreuth Professor Agranovich presented talk 1 “The exciton concept and its history”.
Beginning on October 1, Professor Agranovich stayed at the Technical University Dresden in the Institute of Applied Photophysics. The host was Prof. Karl Leo. Prof. Agranovich was in Dresden during several stays of various lengths. He also had extensive discussions with Prof. Dr. Sebastian Reineke. In Dresden the presentation of Professor Agranoivich was talk 1 on “The exciton concept and its history”. On Thursday, October 8, Professor Agranovich, left Dresden and travelled to Chemnitz.
The host at the Technical University of Chemnitz was Professor Dr. Michael Schreiber. Common physical interests are excited states in organic and inorganic semiconductors. In Chemnitz there are also experimental groups working in this field (Professor Christian von Borzyskowski, Professor Dietrich R. T. Zahn, Professor Georgeta Salvan). The topic of the talk no. 2 in Chemnitz was “Hybrid resonant organic/in-organic nanostructures for optoelectronics”.
On Tuesday, October 13, Professor Agranovich travelled back to Ulm to stay there by October 16. He gave a talk on topic 3 “Negative group velocity, negative refraction and harmonics generation”. This was the topic, in which Professor Schleich was much interested in. In the course of the talk and during the discussion several points showed up, in which problems in parallel to recent research in the group of Prof. Schleich were discussed. On Friday, October 16, Prof. Agranovich returned to Troitsk.
In summary one can state that the personal relations definitely have been strengthened and new relations have been created in Ulm, Bayreuth, Chemnitz and Dresden. Intensive discussions in Bayreuth between Professors V. Agranovich, A. Kohler and H. Bassler led to an agreement of future collaboration.
In Dresden Professor Agranovich considered the discussions with Professor Sebastian Reineke as very interesting and expects a continuation. In Chemnitz former contacts between Professor Agranovich and Professors Schreiber as well as von Borczyskowski were refreshed. At the TU Chemnitz there is a strong group on Semiconductor Physics, headed by Prof. Dr. D. Zahn. The research on Organic Semiconductors in this Institute is guided by Professor Georgeta Salvan. Professor Agranovich and she agreed on scientific exchange. Furthermore, Professors Agranovich and Schreiber agreed on scientific cooperation between both institutions. In Ulm Professor Agranovich met colleagues whom he knew from his previous stay as a Humboldt-Prize-Winner and additional stays since then. During the talk “Negative group velocity, negative refraction and harmonics generation” several topics of common interest between Professors Agranovich and Schleich showed up.
List of publications:
Recent and some Selected Publications- Coherent Emission from a Disordered Organic Semiconductor Induced by Strong Coupling with Surface Plasmons. A.Guebrou, C. Syminds, E. Homeyer, J.C. Plenet, Yuu. N. Gartstein, V.M. Agranovich, J. Bellessa,Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 066401 (2012)
- Polariton trap in microcavities with metallic mirrors. M. Litinskaya and V.M. Agranovich, J. Phys: Condens. Matter 24, 015302 (2012)
- Hybrid Resonant Organic-Inorganic Nanostructures for Optoelectronic Applications, V.M. Agranovich, Yu. N. Gartstein, M. Litinskaya, Chemical Reviews (2011) 111, 5179-5214
- “Excitations in organic solids”, V.M. Agranovich, Oxford Press, 2009. 490 pp
- Electronic Excitations in Organic Based Nanostructures. Agranovich, V. M.; Bassani, G. F.; Editors.Elsevier, 2003. 493 pp.
- Linear and nonlinear wave propagation in negative refraction metamaterials. Agranovich, V. M.; Shen, Y. R.; Baughman, R. H.; Zakhidov, A. A. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2004), 69(16), 165112.;.
- Frenkel and charge-transfer excitons in organic solids. Knoester, Jasper; Agranovich, Vladimir M.. Thin Films and Nanostructures (2003), 32 , pp. 1-96.
- Inhomogeneous broadening of polaritons in high-quality microcavities and weak localization. Litinskaia, M.; La Rocca, G. C.; Agranovich, V. M., Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2001), 64(16), 165316/1
- Cavity polartons in microcavities containing disordered organic semiconductors. Agranovich V.M., Litinskaya M., Lidzey D. G.,Physical Review B: Condensed Matterial Physics (2003) 67 (8), 085311
- New concept for organic LEDs: non-radiative electronic energy transfer from semiconductor quantum well to organic overlayer. Agranovich, V. M.; Basko, D. M.; La Rocca, G. C.; Bassani, F. Synthetic Metals (2001), 116(1-3), 349.